making history agency structure and change in social

Making History Agency, Structure, and Change in Social

Making History Agency, Structure, and Change in Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alex Callinicos, PUBLISHER: Haymarket Books, NA

Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law

Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Themba, Makani N., PUBLISHER: Chardon Press, Learn how activists are making change and getting it in writing. More than local policies have been enacted recently, ranging from limiting the number of liquor stores and alcohol and tobacco billboards in low-income communities to ordinances on corporate accountability. Find out how you, too, can create change "from the ground up".

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Ecological Research to Promote Social Change: Methodological

Ecological Research to Promote Social Change: Methodological

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Revenson, Tracey A. / D'Augelli, Anthony R., PUBLISHER: Springer, During the past quarter century, community psychologists have worked to make relevant contributions to human welfare in community settings and to effect social change. Working with and in schools, neighborhood organizations, religious institutions, social programs, and government agencies, the community psychologist has come to understand how social settings and social policy influence behavior and foster change that promotes individual health and well-being. Using a social ecological paradigm as their guiding framework, they focus on the interactions between persons and their environments, cultural diversity, and local empowerment for understanding organizational, community, and social change. Community psychologists have relied on multiple methods of obtaining data but more often, they have had to develop new methodologies or adapt existing ones. These innovative methods have been recorded in the American Journal of Community Psychology throughout the years of its history and have changed the way that researchers in the field have gathered data.

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, T. N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first general social and political history of Malaya. Focusing on the years to , the last years of British rule and the achievement of independence, it embraces a wealth of social, economic and cultural, as well as political themes. It contains new research on the impact of the Second World War in Malaya, the origins and course of the Communist Emergency, and the response of Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism and social change. A concluding chapter takes these themes forward into the s to shed new light on the emergence of this important Southeast Asian nation.

Offerte relazionate making history agency structure and change in social: The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya
Feminist Academics: Creative Agents for Change

Feminist Academics: Creative Agents for Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morley, Louise / Walsh, Val, PUBLISHER: Taylor & Francis Group, This text brings together leading feminists who explore questions of feminist interventions in organisations of knowledge production, covering both the structure and culture of academic institutions and the social divisions between women. Feminism is located as a force for change, empowering women to gain a political understanding and providing a methodology for new approaches to teaching, learning, research and writing in the academy. Contributions demonstrate how an analysis of the micropolitics of the academy in terms of power, policies, discourses, pedagogy and interpersonal relationships provides a framework for de- privatising women's experience and influencing change. Using theoretical constructs and their own biographies and experience, the contributors present predicaments, inequalities and strategies. Power and influence are considered in conjunction with gender, 'race', social class and sexuality.

The Economy of Modern India,

The Economy of Modern India,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tomlinson, B. R., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first comprehensive and interpretative account of the history of economic growth and change in colonial and post-colonial India. Dr. Tomlinson draws together and expands on the specialist literature dealing with imperialism, development and underdevelopment, the historical processes of change in agriculture, trade and manufacture, and the relations among business, the economy and the state. What emerges is a picture of an economy in which some output growth and technical change occurred both before and after , but in which a broadly based process of development has been constrained by structural and market imperfections. Tomlinson argues that India has thus had an underdeveloped economy, with weak market structures and underdeveloped institutions, which has since profoundly influenced the social, political and ecological history of South Asia.

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Mastering Economic and Social History by David Taylor

Mastering Economic and Social History by David Taylor

Mastering Economic and Social History by David Taylor - Macmillan Education, Prima Edizione Ottime condizioni. Spedizione con raccomandata. Ritiro in zona gratuito.

George W. Bush

George W. Bush

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lansford, Tom / Watson, Robert P., PUBLISHER: Greenhaven Press, Fulfills the standard: "Individuals, Groups, and Institutions" from the National Council for the Social Studies Curriculum Standards for High School Fulfills the standards: "Historical Comprehension," "Historical Research Capabilities," and "Historical Issues-Analysis and Decision Making" from the National History Education Standards for United States History, Grades 5-12.

