imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern

Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern

Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hood, Jason B., PUBLISHER: IVP Academic, Should we imitate Jesus? Some Christians answer with a cheerful "Yes," seeing it as the sum of the Christian life. Others believe we should rely on the work of Christ alone, throwing off any hint of the moralism or "works righteousness" they associate with imitating Jesus. Jason Hood takes us on a tour of what the Bible has to say about imitating Jesus. He draws our attention to what Paul told the Corinthians he taught "everywhere in every church." And after following the theme throughout the New Testament, he looks at it from a historical and contemporary perspective. The result is the recovery of a biblical pattern, and a challenge and corrective to embracing moralism on one side and fearing moralism on the other. Here is a reliable theological foundation for imitating Jesus today, one that reshapes our thinking and challenges us in our discipleship.

Forgiveness: Experiencing God's Mercy

Forgiveness: Experiencing God's Mercy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MC Alear, Richard, PUBLISHER: Winepress Publishing, Fr. McAlear provides a fresh look at the biblical command, forgiveness. He explains with great clarity how as followers of Christ we are obliged to forgive and how in doing so, we are true Christian disciples. Forgiveness is not an option, but a way of living. It is not a feeling but a choice. We choose to extend forgiveness to others as Christ has forgiven us. Fr. McAlear asks us to face past hurts and search our hearts to see if we hold any unforgivenss towards others and maybe even towards God himself. He challenges us to look at ourselves and forgive ourselves. We open ourselves to Christ's wholeness and healing by extending and receiving forgiveness.

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: Forgiveness: Experiencing God's Mercy
Knowing the Will of God

Knowing the Will of God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Waltke, Bruce / MacGregor, Jerry, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, Discerning God's will can be a frustrating guessing game, but Drs. Waltke and MacGregor explore the biblical definition of "God's will" and give readers a practical, multistep process to better understand God's purpose for life.

An Adult Christ at Christmas Essays on the Three Biblical

An Adult Christ at Christmas Essays on the Three Biblical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Raymond E Brown, PUBLISHER: Liturgical Press, NA Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: An Adult Christ at Christmas Essays on the Three Biblical


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Witmer, John / Swindoll, Charles R., PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, John Witmer presents the almighty Son of God as a living, breathing, incarnate man. He shows us a full picture of the Christ in four distinct phases: the Son of God before he became man, the divine suffering man on Earth, the glorified and ascended Christ, and the coming King.

Who Will Be Saved?: Defending the Biblical Understanding of

Who Will Be Saved?: Defending the Biblical Understanding of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: House, Paul R. / Thornbury, Greg A., PUBLISHER: Crossway Books, Of the many doctrinal challenges facing the church today, the most critical may be opposition to the traditional, biblical view of God and the doctrine of salvation. For centuries Christians agreed that God is sovereign, that He does not change, that He is both kind and all-powerful. Yet in recent decades process theologians have regularly depicted God as a constantly evolving deity, and postmodernists have defined Him in diverse, even contradictory ways. A number of scholars--some with evangelical roots or affiliations--have even gone so far as to claim that salvation may come through other religions and not exclusively through a conscious personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Given these internal and external challenges, evangelical Christianity must reassert the inerrant, biblical definition of God and the doctrine of salvation, and do so in a way that is convincing in our postmodern setting. That is the goal of Who Will Be Saved? Some of the most significant figures in evangelical theology--including Carl F.H. Henry, D. A. Carson, and R. Albert Mohler--explore the traditional view of salvation through a contemporary lens, beginning with the doctrine of God as the author of salvation. They then move on to the pressing matters confronting Christians today--the exclusivity of Christianity, the work of the church, our evangelism strategies--that are driven by one's conclusions about the doctrine of God. The biblical response to inclusivist perspectives presented here will empower Christians to faithfully and convincingly continue declaring the gospel message in these postmodern times.

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: Who Will Be Saved?: Defending the Biblical Understanding of
God's Call

God's Call

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Finney, Charles Grandison, PUBLISHER: Whitaker House, Nothing in the world can hold you back from experiencing the fullness of life that God has for you. Let Finney show you how you can "come into such communion with Christ that His power and presence and fullness will flow through your heart fully and freely". Christ will be your source of everlasting life and joy.

The Name of the (Anti-Christ) Beast and 666 Identification

The Name of the (Anti-Christ) Beast and 666 Identification

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franklin, Frederick E., PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, This book is an addition to our book, "The Name of the (Anti-Christ) Beast." In that book, we provided you with the name of the (Anti-Christ) Beast and how the person that we named fits the description given to us in the Holy Bible. We also said in that book that God had told us who the (Anti-Christ) Beast was at least twenty times. That book was produced from Chapter 1 of our second book. The title of our second book is "What God Is Now Telling His Prophets About The End Times." As of December, , we know of only two others that God has revealed who the (Anti-Christ) Beast is. We believe that one of those who told us that God had shown him who the (Anti-Christ) Beast is was an angel. For very many years, theologians and so-called prophecy teachers have diligently tried to figure out who the (Anti-Christ) Beast is. For those of you who do not understand, the so-called Anti-Christ is who the Holy Bible refers to as a man that will, during a period in the near future, reign over the entire earth. This time is the (3) three and one half year period of the Great Tribulation. He will be worshipped as God, but he will be Satan that has possessed an evil man that desired to be worshipped as God. All will worship this devil except God's people that will endure until the end, those that will be in the rapture.

