information sources in finance and banking

Information Sources in Finance and Banking

Information Sources in Finance and Banking

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lester, R. G. / Lester, Ray, PUBLISHER: Bowker-Saur, This book guides users to both traditional and computerized sources on all aspects of the financial system, including historical sources; IT impact; banks and other financial institutions; money markets; stock markets; Euromarkets; commodity markets; foreign exchange markets; central banks; international organizations; funding agencies; news services; national and international data and statistics; and laws and regulations.

The Humanities: A Selective Guide to Information Sources

The Humanities: A Selective Guide to Information Sources

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blazek, Ron / Aversa, Elizabeth Smith, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Covering a broad territory and more sources than previous editions, this best-selling book delivers up-to-date, reliable access to approximately of the most important and representative information sources in the immense discipline of humanities studies. Web sites have been included on a highly selective basis, and all sources have been reviewed. Computerized databases are integrated with the books. Detailed annotations give users an in-depth view of the sources, and thorough indexes provide fast and easy access.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: The Humanities: A Selective Guide to Information Sources
Contemporary Authors, Volume 267: A Bio-Bibliographical

Contemporary Authors, Volume 267: A Bio-Bibliographical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fuller, Amy Elisabeth, PUBLISHER: Gale Cengage, Find biographical information on more than modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and scriptwriters. Sketches typically include personal information, contact information, career history, writings, biographical and critical sources, authors' comments, and informative essays about their lives and work. A softcover cumulative index is published twice per year (included in subscription).

Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current

Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomson Gale, PUBLISHER: Gale Cengage, Find biographical information on more than modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and scriptwriters. Sketches typically include personal information, contact information, career history, writings, biographical and critical sources, authors' comments, and informative essays about their lives and work. A softcover cumulative index is published twice per year (included in subscription).

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current
Information Seeking in the Online Age: Principles and

Information Seeking in the Online Age: Principles and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Large, J. Andrew / Hartley, Richard J. / Tedd, Lucy A., PUBLISHER: Bowker-Saur, This successor to Online Searching covers an expanded range of electronic information sources, including the Internet. It also treats all aspects of information searching, from information retrieval techniques to the resources themselves. Following a general overview, the topics include: -- Historical development -- Information-seeking behavior -- Languages and information retrieval -- Database organization -- Developing a search strategy -- Browsing strategies -- Interface considerations -- Searching a variety of electronic database environments -- Research directions and developments

Roughing It Elegantly: A Practical Guide to Canoe Camping

Roughing It Elegantly: A Practical Guide to Canoe Camping

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bell, Patricia J. / Isakson, Linda O., PUBLISHER: Cat's-Paw Press (MN), Newly-revised, includes down-to-earth tips and information on planning a trip, organizing, packing, clothing, equipment and food. Learn how to travel in the wilderness, locate a site and set up camp. Includes extensive information sources, useful reading, check-lists and index.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Roughing It Elegantly: A Practical Guide to Canoe Camping
Brave New World (Bloom's Nts)

Brave New World (Bloom's Nts)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold / Huxley, Aldous, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- Presents concise, easy-to-understand biographical, critical, and bibliographical information on a specific literary work -- Provides multiple sources for book reports and term papers with a wealth of information on literary works, authors, and major characters -- Digests of critical extracts prefaced by headnotes

Cassettes-Open for Business

Cassettes-Open for Business

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fournier, Carol Ann / Chastain, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Open for Business familiarizes students with vocabulary related to sales, finance, marketing, retail, banking and accounting, and with techniques for writing memos and business letters. -- Communicative exercises and activities -- Four themes: employment skills, collaboration skills, memo/letter writing skills, vocabulary and idioms -- Glossary of business terms

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Cassettes-Open for Business
Recommended Reference Books in Paperback

Recommended Reference Books in Paperback

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lang, Ofm / Gorman, Jack / Lang, Jovian P., Ofm, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Maximize your book budget and build a quality reference collection with paperback information sources. You'll find hundreds of quality reference sources in paperback-bibliographies, dictionaries, guides, and directories-in all subject areas, from botany and business to sports and zoology. For collection development and as a ready reference, this book is unparalleled. It will also be useful to booksellers, educators, students, professionals, and general readers.

