introduction to information systems 14a edizione

Introduction to Information Systems, 14a edizione

Introduction to Information Systems, 14a edizione

Vendo libro "Introduction to Information Systems" 14a (fourteenth) edizione, O'Brien/Marakas, McGraw Hill. Il libro è come nuovo e vendo per totale inutilizzo. E' in lingua inglese ed è la versione internazionale, ossia quella venduta anche in Italia. Prezzo d'acquisto: 55 euro

Responsible Management of Information Systems

Responsible Management of Information Systems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stahl, Bernd Carsten, PUBLISHER: IGI Global, Responsible Management of Information Systems discusses the question how can information systems be used and managed in a responsible manner. It does so by first defining the central concepts of information systems as the business use of information technology and the underlying concepts of ethics and morality. The term responsibility is introduced as a mediation of ethics and morality and a promising approach to normative questions. After demonstrating that the traditional notion of responsibility runs into many problems when applied to information systems the book develops a new, a reflective theory of responsibility. This theory that emphasizes the central characteristics of responsibility, namely openness, consequentialism, and teleology, is then applied to normative problems in information systems. It is shown that with the use of this theory the central moral and legal problems of information systems such as privacy or intellectual property can be successfully addressed.

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Responsible Management of Information Systems
Beyond Year  Innovative Solutions for the Evolving

Beyond Year Innovative Solutions for the Evolving

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mancini Newell, Lucy, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, This issue explores how many healthcare organizations are meeting the challenge of bringing meaningful patient information to those who practice medicine. It features case studies describing new and innovative solutions to delivering patient information and it addresses the complex problem of consolidating information systems in a clinical laboratory setting. The contributors also examine integration issues related to linking radiology information to collected digitized images, education strategy, and the challenges of meeting compliance requirements.This is an issue of the "Journal for Healthcare Information Management," sponsored by the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society.

Bioenergetics at a Glance: An Illustrated Introduction

Bioenergetics at a Glance: An Illustrated Introduction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harris, D. A. / Harris, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, Bioenergetics is the study of the way biological systems, usually at the molecular level, utilize and convert energy in order to drive the biochemical reactions that constitute life. However, because of its often quantitative basis and the amount of technical jargon, the subject tends to alienate and intimidate students. This beautifully illustrated text has a lucid and logical approach to the subject. The text uses the modern perspective throughout so that the student is given an easily assimilable, logical introduction to the important concepts of the subject, particulary the core concept, the 'chemiosmotic theory'. It has been specifically designed to make information easily accessible by devoting each double-page spread to one topic. Within the spread, a variety of carefully constructed diagrams present information in a concise and innovative manner. The text is further enhanced by a comprehensive guide to additional reading. Original, easily understood combination of visual and written information. 43 double-page speads give a clear and concise introduction to this traditionally difficult subject. The most up to date text available, covering all modern molecular genetic techniques. Competitively priced.

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Bioenergetics at a Glance: An Illustrated Introduction
An introduction to modern astrophysics

An introduction to modern astrophysics

Vendo libro "An introduction to modern astrophysics" di Carroll Ostlie. Si tratta della seconda edizione ed è in perfette condizioni. Chiesti 125€, spedizione esclusa.

Video Systems in an It Environment: The Essentials of

Video Systems in an It Environment: The Essentials of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kovalick, Al, PUBLISHER: Focal Press, Audio/Video (AV) systems and Information Technology (IT) are colliding. Broadcasters and other AV professionals are impacted by the transition to IT components and techniques. This is the first book to focus on the intersection of AV and IT concepts. It includes technology reviews and the tools to understand and evaluate key aspects of hybrid AV systems. Twelve chapters encompass a broad range of information including: IT integration, AV networking, storage systems, file and metadata formats, software platforms, reliability, element management, security, workflow improvement, AV technology, transition issues, and real-world case studies. Each chapter weaves together IT and AV techniques providing the reader with actionable information on the issues, processes and principles of seamless AV/IT systems integration. * Explains Tapeless Workflows * Packed with 225 illustrations * Supported with 11 Appendixes covering interesting and diverse topics

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Video Systems in an It Environment: The Essentials of
Computing for Archaeologists

Computing for Archaeologists

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Henderson, Julian / Moffett, Jonathan / Ross, Seamus, PUBLISHER: Oxford University School of Archaeology, Eleven papers giving advice on computer applications, based on lectures given at the Institute of Archaeology in Oxford. Contents: Introduction (S Ross), approaches and applications, past and present (J Moffett), systems engineering (S Ross), introduction to statistics (G Lock), analysing information for database design(L Burnard), database fundamentals (D Smith), advancing graphic systems (P Reilly), Heslerton Parish post-excavation project (D Powlesland), post-excavation interpretation (J Richards), post-excavation and publication in London (T Williams), use and abuse (J Henderson). Previously announced, now available.

