making a new world architecture and communities in interwar

Making a New World Architecture and Communities in Interwar

Making a New World Architecture and Communities in Interwar

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rajesh Heynickx Tom Avermaete, PUBLISHER: Leuven University Press, NA Acquista Ora

Making Choices:

Making Choices:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Various / Storr, Robert / Umland, Anne, PUBLISHER: Museum of Modern Art, Making Choices celebrates the diversity of modern art by focusing on four landmark years--, and . A variety of works representing all of New York MOMA's curatorial departments--architecture and design, drawings, film and video, painting and sculpture, photography, and prints and illustrated books.

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Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law

Making Policy, Making Change: How Communities Are Taking Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Themba, Makani N., PUBLISHER: Chardon Press, Learn how activists are making change and getting it in writing. More than local policies have been enacted recently, ranging from limiting the number of liquor stores and alcohol and tobacco billboards in low-income communities to ordinances on corporate accountability. Find out how you, too, can create change "from the ground up".

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper, T. N., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is the first general social and political history of Malaya. Focusing on the years to , the last years of British rule and the achievement of independence, it embraces a wealth of social, economic and cultural, as well as political themes. It contains new research on the impact of the Second World War in Malaya, the origins and course of the Communist Emergency, and the response of Malaya's various ethnic communities to nationalism and social change. A concluding chapter takes these themes forward into the s to shed new light on the emergence of this important Southeast Asian nation.

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Advances in Computer Architecture

Advances in Computer Architecture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Myers, Glenford J., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A completely updated edition of this overview of modern computer architecture. Examines alternatives to classical low-level von Neumann computer architecture, discussing the problems of classical architecture and new solutions to these problems. Illustrates new concepts through in-depth case studies of the Intel APX 432, IBM's SWARD, and other machines. State-of-the-art concepts covered include tagged storage, capability-based addressing, process management, protection domains, and error detection.

Minority Hungarian Communities in the Twentieth Century

Minority Hungarian Communities in the Twentieth Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bardi, Nandor / Fedinec, Csilla / Szarka, Laszlo, PUBLISHER: East European Monographs, The authors review the twentieth-century history of Hungarian communities that became minorities within Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Austria after World War I. They trace these developments over ninety years of social, political, economic, and cultural upheaval and examine in detail the relationship between such communities and the majority nations in which they found themselves. The volume also follows changes in these groups' political and legal statuses.

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Mississippian Towns and Sacred Spaces: Searching for an

Mississippian Towns and Sacred Spaces: Searching for an

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lewis, R. Barry / Stout, Charles B. / Wesson, Cameron B., PUBLISHER: University Alabama Press, Archaeologists and architects draw upon theoretical perspectives from their fields to provide valuable insights into the structure, development, and meaning of prehistoric communities. Architecture is the most visible physical manifestation of human culture. The built environment envelops our lives and projects our distinctive regional and ethnic identities to the world around us. Archaeology and architecture find common theoretical ground in their perspectives of the homes, spaces, and communities that people create for themselves. Although archaeologists and architects may ask different questions and apply different methods, the results are the same--a deeper understanding of what it means to be human. In this volume, prominent archaeologists examine the architectural design spaces of Mississippian towns and mound centers of the eastern United States. The diverse Mississippian societies, which existed between A.D. 900 and , created some of the largest and most complex Native American archaeological sites in the United States. The dominant architectural feature shared by these communities was one or more large plazas, each of which was often flanked by buildings set on platform mounds. The authors describe the major dimensions of an architectural grammar, centered on the design of the plaza and mound complex that was shared by different societies across the Mississippian world. They then explore these shared architectural features as physical representations or metaphors for Mississippian world views and culture.

Under the Sun: Desert Style and Architecture

Under the Sun: Desert Style and Architecture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moore, Suzi / Moore, Terrence, PUBLISHER: Bulfinch Press, Now in paperback, Under the Sun features the architectural traditions of desert living around the world, from ancient adobe structures to innovative contemporary houses. Beginning with a survey of the age-old desert architecture of North African, Spanish, and Native American cultures, the book profiles ecologically sound homes in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Northern Mexico.

