growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on

Growing Up the Wall: How to Grow Food in Vertical Places, on

Growing Up the Wall: How to Grow Food in Vertical Places, on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fisher, Sue, PUBLISHER: Green Books, ong>Growong> ong>upong> If you have limited outdoor space and would like ong>toong> ong>growong> your ong>foodong>, this practical illustrated guide will help you transform previously plant-free zones ong>inong>ong>toong> thrivong>inong>g, beneficial, and utterly beautiful ong>foodong>-ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> areas.Usong>inong>g special contaong>inong>ers, eiong>theong>r bought or homemade, as well as conventional methods, such as contaong>inong>ers on a roof or ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> plants ong>upong> ong>wallong>s, you can ong>growong> a wide range of edible crops - and grab a salad for lunch without gettong>inong>g your feet wet. This book ong>inong>cludes: Creatong>inong>g edible roof gardensPlannong>inong>g and ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> crops on green roofs, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g on shedsUsong>inong>g a wide variety of contaong>inong>ers, e.g., ladder allotments and ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> frames, with details of ong>howong> ong>toong> make ong>theong>mMakong>inong>g ong>theong> most of ong>wallong> boxes and hangong>inong>g basketsA direcong>toong>ry of plants suitable for ong>verticalong> ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> - fruit, flowers, and herbs as well as vegetables - with advice on ong>howong> ong>toong> cultivate ong>theong>m.Wheong>theong>r you have an apartment with a ong>wallong>, wong>inong>dowsill, balcony or small flat roof at your disposal; a school with nothong>inong>g but a tarmac playground; or just a paved courtyard ong>inong> your community center; this book will get you started on a new way of ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong>.

George and Flora's Secret Garden. Jo Elworthy

George and Flora's Secret Garden. Jo Elworthy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elworthy, Jo, PUBLISHER: Eden Project, A wonderful book about life and ong>howong> thong>inong>gs ong>growong>. Wheong>theong>r you have a garden or a wong>inong>dow sill, everyone can have a go at ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> ong>theong>ir own ong>foodong> George and Flora are plannong>inong>g a surprise party ong>toong> welcome home ong>theong>ir new baby sister ong>Theong>y're ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> all ong>theong> ong>foodong> for it ong>theong>mselves -- with a little help from Grandpa -- and are full of excitement as ong>theong>y watch ong>howong> ong>theong> baby ong>growong>s ong>inong> Mum's tummy and ong>theong> vegetables ong>growong> ong>inong> ong>theong>ir garden. With clear and easy ong>toong> follow tips and a handy month-ong>toong>-month plantong>inong>g planner, readers will fong>inong>d all ong>theong> ong>inong>formation ong>theong>y need ong>toong> ong>growong> and cook ong>theong>ir own tasty ong>foodong>.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: George and Flora's Secret Garden. Jo Elworthy
The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to Growing

The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to Growing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Greg, PUBLISHER: Green Candy Press, An authoritative source on cannabis cultivation, featurong>inong>g new ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> techniques

Wise Words by Sean Wise

Wise Words by Sean Wise

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wise, Sean, PUBLISHER:, Sean Wise, National Columnist on Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital for ong>theong> Globe & Mail newspaper, shares with you ong>inong>sights on raisong>inong>g capital and ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> your busong>inong>ess. Collectong>inong>g ong>theong> best columns from his first years at ong>theong> Globe, this book cover ong>toong>pics relevant ong>toong>: founders, funders and those that service ong>theong> entrepreneuiral ecosystem. ong>Inong>cludong>inong>g: ong>Howong> ong>toong> create an Elevaong>toong>r Pitch; ong>Howong> ong>toong> pick a partner; ong>Theong> Art of Busong>inong>ess Jui Jitsou; Networkong>inong>g ong>toong> Survive and 14 questions every ong>inong>vesong>toong>r asks on ong>theong> first date This ong>toong>me provides ong>theong> ong>inong>side track on fundong>inong>g and ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> your busong>inong>ess.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: Wise Words by Sean Wise
Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erlbach, Arlene, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishong>inong>g Groong>upong>, Uncover ong>theong> world of fruits that ong>growong> on trees. Here, apples, peaches, mangoes, figs, and citrus fruits are explored ong>inong> detail. Trace ong>theong> development of each fruit, from buddong>inong>g flower ong>toong> song>upong>ermarket shelves. Follow ong>theong>ir migrations across ong>theong> world while learnong>inong>g about each fruit's origong>inong>s. Discover ong>howong> farmers help ong>theong> trees ong>toong> ong>growong> and produce more efficiently, ong>howong> ong>theong>y plant, prune and protect ong>theong> trees, and ong>howong> ong>theong>y use ong>theong> fruit ong>toong> sell, eat or cook with.

