healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies

Healing the Wounds Essays on the Reconstruction of Societies

Healing the Wounds Essays on the Reconstruction of Societies

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marie Claire Foblets Trutz von Trotha, PUBLISHER: Hart Publishing Ltd, NA

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal, PUBLISHER: Anong>theong>m Press, This volume is a collection of ong>essaysong> on an alternative understanding of Marxism, anchored in ong>theong> ideas of humanism, democracy and pluralism. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> question ong>theong> stereotyped, positivist notion of Marxism as practised by ong>theong> exponents of official Marxism. ong>Theong>y highlight ong>theong> legacy of ong>theong> suppressed voices in ong>theong> Marxist tradition, and provide new insights in ong>theong> reading of Marxism in ong>theong> twenty-first century. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> provide a new reading of Antonio Gramsci, Rosa Luxemburg, Nikolai Bukharin, David Ryazanov and ong>theong> Frankfurt School; review ong>theong> phenomenon of Perestroika; explore ong>theong> new historiography on Comintern; and examine ong>theong> relation between Marxism and postmodernism. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Marxism in Dark Times: Select Essays for the New Century
Essays Politic and Moral, and Essays Moral and Theological

Essays Politic and Moral, and Essays Moral and Theological

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tuvill, Daniel, PUBLISHER: University of Virginia Press, ong>Theong>se two sets of ong>essaysong> by ong>theong> seventeenth-century clegyman Tuvil illustrate literary tastes and fashions of ong>theong> time and offer examples of such popular genres as ong>theong> sermon, ong>theong> resolve, and ong>theong> meditation.

English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of

English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bradbrook, M. C. / Axton, M. / Axton, Marie, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong>se ten original ong>essaysong> on English drama from Tudor times onwards were first published in . Each is written by a former member of ong>theong> Cambridge English Faculty. Each author has an individual approach and makes a fresh contribution to ong>theong> study of dramatic form seen in a changing historical setting. ong>Theong>re are ong>essaysong> on genres, on individual playwrights and on social conditions affecting ong>theong> development of ong>theong> drama. Togeong>theong>r, ong>theong> ong>essaysong> make a valuable contribution to ong>theong> study of drama.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: English Drama: Forms and Development: Essays in Honour of
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell

The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berry, Wendell / Wirzba, Norman, PUBLISHER: Shoemaker & Hoard, Essential ong>essaysong> from Wendell Berry's writings on agrarianism, agriculture, and community.

Teach Only Love: Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing

Teach Only Love: Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jampolsky, Gerald G., M.D., PUBLISHER: Council Oak Books, In , Jerry Jampolsky co-founded ong>theong> Center for Attitudinal ong>Healingong> in Tiburon, California, where people with life-threatening illnesses practice peace of mind as an instrument of transformation. Based on ong>theong> ong>healingong> power of love and forgiveness, ong>theong> twelve principles developed at ong>theong> center and explained in this book embrace ong>theong> idea that total giving and total acceptance are crucial to ong>theong> ong>healingong> process and that attitudinal ong>healingong> can lead to harmony, joy, and life without fear.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Teach Only Love: Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing
The Early Modern Atlantic Economy

The Early Modern Atlantic Economy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McCusker, John J. / Morgan, Kenneth O. / Morgan, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book throws new light on ong>theong> interlocking commercial relationships of ong>theong> Atlantic trading world during ong>theong> centuries ending with ong>theong> American and French Revolutions. Grouped under four ong>theong>mes--ong>theong> role of merchants and ong>theong>ir connections; ong>theong> development of trades; imperial economies; and colonial working societies--and written by an international team of economic historians, ong>theong>se ong>essaysong> increase our knowledge and understanding of ong>theong> transatlantic economy. Contributions include studies of individual businessmen, labor patterns, port cities, branches of trade, and comparative studies of trading nations.

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Lawrence E. / Kagan, Jerome / Harrison, Harrison E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Developing Cultures: ong>Essaysong> on Cultural Change "is a collection of 21 expert ong>essaysong> on ong>theong> institutions that transmit cultural values from generation to generation. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> are an outgrowth of a research project begun by Samuel Huntington and Larry Harrison in ong>theong>ir widely discussed book Culture Matters ong>theong> goal of which is guidelines for cultural change that can accelerate development in ong>theong> Third World. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in this volume cover child rearing, several aspects of education, ong>theong> world's major religions, ong>theong> media, political leadership, and development projects. ong>Theong> book is companion volume to "Developing Cultures: Case Studies."().

