making economic policy work an assessment of the national

Making Economic Policy Work: An Assessment of the National

Making Economic Policy Work: An Assessment of the National

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Juster, Kenneth I. / Lazarus, Simon, PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, One of President Clinton's first steps after his election in was to create the National Economic Council to integrate and coordinate his administration's economic policies. This new body was given a broad charter to address both international and domestic economic policy. Evidence of its importance was its location in the White House and the appointment of the assistant to the president for economic affairs as its head. Now that the NEC has been in operation for four years and a second Clinton administration is about to begin, the time seems ripe for an assessment of the council's usefulness and performance. Kenneth I. Juster and Simon Lazarus, who have served in Republican and Democratic administrations, undertook this evaluation for Brookings. They interviewed more than sixty senior officials from the Clinton administration and seven predecessor administrations, including two former presidents, in order to obtain a comparative perspective on how each occupant of the White House has established mechanisms for developing economic policy. Juster and Lazarus conclude that the NEC has served President Clinton well, but that it is still a fragile experiment that needs further institutionalization. They offer several recommendations for its improvement, including that economics should be given a more consistent role in foreign policymaking and that the NEC should annually undertake a systematic process for setting strategic economic priorities.

Oatley: Cities, Economic (P) Competition and Urban Policy

Oatley: Cities, Economic (P) Competition and Urban Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oatley, Nick, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This book is a comprehensive and authoritative account of the major realignment that has taken place in English regeneration policy and practice since . It analyzes the changes which have led to an emphasis in policy on competitiveness, integrated approaches to economic decline and social exclusion, and the shift away from formula-driven funding mechanisms towards controversial competitive bidding. It also examines changes in governance practices, the spread of multisector partnerships, the new localism' and the emergence of a contract culture. The book concludes with a summary of contemporary policy themes and an assessment of the Labour Government's policy proposals.

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Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make

Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graafland, Johan J. / Ros, Arie P., PUBLISHER: Springer, In the Netherlands, the election programmes of the political parties are assessed for their economic impact by an independent economic bureau. The result of this analysis is published just before the elections take place. In this way, the voter will be protected against political parties that try to win the elections by making popular but unfounded financial promises. Economic Assessment of Election Programmes contains contributions of several distinguished economists and philosophers who consider the gains of this procedure to society. Does the analysis by the Netherlands' Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) raise the democratic quality of the elections? Can we really be confident in the tools of economics? The last section of this volume states the opinion of representatives of the political parties. This part also clarifies why political parties voluntarily participate in this process and how they perceive the role division between the political party and CPB.

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jovanovic, Miroslav N. / Jovanovic, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, In this major new text, Miroslav N.Jovanovic presents an analysis of all the major aspects of economic integration in the European Union. Beginning with an overview of the origins of European integration, he moves on to discuss in detail all the main policy areas. These include: *monetary policy *competition policy *industrial policy *fiscal policy *trade policy *the Common Agricultural Policy *foreign direct investment *regional policy. The volume also includes a discussion of less well-known policy areas, such as social policy, environmental policy and transport policy. Containing an excellent blend of theory and practice and presenting a highly complex issue in an accessible and non-technical way, this text will be an invaluable resource for students of international economics, international business and European studies.

Offerte relazionate making economic policy work an assessment of the national: European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects
Top Down Policy Making

Top Down Policy Making

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dye, Thomas R., PUBLISHER: CQ Press, In this brief, eye-opening work, Thomas R. Dye explodes the myth that public policy represents the "demands of people," and that the making of public policy flows upward from the masses. In reality, Dye argues, public policy in America, as in all nations, reflects the values, interests, and preferences of the governing elite."Top Down Policymaking" is a close examination of the process by which the nation's elite goes about making public policy. Focusing on the behind-the-scenes activities of money foundations, policy planning organizations, think tanks, political campaign contributors, special-interest groups, lobbyists, law firms, influence-peddlers, and the national news media, Dye concludes that public policy does not represent the "demands of people."The reality is that public policy is made from the top down.

India: Sustaining Reform, Reducing Poverty

India: Sustaining Reform, Reducing Poverty

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: World Bank Group / The World Bank, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This World Bank report is an assessment of the policy reforms undertaken in India at various levels. It looks, in particular, at the impact the economic reforms, the country embarked upon in , have had on the levels of poverty in India. Beginning with an overview of macroeconomics scenario in India, the report approaches the poverty outcome and the economic performance of the country in the aftermath of the reform process.

