greek oligarchies their character and organization

Character Education Grades 7-8: Teaching Values for Life

Character Education Grades 7-8: Teaching Values for Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Freeman, Sara / Johnson, Marc, PUBLISHER: Instructional Fair/Ts Denison, Each of the six building blocks of character is explored through discussions, activities, literature, and projects. This series offers teaching ideas, practical activities, and real-life problem solving that stimulates students character awareness and development.

Pick Your Brains about Greece

Pick Your Brains about Greece

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sanderson, Caroline, PUBLISHER: Cadogan Guides, At last, a book that tells children what they want to know about Greece, whether they are visiting on holiday, learning about Greece at school, bored at the airport or want to learn more about their Greek heroes. Pick Your Brains about Greece and find out its: Vital facts and figures * History in a nutshell * Local customs * Fabulous buildings and sights * Great inventors, artists, writers and scientists * Food and drink * Incredible festivals and the stories behind them * Sport * Good books and wicked websites * Emergency phrases in greek such as 'my parents will pay '.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Pick Your Brains about Greece
The 360 Degree Leader Workbook: Developing Your Influence

The 360 Degree Leader Workbook: Developing Your Influence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, John C., PUBLISHER: Nelson Impact, In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I'm not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don't have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell's principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barker, Nicola, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins Publishers, Spurting with kinetic energy, nasty wit, and kindness to animals, Wesley ought to be a star. Or so it seems to the "Behindlings" -- followers who nip at his heels, turn up everywhere he goes, and lie in wait for him around every corner. They skulk through the dreary streets of their tiny English town, gathering their own scabby intentions, irritating habits, and weird manners, burying all differences in the common pursuit of their true prize, their Wesley. In "Behindlings, " the inimitable and ungovernable Nicola Barker takes her most compelling character to date, gives him his head and her novel, and sees him run off with her readers.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Behindlings
The Invisible Thread: A Portrait of Jewish American Women

The Invisible Thread: A Portrait of Jewish American Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bletter, Diana / Grinkler, Lori / Grinker, Lori, PUBLISHER: Jewish Publication Society of America, A unique and vibrant portrait of 60 women, which explores how they blend their faith and/or sense of Jewishness with their lives, their families, their expectations, and their commitments. Includes 120 black and white photographs.

Antigone, Oedipus the King, Electra

Antigone, Oedipus the King, Electra

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sophocles / Hall, Edith / Kitto, H. D. F., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This volume contains three masterpieces by the Greek playwright Sophocles, widely regarded since antiquity as the greatest of all the tragic poets. The vivid translations, which combine elegance and modernity, are remarkable for their lucidity and accuracy, and are equally suitable for reading for pleasure, study, or theatrical performance. The selection of Antigone, Oedipus the King, and Electra not only offers the reader the most influential and famous of Sophocles' works, it also presents in one volume the two plays dominated by a female heroic figure, and the experience of the two great dynasties featured in Greek tragedy--the houses of Oedipus and Agamemnon.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Antigone, Oedipus the King, Electra
Leopold Bloom

Leopold Bloom

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bloom, Harold, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, - Examines the most complex and memorable characters in Western literature - A selection of critical essays provides in-depth analysis of the character considered in each volume - A concise character profile discusses the character's key personality traits and physical attributes - Contains an editor's note and introduction by Harold Bloom

Adventures in Ancient Greece

Adventures in Ancient Greece

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bailey, Linda / Slavin, Bill, PUBLISHER: Kids Can Press, Join the Binkertons - twins Josh and Emma and their little sister Libby - as they head to the Good Times Travel Agency hoping to visit the next Olympic Games, but end up in Ancient Greece instead "Adventures in Ancient Greece" is an exciting mix of adventure and historical information about life in Greece in the fifth century BC. Kids will learn about the Greek gods, the birth of democracy, Greek home life - and much more. They'll love the book's contemporary comic-book look, while parents, teachers and librarians will admire the well-researched story line and solid factual information.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Adventures in Ancient Greece
Motivating and Managing Today's Volunteers: How to Build and

Motivating and Managing Today's Volunteers: How to Build and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacLeod, Flora, PUBLISHER: Self-Counsel Press, Motivation is the biggest challenge facing nonprofit organizations. Today, only one in five adults donates time to a group, and of those, many new and long-time members sometimes end up quitting; they feel their ideas and expertise are neither considered nor valued. But, with funding drying up, and contributions slipping, now, more than ever, organizations need their unpaid angels. Managing volunteers and making sure they feel they are full-fledged contributors to the organization is a full-time job. This book will help you hire a volunteer program manager and set up a program that organizes, evaluates, and recognizes your volunteers. Also includes details on: -- Attracting new volunteers and maintaining a community presence -- Interviewing and selecting the right volunteers for your organization -- Orientation and training for new volunteers -- Maintaining volunteer commitment through supervision, support, and recognition -- Evaluating volunteer performance and placement -- Designing and using volunteer program forms and records -- A listing of useful resources, a full bibliography, and helpful sample forms

Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric

Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greenhalgh, P. A. L. / Greenhalgh, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, First published in , this is a study of the literary and archaeological developments in the warfare of early Greece. Dr Greenhalgh considers in particular the military history of the chariot and mounted horse, both as they were represented in poetry and art and as they were used in reality from about to 500BC. He finds the picture superficially presented by the sources incoherent and often incredible, and attempts a reconstruction which does justice to both tactical and technical possibilities and to the social and economic facts of life in the period. He shoes how the Homeric poems, for example, can be systematically misleading - in part misconceiving the character of the Mycenaean age, and in part conflating with this misconception the conditions of their own time. This illustrated study will be of value to archaeologists, historians of warfare and Homeric specialists; its wider implications will interest social and political historians.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric
Game Character Animation All in One [With CDROM]

Game Character Animation All in One [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pardew, Les, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Within the world of video games, characters become almost living entities. Through the use of logic and artificial intelligence, the video-game character is able to act and react to each situation. As the designer, you hold the character's creative expression in your control. Game Character Animation All in One is a comprehensive guide to the techniques of developing and animating amazing characters for your games. It covers not only introductory-level character-design techniques, but also advanced character-creation and animation topics. With an 8-page color insert showcasing game-character design, this book is a detailed guide to creating exciting, believable, engaging characters for your games.

Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy

Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zelenak, Michael X., PUBLISHER: Peter Lang Publishing, Theatrical tragedy, like all other major civic institutions of the fifth-century B.C. Athenian democratic patriarchy, was exclusively male. The course of western drama changed when women characters (played by transvestite male performers) were introduced. Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy explores themes and issues of gender identity and political ideology in plays by Aeschylus (Suppliant Maidens, Oresteia), Sophocles (Antigone, Philoctetes), and Euripides (Alcestis, Medea, Orestes, Helen, Iphigeneia in Aulis, Bakkhai). This is the first booklength treatment of the themes of gender and politics in ancient Greek tragedy.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Gender and Politics in Greek Tragedy
Queen Victoria and Nineteenth-Century England

Queen Victoria and Nineteenth-Century England

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Price-Groff, Claire, PUBLISHER: Benchmark Books (NY), From Alexander the Great to Queen Victoria... their names fire the imagination with epic triumphs and influential reigns. The lives of their people forged and defined modern civilization. Writings and art left behind from their eras still inspire today. In this series, readers are introduced to these rulers and their times in an innovative approach to history.

Hake's Guide to Cowboy Character Collectibles: An

Hake's Guide to Cowboy Character Collectibles: An

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hake, Ted / Hake, Theodore L., PUBLISHER: Wallace-Homestead Book Company, Saddle up and take a ride to yesteryear in this review of 65 cowboy characters and their collectibles. Mosey through pages filled with over cowboy collectibles. Contains full descriptions and prices for each item. Giddyap

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Hake's Guide to Cowboy Character Collectibles: An
Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions

Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hesse, Wright / Hesse, Joachim J. / Wright, Vincent, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This constitutional and institutional development of the European Community, and federalism in particular, are widely and intensely debated, and the issue of federalism has proved to be divisive and misunderstood. This book provides a critical reappraisal of the political, economic, and socio-cultural potential of current federal political-institutional arrangements. It includes both an analysis of their necessary preconditions as well as evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages compared with other forms of state organization. The book concludes with an overall assessment of the federalizing processes at work in Europe, both at the Community and nation state level, and pints out the problems, paradoxes and likely outcomes of theses processes.

To 'Joy My Freedom to 'Joy My Freedom: Southern Black

To 'Joy My Freedom to 'Joy My Freedom: Southern Black

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hunter, Tera, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, As the Civil War drew to a close, newly emancipated black women workers made their way to Atlanta--the economic hub of the newly emerging urban and industrial south--in order to build an independent and free life on the rubble of their enslaved past. In an original and dramatic work of scholarship, Tera Hunter traces their lives in the postbellum era and reveals the centrality of their labors to the African-American struggle for freedom and justice. Household laborers and washerwomen were constrained by their employers' domestic worlds but constructed their own world of work, play, negotiation, resistance, and community organization. Hunter follows African-American working women from their newfound optimism and hope at the end of the Civil War to their struggles as free domestic laborers in the homes of their former masters. We witness their drive as they build neighborhoods and networks and their energy as they enjoy leisure hours in dance halls and clubs. We learn of their militance and the way they resisted efforts to keep them economically depressed and medically victimized. Finally, we understand the despair and defeat provoked by Jim Crow laws and segregation and how they spurred large numbers of black laboring women to migrate north. Hunter weaves a rich and diverse tapestry of the culture and experience of black women workers in the post-Civil War south. Through anecdote and data, analysis and interpretation, she manages to penetrate African-American life and labor and to reveal the centrality of women at the inception--and at the heart--of the new south.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: To 'Joy My Freedom to 'Joy My Freedom: Southern Black
The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family: A Leadership Fable

The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family: A Leadership Fable

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lencioni, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, In this unique and groundbreaking book, business consultant and "New York Times" best-selling author Patrick Lencioni turns his sights on the most important organization in our lives--the family. As a husband and the father of four young boys, Lencioni realized the discrepancy between the time and energy his clients put into running their organizations and the reactive way most people run their personal lives. Having experienced the stress of a frantic family firsthand, he and his wife began applying some of the tools he uses with Fortune 500 companies at home, and with surprising results.