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Developing Cultures: Essays on Cultural Change
Farmers as Hunters: The Implications of Sedentism

Farmers as Hunters: The Implications of Sedentism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kent, Susan / Audouze, Francoise / Broodbank, Cyprian, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Farmers as hunters analyses from an essentially ethnographic perspective ong>theong> role of hunters in small-scale farming societies. ong>Theong> twelve contributors examine ong>theong> effects of hunting and mobility on behaviour, diet, economy and material culture at both culture-specific and cross-cultural levels. ong>Theong> influence of sedentism and ong>theong> increasing use of domesticates is also explored across a wide range of societies from ong>theong> American southwest and Amazonian to Africa, New Guinea and ong>theong> Phillipines. Differing perceptions of ong>theong> status of animals and plants are reviewed and cultural values are throughout given due weight in a field where discussion too often verges on ong>theong> economically deterministic.

Praying with Clare of Assisi

Praying with Clare of Assisi

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Ramona, PUBLISHER: Word Among Us Press, Clare of Assisi, holding fast to ong>theong> truth of ong>theong> gospel, modeled her life on ong>theong> humanity of Jesus who, as she said, "was placed poor in ong>theong> crib, lived poor in ong>theong> world, and remained poor on ong>theong> cross." Nobles and peasants sought her prayers, advice, and ong>healingong> touch.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Praying with Clare of Assisi
The Cambridge Companion to Brecht

The Cambridge Companion to Brecht

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thomson, Peter / Sacks, Glendyr, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This Companion offers students crucial guidance on Brecht's ong>theong>atrical career from beginning to end, bringing togeong>theong>r ong>theong> contrasting views of major critics and active practitioners to offer a provocative overview. ong>Theong> nineteen newly-commissioned ong>essaysong> place Brecht's creative work in its historical and biographical context, with separate ong>essaysong> on seven major plays, on ong>theong> poetry, ong>theong> ong>theong>atrical ong>theong>ories, ong>theong> use of music, ong>theong> innovations in stage design, ong>theong> ways of working with actors and his hugely influential career with ong>theong> Berliner Ensemble.

Architektur In Deutschland/Architecture In Germany

Architektur In Deutschland/Architecture In Germany

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prestel Publishing, PUBLISHER: Prestel Publishing, This volume focuses on ong>theong> topic of reconstruction as it examines three recently completed projects in Berlin, Munich, and Potsdam, and three different approaches to ong>theong> task of rebuilding. ong>Theong> pros and cons of this ardently debated ong>theong>me are explored and questioned from various perspectives in ong>essaysong> written by leading critics. ong>Theong> comprehensive section on projects presents fifteen new building projects in Germany by Barkow Leibinger, Meck Architects, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Sauerbruch Hutton Architects, and oong>theong>rs. More than two hundred color photographs and drawings illustrate ong>theong> newest edition of ong>theong> DAM Yearbook.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Architektur In Deutschland/Architecture In Germany
Churchill and Hitler

Churchill and Hitler

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jablonsky, David / Jablonsky, D. / Jablonsky David, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This collection of ong>essaysong> examines ong>theong> development of Churchill and Hitler as strategic leaders and analyzes in particular ong>theong> impact of ong>theong>ir formative years on ong>theong>ir leadership styles, "operational codes," views on civil-military relations, and approaches to ong>theong> conduct of war at strategic, operational and tactical levels. Ultimately, victory depended on ong>theong> calculated use of all ong>theong> means of national power - military, political, psychological and economic - to achieve ong>theong> national end. ong>Theong>se ong>essaysong> demonstrate that it was Churchill who best understood that calculation.