What Should I Feed My Baby?: The Complete Nutrition Guide

What Should I Feed My Baby?: The Complete Nutrition Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olivier, Susannah / Olivier, Suzannah, PUBLISHER: Orion Publishong>inong>g Groong>upong>, All parents want ong>theong> best for ong>theong>ir children, but when it comes ong>toong> ong>foodong>, it is hard ong>toong> know ong>howong> ong>toong> deliver ong>theong> best options. This book gives clear and balanced advice on ong>howong> ong>toong> deal with problems, and answers questions on eatong>inong>g habits and diet which crop ong>upong> for every parent. Meal planners are ong>inong>cluded ong>toong> help with ong>theong> dauntong>inong>g task of weanong>inong>g onong>toong> solids and recipes are provided ong>toong> correspond ong>toong> all stages of development.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: What Should I Feed My Baby?: The Complete Nutrition Guide
Simple Recipes Using Food Storage: A Step-By-Step Guide

Simple Recipes Using Food Storage: A Step-By-Step Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Simpson Cordes, Lyndsee, PUBLISHER: Cedar Fort, At last - a book ong>toong> take ong>theong> stress out of ong>foodong> song>toong>rage Song>toong>p worryong>inong>g about what kong>inong>ds of ong>foodong>s ong>toong> buy and ong>howong> ong>toong> use your ong>foodong> song>toong>rage before it goes bad - not ong>toong> mention ong>howong> ong>toong> get your family ong>toong> eat it. Simple Recipes Usong>inong>g ong>Foodong> Song>toong>rage is an all-encompassong>inong>g guide ong>toong> ong>foodong> song>toong>rage. This is an essential book for anyone just startong>inong>g out. ong>Theong> basics of ong>foodong> song>toong>rage are organized ong>inong>ong>toong> a step-by-step system. ong>Theong> first section requires only 6 basic ong>inong>gredients - and ong>theong>n as your ong>foodong> song>toong>rage ong>growong>s, so do your recipe options Plus, comprehensive ong>inong>gredient substitution charts will help you use what you have on hand, and a shelf-life chart will keep your ong>foodong> fresh. ong>Theong> counsel ong>toong> build ong>upong> ong>foodong> song>toong>rage has never been more explicit. Simple Recipes Usong>inong>g ong>Foodong> Song>toong>rage gives you a doable plan ong>toong> help you follow ong>theong> prophet's counsel. Wheong>theong>r emergency strikes, your family falls on lean times, or you just need ong>toong> rotate your ong>foodong> song>toong>rage.

Reaching for the Sun

Reaching for the Sun

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kong>inong>g, John, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, From ong>theong>ir ability ong>toong> use energy from sunlight ong>toong> make ong>theong>ir own ong>foodong>, ong>toong> combatong>inong>g attacks from diseases and predaong>toong>rs, plants have evolved an amazong>inong>g range of life-sustaong>inong>ong>inong>g strategies. Written with ong>theong> non-specialist ong>inong> mong>inong>d, John Kong>inong>g's lively natural hisong>toong>ry explaong>inong>s ong>howong> plants function, from ong>howong> ong>theong>y gaong>inong> energy and nutrition ong>toong> ong>howong> ong>theong>y ong>growong>, develop and ultimately die. New ong>toong> this edition is a section devoted ong>toong> plants and ong>theong> environment, explorong>inong>g ong>howong> problems created by human activities, such as global warmong>inong>g, pollution of land, water and air, and ong>inong>creasong>inong>g ocean acidity, are impactong>inong>g on ong>theong> lives of plants. Kong>inong>g's narrative provides a simple, highly readable ong>inong>troduction, with boxes ong>inong> each chapter offerong>inong>g additional or more advanced material for readers seekong>inong>g more detail. He concludes that despite ong>theong> challenges posed by ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> environmental perils, plants will contong>inong>ue ong>toong> domong>inong>ate our planet.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: Reaching for the Sun
How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support

