libro the earthmovers encyclopedia



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Encyclopedia of World Aircraft

Encyclopedia of World Aircraft

Vendo libro sugli aerei "Encyclopedia of World Aircraft" di Christopher Chant del . Copertina rigida in buone condizioni. Spedizione inclusa

Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology

Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Piotrowski, Nancy A., PUBLISHER: Salem Press, Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science: Psychology provides a comprehensive view of the field-covering theories, diagnoses, disorders, treatments, tests, people and issues-and adds helpful illustrations, charts, and drawings. This encyclopedia streamlines many of the topics with helpful overviews, offereing greater flexibility in length and format. Acquista Ora

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Star trek encyclopedia

Star trek encyclopedia

Star trek encyclopedia in inglese. 12 euro più spese in piego di libro

Enciclopedia lingua inglese

Enciclopedia lingua inglese

Interessante enciclopedia THE NEW CAXTON ENCYCLOPEDIA - 20 volumi, in lingua inglese, perfetti; edizione Caxton Publishing Company London NY ecc. - stampa edizione anno , volumi belli e perfetti; Interesting encyclopedia THE NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA CAXTON - 20 volumes in English in perfect; conditions; Caxton Publishing Company London NY etc. - Print edition year

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Encyclopedia Britannica Anglotutor L'Inglese

Encyclopedia Britannica Anglotutor L'Inglese

The Encyclopedia Britannica Anglotutor - L'Inglese per gli italiani - 8 volumi - copertine rigide in similpelle rosse

Enciclopedia "The World Book Encyclopedia"

Enciclopedia "The World Book Encyclopedia"

The World Book Encyclopedia Rilegatura bellissima per valorizzare la tua biblioteca. Enciclopedia universale di prestigio in lingua inglese in 22 volumi, edita negli Stati Uniti dalla World Book Inc., con sede a Chicago, Illinois. Condizioni perfette, mai usata. Edizione anni 70. Prezzo eccezionale solo euro

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THE World Book Encyclopedia 22 Volumi Enciclopedia

THE World Book Encyclopedia 22 Volumi Enciclopedia

DESCRIZIONE THE World Book Encyclopedia 22 Volumi Enciclopedia Autore:Vari Editore:Field Educational Corporation Anno di stampa: Lingua: inglese Prezzo: E(per mancanza di due volumi) 22 volumi misurano cm 25.5 x cm 19 brossura rigida

Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for

Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reynolds, Cecil R. / Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, The Third Edition of the highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Special Education has been thoroughly updated to include the latest information about new legislation and guidelines. In addition, this comprehensive resource features new biographies of important figures in special education, school psychology, and neuropsychology and reviews of new tests and curricula that have been developed since publication of the second edition in . Unique in focus, the Encyclopedia of Special Education, Third Edition addresses issues of importance ranging from theory to practice and is a critical reference for researchers as well as those working in the special education field.

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The collectors encyclopedia of ANTIQUES

The collectors encyclopedia of ANTIQUES

Come da foto in buonissimo stato, edited by phoebe phillips, oltre illustrazioni, libro in inglese, solo firenze e dintorni

Enciclopedia - The World Book Encyclopedia

Enciclopedia - The World Book Encyclopedia

The World Book Encyclopedia Rilegatura bellissima per valorizzare la tua biblioteca. Enciclopedia universale di prestigio in lingua inglese in 22 volumi, edita negli Stati Uniti dalla World Book Inc., con sede a Chicago, Illinois. Condizioni perfette, mai usata. Edizione anni 70. Contattatemi per ulteriori chiarimenti e foto. Prezzo eccezionale solo euro

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Enciclopedia inglese sugli animali

Enciclopedia inglese sugli animali

Tutto il mondo degli animali, The International WILDLIFE ENCYCLOPEDIA - 20 volumi perfetti - In lingua inglese; edizione Caxton Library Service Limited London - stampa edizione anno - volumi perfetti; The whole world of animals, The International WILDLIFE ENCYCLOPEDIA - 20 volumes in English in perfect conditions; Caxton edition Library Service Limited London - print edition year ;