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A Social History of England,

A Social History of England,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crick, Julia / Van Houts, Elisabeth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The years between 900 and saw transformative social change in Europe, including the creation of extensive town-dwelling populations and the proliferation of feudalised elites and bureaucratic monarchies. In England these developments were complicated and accelerated by repeated episodes of invasion, migration and changes of regime. In this book, scholars from disciplines including history, archaeology and literature reflect on the major trends which shaped English society in these years of transition and select key themes which encapsulate the period. The authors explore the landscape of England, its mineral wealth, its towns and rural life, the health, behaviour and obligations of its inhabitants, patterns of spiritual and intellectual life and the polyglot nature of its population and culture. What emerges is an insight into the complexity, diversity and richness of this formative period of English history.

The Iroquois: The Six Nations Confederacy

The Iroquois: The Six Nations Confederacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Englar, Mary / Duden, Jane, PUBLISHER: Social Studies Collections, Bold photography and illustrations and captivating text provide insightful glimpses into American Indian nations of North America. Fascinating descriptions of the history and lifestyles of these nations help readers understand these rich cultures that have endured to this day. Special features throughout these books include biographical profiles, time lines, maps, and recipes. This series explores and supports the standards "Era 1: Three Worlds Meet (Beginnings to )," and "Era 4: Expansion and Reform ()," as required by the National Standards for History; and "Culture," "Time, Continuity, and Change," "People, Places, and Environments," "Individual Development and Identity," "Individuals, Groups, and Institutions," and "Power, Authority, and Governance," as required by the National Council for the Social Studies. Acquista Ora

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17th and 18th Centuries

17th and 18th Centuries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salisbury, Joyce E. / Seelig, Peter, PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, What did historical peoples eat, wear, use? What did they hope, invent, sing? Our lives are built on essential but seemingly mundane things: food, shelter, families, neighbors, work, and play. Our activities rarely rise to headline-making greatness, and the same holds true for the majority of people throughout history. Yet it's the unremembered details of people's everyday struggles and successes that have shaped history, and continue to drive the world we know. Perfect for general readers and students of world history, U.S. history, literature, drama, social studies, anthropology, religion, and more, this exuberant new resource offers an unprecedented look at human history's living heart: the billions of anonymous men and women too often forgotten by historical studies, but without whose lives human history would be meaningless.

The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of

The Navigation of Feeling: A Framework for the History of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reddy, William M., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Navigation of Feeling critiques recent psychological and anthropological research on emotions. William M. Reddy offers a new theory of emotions and historical change, drawing on research from many academic disciplines. This new theory makes it possible to see how emotions change over time, how emotions have a very important impact on the shape of history, and how different social orders either facilitate emotional life or make it more difficult. This theory is fully explored in a case study of the French Revolution.

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Righteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black

Righteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, What Du Bois noted has gone largely unstudied until now. In this book, Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham gives us our first full account of the crucial role of black women in making the church a powerful institution for social and political change in the black community. Between and , the black church served as the most effective vehicle by which men and women alike, pushed down by racism and poverty, regrouped and rallied against emotional and physical defeat. Focusing on the National Baptist Convention, the largest religious movement among black Americans, Higginbotham shows us how women were largely responsible for making the church a force for self-help in the black community. In her account, we see how the efforts of women enabled the church to build schools, provide food and clothing to the poor, and offer a host of social welfare services. And we observe the challenges of black women to patriarchal theology. Class, race, and gender dynamics continually interact in Higginbotham's nuanced history. She depicts the cooperation, tension, and negotiation that characterized the relationship between men and women church leaders as well as the interaction of southern black and northern white women's groups. Higginbotham's history is at once tough-minded and engaging. It portrays the lives of individuals within this movement as lucidly as it delineates feminist thinking and racial politics. She addresses the role of black Baptist women in contesting racism and sexism through a "politics of respectability" and in demanding civil rights, voting rights, equal employment, and educational opportunities. "Righteous Discontent" finally assigns women their rightful place in the story of political and social activism in the black church. It is central to an understanding of African American social and cultural life and a critical chapter in the history of religion in America. Acquista Ora

Fight for Civil Rights...

Fight for Civil Rights...

