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- Players: 2-3- Recommended Age: 5 years and up- German Edition
- Officially licensed Cluedo Board Game- Players: 3-6- Recommended Age: 8 years and up- Playing Time: 50 minutes - German Edition
- Players: 2-4- Recommended Age: 5 and up- German Edition
- Players: 2-4- Recommended Age: 5 years and up- German Edition
- Officially licensed Risk Board Game!- Players: 2-5- Recommended Age: 18 years and up- Playing Time: 1-2 hours- German Edition
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nila Banton Smith, PUBLISHER: GLOBE, This time-tested and research-based program prepares students for reading success by providing brief reading selections and direct instruction of essential skills at their appropriate instructional level. Essential skill strands developed in this series include word analysis, vocabulary development, critical thinking, study skills, and life skills.The program's Interest Level is 6-12 and Reading Levels 3-10: BABR LevelReading Level BABRLevel Reading Level Starting Out3-4 Level D 7 Level A4 Level E8 Level B5 Level F9 Level C6 Level G10
- Officially licensed Trivial Pursuit- Players: 2+- Recommended Age: 12 years and up- German language edition
- Officially licensed Clue Board Game- Players: 2-6- Recommended Age: 18 years and up- Playing Time: 50 minutes - German Edition
Display with 10 Movie Pack Gold Edition Boxes. Each Movie Pack Gold Edition Box includes 29 cards: - 3 Movie Pack Gold Edition Booster Packs - 2 variant cards (Gold Secret Rares) - Cards from booster packs in the Gold Edition are 1st Edition. Variant cards are Limited Edition.
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- Officially licensed Monopoly Board Game!- Players: 2-8- Recommended Age: 8 years and up- Playing Time: 1-2 hours - German Edition
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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: et al, PUBLISHER: Globe Fearon, This time-tested and research-based program prepares students for reading success by providing brief reading selections and direct instruction of essential skills at their appropriate instructional level. Essential skill strands developed in this series include word analysis, vocabulary development, critical thinking, study skills, and life skills.The program's Interest Level is 6-12 and Reading Levels 3-10: BABR LevelReading Level BABRLevel Reading Level Starting Out3-4 Level D 7 Level A4 Level E8 Level B5 Level F9 Level C6 Level G10
Sella tune komm vor pari al nuovo cambio per cambio bici. Valuto scambio con speedneedle. Peso 84gr adatta a bici da strada in particolare. Limite del biker 90kg Ok per cannondale specialized s-works trek bianchi giant scott No perditempo 100 euro spedita