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World Religions: The Great Faiths Explored & Explained

World Religions: The Great Faiths Explored & Explained

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bowker, John, PUBLISHER: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley), Taking a refreshing new approach toward understanding different faiths, World Religions looks at the beliefs and practices of many different religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Islam. Explained through detailed annotation of sacred texts, religious artifacts, paintings, and architecture, this book will engage the whole family.

Creating Caring Communities with Books Kids Love

Creating Caring Communities with Books Kids Love

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Chicola, Nancy A. / English, Eleanor B., PUBLISHER: Fulcrum Group, What does it mean to care? Caring is a thoughtful, empathetic concern for the world around us. It is a pebble that, when thrown into a pond, spreads influential rings to the family, school, community, and beyond. In Creating Caring Communities with Books Kids Love, teachers and parents are shown how to build a caring community in the classroom and at home in order to help combat apathy and violence in our world today. Specifically targeted for grades K through 6, and incorporating a wide range of fiction and nonfiction selections, as well as offering a rich foundation of expository and expressive activities, Creating Caring Communities provides teachers with tools for promoting caring attitudes, behaviors, and values among young learners in their personal, family, school, neighborhood, nation, and world environments.

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Libro d'architettura (World Architecture) di 348 pagine

Libro d'architettura (World Architecture) di 348 pagine

Vendo bellissimo e vecchio / antico testo/ libro d'architettura / architetto World Architecture: An Illustrated History con copertina rigida, 348 pagine, illustrate con i disegni esecutivi di realizzazione delle grandi opere - sparse per i vari continenti. un testo autorevole con oltre illustrationi diviso in nove sezioni. " Ogni sezione รจ gestita da uno storico architettonico diverso: "L'architettura antica e classica " di Seton Lloyd, "Architettura cinese" di Andrew Boyd, "Architettura giapponese" di Andrew Carden, "Architettura indiana " di Philip Rawson, "Architettura medievale " di David Talbot Rice, "Renaissance Architecture " di Norbert Lynton, e "Modern Architecture " di John Jacobus - World Architecture: An Illustrated History I sell beautiful architecture book hardcover, 348 pages, indexed and illustrated with drawings of execution of works. an authoritative text with over illustrationi divided into nine sections. "Each section is managed by a different architectural historian:" The old architecture and classic "Seton Lloyd," Chinese Architecture "by Andrew Boyd," Japanese Architecture "by Andrew Carden," Indian Architecture "by Philip Rawson," Medieval Architecture "David Talbot Rice," Renaissance Architecture "by Norbert Lynton, and" Modern Architecture "by John Jacobus vendo a un prezzo simbolico di euro 15

Contemporary: Architecture and Interiors of the s

Contemporary: Architecture and Interiors of the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jackson, Lesley, PUBLISHER: Phaidon Press, This book is the first to explore fully the so-called 'Contemporary' style that dominated architecture and design from the late s and throughout the s. It was an era of optimism and confidence, where new ideas in architecture and design flourished alongside the emergent consumer culture. Mainly emanating from the USA, the 'Contemporary' style was fresh and liberating, manifesting itself in the picture window and the open plan; in new forms of furniture from Scandinavia and stylish light fittings from Italy; and most tellingly in the 'Contemporary' kitchen with its fitted units and 'mod con' appliances. The book examines the fresh and liberated design ideas of this buoyant era. By far the best book on the subject.' (Daily Telegraph) 'Provides a searching examination of the social, political and economic changes of the exuberant post-war years and the illustrations are excellent. This is an informative book whose presentation accurately reflects the era's colour and confidence.' (Design Review) Phaidon now publishers some of the finest designed and illustrated books on period styles. And this is another.' (World of Interiors)

Offerte relazionate making a new world architecture and communities in interwar: Contemporary: Architecture and Interiors of the s
Access Reading 4: Reading in the Real World