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sanchez, Richard, PUBLISHER: ABDO & Daughters, From the ancient Aztecs and Maya to the Hispanic Americans of today, this series examines the history and culture of Hispanic people and their contributions to American culture and society. -- Supports social studies and history curriculum -- Multiculturally focused -- Photos, paintings, and glossary enhance the informative text

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Work and Power in Maale Ethopia

Work and Power in Maale Ethopia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Donham, Donald L., PUBLISHER: Columbia University Press, Over the past two decades, the ethnography of Africa has turned from a preoccupation with system and structure to an overriding concern for process and history. In making this move, the challange has been to integrate and go beyond -- rather than simply reject -- past structuralist insights. This book is one of the most successful examples in the Africanist literature of placing structures in time. It presents a detailed description of the politics of production in Maale during against a completed past of Imperial Ethiopian history and an uncertain future of revolutionary socialism.

United States History: A Multicultural, Interdisciplinary

United States History: A Multicultural, Interdisciplinary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perrault, Anna H. / Duggan, Kevin J. / Blazek, Ron, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, This important work has been completely revised and expanded with the addition of online databases, web sites and CD-ROM titles. It identifies and describes hundreds of reference books that pertain to American history. Entries offer full descriptive, and in some cases, evaluative annotations. Arranged topically, the guide begins with an introduction and a chapter on sources of general importance. Subsequent chapters cover U.S. history in terms of politics and government; diplomatic history and foreign affairs; military history; social, cultural, and intellectual history; regional history; and economic history. Introductory scope notes provide valuable expository information and suggested search strategies in such areas as automation, government documents, and genealogy. Entries include works published through .

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The Inuit of Canada

The Inuit of Canada

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Corriveau, Danielle, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Taking an in-depth look at distinct aboriginal cultures, these comprehensive volumes balance information about both traditional and modern lifeways. From their history and cultural practices to their religions and the landscapes they call home, discover the intricacies of each featured native culture. Supports the national curriculum standards Culture; Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environments; Individuals, Groups, and Institutions; Power, Authority, and Governance; Production, Distribution, and Consumption; Science Technology and Society; and Global Connections as outlined by the National Council for the Social Studies.

A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology: The

A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patnoe, Shelley, PUBLISHER: Springer, "A Narrative History of Experimental Social Psychology" presents lengthy and intensive interviews with the contemporary scientists that founded and shaped the field of social psychology. The story of social psychology is told through the autobiographical narratives of leading figures, such as Dorwin Cartwright, Harold Kelley, Kurt Back, Robert Krauss, Stanley Schachter, and Leon Festinger. The author traces the beginning of the field from the close-knit group of students around Kurt Lewin to the major research groups responsible for the scientific origins of the discipline. The interviews offer unique insights into the beginnings of the fields and prospects for future trends.

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Sociological Thought: From Comte to Sorokin

Sociological Thought: From Comte to Sorokin

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Abraham, Francis / Morgan, John H., PUBLISHER: Wyndham Hall Press, Designed as a first-line introductory text to the study of sociological thought, this book is now considered a classic in the field and is a top seller in the Third World for university courses in sociological theory. The perspective is cross-cultural. The main currents of sociological thought, says the authors, advanced by the founders and the later masters represent different times, various cultural contexts and the many intellectual cross current representatives of each's time period. Rigorously defined (and not necessarily appropriately), these early thoughts were merely ideas rather than soundly constructed theories for building blocks of theoretical development. They provide insights into and perspectives on the structure and functioning of social systems and the conceptual frameworks for their systematic analysis. The history of sociology, then, is the history of social thought. This volume provides a carefully constructed look into the emerging social thought of the twentieth century as reflected in the emerging discipline of sociology.

What Is Sociology

What Is Sociology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elias, Norbert, PUBLISHER: Columbia University Press, "What is Sociology?" presents in concise and provocative form the major ideas of a seminal thinker whose work -- spanning more than four decades -- is only now gaining the recognition here it has long had in Germany and France. Unlike other post-war sociologists, Norbert Elias has always held the concept of historical development among his central concerns; his dynamic theories of the evolution of modern man have remedied the historical and epistemological shortcomings of structualism and ethno-methodology. "What is Sociology?" refines the arguments that were first found in Elias' massive work on the civilizing process, in which he formulated his major assertions about the interdependence of the making of modern man and modern society. It is Elias' contention that changes in personality structure -- embodied in phenomena ranging from table manners and hygiene habits to rites of punishment and courtly love -- inevitably reflect and mould patterns of control generated by new political and social instututions. Elias' rejection of a dichotomy between individual and society, and his use of psychoanalysis, political theory, and social history, help restore a fullness of resource to sociology.