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: The Name of the (Anti-Christ) Beast and 666 Identification
Finding Peace in God

Finding Peace in God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, PUBLISHER: Whitaker House, For those who want a close relationship with God, Spurgeon discusses what God has promised in His Word to wholehearted seekers. The promises of the Scriptures will cause your fears and doubts to dissolve as you are directed to the greatest reward of all: unbroken communion with Christ.

Biblical Repository and Classical Review

Biblical Repository and Classical Review

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: American Biblical Repository, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: Biblical Repository and Classical Review
The Gift of Apostle: A Biblical Look at Apostleship and How

The Gift of Apostle: A Biblical Look at Apostleship and How

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cannestrachi, David / Cannistraci, David, PUBLISHER: Hunter Publishing (NJ), Did the spiritual office of apostle cease with the early Church? What does the Bible say about the continuation of this little understood but fascinating gift? Dr. David Cannistraci has produced the first definitive book on the subject of modern-day apostleship (those gifted especially to plant, nurture and mobilize groups of churches in Christ-directed networks of Kingdom ministry). The Gift of Apostle provides a carefully constructed and thorough biblical rationale.for the continuing presence of this gift today. God is not only raising up apostles, but a movement of ordinary people who are apostolic -- Christians who are dynamically involved in active, bold ministry that focuses on the planting and nurturing of churches and productive ministry.

God Will Bless You

God Will Bless You

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, PUBLISHER: Whitaker House, Some of the most comforting words a Christian could possibly hear from God are, "I want to bless you." Christ's teaching shows us that we can come to Him as we are--in need, mourning, oppressed, or hungering--and He will bless us. In Charles Spurgeon's revealing exploration of Scripture, you will learn to receive God's comfort, develop a gentle spirit, inherit the earth, find contentment, and see God more clearly. God has an excellent benefits package for His children. Discover the way to receive the rich treasures God wants you to have

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: God Will Bless You
Surrender: The Heart God Controls

Surrender: The Heart God Controls

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: DeMoss, Nancy Leigh / Cymbala, Jim, PUBLISHER: Moody Publishers, All to Jesus I surrender. I surrender all.' The famous hymn of the faith describes the exact starting point for becoming a true disciple of Christ: total surrender of self. Nancy Leigh DeMoss knows that God desires a heart willing to unconditionally surrender everything to Him. In this new book, Nancy encourages readers to lay it all down before the King, making the difficult, yet rewarding choice to become a slave of Jesus Christ, in a never-ending loving relationship with Him.

jesus christ

jesus christ

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Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: jesus christ
A Life of Prayer: Faith and Passion for God Alone

A Life of Prayer: Faith and Passion for God Alone

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Houston, James M. / Saint Teresa of Avila / Berg, Clayton L., PUBLISHER: Bethany House Publishers, A Classics of Faith and Devotion Book that invites Christians to enrich their interior lives with the presence of Christ -- to experience God in all things of life through prayer.

Water Baptism: The Revelation of Truth

Water Baptism: The Revelation of Truth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Daniel Sr, Howard, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, One of the most segregating topics among today's Christian churches is the subject of Water Baptism. Far too often we who serve the same God and Father of the Lord Jesus find it difficult to commune in brotherly love as a result of our differences. Water Baptism: the Revelation of Truth is a personal testimony of one individual's experience in seeking biblical truth in the biblical administration of water baptism. After prayer, fasting and in-depth study with scriptural validation the author shares the revelation he personally experienced. Through the unique use of a personal testimony this book provides a non threatening, unbiased and impartial documentation of biblical water baptism.

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: Water Baptism: The Revelation of Truth
Christ, B.C.: Becoming Closer Friends with the Hidden Christ

Christ, B.C.: Becoming Closer Friends with the Hidden Christ

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Myers, Bill, PUBLISHER: Regal Books, Jesus Himself taught what the early Scriptures had to say concerning Him and His coming. This daily devotional and companion youth-group study explore the wondrous character of Christ as revealed in the Old Testament.

Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar

vendo film Jesus Christ Superstar per inutilizzo condizioni pari al nuovo versione originale

Offerte relazionate imitating god in christ recapturing biblical pattern: Jesus Christ Superstar
JESUS CHRIST superstar

JESUS CHRIST superstar

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JESUS Christ superstar

JESUS Christ superstar

JESUS Christ superstar opera completa 2 cd originali in ottime condizioni vendo a 10 euro.

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Jesus Christ superstar opera completa, 2 cd originali in ottime condizioni vendo a 10 euro.

JESUS Christ superstar

JESUS Christ superstar

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God of War PS3

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Reading the Hebrew Bible After the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust

Reading the Hebrew Bible After the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sweeney, Marvin A., PUBLISHER: Fortress Press, Is theology possible after the Shoah? Marvin Sweeney challenges biblical theologians to take that question with utmost seriousness. Sweeney examines often ignored biblical texts where ancient Israel contemplated the problem of apparent divine absence and "divine evil," and finds the perspective of post-Holocaust theology an indispensable interpretive resource. In biblical stories like those of Abraham, Moses, Jeroboam, Manasseh, Josiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Esther, Job, and more, Sweeney finds the recognition "that human beings cannot always depend upon God to act to ensure righteousness in the world." The insistence, common among Holocaust theologians, that human beings must assume their own responsibility for doing justice and righteousness in the world is, Sweeney argues, powerfully present already in the Bible itself. This book is an important contribution to modern biblical theology and to Holocaust theology as well.