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Economic Policy in an Interdependent World

Economic Policy in an Interdependent World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Copper, Richard N. / Cooper, Richard N., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), These eleven essays written over the past fifteen years continue and develop Richard Cooper's central theme of interdependence, reflecting his experience in government in the Council of Economic Advisers and as Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs. They focus in particular on the opportunities and constraints for national economic policy in an environment where goods, services, capital, and even labor are increasingly mobile. The first four chapters are informal, discursive treatments of economic and foreign policies in the face of growing interdependence among nations. The remaining chapters cover such specialist topics as optimal regional integration, the integration of world capital markets, the impact of greater interdependence on the effectiveness of domestic economic policy, the comparison of monetary and fiscal policy under fixed and flexible exchange rates, currency evaluation in developing countries, and the appropriate size and composition of a developing country's external debt. A concluding chapter surveys the preceding essays in terms of coordinating macroeconomic policymaking in an interdependent world economy. Richard N. Cooper is Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economy at Harvard University.

The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and

The European Central Bank: Credibility, Transparency, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: de Haan, Jakob, Haan Jakob / Haan, Jakob De / Eijffinger, Sylvester C. W., PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), The adoption of the euro in by 11 member states of the European Union created a single currency area second in economic size only to the United States. The euro zone's monetary policy is now set by the European Central Bank (ECB) and its Governing Council rather than by individual national central banks. This CESifo volume examines issues that have arisen in the first years of ECB monetary policy and analyzes the effect that current ECB policy strategy and structures may have in the future. After a detailed description and assessment of ECB monetary policy making that focuses on such issues as price stability and the predictability of policy decisions, the book turns to two important issues faced by European central bankers: the transparency and credibility of decision making and the ECB's decentralized structure. After showing that transparency in decision making enhances credibility, the book discusses the ECB's efforts at openness, its political independence as guaranteed by law, and its ultimate accountability. The book then considers the effects of the decentralized ECB structure, focusing on business cycle synchronization, inflation differentials, and differences in monetary policy transmission in light of the enlargement of the monetary union. The book also discusses options for ECB institutional reforms, including centralization, vote weighting, and cross-border regional banks.

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The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and

The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Saunders, Peter, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book explores the relationship between economic liberalism and social policy in Australia. How do social policies operate in a fiercely individualist market economy, and what role should the government play to ensure effective market-based solutions? Why has quality of life diminished as the economy has undergone sustained growth? The book covers key trends in economic and social policy over the past twenty-five years. It reveals how economic liberalism, despite all positive economic indicators, has contributed to an increase in unemployment, inequality, social dysfunction and alienation.

Leadership Abroad Begins at Home: U.S. Foreign Economic

Leadership Abroad Begins at Home: U.S. Foreign Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Paarlberg, Robert L., PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, What's good for the United States may well turn out to be good for international economic policy coordination. In this post-cold war era marked by pressing domestic social concerns and fiscal deficits, Robert L. Paarlberg says that the U.S. government should take an inward-first approach to global economic policy. Unless the domestic front is secured, he believes that international initiatives cannot succeed for lack of domestic support. It's a contrary view. The outward-first approach has dominated U.S. policy in the post-war and cold war eras. Paarlberg holds that the period was exceptional in the longer history of the nation and its relations with other nations. In the future, this sort of policymaking will be increasingly difficult to sustain. The U.S. economy is not as strong as it once was in relation to other economies. The security imperatives of the cold war have largely evaporated. And Congress is certainly no longer deferential to the executive branch. Under these new circumstances, outward-first international conferences, international negotiations, and international agreements may not work as a starting point for international economic cooperation. In this highly readable book, part of the Brookings Integrating National Economies Series, Paarlberg offers an in-dept examination of the merits of an inward-first approach to economic policy leadership. He contends that this approach should not be equated with protectionism, because it refers only to policy sequence, not to content. To the extent that inward-first is unilateral, he maintains that unilateral action at home can pave the way for cooperative actions abroad. He tests his argument with more detailed studies in severaldifferent policy arenasincluding international fiscal policy coordination and discipline, agricultural policy reform, and global environmental policy. Leadership Abroad Begins at Home presents an instructive survey of American political and policymaking institutions, and of America's changing position in the world. A volume of Brookings' Integrating National Economies Series

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The Senate, Treaties and National Security,

The Senate, Treaties and National Security,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pitsvada / Pitsvada, Bernard T., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The end of the military phase of the 45-year Cold War represents a significant victory for the U.S. and western policy. This book examines selected aspects of this successful policy to gather some lessons that may be applicable in the future to other policy areas. The major framework within which the various individual actions were taken in our national security interest were a series of treaties proposed and enacted over the early years of the Cold War, most of which were enacted before . This book focuses further on the role of the Senate in this process of treaty making as the provider of advice and consent and as the surrogate for the entire legislative branch in this field.