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World History in Brief Volume 1: Major Patterns of Change

World History in Brief Volume 1: Major Patterns of Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stearns, Peter N., PUBLISHER: Longman Publishing Group, With its global approach, this notable book highlights the major developments in the history of the world, and shows how different civilizations have encountered the forces of contemporary life. In presenting "the big picture" of global interactions of major civilizations, author Peter Stearns allows readers to glean a concise understanding of change and continuity across time. New to this edition are History Debates that offer information about topics currently under debate by historians, and more biographical highlights that detail the lives of everyday people at different times in history.

The Changing Role of Social Care

The Changing Role of Social Care

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hudson, Bob, PUBLISHER: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Focusing on the enormous organizational and cultural changes that local authority social services have undergone since the NHS and Community Care Act, this volume provides an overview of the structure and function of social care at practice, management and policy levels. It contains contributions from leading academics, researchers and practitioners in the UK, and also includes chapters on the experiences of the rest of Europe and the US. The contributors examine the impact and effectiveness of key shifts in the weighting of responsibility of central and local government; who the purchasers and providers of social care are; the interaction between social services and other agencies; the relationship between voluntary and statutory sectors; and the involvement of users and carers in service design and provision. They assess the significance of the breakdown of the traditional distinctions and roles underlying social care, and lay the foundations for effective and coordinated future policy, practice and research. With the publication of the Labor Government's White Paper Modernizing Social Services, the future of social care is set for yet more upheaval. This volume will provide an indispensable overview of the evolution and destiny of local authority social services for students, practitioners and managers.

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Peasants and Imperial Rule: Agriculture and Agrarian Society

Peasants and Imperial Rule: Agriculture and Agrarian Society

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charlesworth, Neil, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book is a detailed historical study of agriculture and agrarian society in a major province of British India, the Bombay presidency. Its objective is to examine the impact of British rule on the Indian peasantry, and the changes it brought. Among the specific issues discussed by the author are the development of the British land revenue system, the pattern of expansion in commercial agriculture and the consequences in terms of ownership and organisation of land and agrarian social structure. Dr Charlesworth goes on to look at the role of government policy, the nature of peasant protest movements and the effects of the interwar depression. He concludes that significant long-term economic and social change did occur but that the highly 'differential' pattern to commercialisation prevented any structural transformation in the peasant economy and society.

Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of

Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crapo, Richley H., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Langua, This text offers an alternative to the case-driven approach that the sole use of a reader tends to foster. It provides students with ways of conceptualizing what religion is, what its social and psychological functions are, the nature of religious symbolism and religious behavior, and the organizational structure of religions. This text covers all the standard topics (e.g., ideology and symbolism, ritual and ceremony, organizational forms, and social and psychological functions of religion) as well as ones of more recent interest such as religion and gender, the psychology of religion, and pilgrimage. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate making history agency structure and change in social: Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of
Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burke, Edmund, III / Lapidus, Ira M. / Abrahamian, Ervand, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, Taken together the essays in this work not only provide new research essential to the study of Islamic societies and Muslim peoples, but also set a new standard for the concrete study of local situations and illuminate the forces shaping the history of modern Muslim societies. This collection is unique in its sophisticated interpretation of the social protest and political resistance movements in Muslim countries during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The contributors take two principal approaches to the study of their subject. Utilizing "new cultural history," they explore how particular movements have deployed the cultural and religious resources of Islam to mobilize and legitimize insurgent political action. Others rely on "new social history" to study the economic, political, and social contexts in which movements of anti-colonial resistance and revolution have developed. This work brings together contributions from specialists on Islamic North Africa, Egypt, the Arab fertile crescent, Iran and India.