How to Help Your Child Overcome Your Divorce: A Support

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Benedek, Elissa P. / Brown, Caong>theong>rong>inong>e F., PUBLISHER: William Morrow & Company, This book offers parents ong>theong> latest ong>inong>formation and advice, with numerous case examples, on song>upong>port groong>upong>s and answers ong>toong> some of ong>theong> most common questions on which divorced parents seek guidance. This book counsels: -- ong>howong> ong>toong> help children adjust ong>toong> separation and divorce -- ong>howong> ong>toong> tell ong>theong>m ong>theong> news, and reassure ong>theong>m of ong>theong>ir parents' love and care for ong>theong>m -- and ong>howong> ong>toong> do just that, -- ways ong>toong> keep ong>theong> relationship between ex-spouses as free of conflict as possible, -- ong>howong> ong>toong> help childr feel good about ong>theong>mselves and ong>growong> as ong>inong>dividuals, -- and, much more.

Bulbs and Tubers: The Complete Guide to Flowers from Bulbs

Bulbs and Tubers: The Complete Guide to Flowers from Bulbs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Noordhuis, Klaas T. / Benvie, Sam, PUBLISHER: Firefly Books, This book contaong>inong>s ong>inong>formation on all ong>theong> pertong>inong>ent facts of bulbs and tubers, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g: advice on ong>theong> best bulbs and tubers ong>toong> ong>growong> ong>inong> various seasons; what ong>toong> look for when buyong>inong>g new bulbs; ong>howong> ong>toong> propagate and much more.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: Bulbs and Tubers: The Complete Guide to Flowers from Bulbs
Fun with the Food Pyramid for Kids: #1 Children's Guide to

Fun with the Food Pyramid for Kids: #1 Children's Guide to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roby, George / Khavarian, Nacim / Hofmann, Drew, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, Fun With ong>theong> ong>Foodong> Pyramid For Kids is ong>theong> new version of ong>theong> USDA ong>foodong> pyramid, formatted and designed for young readers between ong>theong> ages of 4 and 13. This book is a colorful and entertaong>inong>ong>inong>g guide for children ong>toong> learn what ong>foodong>s make ong>upong> ong>theong> ong>foodong> pyramid, what portion sizes ong>toong> eat ong>inong> each age groong>upong>, ong>howong> ong>theong>y are ong>growong>n and made, fun and healthy recipes, daily physical activities, fun ong>foodong> riddles, and much more.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisals

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisals

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Margrave, Adele / Gorden, Robert, PUBLISHER: Penguong>inong> Putnam, For managers and small busong>inong>ess owners, this book is a practical guide ong>toong> preparong>inong>g and presentong>inong>g performance reviews. It discusses ong>theong> primary types of appraisals, ong>howong> you can make sure your program is withong>inong> ong>theong> law, and provides useful ong>inong>formation on ong>howong> ong>toong> approach ong>toong>uchy subjects. Small busong>inong>ess owners will fong>inong>d ong>inong>structions on ong>howong> ong>toong> set ong>upong> a program, what traong>inong>ong>inong>g resources are available, and where ong>toong> fong>inong>d ong>theong> latest ong>inong>formation on state and federal laws.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Performance Appraisals
The Secret of Significance

The Secret of Significance

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McGee, Robert S., PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, ong>Howong> much time have you wasted tryong>inong>g ong>toong> gaong>inong> ong>theong> approval of oong>theong>rs? Have you given ong>upong> on experiencong>inong>g God's complete acceptance of you? Based on ong>theong> best-sellong>inong>g "ong>Theong> Search for Significance," "ong>Theong> Secret of Significance "will take you on a self evaluation ong>toong> see if you are ong>inong> fact runnong>inong>g your life on ong>theong> performance treadmill and ong>howong> you can experience ong>theong> solution ong>toong> ong>theong> fear of rejection by fong>inong>dong>inong>g complete acceptance ong>inong> Christ. This accessible book offers true song>toong>ries, biblical references, and advice from best-sellong>inong>g author and counselor Robert McGee on ong>howong> you can experience ong>theong> secret ong>toong> lastong>inong>g significance.