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewis, Ann, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This new edition of Ann Lewis's widely acclaimed text has been substantially revised and updated to take into account the recent revisions to the National Curriculum and the guidance of the Code of Practice. It provides: *an analysis of the issues and practicalities of implementing the National Curriculum at primary school level *an exploration of the main trends concerning the education of children with learning difficulties *guidelines on safeguarding a broad curriculum, assessing children's learning and helping all children gain access to the National Curriculum Related issues such as the grouping of children, the role of the special needs coordinator, resources, record keeping and the legal position are also examined. These areas are explored in the light of classroom practice, evidence about the impact of the National Curriculum to date and wider research evidence and policy analysis.

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Eu Social Policy in the s: Towards a Corporatist Policy

Eu Social Policy in the s: Towards a Corporatist Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Falkner, Gerda, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This book gives an analytical overview of schools of thought on European integration which offer useful insights into EU social politics. It finds that the EU social policy-making environment has become increasingly corporatist in the s. It closely examines actual developments since the Maastricht Treaty came into force in .

What Price Incentives?: Economists and the Environment

What Price Incentives?: Economists and the Environment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kelman, Steven, PUBLISHER: Auburn House Pub. Co., Sets forth in a straightforward and sensible way the philosophical reasons for the non-economist's skepticism of the economist's view of the world. Its relevance extends beyond environmental issues to other areas where microeconomic theory is being applied to public policy. Kelman cites results to confirm his view that both opponents and supporters of economic incentives have important philosophical concerns. He takes the role of an advocate of the use of incentives in formulating an environmental policy. He also discusses political strategy from the point of view of the "policy entrepreneur" who is trying to get ideas adopted. Economists and non-economists alike will welcome this book as a bridge over a perceptual gap in an important area of policymaking.

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Skidelsky, Robert Jacob, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, John Maynard Keynes () is a central thinker of the twentieth century, not just as an economic theorist and statesman, but in the borderland of economics, philosophy, politics and culture. Keynes's doctrines continue to inspire strong feelings in admirers and detractors alike. This short, engaging study of his life and thought explores the many positive and negative stereotypes and also examines the quality of Keynes's mind, his cultural and social milieu, his ethical and practical philosophy, and his monetary thought. Recent scholarship has significantly altered the treatment and assessment of Keynes's contribution to twentieth-century economic thinking, and the current state of the debate initiated by the Keynesian revolution is discussed in a final chapter on its legacy. No other work on Keynes provides such a readable introduction to his life and work.

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baldwin, Richard E. / Bertola, Giuseppe / Seabright, Paul, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This is the first book to investigate how the Euro has affected trade, financial markets, macroeconomic policy making and Europe's economic performance since it came into operation in January . Features eight studies by leading European and North American economists. Covers topics such as inflation measurement, price stability, fiscal policies and monetary policy. Also looks at economic conditions and prospects outside the Eurozone. Presents essential information in non-technical language.

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Jobs for All: A Plan for the Economic and Social

Jobs for All: A Plan for the Economic and Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collins, Sheila D. / Ginsburg, Helen / Goldberg, Gertrude S., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Written by members of New Initiatives for Full Employment (NIFE), Jobs for All is a program to ensure suitable jobs at good wages for everyone who wants to work. Full employment is both an ethical impera- tive and the key to economic justice and prosperity. It is critical in securing those civil and political rights that are the bedrock of American democracy. People who are denied their right to a job cannot participate effectively as citizens in political or economic life. Jobs for All rejects the cruel contradiction between the rhetoric of the "work ethic" and the denial of jobs to millions. Full employment is feasible and achievable in the modern global economy. The key barriers are political and ideological, not technical or economic. This book, by demonstrating the feasibility of full employment, seeks to empower those who are now being denied economic justice and points the way toward making America truly a land of opportunity for everyone.

