in defense of science why scientific literacy matters

In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters

In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spellman, Frank R. / Price-Bayer, Joni, PUBLISHER: Government Institutes, Today, only a few people outside of the scientific community are conversant with the tradition of science and its many breakthroughs. The rest are scientifically illiterate. So say Frank R. Spellman and Joni Price-Bayer, authors of In Defense of Science: Why Scientific Literacy Matters. This book explains why ordinary citizens need to have an understanding of science, its methods, and its groundbreaking discoveries. The authors introduce the most basic scientific concepts in accessible and straightforward language. Along the way they debunk several misconceptions of science and scientists, and arrive at a view of science as an integral part of society, policy, and everyday life. The book begins with an introduction to science and its basic concepts, including a brief and entertaining history of science and scientific discoveries, before taking on current views of science in society. It surveys the many sources of our ideas of science, including pop culture, classics of literature, news media, and political discourse. Much of the information from these sources tends to mislead, and the only way to guard against such misinformation is to become scientifically literate, and promote scientific literacy in society. The book therefore delves into the reasons that so many people do not understand basic scientific principles and do not keep up with scientific breakthroughs, and finishes by examining the current state of science education. It includes many resources for further reading, and is presented in an engaging and entertaining way. It offers much food for thought for anyone concerned with science in today's world.

Drifting Continents and Shifting Theories: The Modern

Drifting Continents and Shifting Theories: The Modern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Le Grand, H. E., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This innovative book uses the story of how a modern science achieved its present shape and focus to introduce the question of the nature of scientific change and its philosophical analysis. The "modern revolution in geology" of the s and s saw the triumph of the global theory of plate tectonics, and decisive turning point in fifty years' controversy and competition first sparked in by Wegener's proposal of continenta drift. Here, Professor Le Grand interweaves a history of this episode of scientific change with reflective discussions of its historical, philosophical, and social circumstances, and of the development of science more generally. The approach of the book is exploratory; the reader is encouraged to be an active participant--to use the historical narrative to understand and criticize some of the more recent, influential ideas about science and scientists, to draw conclusions, and especially to pose questions about how and why changes occur in scientific knowledge and practice.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Drifting Continents and Shifting Theories: The Modern
Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental

Scientific Knowledge: Discovery of Nature or Mental

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Settanni, Harry, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, This book defends the constructivist view of science, namely, the view that scientific theories are mental constructions in the mind of the scientist, rather than the realist view that scientific theories are accounts of what nature itself is like. To prove this point, evolution theory is contrasted with "creation science" as two paradigms or extremely divergent theories, each of which, as a mental construct, explains the data or facts of the natural world equally well. Contents: Realism vs. Constructivism; Meaning and Reference in the Natural Sciences; The Role of Paradigm in the Creationism Controversy; Science As Mental Construction.

Decolonizing Literacy: Mexican Lives in the Era of Global

Decolonizing Literacy: Mexican Lives in the Era of Global

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregorio Hernandez Zamora, PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters, NA

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Decolonizing Literacy: Mexican Lives in the Era of Global
Applying Scientific Reasoning to the Field of Marketing:

Applying Scientific Reasoning to the Field of Marketing:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grapentine, Terry, PUBLISHER: Business Expert Press, Marketing decisions often misfire when driven more by beliefs than knowledge. Make Better Marketing Decisions: Lessons from the Philosophy of Science, guides readers on how to think more clearly and correctly when making these decisions, thereby increasing organizational success. The book is based on the field of epistemology--the study of how knowledge is created--within the philosophy of science. Epistemology is a difficult subject with its own vocabulary and concepts that are often esoteric and considered too academic for marketing decision makers and researchers to apply. Consequently, the first sections of the book disabuse this notion by explaining why incorporating a scientific way of viewing the world and the scientific method is actually a practical way to make better decisions. These introductory chapters transition into a more formal discussion of philosophy of science, epistemology, and why marketing is a social science as opposed to merely an art or a practice, like medicine or engineering. The main body of the book then guides the reader through selected lessons from the philosophy of science to improve decision making. Example topics are (1) applying scientific reasoning to decision making, (2) differentiating between symptoms vs. causes of consumer behavior, and (3) understanding the importance of theory development in translating information into understanding. The book concludes by identifying the necessary conditions for applying philosophy of science's lessons to decision making and how to strike the proper balance between (1) allocating resources for knowledge creation, and (2) managing the day-to-day realities of running a business.