PETER GABRIEL - Growing UP Tour (Ticket + Album)

PETER GABRIEL - Growing UP Tour (Ticket + Album)

PETER GABRIEL: ong>ong>GROWong>ong>INong>Gong> ong>UPong> ong>TOong>UR Firenze Palasport 12 Maggio - TICKET ORIGong>INong>ALE con Matrice ong>Inong>tatta - 2xLP 180 Gram Vong>inong>yl RPM Half-Speed Remaster ong>Inong>cludes HI-RES Download Card SEALED - Peter Gabriel Setlist Here Comes ong>theong> Flood - Darkness - Red Raong>inong> - Secret World - Sky Blue - Downside ong>Upong> - ong>Theong> Barry Williams Song>howong> - More Than This - Mercy Street - Diggong>inong>g ong>inong> ong>theong> Dirt - ong>ong>Growong>ong>inong>gong> ong>Upong> - Animal Nation - Solsbury Hill - Sledgehammer - Signal ong>toong> Noise - Encore: ong>Inong> Your Eyes - Come Talk ong>toong> Me - Faong>theong>r, Son -

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: PETER GABRIEL - Growing UP Tour (Ticket + Album)
Colorado Gardener's Guide

Colorado Gardener's Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crett, John / Cretti, John L., PUBLISHER: Cool Sprong>inong>gs Press, Gardenong>inong>g is now ong>theong> favorite leisure pastime ong>inong> America. Homeowners are realizong>inong>g ong>theong> health benefits derived from gardenong>inong>g and ong>theong> ong>inong>crease ong>inong> ong>theong>ir home's property value. Book retailers are well aware that ong>theong> trend ong>inong> gardenong>inong>g books is ong>toong> regional titles that provide credible ong>inong>formation on ong>theong> plants that perform well ong>inong> specific regions. "Colorado?Gardener's Guide" is written by ong>theong> highly popular gardenong>inong>g expert John Cretti. Contaong>inong>s easy ong>toong> use advice on ong>theong> ong>toong>p landscape plant choices (more than 160 entries) for Colorado. Recommends specific varieties and provides advice on ong>howong> ong>toong> plant, ong>howong> ong>toong> ong>growong> and ong>howong> ong>toong> care for Colorado's best plants.

Eating St. Louis: The Gateway City's Unique Food Culture

Eating St. Louis: The Gateway City's Unique Food Culture

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Corrigan, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Reedy Press, A banquet on ong>theong> page, Eatong>inong>g St. Louis explores why we eat what we eat, and where we eat it-servong>inong>g ong>upong> song>toong>ries (from days gone by ong>toong> earlier this week) of ong>theong> ong>placesong>, people, and comestibles that have come ong>toong> defong>inong>e and feed our fair city. Picture this: Color phoong>toong>s of ong>foodong> that will make your mouth water as well as hisong>toong>ric images that recall our culong>inong>ary heritage serve ong>toong> season ong>theong>se pages, tucked ong>inong> among phoong>toong>s of our ong>toong>wn's restaurateurs, chefs, brewers, and oong>theong>rs ong>inong> ong>theong> ong>foodong> service ong>inong>dustry. Feast on facts about local farmers' markets (and ong>theong> sources of ong>theong> bounty), and sample a spoonful of ong>theong> politics of ong>foodong>. Thirsty? Eatong>inong>g St. Louis also raises a glass ong>toong> local breweries, wong>inong>eries, and iconic waterong>inong>g holes. Published ong>inong> cooperation with Doisy College of Health Sciences at Saong>inong>t Louis University.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: Eating St. Louis: The Gateway City's Unique Food Culture
Wall Street on Sale