Exploring the Internet Using

Exploring the Internet Using

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jones, Debra, PUBLISHER: Neal-Schuman Publishers, As the amount -- and quality -- of information available on the Internet continues to expand dramatically, students not only need to learn Internet searching skills, but to develop literacy and critical thinking skills as well. Ideal for use in a high school or college general information literacy course, this innovative workbook uses active learning to help students discover how to find information on the Net, and assess the accuracy and relevance of all information they retrieve. Incorporating easy-to-follow explanations, graphic illustrations, eight hands-on practice sessions, and dozens of screen captures, the book teaches students -- at their own pace -- how to develop efficient search strategies; analyze evidence, assumptions, and logical arguments in Internet sources; and use appropriate citation styles.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Exploring the Internet Using
Managing Information Technology in Schools: Managing

Managing Information Technology in Schools: Managing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crawford, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The widespread introduction of information technology has had a huge impact throughout the secondary school, yet many schools still encounter problems in that IT is both a subject in itself and also a cross-curriculum skill. Moreover, faced with limited finance and staff skills and knowledge, achieving the necessary balance between the desirable and the practical can be difficult. This book gives guidance to managers and governors on how to formulate a whole school policy for IT, and how to develop strategies for managing IT effectively.

Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to

Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Webster, James K. / Webster, Carol, PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, "Libraries with large environmental collections will want this unique introduction to a multidisciplinary and popular topic. It includes more than sources of information: reference books, periodicals, reports, proceedings, databases, libraries, associations, research centers, and audiovisual materials." Choice

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to
The Evolution of Central Banks

The Evolution of Central Banks

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goodhart, C. A. E. / Goodhart, Charles, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), "The Evolution of Central Banks" employs a wide range of historical evidence and reassesses current monetary analysis to argue that the development of non-profit-maximizing and noncompetitive central banks to supervise and regulate the commercial banking system fulfils a necessary and natural function. Goodhart surveys the case for free banking, examines the key role of the clearing house in the evolution of the central bank, and investigates bank expansion and fluctuation in the context of the clearing house mechanism. He concludes that it is the noncompetitive aspect of the central bank that is crucial to the performance of its role. Goodhart addresses the questions of deposit insurance and takes up the "club theory" approach to the central bank. Included in the historical study of their origins are 8 European central banks, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England, and the Federal Reserve Board of the United States. Charles Goodhart was appointed to the newly established Norman Sosnow Chair of Banking and Finance at the London School of Economics in . For the previous 17 years he served as a monetary economist at the Bank of England, becoming a Chief Adviser in .

Museum Jobs from A-Z: What They Are, How to Prepare, and

Museum Jobs from A-Z: What They Are, How to Prepare, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bates, G. W., PUBLISHER: Batax Museum Publishing, Over 60 museum positions from animal keeper to zoo vet are described in this volume. The occupational descriptions are compiled from a number of sources and contain helpful information about education, training, and experience; personal characteristics; physical demands and environmental con-ditions; where to find jobs; and opportunities for employment and promotion.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Museum Jobs from A-Z: What They Are, How to Prepare, and
The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information

The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellerman, Aharon / Thomas, Larry, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A fascinating and vital area of research, the geography of information describes the role of information as both economic and commercial product and its distribution and movement across boundaries of cyberspace and conventional geography. Written by a pioneer in telecommunications geography research, this prize winning title (AAG award ) applies information geography to the world of high-tech, examining the latest wrinkles in the Internet, Silicon Valley, mobile telephony, and other key areas. the first book to provide both a context for the geography of information and a critical overview of recent research. Includes location-specific references and case studies. Examines the information society, information economy, telecommunications and its geographical impact.

Introduction to Patents Info.3rd E

Introduction to Patents Info.3rd E

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van Dulken, Stephen, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This guide was originally published to fill a clear need for a practicable and readable primer to patents as a source of technical information. The good response that it has received led to publishing a second, and now a third edition. It was originally meant as a sourcebook for the British Library's Science Reference and Information Service (SRIS) patents seminars. These origins are reflected in a certain bias toward British interests, but patent documentation for the United States, Germany, and Japan as well as the international systems all have their own chapters. The guide is divided into three main sections. Section 1 explains the main points of the patent documentation of six patent offices: Britain, the European Patent Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty patents, the United States, Germany, and Japan. Section 2 covers finding patent information (a new chapter), patent classification, and patent information resources in the United Kingdom. Section 3 consists of appendices covering online, compact disc and Internet sources, a bibliography, a glossary, and lists of INID and country codes. Extensively revised to reflect changes in documentation and new sources, this third edition contains many new examples of front pages from patent specifications.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Introduction to Patents Info.3rd E
Ellinger's Modern Banking Law