The Multiliteracies Classroom. Kathy A. Mills

The Multiliteracies Classroom. Kathy A. Mills

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mills, Kathy A., PUBLISHER: Multilingual Matters Limited, The Multiliteracies Classroom gives an accessible account of the challenges and rewards of engaging students in literacy learning through multimedia design. It paints a vivid picture of what multiliteracies can look like in a culturally diverse classroom. The first research of its kind, it applies key themes of critical sociology to multiliteracies, inspiring educators to envisage the changing shape of literacy research.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: The Multiliteracies Classroom. Kathy A. Mills
Weird Science: A Conflatation of Art and Science

Weird Science: A Conflatation of Art and Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hofmann, Irene / Grabner, Michelle / Wittkopp, Gregory, PUBLISHER: Cranbrook Art Museum, Art meets science -- and engages the recent controversies of science studies -- in work by contemporary artists Mark Dion, Gregory Green, Margaret Honda, and Andrea Zittel. Using scientific language, strategies and protocols, each of these projects focuses on a different area of exploration (natural science, nuclear physics, zoology, and genetic engineering), and investigates the influence, authority, and effects of science. David Wilson, Director of the Museum of Jurassic Technology, writes on the 17th century scholar, inventor, curator, and early progenitor of 'weird science', Athanasius Kircher; exhibition curator Irene Hofmann places these works into the context of each artist's career.

Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and

Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ben-David, Joseph, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, A pioneer and major thinker in the sociology of science, Joseph Ben-David wrote with refreshing directness on questions central to the history and sociology of science. As they are combined here, Ben-David's essays reveal the richness and synthetic power of his intellect in a way his separate publications never did. Two themes form the heart of Ben-David's ground-breaking work: the emergence, existence, and growth of science as a distinctive activity within society, governed by a specific "scientific ethos"; and the social construction both of new objects of scientific study and of new scientific disciplines. Ben-David argues that only where the scientist's social role is institutionalized (i.e., recognized as legitimate by society at large), can science as a sustained and continuous activity exist and thrive. By the same token, new scientific objects and disciplines emerge where social circumstances encourage and sustain new ("hybridized") social roles. Ben-David's is a distinctly historical sociology of science, providing a theoretical framework capable of integrating both the historical and the synchronic approaches; it is also complementary to the perspective of the sociology of scientific knowledge.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Scientific Growth: Essays on the Social Organization and
America Matters: Why We Should Care!

America Matters: Why We Should Care!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buthman, James Douglas, PUBLISHER:, America Matters blends history with current political reality to re-awaken our civic spirit and revitalize a broad and inclusive patriotism. It clearly stresses the significance of dialogue and examines the vitality and impact of the United States.

Collection of Papers on Soil Science of the Estonian

Collection of Papers on Soil Science of the Estonian

Collection of Papers on Soil Science of the Estonian Agricultural Academy No. 49 Copertina flessibile รขโ‚ฌ" Copertina flessibile Editore: Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations () Euro 30

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Collection of Papers on Soil Science of the Estonian
Nature's Fireworks: A Book about Lightning

Nature's Fireworks: A Book about Lightning

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sherman, Josepha / Wesley, Omarr, PUBLISHER: Picture Window Books, The dance of snowflakes. The patter of rain. Find out why the sky acts as it does in these eye-pleasing books that are perfect for the emergent reader. This series is aligned with the standard, "The Physical Setting: The Earth" as required by Benchmarks for Science Literacy: Project .

Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Nigel / Hall Nigel / Robinson, Anne, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, The second edition of this text shows how play and literacy can combine to help young children develop a more complete understanding of writing, as well as literacy more generally. In addition to discussing the implications of the new Guidance for the Foundation Stage, the authors use more recent research to extend the discussion of how and why play and literacy work together so powerfully, and provide further advice on planning and developing effective experiences. Early years practitioners should find that this book helps them to focus on the development of literacy knowledge and skills.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second
Literacy Primer

Literacy Primer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blake, Brett Elizabeth / Blake, Robert W., PUBLISHER: Lang, Peter, Publishing Inc., The Literacy Primer is devoted to the most recent topics in literacy studies, such as the meanings of literacy, the invention of alphabetic writing, a history of reading, the consequences of literacy, teaching the two modes of knowing - literary and informational- and literacy for diverse learners. Each chapter includes a glossary of key terms for students new to the field. A list of selected resources and further readings is provided at the end of the volume. The book is written in a refreshingly straightforward style that is inviting to undergraduate students who might otherwise have difficulty learning about the subject.

Franceschi, Crepaldi, et al. Aging and Cellular Defense

Franceschi, Crepaldi, et al. Aging and Cellular Defense

Libro Franceschi, Crepaldi, Cristofalo, Vijg. Aging and Cellular Defense Mechanisms. Annals N.Y. Academy of Science vol , pag 526 con numerose figure. Nuovo.Inclusa spedizione come piego di libri.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Franceschi, Crepaldi, et al. Aging and Cellular Defense
War and Self-Defense

War and Self-Defense

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rodin, David, PUBLISHER: Clarendon Press, When is it right to go to war? The most persuasive answer to this question has always been 'in self-defense'. In a penetrating new analysis, bringing together moral philosophy, political science, and law, David Rodin shows what's wrong with this answer. He proposes a comprehensive new theory of the right of self-defense which resolves many of the perplexing questions that have dogged both jurists and philosophers.