Wall Street on Sale

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vick, Timothy P. / Vick, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, ong>Wallong> Street on Sale is ong>theong> ong>inong>side song>toong>ry on ong>howong> Warren Buffett, John Templeong>toong>n, and oong>theong>r value ong>inong>vestong>inong>g legends built huge fortunes by never overpayong>inong>g ong>inong> ong>theong> song>toong>ck market. This common-sense guidebook, written ong>toong> help both ong>theong> novice and ong>theong> seasoned pro, summarizes ong>theong> major ong>theong>mes of value ong>inong>vestong>inong>g, ong>theong> consistently successful strategy designed ong>toong> ong>inong>crease your chances of success while reducong>inong>g your exposure ong>toong> risk. Featurong>inong>g over 150 valuable website addresses, this myth-shatterong>inong>g book will song>howong> you ong>howong> ong>toong>: Calculate ong>theong> true worth of any company withong>inong> pennies per share; Identify companies that can consistently ong>inong>crease ong>theong>ir earnong>inong>gs, net worth, and ong>inong>trong>inong>sic value over time; Act as a contrarian, ignorong>inong>g market hype and noise ong>toong> evaluate companies based solely on ong>theong>ir ong>inong>vestment merits. Acquista Ora

Lonely Planet Provence & Cote D'Azure

Lonely Planet Provence & Cote D'Azure

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Williams, Nicola, PUBLISHER: Lonely Planet, - expanded waistlong>inong>es: a gastronome's feast of ong>placesong> ong>toong> eat and expert advice on ong>theong> best ong>foodong> & wong>inong>e of ong>theong> region - where ong>toong> play with ong>theong> rich and famous ong>inong> Cannes & Monaco - discoverong>inong>g ong>theong> hidden hillong>toong>p villages & breathtakong>inong>g scenery that ong>inong>spired Renoir & Matisse

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: Lonely Planet Provence & Cote D'Azure
XML Security

XML Security

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dournaee, Blake / Dournee, Blake, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, Use this book as both an XML primer and ong>toong> get ong>upong> ong>toong> speed on XML-related security issues. Written by ong>theong> experts at RSA Security, ong>Inong>c., you'll get ong>inong>side tips on ong>howong> ong>toong> prevent denial of service attacks, and ong>howong> ong>toong> implement security measures ong>toong> keep your XML programs protected.

Footprint Vietnam Handbook: The Travel Guide

Footprint Vietnam Handbook: The Travel Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Colet, John / Eliot, Joshua, PUBLISHER: Footprong>inong>t Handbooks, ong>Theong> Footprong>inong>t Vietnam Handbook is ong>theong> most ong>upong>-ong>toong>-date guide available ong>toong> this ong>inong>creasong>inong>gly popular destong>inong>ation. ong>Theong> country's coastlong>inong>e stretches nearly miles, but ong>theong>re is more ong>toong> Vietnam than beaches. This thoroughly revised guide song>howong>s you what else is on offer ong>inong> this friendly developong>inong>g nation. From outstandong>inong>g background ong>inong>formation on Vietnam's modern hisong>toong>ry and ong>inong>valuable poong>inong>ters on learnong>inong>g ong>theong> language ong>toong> mouth-waterong>inong>g details on local cuisong>inong>e and ong>theong> best ong>placesong> ong>toong> sample it, this guide will appeal ong>toong> whatever ong>theong> traveler is seekong>inong>g. It takes you ong>toong> ong>theong> best locally produced goods on offer and provides valuable shoppong>inong>g tips for once you're ong>theong>re and helps you fong>inong>d ong>theong> best place ong>toong> stay with ong>upong>-ong>toong>-date listong>inong>gs and advice on ong>howong> ong>toong> escape ong>theong> hoards. Footprong>inong>t travel guides are synonymous with discovery and adventure -- ong>theong>ir purpose is ong>toong> convey ong>theong> very essence of a destong>inong>ation and ong>toong> feel its pulse. Eye-openong>inong>g, accurate, and reliable ong>inong>formation is given ong>inong> each guide, ensurong>inong>g that every trip is memorable, enlightenong>inong>g, and ong>inong>formong>inong>g. Footprong>inong>t's guidebooks are ong>theong> future of travel, stressong>inong>g a sensitivity ong>toong> local issues.

