high arctic extreme science environmental research from the

High Arctic Extreme Science: Environmental Research from the

High Arctic Extreme Science: Environmental Research from the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: France, Robert L., PUBLISHER: Green Frigate Books, Recalling a time when polar expeditions were equal parts adventure and academic discovery, this book pays tribute to the Trans-Ellesmere Island ski expedition, the first human-powered, non-Inuit, lengthwise crossing of one of the largest islands in the High Arctic. Since the expedition, the observations and measurements from the trek have produced more than a dozen groundbreaking articles on environmental contamination, wildlife distribution, and garbage littering. These studies--together with previously unpublished research findings and with many astounding photographs--are collected under a single cover for the first time.

Deregulation in the European Union

Deregulation in the European Union

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Collier, Ute, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Deregulation in the European Union" examines the environmental implications of economic deregulation through case studies of energy, transport and water sectors, and discusses options for deregulation, such as self-regulation, negotiated agreements and environmental management systems. This book represents the most up-to-date research from Europe on environmental deregulation. It also covers more general issues, including links between regulation, environmental protection and competitiveness, and the importance of better availability of environmental information.

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Yes - tales from topographic oceans

Yes - tales from topographic oceans

Titolo [Tales From Topographic Oceans] Artista/i [Yes] Traccie [A The Revealing Science Of God (Dance Of The Dawn) B The Remembering (High The Memory) C The Ancient (Giants Under The Sun) D Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil)] (cod. I_)

Understanding GIS: The ARC/INFO Method (PC Version)

Understanding GIS: The ARC/INFO Method (PC Version)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Environmental Systems Research Institute / ESRI Press / Environmental Systems Research Institute, PUBLISHER: ESRI Press, This workbook, designed primarily for beginners, uses hands-on exercises to teach the basics of GIS in the context of completing an ARC/INFO software project.

Offerte relazionate high arctic extreme science environmental research from the: Understanding GIS: The ARC/INFO Method (PC Version)
Access to Research Data in the 21st Century: An Ongoing

Access to Research Data in the 21st Century: An Ongoing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tolbert, La Verne / Science Technology and Law Panel / National Research Council, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, In the years since the Shelby Amendment, scientists, industry, and policy makers have struggled over how the public's new right of access should be applied to scientific data. There is loose agreement that research data should be accessible, but wide disagreement over the "depth" to which the public has such a right. The National Academies' Science, Technology, and Law Program held a workshop to explore the mounting tensions in the federal regulatory process between the need to provide access to research data and the need to protect the integrity of the research process. The workshop provided a picture of the debate arising from passage of the Shelby Amendment and the resulting OMB revisions of Circular A-110. This report is a summary of the workshop.

Introduction to Operations Research

Introduction to Operations Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hillier, Frederick S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, The 8th edition of" Introduction to Operations Research" remains the classic operations research text while incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of modern OR topics. The hallmark features of this edition include solid coverage of fundamentals and state-of-the-practice operations research software used in conjunction with examples from the text. This edition will also feature the latest developments in OR, such as metaheuristics, simulation, and spreadsheet modeling.

Offerte relazionate high arctic extreme science environmental research from the: Introduction to Operations Research
Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

Becoming a Successful Scientist: Strategic Thinking for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Loehle, Craig, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Scientific research requires both innovation and attention to detail, clever breakthroughs and routine procedures. This indispensable guide gives students and researchers across all scientific disciplines practical advice on how to succeed. All types of scientific careers are discussed, from those in industry and academia to consulting, with emphasis on how scientists spend their time and the skills that are needed to be productive. Strategic thinking, creativity and problem-solving, the central keys to success in research, are all explored. The reader is shown how to enhance the creative process in science, how one goes about making discoveries, putting together the solution to a complex problem and then testing the solution obtained. The social dimension of science is also discussed from the development and execution of a scientific research program to publishing papers, as well as issues of ethics and science policy.

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, MacKenzie L. / Masten, Susan J., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science by Mackenzie Davis and Susan Masten is intended for a course in introductory environmental engineering for sophomore- or junior-level students. The emphasis of this new text is on engineering principles rather than on engineering design. The concept of mass balance is carried throughout the text as a tool for problem solving, and the text boasts extensive coverage of chemistry, biology, and hydrology than other books have. The chemistry review in Chapter 2 and coverage of ethics will aid students in better understanding the engineering topics presented in the book.

Offerte relazionate high arctic extreme science environmental research from the: Prinicples of Environmental Engineering and Science
Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise

Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawxhurst, Joan C., PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, Fulfills the standards: "Science as Inquiry" and "Life Science" from the National Science Education Standards for Grades 5-8.

Major Award Decisionmaking at the National Science

Major Award Decisionmaking at the National Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: National Academy of Engineering / Institute of Medicine / Panel on Nsf Decisionmaking for Major Awards, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, As part of its mission to foster high-quality scientific and engineering research, the National Science Foundation (NSF) plans, grants, and administers major awards to universities and other research institutions for national research facilities, multidisciplinary research centers, and other large-scale research projects. Although few in number, less than 100, such projects account for about 30 percent of NSF's annual research budget. This book provides a useful overview of how such projects are planned, reviews proposals for merit, and evaluates ongoing projects for renewal awards. The panel makes a series of recommendations for strengthening major award decisionmaking.