Access Reading 4: Reading in the Real World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collins, Tim, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Access Reading helps students learn to access the information and resources they need to become effective workers, community members, and parents. It develops communication, decision-making, interpersonal, and lifelong learning skills through interesting readings and practical application of new knowledge. Acquista Ora

Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software

Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zhuk, Jeff, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Written by a software architect and experienced trainer, the book brilliantly integrates theory and practice, going from foundations and concepts to architecture, design, and code examples. Through deep insights into almost all areas of modern CIS and IT, Zhuk provides an entry into the new world of integrated knowledge and software engineering. Readers will learn the "what's, why's, and how's" on: J2EE, J2ME,.NET, JSAPI, JMS, JMF, SALT, VoiceXML, WAP, , CDNA, GPRS, CycL, XML, and multiple XML-based technologies including RDF, DAML, SOAP, UDDI, and WDSL. The book turns these abbreviations into understandable concepts and examples. Students, architects, designers, and management benefit from innovative ideas and detailed examples for building multi-dimensional worlds of enterprise applications and creating distributed knowledge marketplace.

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The Architecture of All Abundance: Creating a Successful

The Architecture of All Abundance: Creating a Successful

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carroll, Lenedra J., PUBLISHER: New World Library, Navigating the shark-infested waters of the entertainment industry, recovering from life-threatening illness, and rebounding from business failure, Lenedra Carroll has pioneered innovative principles for building success in the material world. Engaging stories deftly portray alternative ways to attain prosperity, love, good health, and a sense of purpose while living ethically and in harmony with others. Practical exercises make the seven principles clear and accessible for every reader.

Art and Architecture Pelican History of Art

Art and Architecture Pelican History of Art

4 volumi - Pelican History of Art The Art and Architecture of China Sickman - Soper Prima edizione Lingua inglese Art and Architecture in Italy Rudolf Wittkower Prima edizione Lingua inglese The Art and Architecture of Japan Paine - Soper Prima edizione Lingua Inglese Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture K. J. Conant Prima edizione Lingua inglese Contattatemi per altre info o foto Pagamento, consegna o spedizione da concordare I quattro volumi sono tutti i buone condizioni Vendo da privata

Offerte relazionate making a new world architecture and communities in interwar: Art and Architecture Pelican History of Art
Flags of the World

Flags of the World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: DK Publishing, PUBLISHER: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley), Learn about the world's flags and geography with this informative and fun sticker book, fully revised and updated with the most current information and flag imagery. More than 300 reusable full-color stickers are included, along with 11 pages of maps Each flag sticker appears twice making it perfect to use for school projects Readers are invited to interact with the book, learning world geography by placing the stickers in their correct locations on the maps Stickers are organized by region and clearly labeled, making for easy navigation

Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Spaces

Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Spaces

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Anders, Peter, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Free of the constraints of physical form and limited only by imagination, new environments spring to life daily in a fantastic realm called cyberspace. The creators of this new virtual world may be programmers, designers, architects, even children. In this invigorating exploration of the juncture between cyberspace and the physical world, architect Peter Anders brings together leading-edge cyberspace art and architecture... inspiring new techniques and technologies... unexpected unions of reality and virtuality... and visions of challenges and opportunities as yet unexplored. More than an invitation to tour fantastic realms and examine powerful tools, this book is a hard-eyed look at cyberspace's impact on physical, cultural, and social reality, and the human-centered principles of its design. This is a book that will set designers and architects thinkingNand a work of importance to anyone fascinated with the fast-closing space between the real and the virtual.

Offerte relazionate making a new world architecture and communities in interwar: Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Spaces
The Power of Collaborative Solutions: Six Principles and

The Power of Collaborative Solutions: Six Principles and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wolff, Tom / Peirce, Neal R., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Our helping systems are failing us and we have serious problems with traditional community problem-solving methods that are ineffective and create pain, waste, and dysfunction in our communities. In this groundbreaking book, the author spells out his real-world-tested key principles for creating collaborative solutions that build healthy communities. Collaborative Solutions is a practical book that addresses how to solve contemporary social problems by bringing people of diverse circumstances and backgrounds together in working to solve community challenges. Filled with stories and tools, it shows how to make change happen in the real world.