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salmond, John A. / Clayton, Bruce / Salmond, John, PUBLISHER: Praeger, This is a unique collection of ong>essaysong> by some of ong>theong> world's leading historians of ong>theong> South, togeong>theong>r with work by younger scholars. All contributors, however, are working at ong>theong> cutting edge of ong>theong>ir particular methodological approaches. ong>Theong> book, for example, includes both an essay by Pulitzer Prize winner Rhys Isaac, and one by Rutgers University graduate student Beth Hale. Yet, both have a common concern to explore ong>theong> reaches of ong>theong> Souong>theong>rn past through ong>theong> dimension of ethnography. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in ong>theong> book are grouped according to ong>theong>me. ong>Theong> largest section, ong>theong> social sciences and Souong>theong>rn history, includes ong>essaysong> drawing heavily on ong>theong> insights of anthropology of ethnography and of statistical analysis. Each essay in ong>theong> second section is designed to illustrate how life history can be used to illuminate much larger histoical ong>theong>mes and processes. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in ong>theong> last section on labor in ong>theong> "new" South all illustrate, among oong>theong>r things, ong>theong> importance of drawing on ong>theong> insights of historians of women in order to redress ong>theong> masculinist presuppositons of labor historians. All ong>theong> ong>essaysong> in ong>theong> book, in fact, reflect current concerns with gender and race in ong>theong> re-interpretation of ong>theong> Souong>theong>rn past.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Varieties of Southern History: New Essays on a Region and
The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

The Path of the Buddha: Writings on Contemporary Buddhism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Singh, Renuka, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Giving Buddha's spiritual journey a contemporary dimension, this anthology contains ong>essaysong> by spiritual leaders like His Holiness ong>theong> Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Thubten Yeshe on ong>theong> impact of Buddhist philosophy on ong>theong>m. Equally poignant are ong>theong> accounts of oong>theong>rs who, dissatisfied with ong>theong> present world, embark on a search for salvation. Varied and meaningful, ong>Theong> Path of ong>theong> Buddha provides a rare glimpse into Buddhism.

New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howard, June / Elliot, Emory / June, Howard, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, ong>Theong> Country of ong>theong> Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett is one of ong>theong> most important works of New England local color fiction. This collection of ong>essaysong> builds on feminist literary scholarship that affirms ong>theong> value of Jewett's work, but goes beyond previously published studies by offering an analysis of how race, nationalism, and ong>theong> literary marketplace shape her narrative. ong>Theong> volume constitutes a major rethinking of Jewett's contribution to American literature, and will be of interest to ong>theong> fields of American literary studies, feminist cultural criticism, and American studies.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs
Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

Islam, Politics, and Social Movements

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burke, Edmund, III / Lapidus, Ira M. / Abrahamian, Ervand, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, Taken togeong>theong>r ong>theong> ong>essaysong> in this work not only provide new research essential to ong>theong> study of Islamic societies and Muslim peoples, but also set a new standard for ong>theong> concrete study of local situations and illuminate ong>theong> forces shaping ong>theong> history of modern Muslim societies. This collection is unique in its sophisticated interpretation of ong>theong> social protest and political resistance movements in Muslim countries during ong>theong> nineteenth and twentieth centuries. ong>Theong> contributors take two principal approaches to ong>theong> study of ong>theong>ir subject. Utilizing "new cultural history," ong>theong>y explore how particular movements have deployed ong>theong> cultural and religious resources of Islam to mobilize and legitimize insurgent political action. Oong>theong>rs rely on "new social history" to study ong>theong> economic, political, and social contexts in which movements of anti-colonial resistance and revolution have developed. This work brings togeong>theong>r contributions from specialists on Islamic North Africa, Egypt, ong>theong> Arab fertile crescent, Iran and India.

Homer's the Odyssey

Homer's the Odyssey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold / Homer, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- Presents ong>theong> most important 20th-century criticism on major works from ong>Theong> Odyssey through modern literature -- ong>Theong> critical ong>essaysong> reflect a variety of schools of criticism -- Contains critical biographies, notes on ong>theong> contributing critics, a chronology of ong>theong> author's life, and an index

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Homer's the Odyssey
William Faulkner's the Sound and the Fury

William Faulkner's the Sound and the Fury

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold / Faulkner, William, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- Presents ong>theong> most important 20th-century criticism on major works from ong>Theong> Odyssey through modern literature -- ong>Theong> critical ong>essaysong> reflect a variety of schools of criticism -- Contains critical biographies, notes on ong>theong> contributing critics, a chronology of ong>theong> author's life, and an index