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New Technology-Based Firms in the s

New Technology-Based Firms in the s

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oakey, R. / During, W. / Mukhtar, S. M., PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing, The selected papers in this volume bear witness to a maturing of High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) research. In the past, HTSF research has produced some solid findings, but also several paradoxes: shedding more light on the unintended and paradoxical effects of technology developments regarding HTSFs is now one of the aims of research in this field, and an observed change in the focus of the research agenda is reflected in this book. Although many of the topics have also been covered in earlier volumes, a gradual shift from descriptive case or survey studies to more explanatory studies, with an objective of understanding the processes that drive HTSF development, now becomes apparent. Researchers from different backgrounds increasingly strive to apply and integrate theoretical traditions that focus on the individual firm, regional and wider environmental levels. As a result of this shift, topics such as financing, internationalisation or firm development are viewed more from a perspective of networking and cooperation, or of development and growth. The understanding of how to promote cooperation and networking will probably remain on the HTSF research agenda for some years to come; the development and growth processes of HTSFs, within the context of clusters and networks, will also be high on the agenda in the next decade.

Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural

Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fortmann, Louise, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, "Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural Livelihoods": "Doing Science Together" starts from the understanding that all people create knowledge and that the creation of sustainable livelihoods and of conditions that protect and sustain rural ecosystems are interrelated. Here local experts and professional researchers write independently about the participatory research processes through which they created new knowledge together. They demonstrate that interdependent science can produce more accurate and locally appropriate data, while frankly addressing persisting issues such as unequal power, whose knowledge and what ways of knowing count, whose voice can be heard or appear in print, and other dilemmas of this practice. Conservation scientists and practitioners will both benefit from reading this book. First book to examine community participatory research techniques that focuses on conservation aims Unique book in that it is written from the perspective of participating community volunteers and researching scientists Part of the prestigious Conservation Science and Practice series published in association with the Zoological Society of London ""Participatory Research in Conservation and Rural Livelihoods" is brilliant, passionate, and inspiring..." Richa Nagar, University of Minnesota, co-author of "Playing with Fire"

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Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles

Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brewer, John / Hunter, Albert, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Drawing from authors John Brewer and Albert Hunter's original work published in , when single method research was the standard, this new text offers an explanation of how a planned synthesis of various research techniques such as fieldwork, surveys, experiments, and nonreactive studies can be purposely used to improve social science knowledge. Foundations of Multimethod Research: Synthesizing Styles explores the many aspects of the multimethod research approach, including the formulation of research problems, data collection, sampling and generalization, measurement, reliability and validity, hyposthesis testing and causal analysis, and writing and publicizing results.

Houses for Science: A Pictorial History of Cold Spring

Houses for Science: A Pictorial History of Cold Spring

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Watson, Elizabeth L. / Watson, James D., PUBLISHER: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Houses for Science traces the unique architectural and scientific evolution of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory from whaling village, to "summer camp" for biologists, to world-renowned research and educational institution. Situated on Long Island's fabled North Shore, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has a one-hundred-year heritage of superlative basic research in genetics and an architectural patrimony that spans nearly two centuries. In Houses for Science architectural historian Elizabeth Watson skillfully integrates the fascinating story of the construction and preservation of this village of science with a chronological account of the history of the Laboratory and the fundamental discoveries made here. Augmenting this account are essays by Nobel laureate James D. Watson on the key advances made in genetics research during the Laboratory's first one hundred years.

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Formula Handbook for Environmental Engineers and Scientists

Formula Handbook for Environmental Engineers and Scientists

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bitton / Bitton, Gabriel, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, Because your success begins with the right formula. Finding the right formula is an essential part of environmental engineering and research. However, consulting the literature of the many disciplines that affect your work can be a time-consuming, inefficient, and often difficult process. Not any more The Formula Handbook brings together in a single volume the most popular and useful formulas covering biological/biochemical processes in natural and engineered systems--saving hours of valuable research time. Compiled from select journals, review articles, and books, the Formula Handbook is an indispensable one-stop reference for today's busy environmental engineer or scientist. The Handbook is arranged alphabetically, making information easy to find. In addition to the formulas themselves, entries include: * An introduction to the topic * Definition of terms * Numerical values * Tables and figures * References

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

Everyday Thoughts about Nature: A Worldview Investigation of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cobern, William W. / Cobern, W. W., PUBLISHER: Springer, The primary goal of Everday Thoughts about Nature is to understand how typical ninth-grade students and their science teachers think about Nature or the natural world, and how their thoughts are related to science. In pursuing this goal, the book raises a basic question about the purpose of science education for the public. Should science education seek to educate scientific thinkers' in the pattern of science teachers? Or, should science education seek to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives? By carefully examining the ideas about Nature held by a group of students and their science teachers, Cobern argues that the purpose of science education for the public is to foster sound science learning within the matrices of various cultural perspectives'. Cobern's two books, World View Theory and Science Education Research and now Everyday Thoughts about Nature, provide complementary accounts of theoretical and empirical foundations for worldview theory in science education. While many graduate students and researchers have benefited from his earlier work, many more will continue to benefit from this book.