Ellinger's Modern Banking Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ellinger, E. P. / Lomnicka, E. / Hare, C., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Ellinger's Modern Banking Law sets banking law against the background of general legal doctrines and banking regulation, discussing its operation in the context of its wider economic function. The book examines the different types of banks and banking organizations operating in the United Kingdom, also making use of American, Canadian, New Zealand and Australian examples. It provides analysis of the banker and customer relationship, explaining the different types of accounts available, the duties and the liabilities of banks, and the latest processes used in the clearance of checks, plastic money and electronic money transfers. Issues relating to overdrafts, bank loans, credit agreements, and securities for bankers' advances are covered. This is a significant book for undergraduates and postgraduates alike, as well as practitioners, providing comprehensive and up-to-date coverage. Online Resource Center Weblinks and twice-yearly updates will be available on an Online Resource Center accompanying the book.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cates, Jo A. / Rettig, James, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, This critically annotated guide to English-language reference literature of print and broadcast journalism covers sources from the late s through , with some from . Annotations are descriptive and evaluative, containing exhaustive cross-references. Nearly 90% of the entries are new or substantially revised, and there is a new chapter on commercial databases and Internet sources. Arranged by type of reference work, the other chapters include bibliographies and bibliographic guides; encyclopedias; dictionaries; abstracts, indexes, and databases; biographical sources; directories and yearbooks; review sources; catalogs; handbooks and manuals; stylebooks and books of English-language usage; core periodicals; miscellaneous sources; professional organizations; and research centers. Written for librarians in search of a collection development tool and for students and other beginning researchers in journalism, the book is also useful for print and broadcast journalists wanting to learn more ab

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Journalism
Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission

Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lu, Cary, PUBLISHER: Microsoft Press, Bandwidth how much information you can move from one place to another and how fast you can move it is the lifeblood of digital communications. "The Race for Bandwidth: Understanding Data Transmission offers solid guidance to business managers as they make decisions about bandwidth for the networking future of their organizations. The book builds a framework for understanding bandwidth, offering concise, clear information about such key issues as types and sources of bandwidth, identifying and determining costs, and planning ahead.

Introductory Statistics

Introductory Statistics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mann, Prem S. / Lacke, Christopher Jay, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, When it comes to learning statistics, Mann delivers the information that business professionals need. The new edition incorporates the most up-to-date methods and applications to present the latest information in the field. It focuses on explaining how to apply the concepts through case studies and numerous examples. Data integrated throughout the chapters come from a wide range of disciplines and media sources. Over 200 examples are included along with marginal notes and step-by-step solutions. The "Decide for Yourself" feature also helps business professionals explore real-world problems and solutions.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Introductory Statistics
High Performance Branch Banking: A Manager's Guide to

High Performance Branch Banking: A Manager's Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ritter, Dwight S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, High Performance Branch Banking is a must-read for any banker with an interest in the retail financial services market. This book gives solutions needed for banks to prosper providing the needed perspective and ideas for branches to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. High Performance Branch Banking helps managers find the right balance to maximize productivity and performance in an ever-changing market, and offers tips on: managing sales efforts and internal staff; identifying the small business customer; how to ask questions that the customer wants to answer.

The Gardener's Sourcebook

The Gardener's Sourcebook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buff, Sheila, PUBLISHER: Lyons and Burford Publishers, For any gardener who needs information -- and that is every gardener -- this is the essential book. Contains over five thousand sources for every aspect of horticulture imaginable, from greenhouses to gardening Web sites.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: The Gardener's Sourcebook
Teaching Literacy Using Information Technology: A Collection

Teaching Literacy Using Information Technology: A Collection

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hancock, Joelie, PUBLISHER: International Reading Association, This book provides valuable insight into the pros and cons of instituting and using information technology (IT) in the classroom. Learn how to establish acceptable-use policies for principals and administrators, select and purchase appropriate software and CD-ROM products, coordinate computer access among students, train teachers, and maintain parents' cooperation and involvement. An excellent source of background information about technology use and practical advice for teachers.

Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor Air Pollution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Leslie, G. B. / Lunau, F. W., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ndoor Air Pollution addresses the problems arising from pollutants that all too commonly contaminate the indoor environment, including biological sources such as bacteria, fungi and molds, common combustion products, radon and other sources of radiation, solvents used in industry and the home, asbestos and dust pollution. The aim is to provide a balanced account of the health risks associated with these major pollutants and to quantify the scale of the problem on a pollution-by-pollution basis. Each chapter covers exposure levels, sources of pollution, and routes of uptake, health effects, control measures, and regulatory guidelines.

Offerte relazionate information sources in finance and banking: Indoor Air Pollution
The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liu, Lewis-Guodo, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Since that time, the literature on the Internet and its impact on and role in libraries and research has exploded. A simple keyword search in " Library Literature and Information Index," a primary electronic index of library and information science research literature, retrieves over items related to the Internet. The dominance of the Internet not only provides great opportunities for libraries to provide better services, but also poses tremendous challenges to librarians and library and information science scholars. This volume includes discussions of current issues and trends, written by scholars and practitioners in the fields of library and information science, computer science, and computer engineering.