Interlinear Bible-PR-Hebrew/Greek/KJV

Interlinear Bible-PR-Hebrew/Greek/KJV

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Green, Jay P., PUBLISHER: Hendrickson Publishers, The only complete interlinear Bible available in English--and it's keyed to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance Thousands of pastors, students, and laypeople have found The Interlinear Bible to be a time-saving tool for researching the subtle nuances and layers of meaning within the original biblical languages. Featuring the complete Hebrew and Greek texts with a direct English rendering below each word, it also includes The Literal Translation of the Bible in the outside column. But what truly sets this resource apart are the Strong's numbers printed directly above the Hebrew and Greek words. Strong's numbers enable even those with no prior knowledge of Greek or Hebrew to easily access a wealth of language reference works keyed to Strong's--Greek/Hebrew dictionaries, analytical lexicons, concordances, word studies, and more.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Interlinear Bible-PR-Hebrew/Greek/KJV
Sense and sensibility

Sense and sensibility

Jane Austen Sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood set their sights on men to perfectly match their disparate personalities, with unexpected results.

The Executive Guide to Implementing Quality Systems Total

The Executive Guide to Implementing Quality Systems Total

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mears, Peter / Mears / Voehl, Frank, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Presenting an unusual and unique system for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), this new book is geared for executives who want or need to support quality improvement in their organizations. It is the contributions made by CEO's and upper management that moves the quality process forward, and because of this structure, The Executive Guide to Implementing Quality focuses on the concepts, thinking, and systems necessary for management to operationalize the CQI philosophy. Because quality is not a management problem but rather a problem that involves and requires all people working together at all levels to participate and cooperate, management must engage the organization in the processes that will improve the quality of their goods or services. It is, however, management's job to lead, organize, structure, motivate, and involve the organization in those strategies and systems that will ensure quality improvement. This book explains how to do that. Readers are given a series of exercises and explanations that will help them master the skills and understanding required to identify the management systems they need to support their quality improvement. After reading about a concept, they are asked to contribute to exercises designed to inspire creative and innovative thinking and the exploration of multi-functional options. And because it is the job of management to initiate the quality movement, this book shows how to change defensive thoughts like that won't work for me into what is there that will work here. In addition to showing management how to take the lead in installing CQI in their organization, it also shows how to install the concepts through leadership teams, how to bring out the best in people, how to get top performance from employees and become a world-class organization, and how to reinforce the behaviors necessary to achieve the visions and goals of the organization. This workbook is an easy-and-quick-to-use guide that shows how to identify the support systems that generate desirable outcomes and reinforces them through positive actions.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: The Executive Guide to Implementing Quality Systems Total
The Encyclopedia of Insects

The Encyclopedia of Insects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Toole, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Twenty contributors, many of them the world's leading experts in their specialties, fully cover the awesome variety of insects and their land-dwelling relatives, including their evolution and classification, common physical features, life cycles, reproduction, and much more.

The Famine Secret

The Famine Secret

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harrison, Cora / Roche, Orla, PUBLISHER: Wolfhound Press (IE), Fiona and Deirdre are twin sisters living at Drumshee farm in . It is the time of the Great Famine, and blight has withered their potato crop, fever has killed their parents, and poverty has forced them, with their two brothers, into the workhouse. But they hatch a daring plan to get away from the cruel Matron and back to their beloved farm.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: The Famine Secret
Meandering Toward Maturity... in Poetry

Meandering Toward Maturity... in Poetry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stephani, E. P., PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, This collection of poetry with colored illustrations is all about Everyone, their hometown; their family; their life experiences. The words and thoughts therein can be easily understood by mom and dad; the kids; as well as grandpa and grandma. The poems and pictures are thought provoking and playful. Family members will enjoy reading these poems together. For teachers and others who count the syllables and lines, who like their poetry in good form, there is variety not limited to Haiku, English Sonnet, Acrostic, and Prose Poetry.

Fun Projects for Hands on Character Building

Fun Projects for Hands on Character Building

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Boyer, Rick / Boyer, Marilyn, PUBLISHER: GCB Publishing Group, Practical ideas, programs, and projects to help build character traits like obedience, self-acceptance, a forgiving spirit, meeknees, and a strong testimony. The memories created will last a lifetime.

Offerte relazionate greek oligarchies their character and organization: Fun Projects for Hands on Character Building
The Last Proud Rider

The Last Proud Rider

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harriott, Ted, PUBLISHER: Dales Large Print Books, Benjamin and Nthombeni, preoccupied with their family and their love, do not notice the storm clouds gathering over South Africa. Then two horsemen arrive in their village with orders from a newly appointed chief and they are forced to face the reality that their peace is at an end. Benjamin knows he must fight the oppression.