New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone,

New Tools for Economic Development: The Enterprise Zone,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sternlieb, George, PUBLISHER: Center for Urban Policy Research, This important work brings together the new tools necessary for the prime urban development initiative of the s. The Enterprise Zone, the most important new concept in job vitalization, was formulated in England, ad-vocated by Reagan, and has the sup-port of both parties. This, as well as the National Development Bank, a new Reconstruction Finance Corpora-tion, and the estimation of municipal costs and revenues from job develop-ment are discussed in detail.

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Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States:

Synthetic Fuel Technology Development in the United States:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crow, Michael / Bozeman, Barry / Meyer, Walter, PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, Direct coal liquefaction, a synthetic liquid fuel process, is one of the major developmental alternatives for meeting the anticipated fuel demands for the twenty-first century. This work provides a retrospective assessment of past attempts in this century to develop synthetic liquid fuel and applies the findings to produce reliable and pertinent data for the future. Retrospective technology assessment, a recent methodological invention, is used by the authors to analyze the past synthetic liquid fuel programs and the reasons for their failures. Bringing to bear four different perspectives--economic, technological, policy, and historical--the authors draw broad conclusions that will help guide the next development effort in the United States.

Petroleum Economics and Engineering, Second Edition

Petroleum Economics and Engineering, Second Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Abdel-Aal, Hussein K. / Abdel-Aal / Abdel-Aal, H. K., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Revised and updated to reflect major changes in the field, this second edition presents an integrated and balanced view of current attitudes and practices used in sound economic decision-making for engineering problems encountered in the oil industry. The volume contains many problem-solving examples demonstrating how economic analyses are applied to different facets of the oil industry.;Discussion progresses from an introduction to the industry, through principles and techniques of engineering economics, to the application of economic methods to the oil industry. It provides information on the types of crude oils, their finished products and resources of natural gas, and also summarizes worldwide oil production and consumption data.

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Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions

Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hesse, Wright / Hesse, Joachim J. / Wright, Vincent, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This constitutional and institutional development of the European Community, and federalism in particular, are widely and intensely debated, and the issue of federalism has proved to be divisive and misunderstood. This book provides a critical reappraisal of the political, economic, and socio-cultural potential of current federal political-institutional arrangements. It includes both an analysis of their necessary preconditions as well as evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages compared with other forms of state organization. The book concludes with an overall assessment of the federalizing processes at work in Europe, both at the Community and nation state level, and pints out the problems, paradoxes and likely outcomes of theses processes.

Empirically Based Assessment of Child and Adolescent

Empirically Based Assessment of Child and Adolescent

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Achenbach, Thomas M. / McConaughy, Stephanie H., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), The authors present an empirically based assessment approach that provides concrete guidelines for clinical work. Using ratings, direct observations and interviews, they discuss methods for assessing childhood dysfunction based on a comprehensive integration of information from parents, teachers and children. The material is presented with clinical illustrations that convey the use of specific assessment techniques for intake, case evaluation, decisions about treatment, management and follow-up.

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Handbook of Social Intervention

Handbook of Social Intervention

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Seidman, Edward, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), A definitive resource for anyone involved in the study or practice of social planning and intervention. Invited contributors review the literature on psychological, social, educational, economic, and environmental policies and programmes. Issues of design, method, assessment, and tactics of social intervention are explored. The volume then deals with intervention in criminal justice, education, health, housing, and thirteen other specific areas of policy.

Reversibility in Testicular Toxicity Assessment

Reversibility in Testicular Toxicity Assessment

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scialli, Anthony / Clegg, Eric D., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, A number of endpoints of testicular toxicity have been studied, including those involving the germ, Sertoli, and Leydig cells and the testicular vasculature, but there has been little work done regarding the reversability of such effects. Theoretical considerations and empiric observations suggest that reversibility may be an important parameter to consider in the evaluation of male reproductive toxicity. This book considers these possibilities, providing an authoritative summary of knowledge. Reversibility in Testicular Toxicity Assessment is organized by testicular element and will provide an important reference source for toxicology researchers and reproductive medicine clinicians involved with reproductive toxicity.

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Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

Social Research and Social Reform: Essays in Honour of A. H.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crouch, Colin / Heath, Anthony, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In light of recent skepticism about the effectiveness of social research, this work provides an opportune reassessment of its influence. It also proposes new ways to consider the relationship of research to reform. The range of topics covered includes secondary educational reform, changing concepts of social work, women's studies, as well as the role of evaluation research in social policy in the United States and Sweden.