LIBRO information systems

LIBRO information systems

LIBRO information systems management in practice seventh edition aut. barbara c. mcnurlin ralph c. sprague jr casa ed. pearson prentice hall testo universitario in inglese usato ben tenuto E. 35 + s.s. email

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: LIBRO information systems
LIBRO information systems

LIBRO information systems

LIBRO information systems management in practice seventh edition aut. barbara c. mcnurlin ralph c. sprague jr casa ed. pearson prentice hall testo universitario in inglese usato ben tenuto E. 20 + s.s. email

Being a Medical Information Coder

Being a Medical Information Coder

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dodson, Laurie / Cox, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Contains the most up-to-the-minute information on training to be a medical information coder, guiding the reader on a step-by-step journey through training. Provides an introduction to ICD-9-CM, the international coding system. Covers the legal considerations, insurance regulations, and Medicare requirements that are increasing the demand for well-maintained records. And, gives an overview of the prospective Payment System for Medicare cases. MARKET" Those in training as a Medical Information Coder.

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Being a Medical Information Coder
Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

Cerco: An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals 3

An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals by W. Deer, R.A. Howie and J. Zussman TERZA EDIZIONE Editor LONGMAN GROUPE LONDON LIMITED

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading

An introduction to algorithmc trading BASIC to advanced strategies Edward leshik and Jane Cralle Con cd originale. Come nuovo

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: An introduction to algorithmc trading
Systems Analysis and Design Methods 5e

Systems Analysis and Design Methods 5e

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley, Kevin C. Dittman, PUBLISHER: Project Management Institute, This fifth edition textbook continues to react to the changes and expected changes in the information technology domain. It can serve the reader as a post-course, professional reference for best current practices. This book is designed to be interactive and therefore layered with repetition to enhance learning and teaches you as much information and technique as possible before getting a real-world job, where these skills make the difference. This new version expands and updates information supplied in earlier versions of the book and can be used as a textbook in various areas of educational pursuit. If you want to practice the application of concepts, not just study them, this is a cornerstone reference book that should be in your library. Selected as a suggested resource for CAQ(R) Information Technology Systems exam preparation.

Introduction to English linguistics

Introduction to English linguistics

Vendo Introduction to English linguistics (linguistica inglese) molto ben scritto e semplice da comprendere.

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Introduction to English linguistics
Introduction to Data compression

Introduction to Data compression

Introduction to Data compression K. Sayood. Second ediction copertina rigida. Ottimo stato.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Hare, Ted, PUBLISHER: Rourke Publishing, - Colorful and simple introduction to the Animal Kingdom - Basic series gives good science information - Satisfies most State Standards

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Amphibians
Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented

Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Purdum, Jack, PUBLISHER: Wrox Press, Learn all the basics of C# 3.0 from "Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming," a book that presents introductory information in an intuitive format. If you have no prior programming experience but want a thorough, easy-to-understand introduction to C# and Object Oriented Programming, this book is an ideal guide. Using the tutorials and hands-on coding examples, you can discover tried and true tricks of the trade, understand design concepts, employ debugging aids, and design and write C# programs that are functional and that embody safe programming practices.

Musician's Survival Guide: To Life on the Road

Musician's Survival Guide: To Life on the Road

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hemmings, Stella, PUBLISHER: Cimino Publishing Group, This book aims to give you all the information you need to survive life on the road, including detailed advice on how to cope with everything from van breakdowns, lost passports, gear crushed in transit, surviving, terrible sound systems and more.