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Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace

Science Fiction Cinema: From Outerspace to Cyberspace

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: King, Geoff / Krzywinska, Tanya / Siegel, Geoff, PUBLISHER: Wallflower Press, This book charts the dimensions of one of the most popular genres in the cinema. From lurid comic-book blockbusters to dark dystopian visions, science fiction is seen as both a powerful cultural barometer of our times and the product of particular industrial and commercial frameworks. The authors outline the major themes of the genre, from representations of the mad scientist and computer hacker to the relationship between science fiction and postmodernism, exploring issues such as the meaning of special effects and the influence of science fiction cinema on the entertainment media of the digital age. Over one hundred films are discussed and the book concludes with an extensive case study of "Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace."

Political Science: The Science of Politics

Political Science: The Science of Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weisberg, Herbert F., PUBLISHER: Agathon Press, Twelve essays adapted from papers originally given at the Lasswell Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Political Association.

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A Source Book of European Community Environmental Law

A Source Book of European Community Environmental Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Macrory, Richard / Hollins, Steve, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The proliferation of books and articles dealing with environmental law is making the work of a researcher increasingly difficult. This helpful compilation of bibliographical data, the most comprehensive sourcebook currently available, will greatly assist anyone looking for information about what is published on the subject in all the languages of the European Community. It will be an indispensable research tool for environmental law specialists.

Green Households: Domestic Consumers, the Environment and

Green Households: Domestic Consumers, the Environment and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Noorman, Klaas J. / Uiterkamp, Ton S., PUBLISHER: Earthscan Publications, Households are one of the main sources of waste and of other environmental impacts. Yet most attention to date has focused on the effects of business and industry, rather than on domestic consumption of goods, energy and resources and their resulting outputs.Green Households? is the first book to concentrate on this vital but neglected sector. Drawing on empirical research largely from The Netherlands, it takes households as consumer units and examines the entire household metabolism. This includes the way domestic demand can influence where and how goods and services are produced, resource flows through households, and the differential environmental impacts of different lifestyles.It shows both what would constitute sustainable domestic consumption and how far there is to go to achieve this in industrialised and affluent Western society. Those involved in planning and policy as it affects households and urban development, as well as students and researchers in social science and environmental studies will find it an invaluable source of information.

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The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

The Role and Impact of the Internet on Library and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Liu, Lewis-Guodo, PUBLISHER: Praeger, Since that time, the literature on the Internet and its impact on and role in libraries and research has exploded. A simple keyword search in " Library Literature and Information Index," a primary electronic index of library and information science research literature, retrieves over items related to the Internet. The dominance of the Internet not only provides great opportunities for libraries to provide better services, but also poses tremendous challenges to librarians and library and information science scholars. This volume includes discussions of current issues and trends, written by scholars and practitioners in the fields of library and information science, computer science, and computer engineering.

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Headlam, Catherine, PUBLISHER: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, From astronomy to zoology, this is the complete, illustrated guide to science for children.

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George W. Bush

George W. Bush

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lansford, Tom / Watson, Robert P., PUBLISHER: Greenhaven Press, Fulfills the standard: "Individuals, Groups, and Institutions" from the National Council for the Social Studies Curriculum Standards for High School Fulfills the standards: "Historical Comprehension," "Historical Research Capabilities," and "Historical Issues-Analysis and Decision Making" from the National History Education Standards for United States History, Grades 5-12.

Yes, We Have Bananas!: Fruits from Shrubs and Vines

Yes, We Have Bananas!: Fruits from Shrubs and Vines

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hughes, Meredith Sayles / Erste, John, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, *Spotlighted in Booklist as an "established series that continue s] to turn out titles of high quality and appeal." This lively science series serves up a cornucopia of information on a variety of edible plants. Explore topics ranging from where the plants originated; how they were first cultivated; how they're currently grown, processed, and sold; to how they're eaten around the world and what their scientific applications are. Each book includes cross-sectional diagrams of the focus plants, literary quotes, nutritional information, sidebars, recipes, and activities. Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Evolution and Equilibrium; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function; and Life Science as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

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Ethics in Research

Ethics in Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gregory, Ian, PUBLISHER: Continuum, This book encourages reflection upon the inescapable ethical dimensions of the conduct of research. Gregory explores how ethical concerns inform not only the conduct of research but how they enter into the very decision to engage in a piece of research, the interpretation of data and what is done with research findings. Issues arising from the reflections of the text will be brought to bear upon the character of the researcher, the place (if any) of codes in practice for researchers and whether if in deference to ethical considerations there are limitations upon what can be countenanced in the name of research.>