The Science Question in Feminism

The Science Question in Feminism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harding, Sandra, PUBLISHER: Cornell University Press, Can science, steeped in Western, masculine, bourgeois endeavors, nevertheless be used for emancipatory ends? In this major contribution to the debate over the role gender plays in the scientific enterprise, Sandra Harding pursues that question, challenging the intellectual and social foundations of scientific thought.Harding provides the first comprehensive and critical survey of the feminist science critiques, and examines inquiries into the androcentricism that has endured since the birth of modern science. Harding critiques three epistemological approaches: feminist empiricism, which identifies only bad science as the problem; the feminist standpoint, which holds that women's social experience provides a unique starting point for discovering masculine bias in science; and feminist postmodernism, which disputes the most basic scientific assumptions. She points out the tensions among these stances and the inadequate concepts that inform their analyses, yet maintains that the critical discourse they foster is vital to the quest for a science informed by emancipatory morals and politics. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: The Science Question in Feminism
Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science

Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gatti, Hilary, PUBLISHER: Cornell University Press, The Renaissance philosopher Giordano Bruno was a notable supporter of the new science that arose during his lifetime; his role in its development has been debated ever since the early seventeenth century. Hilary Gatti here reevaluates Bruno's contribution to the scientific revolution, in the process challenging the view that now dominates Bruno criticism among English-language scholars. Gatti reinstates Bruno as a scientific thinker and occasional investigator of considerable significance and power whose work participates in the excitement aroused by the new science and its methods. Her original research emphasizes the importance of Bruno's links to the magnetic philosophers, from Ficino to Gilbert; Bruno's reading and extension of Copernicus's work on the motions of the earth; the importance of Bruno's mathematics; and his work on the art of memory seen as a picture logic, which she examines in the light of the crises of visualization in present-day science. She concludes by emphasizing Bruno's ethics of scientific discovery. Acquista Ora

Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology

Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomas, Peggy, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This exciting young adult set brings the latest scientific advances right from the laboratory to the library. It makes information about science and technology readily available to young people in basic terms they can understand. Highlights include: -- The history of the particular science or technology, including its key inventors, researchers, and pioneers -- A description of a particular science or technology, introducing its basic concepts and terms -- Applications to everyday life -- A discussion of the future of the science or technology, including both the advantages and the potential negative effect on human life and the environment.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Talking Bones: The Science of Forensic Anthropology
Milkweed Bugs

Milkweed Bugs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schaffer, Donna / Landon, Theodore / Kitto, William, PUBLISHER: Bridgestone Books, Brilliant, close-up photography illustrates the life cycles of various invertebrates. Easy-to-read text explains the intriguing details of each stage of development. The insects featured in this series are those often studied in classroom science projects in the primary grades. This series explores and supports the standard "The Living Environment: Flow of Matter and Energy," as required by Benchmarks for Science Literacy: Project .

Department of defense

Department of defense

Vendo libro" Department of Defense" dictionary of military and associate the terms.the joint chiefs of staff Washington D.C. June .PAGINE libro รฉ in ottime condizioni.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: Department of defense
Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Loehle, Craig, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Scientific research requires both innovation and attention to detail, clever breakthroughs and routine procedures. This indispensable guide gives students and researchers across all scientific disciplines practical advice on how to succeed. All types of scientific careers are discussed, from those in industry and academia to consulting, with emphasis on how scientists spend their time and the skills that are needed to be productive. Strategic thinking, creativity and problem-solving, the central keys to success in research, are all explored. The reader is shown how to enhance the creative process in science, how one goes about making discoveries, putting together the solution to a complex problem and then testing the solution obtained. The social dimension of science is also discussed from the development and execution of a scientific research program to publishing papers, as well as issues of ethics and science policy.

The Moral Capital of Leaders

The Moral Capital of Leaders

Alejo Jose G. Sison The Moral Capital of Leaders: Why Virtue Matters (New Horizons in Leadership Studies Series) Edward Elgar Publishing nuovo

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: The Moral Capital of Leaders
Facilitating Preschool Literacy

Facilitating Preschool Literacy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Campbell, Robin, PUBLISHER: International Reading Association, The contributors to this volume -- representing Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and including both university educators and preschool teachers -- present ways to provide for, support, and guide children as they gain a greater understanding of reading and writing. The book considers the notion of children constructing literacy, looks at literacy in the context of the home and family, and looks more directly at literacy learning in preschool settings. The chapters discuss the role of parents and caregivers in supporting a child's literacy development, then explain how the preschool educator can build on and continue to link with the home literacy provision.

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Douglass, James W., PUBLISHER: Touchstone Books, Historian James Douglass proves not only that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, but more importantly (for the first time) explains WHY.

Offerte relazionate in defense of science why scientific literacy matters: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, William Fortune, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, This text, an expanded and rearranged version of Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, 2/e, is appropriate for a first course in materials science and engineering for engineering students.