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Musician's Survival Guide: To Life on the Road
Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Introduction to calculus and Analysis I e II

Vendo Introduction to calculus and Analysis I Introduction to calculus and Analysis II Courant, John - Springer Le condizioni generali sono buone, presente qualche annotazione e alcune pagine del volume II/2 si sono staccate (ma ci sono tutte) Consegna a mano a Roma

GIS Basics

GIS Basics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wise, Stephen / Wise Stephen, Stephen, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are computer systems for storing, displaying and analyzing spatial data. The past twenty years have seen a rapid growth in their use in government, commerce and academia, and they can be used for managing a network of utilities, from handling census data through to planning the location of a new supermarket. But how do they work? Stephen Wise has been a regular contributor to GeoEurope and his 'Back to Basics' articles have provided a clear and simple introduction to the inner workings of GIS for a non-specialist audience. He now presents the original articles with new material and provides a new coverage of both major types of GIS: vector and raster systems. Undergraduates and professionals who wish to improve their knowledge of GIS should get a better understanding of how GIS operate in the way that they do, such as how spatial data is stored on a computer, how the different methods affect the capabilities of the GIS, how basic operations performed and how the choice of algorithm affects the speed of the system. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: GIS Basics
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buhalis, Dimitrios / Tjoa, A. Min / Jafari, Jafar, PUBLISHER: Springer, The proceedings of the conference ENTER - International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism - provide an international forum for the discussion of the role of telecommunication and information systems in tourism, inform potential users and people concerned with the importance of such technologies and explain their functioning. The following topics are treated in this volume: Dynamic Marketing Applications Using IT. - Designing Information Systems. - Using the Internet. - Transformation of the Travel Industry. - Re-engineering Management Approaches. - Enhancing Tourism Intermediaries. - New Horizons for Destination Management Systems. - Strategic Management in Tourism. - New IT Uses in Tourism.

A Short Introduction to Modal Logic

A Short Introduction to Modal Logic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grigori Mints, PUBLISHER: Center for the Study of Language & amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp Information, NA

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: A Short Introduction to Modal Logic
An Introduction to Clinical Research

An Introduction to Clinical Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Angelis, Catherine D., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Here is an ideal introduction to research methods for clinicians, fellows, residents, and medical students. Written in a clear, easy-to-understand style, it outlines the steps that should be followed in order to organize and implement a typical investigation. Emphasizing the anticipation of future difficulties and the benefits of early planning, the authors discuss the types of questions that should be asked, how to design a study, and methods of data acquisition and analysis. Many examples are presented to illustrate the textual material, and extensive bibliography sections at the end of each chapter direct readers to published articles and texts that will provide further information.

Multimedia and Imaging Databases

Multimedia and Imaging Databases

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Khoshfian, Setrag / Khoshafian / Khoshafian, Setrag, PUBLISHER: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Affordable and mainstream manipulation of multimedia data types will lead to tremendous growth in imaging and multimedia data in general computing environments. Multimedia and imaging applications can now provide benefits to common business applications by integrating voice, sound, images, animation and digitized video. Ultimately, it will be possible to convert all information that is currently stored on paper, video and film into a digitized environment. This will allow users to organize, search and route multimedia objects over local and wide area networks in real time. The authors' introductory level presentation of this new class of data types supplies the database technology required for effective manipulation and storage. Multimedia and database experts, Khoshafian and Baker aptly illustrate the ability of multimedia database systems to concurrently share, access, and query large collections of multimedia information. They introduce the elemental concepts of object and relational databases and then apply them to multimedia and imaging databases. Fundamental database topics discussed include querying, transaction support, recovery, security, and storage. This book provides information essential to the incorporation of multimedia databases that will improve the quantity and quality of information manipulated by computer users in many areas including medicine, computer aided design, and information retrieval systems.

Offerte relazionate introduction to information systems 14a edizione: Multimedia and Imaging Databases
An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

An Introduction to Intellectual Property: Essays and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dabydeen, Sally Ramage, PUBLISHER: iUniverse, It is not easy to prevent others from using your ideas or information for gain unless you use the sophisticated and esoteric legal techniques of intellectual property law. Copyright, which is especially important, is a form of protection afforded to many different types of work. Copyright protection for literary work is well known, and this regime also applies to musical and artistic works, broadcasts, sound and video recordings and typographical arrangements. "An Introduction to Intellectual Property," an introduction to topics in intellectual property law by the unusual method of using moots, mock trials, questions and answers and essays, is not a textbook. It serves to interest the inquisitive without going into the deep law of IP. It will certainly encourage the reader to read an IP textbook and help students when faced with a decision to choose the subject for study.