Principles of the Constitutional Order

Principles of the Constitutional Order

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Utley, Robert L., PUBLISHER: University Press of America, ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in this volume consider ong>theong> writings of those who drafted ong>theong> Constitution, as well as ong>theong> arguments pro and con presented during ong>theong> ratification debates. ong>Theong> first of ong>theong>se ong>essaysong> examine ong>theong> founding principles from historical, political and philosophical perspectives. ong>Theong> second group outlines ong>theong> main Anti-Federalist arguments. A discussion of ong>theong> nature and implications of ong>theong> doctrine of separated powers follows and ong>theong> volume closes with psycho-historical portraits of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. ong>Theong> volume focuses attention on ong>theong> Founding period so that ong>theong> original character and principles of our political order may be seen clearly, in spite of ong>theong> glory and veneration with which age and custom have draped our constitution.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Principles of the Constitutional Order
Healing Through Meditation and Prayer: Based on the Edgar

Healing Through Meditation and Prayer: Based on the Edgar

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Puryear, Meredith Ann, PUBLISHER: A.R.E. Press (Association of Research & Enlig, A guide for anyone who wants to be healed or would like to serve as a ong>healingong> channel for oong>theong>rs. It teaches how energy flows through ong>theong> body, techniques for laying on of hands, ong>theong> benefits of working with prayer groups, and more.

Healing Zen: Buddist Wisdom on Compassion, Caring and

Healing Zen: Buddist Wisdom on Compassion, Caring and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Birx, Ellen, PUBLISHER: Penguin Books, Every day new research attests to ong>theong> link between spirituality and health. In "ong>Healingong> Zen," nursing professor and Zen teacher Ellen Birx focuses on ong>theong> Buddhist concept of "ong>healingong> as wholeness" and demonstrates ong>theong> practice of awareness and meditation that can help restore energy, build endurance, and suffuse our lives with compassion and joy. Drawing on her twenty years' experience as a nurse, Birx takes us on a deeply humane and sensitive journey through ong>theong> natural process of ong>healingong>. She shares inspiring stories of her patients, students, family, and friends, as well as teachings from ong>theong> Zen tradition, to reveal how we can find wholeness in ong>theong> midst of illness. This compact and beautifully packaged book makes a heartfelt gift for health professionals, caregivers, patients, or anyone struggling with ong>theong> demands of life.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: Healing Zen: Buddist Wisdom on Compassion, Caring and
Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams

Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold / Freud, Sigmund, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- Presents ong>theong> most important 20th-century criticism on major works from ong>Theong> Odyssey through modern literature -- ong>Theong> critical ong>essaysong> reflect a variety of schools of criticism -- Contains critical biographies, notes on ong>theong> contributing critics, a chronology of ong>theong> author's life, and an index

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sundquist, Eric J. / Elliott, Emory, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Increased interest in ong>theong> role of women and minorities in establishing ong>theong> canon of American literature has led to renewed interest in Uncle Tom's Cabin. ong>Theong> ong>essaysong> in this volume set out to provide contemporary readers with a critical and historical interpretation of ong>theong> novel that reflects ong>theong> best of recent scholarship. In his introduction Eric J. Sundquist attempts to show that Uncle Tom's Cabin boldly takes issue with both proslavery arguments and prevailing prejudices among abolitionists, employing ong>theong> forms of popular melodrama and heated rhetoric to carry its complex argument. ong>Theong> individual ong>essaysong> examine ong>theong> influence of Stowe's novel on ong>theong> characterization of women in ong>theong> American novel and on later women writers, ong>theong> role of women in ong>theong> antislavery movement, ong>theong> literary exchanges between Stowe and her contemporaries; Uncle Tom's Cabin and ong>theong> tradition of ong>theong> Gothic novel, and ong>theong> characterizations of blacks in this novel and in later works.

Offerte relazionate healing the wounds essays on the reconstruction of societies: New Essays on Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Presidency and the Political System

The Presidency and the Political System

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nelson, Michael, PUBLISHER: CQ-Roll Call Group Books, ong>Theong> Presidency & ong>theong> Political System, now in an updated sixth edition, incorporates ong>theong> most recent research and scholarship on ong>theong> presidency. Each of ong>theong> 20 thought-provoking original ong>essaysong>, written by some of ong>theong> field's most prominent scholars, explores an important aspect of ong>theong> relationship between ong>theong> presidency and our political system.
