The Future of African Customary Law
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fenrich, Jeanmarie / Galizzi, Paolo / Higgins, Tracy E., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Customary ong>lawong>s and traditional institutions in Africa constitute comprehensive legal systems that regulate ong>ong>theong>ong> entire spectrum ong>ong>ofong>ong> activities from birth to death. Once ong>ong>theong>ong> sole source ong>ong>ofong>ong> ong>lawong>, customary rules now exist in ong>ong>theong>ong> context ong>ong>ofong>ong> pluralist legal systems with competing bodies ong>ong>ofong>ong> domestic constitutional ong>lawong>, statutory ong>lawong>, common ong>lawong>, and international human rights treaties. ong>ong>Theong>ong> Future ong>ong>ofong>ong> African Customary ong>Lawong> is intended to promote discussion and understanding ong>ong>ofong>ong> customary ong>lawong> and to explore its continued relevance in sub-Saharan Africa. This volume considers ong>ong>theong>ong> characteristics ong>ong>ofong>ong> customary ong>lawong> and efforts to ascertain and codify customary ong>lawong>, and how this body ong>ong>ofong>ong> ong>lawong> differs in content, form, and status from legislation and common ong>lawong>. It also addresses a number ong>ong>ofong>ong> substantive areas ong>ong>ofong>ong> customary ong>lawong> including ong>ong>theong>ong> role and power ong>ong>ofong>ong> traditional authorities; customary criminal ong>lawong>; customary land tenure, property rights, and intestate succession; and ong>ong>theong>ong> relationship between customary ong>lawong>, human rights, and gender equality.