Offerte relazionate growing up the wall how to grow food in vertical places on: Footprint Vietnam Handbook: The Travel Guide
Up from Slavery: An Autobiography (an African American

Up from Slavery: An Autobiography (an African American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Washong>inong>gong>toong>n, Booker T., PUBLISHER: Wilder Publications, ong>Upong> from Slavery is one of ong>theong> most ong>inong>fluential biographies ever written. On one level it is ong>theong> life song>toong>ry of Booker T. Washong>inong>gong>toong>n and his rise from slavery ong>toong> accomplished educaong>toong>r and activist. On anoong>theong>r level it ong>theong> song>toong>ry of ong>howong> an entire race strove ong>toong> better itself. Washong>inong>gong>toong>n makes it clear just ong>howong> far race relations ong>inong> America have come, and ong>toong> some extent, just ong>howong> much furong>theong>r ong>theong>y have ong>toong> go. Written with wit and clarity. Acquista Ora

How to Raise a Child of God

How to Raise a Child of God

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Song>inong>gh, Tara, PUBLISHER: Life Action Press, Tara Song>inong>gh song>howong>s ong>howong> ong>toong> raise children responsibly ong>inong> this over-stimulated culture. With guidance for marriage, parentong>inong>g, and education, this book emphasizes ong>theong> first six years of life. Discussions with parents and children shed light on disciplong>inong>e without denial and ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> ong>upong> without fear. A must for anyone who is a friend ong>toong> a child.

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Creative Lighting Techniques for Studio Photographers

Creative Lighting Techniques for Studio Photographers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Montizambert, Dave, PUBLISHER: Amherst Media, This book provides a full explanation of lightong>inong>g by demonstratong>inong>g professional techniques for tableong>toong>p, commercial, portrait, ong>foodong>, and auong>toong>motive studio phoong>toong>graphy. Tips are given on ong>howong> ong>toong> analyze light quality, select ong>theong> proper size light and distance between ong>theong> subject and ong>theong> light source, place light modifiers, and select and use a light meter. ong>Theong> book ong>inong>cludes an explanation of more complex ong>toong>pics, such as ong>howong> ong>toong> set ong>upong> backlightong>inong>g, simulate sunlight ong>inong> ong>theong> studio, and feaong>theong>r light. Descriptions of ong>howong> ong>toong> use specular light ong>inong>clude lightong>inong>g with specular light sources and controllong>inong>g unwanted specular highlight on shong>inong>y surfaces. Also ong>inong>cluded are specialized techniques such as paong>inong>tong>inong>g with light, use of softenong>inong>g filters, and suggestions for lightong>inong>g subjects ong>inong> motion.

Conscious Marriage: From Chemistry to Communication

Conscious Marriage: From Chemistry to Communication

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lucas, John C., PUBLISHER: Crossong>inong>g Press, What are ong>theong> ong>toong>ols of effective relatong>inong>g? Why don't we utilize ong>theong>m as we should ong>inong> our relationships? What has caused ong>theong> cycle of dysfunction that has typified so many marriages ong>inong> ong>theong> past few decades? ong>Howong> do we ong>growong> beyond it? Conscious Marge provides answers ong>toong> ong>theong>se questions with a blueprong>inong>t for buildong>inong>g a successful relationship. ong>Theong> foundation is comprised of ong>theong> Five Cs basic ong>toong> an endurong>inong>g marriage: chemistry, common goals, commitment, communication, and consensus. Conscious Marriage charts ong>theong> stages of our relationships and song>howong>s us what we need ong>toong> make ong>theong>m ong>growong> ong>inong>ong>toong> joyous, fulfilled marriages. We learn ong>toong> identify and solve problems, ong>howong> ong>toong> land on our feet when we fall ong>inong> love.

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Missouri: Great Things to See and Do for the Entire Family

Missouri: Great Things to See and Do for the Entire Family

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cosby, Jane, PUBLISHER: Globe Pequot Press, Accordong>inong>g ong>toong> ong>theong> Travel ong>Inong>dustry Association of America, almost half of all trips taken ong>inong> ong>theong> U.S. ong>inong>clude children. Globe Pequot's Fun with ong>theong> Family "TM" series (formerly Family Adventure Guides "TM") caters ong>toong> this ong>ong>growong>ong>inong>gong> market. Like askong>inong>g a trusted friend for advice, this series gives ong>theong> low-down on ong>theong> most entertaong>inong>ong>inong>g and educational ong>placesong> ong>toong> go with younger children.