Building Gotham: Civic Culture and Public Policy in New York

Building Gotham: Civic Culture and Public Policy in New York

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Revell, Keith D., PUBLISHER: Johns Hopkins University Press, In , the New York state legislature created Greater New York, a metropolis of three and a half million people, the second largest city in the world, and arguably the most diverse and complex urban environment in history. In this far-ranging study, Keith D. Revell shows how experts in engineering, law, architecture, public health, public finance, and planning learned to cope with the daunting challenges of collective living on this new scale. Engineers applied new technologies to build railroad tunnels under the Hudson River and construct aqueducts to quench the thirst of a city on the verge of water famine. Sanitarians attempted to clean up a harbor choked by millions of gallons of raw sewage. Economists experimented with new approaches to financing urban infrastructure. Architects and planners wrestled with the problems of skyscraper regulation and regional growth. These issues of city-building and institutional change involved more than the familiar push and pull of interest groups or battles between bosses, reformers, immigrants, and natives. Revell details the ways that technical values -- distinctive civic culture of expertise -- helped reshape ideas of community, generate new centers of public authority, and change the physical landscape of New York City. Building Gotham thus demonstrates how a group of ambitious professionals overcame the limits of traditional means of decision-making and developed the city-building practices that enabled New York to become America's first mega-city.

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Lego Architecture

Lego Architecture

Lego Architecture New York City originale nuovo ancora sigillato da collezione.

Outside Architecture: Outdoor Rooms Designed by Architects

Outside Architecture: Outdoor Rooms Designed by Architects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zevon, Susan, PUBLISHER: Rockport Publishers, Outside Architecture richly illustrates an intriguing variety of contemporary outdoor rooms designed by accomplished architects from around the world. Each of the 50 projects featured is detailed in full-color photographs, site plans, and architects drawings showing a wide range of designs from terraces and pool houses, to rooftop gardens in both urban and country settings.

Offerte relazionate making a new world architecture and communities in interwar: Outside Architecture: Outdoor Rooms Designed by Architects
The Visual Arts: A History

The Visual Arts: A History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Honour, Hugh / Fleming, John, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Generously illustrated with over photographs, architectural plans, and color maps, this highly regarded survey encompasses the arts of Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe, and the Americas--covering painting, mosaic, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, architecture and photography, and ranging from a statuette carved in central Europe some years ago to video art of the s. It delves into the purpose and meaning of art to show readers how art can deepen our self-knowledge, sharpen our awareness of our own and other religious beliefs, and enlarge our understanding of alternative ways of life. Divides material into five parts (Foundations of Art, Art and the World Religions, Sacred and Secular Art, The Making of the Modern World, and Twentieth-Century Art), with discussions on late Gothic art; 17th century Dutch landscape painting; Native American art; Far Eastern and African art; photography; women in art, and much more. Integrates boxes throughout that reflect on the full spectrum of factors which have conditioned artistic production at different times and in different parts of the world. Contains many new illustrations and photos, including the paintings in the Chauvet Cave in south-west France, and the late second-millennium BC figurative sculptures found at Sanxindui, China. All chapters include a handy timechart for easy reference. For art historians.

Architecture and Sculpture in Ireland,

Architecture and Sculpture in Ireland,

Stalley R.A. Architecture and Sculpture in Ireland, Gill & Macmillan Softcover , pp.148, fioriture in copertina. Euro 15 (varie (641)

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Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms::

Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms::

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Michaux, J.P. Ed. / Michaux, J. P., PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing, The dictionary contains terms covering the following fields and subfields of arts and antiques: painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture, architecture, dressmaking, armament, heraldry, ceramics, styles and art criticism, music, furniture, religious monuments and objects, textile, gilding, numismatics, jewels, cabinet-making etc.