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation vol. 4 Set

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation vol. 4 Set

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hans J Hillerbrand, PUBLISHER: Clarendon Press, NA Acquista Ora

The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement

The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Douglas A Foster, PUBLISHER: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company, NA Acquista Ora

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Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabato, Larry / Ernst, Howard R., PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections provides comprehensive coverage of the American election process and its political parties. A complete A-to-Z reference, this intelligent and objective guide covers the people, events, and terms involved in the electoral process. Coverage also includes the history of elections in the United States, focusing primarily on the presidential elections. Helpful features such as engaging black-and-white photographs and illustrations, detailed appendixes, and an index make this concise reference browsable and accessible to the general reader. Acquista Ora

Encyclopedia Americana del

Encyclopedia Americana del

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Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia

Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia

Vendo copia originale di Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia 1' edizione acquistata con l'Animus edition di Assassin's Creed Revelation. Libro in ottimo stato. Spedisco anche in tutta Italia con supplemento di 9 €.

The Penguin Encyclopedia of Science and Math

The Penguin Encyclopedia of Science and Math

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bunch, Bryan / Tesar, Jenny / Tesar, Jennie, PUBLISHER: Viking Books, A one-volume desk encyclopedia, with about entries, including capsule biographies, covering the key terms, concepts, instruments, and individuals in the development of the sciences and mathematics, from classical times to the present. The majority of the entries, ranging from a half-dozen lines to a full page in length, focus on the so-called "hard sciences", which are commonly taught in high school -- biology, chemistry, physics, earth science -- as well as mathematics through calculus. Astronomy, physical anthropology, archaeology, and technology also are covered, albeit to a lesser extent. In all cases, the entries, supplemented by some 150 line drawings, avoid technical terms, making the text easily accessible to students, teachers, librarians, journalists, and readers generally. Even professional scientists will find "The Penguin Desk Encyclopedia of Science and Mathematics" to be a useful resource for checking dates and facts outside their areas of particular expertise.

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The Complete James Bond 007 Movie Encyclopedia () RARO!

The Complete James Bond 007 Movie Encyclopedia () RARO!

THE COMPLETE JAMES BOND MOVIE ENCYCLOPEDIA di Steven Jay Rubin Grosso volume rilegato pubblicato nel dalla casa editrice americana Contemporary Books. Enciclopedia dalla A alla Z sui film della serie James Bond 007, da "Licenza di uccidere" () a "Vendetta privata" ( pagine con tantissime foto in bianco e nero. In ottime condizioni, quasi come nuovo. Spedizione: 5 euro da aggiungere al costo del libro. Accetto le modalità di pagamento elettronico più diffuse. Possibilità di ritirare a mano il libro per coloro che risiedono nella zona di Milano (scrivere o telefonare per fissare appuntamento). Non esitate a scrivermi o a telefonarmi per ulteriori informazioni su questo oggetto: sarò lieto di rispondere a tutte le vostre domande.

Encyclopedia Americana

Encyclopedia Americana

Encyclopedia Americana 30 volumi (lingua inglese) + 10 volumi di Annuals (dal al ) ottimo stato

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Enciclopedia americana

Enciclopedia americana

"The encyclopedia americana - the international reference work, edition, volumi . Molto utile anche per studiosi, ricercatori. Volumi in ottime condizioni.



THE WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia perfetta. 16 volumi anni '60 vendo

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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crystal, David, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Second Edition of The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language presents a mass of new information and introduces the subject of language to a fresh generation of students and general readers. Probably the most successful general study of language ever published, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language covers all the major themes of language study, including popular ideas about language, language and identity, the structure of language, speaking and listening, writing, reading, and signing, language acquisition, the neurological basis of language, and languages of the world. Exposing this work to a new generation of readers, the Second Edition extends the range of coverage to include advances in areas such as machine translation, speech interaction with machines, and language teaching. There is new material on acoustics, physiological concepts of language, and World English, and a complete update of the language distribution maps, language-speaking statistics, table of the world's languages, and further reading. All geopolitical material has been revised to take account of boundary changes. The book has been redesigned and is presented for the first time in full color, with new pictures and maps added.
