global environmental issues

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology ) (Paperback) used by Glynis Jones (Author) pp. 111 Euro 25 (Scaf. Met. 4 bis)

Earthkeepers: Environmental Perspectives on Hunger, Poverty,

Earthkeepers: Environmental Perspectives on Hunger, Poverty,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Meyer, Art / Meyer, Jocele / DeWitt, Calvin B., PUBLISHER: Herald Press, Art and Jocele Meyer examine the root causes of environmental degradation. They analyze each major ecological concern: global greenhouse warming, ozone depletion, squandering natural resources, pollution, and toxic wastes. They help answer the question: What can Christians do to make a difference? An excellent Sunday school elective or study group book. Lists of additional resources and discussion questions are included.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Earthkeepers: Environmental Perspectives on Hunger, Poverty,
Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust

Islam and Ecology: A Bestowed Trust

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Foltz, Richard C. / Denny, Frederick Mathewson / Baharuddin, Azizan, PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Islam is the religion of over one billion people and is practiced in virtually every country on earth. The articulation of an Islamic environmental ethic in contemporary terms is all the more urgent because Western-style conservation efforts do not fit all cultural and philosophical traditions. This volume outlines the Islamic view of the cosmic order and reviews the ways an Islamic world view can be interpreted, reassessed, and applied to such environmental problems as pollution and water scarcity. Sections on social justice and on issues of sustainability and development look at the history and roots of the current environmental crisis; at the broader context of women's rights of equal access to both natural and social resources; and at the interconnectedness of environmental protection and the alleviation of human poverty.

Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative

Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Allen-Gil, Susan / Stelljes, Lia / Borysova, Olena, PUBLISHER: Springer, As the importance of environmental security increases worldwide, colleges and universities are evaluating how well they are preparing the next generation of environmental scientists and managers and developing new educational approaches. In this volume, we examine: (1) current educational practices and the need for change, (2) educational needs from the perspective of employers and professionals, and (3) new practices in higher education in environmental fields. The contributors were carefully selected by an international coordinating team based on their international reputations in the field of progressive educational approaches and understanding of the global employment market in environmental science. Although the focal geographic areas are North America, Europe and the former Soviet republics, the ideas and strategies discussed are universal to all institutions of higher education. We highlight specific non-traditional approaches such as using the university as a curricular tool, developing permaculture programs, and applying sustainability pedagogy, and document their success from both a student and employer perspective. We also include case studies on risk assessment and eco-efficiency education to illustrate why and how transdisciplinary education can be accomplished. We conclude that it is imperative that our educational systems teach environmental security at the university level within a transdisciplinary context; and that opportunities, such as internships and other methods of applied learning, are included in the curriculum.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative
Global Tourism Explorations Of Key Issues

Global Tourism Explorations Of Key Issues

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: Shree Publishers & amp amp amp amp amp Distributors, NA Acquista Ora

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology: Vol 8(1) Jones Glynis Editore: Oxbow Books Ltd () Paper, pp. 96 used Euro 60 (scaff. Met. 5)

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Environmental Archaeology
Lotto di n. 48 libri su ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile - in

Lotto di n. 48 libri su ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile - in

Lotto di circa n. 48 libri in inglese su tematiche ambientali e di sviluppo sostenibile Condizioni di conservazione variabili; per lo più molto buone o ottime. Occasionali annotazioni e/o sottolineature. Cedo esclusivamente in blocco. Elenco a seguire per autore principale nel formato: Autore, Titolo, Editore, anno di pubblicazione - AAVV, Conserving biodiversity, National Academy Press, - Andrews et al., An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, Blackwell, - Barton, Sustainable Communities, Earthscan, - Beder, Global spin - the corporate assault on environmentalism, Arrowsmith, - Bell et al., Sustainability indicators, Earthscan, - Bishop et al., The Environment, Collins, - Blair et al., Environment and business, Routledge, - Blowers et al., Planning for a sustainable environment, Earthscan - Blowers et al., Environmental policy in an international contest - vol. 1: perspectives, Arnold, - Blowers et al., Environmental policy in an international contest - vol. 2: conflicts, Arnold, - Blowers et al., Environmental policy in an international contest - vol. 1: prospects, Arnold, - Capra, The web of life, HarperCollins, - Dawson, Global climate change, Oxford University Press, - Dodds et al., Earth summit , Earthscan, - Elcome, The fragile environment, Stanley Thornes, - Elkington et al., The new foods guide, Gollancz, - Fodor, Better - not bigger, New society, - Goering et al., From the ground up - rethinking industrial agriculture, Zed books, - Goldsmith, The trap, Macmillan, - Gouldson et al., Integrating environment + economy, Routledge - Hewett et al., European environmental almanac, Earthscan - Hodge, Environmental economics, Macmillan, - Inoguchi et al., Cities and the environment, United Nations University Press, - Kenny et al., Planning Sustainability, Routledge, - Khalid, Islam and ecology, Cassell, - Leal Filho et al., Innovative Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development, Lang, - Lovelock, The ages of Gaia, WW Norton, - Madeley, Trade and the poor, Intermediate Technology Publications, - Mannion et al., Environmental issues in the s, Wiley, - Mather et al., Environmental Resources, Longman, - Mellanby, Waste and pollution, HarperCollins, - Middleton, The Global Casino, Arnold, - Mulgan, Connexity, Vintage, - Myers, The Gaia atlas of Future Worlds, Robertson McCarta, - Parry et al., Climate impact and adaption assessment, Earthscan, - Ramade, Ecology of natural resources, Wiley, - Roberts, The choice - a fable of free trade and protectionism, Prentice Hall, - Roy et al., Economic development and environment - a case study of India, Oxford University Press, - Seager et al., The state of the environment atlas, Penguin, - Sheldon et al., Installing environmental management systems, Earthscan, - Slater et al., People and environment, Collins, - Smyth et al., The green guide, Argus Books, - Starke et al., Vital Signs , Earthscan - Warburton et al., Community & sustainable development, Earthscan, - Westings et al., Environmental hazards of war, Sage, - Whitelegg, Transport for a sustainable future, Wiley, - Wibe, Forests - market and intervention failures, Earthscan, - Zachariah, Science for social revolution - achievements and dilemmas of a development movement: the case of Kerala, Zed Books,

Manga Global garden

Manga Global garden

Global garden 8 vol 16 euro Titolo Originale: Global Garden Titolo Inglese: Global Garden Storia: Saki Hiwatari Disegni: Saki Hiwatari Edit. Originale: Hakusensha Tipologia: Shoujo Genere: Sentimentale, Drammatico, Fantastico Anno: Vol. originali: 8 (completato)

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Manga Global garden
Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology 3: Seasonality Paperback â€" December by Jan Peter Pals (Editor), Louise Van Wijngaarden-bakker (Editor) pp. 128 Euro 60 (Scaf. Met 1)

Environmental archaeology, 10/1

Environmental archaeology, 10/1

Environmental archaeology, 10/1. the journal of human palaeoecology oxbow books, oxford ( p. euro 45 (scaf. met.)

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Environmental archaeology, 10/1
Bose 151 environmental

Bose 151 environmental




ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Swain, Gwenyth, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Packed with fun facts about daily life, history, environmental issues, and much more, this series of 52 books (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) provides a thorough introduction to the richness and diversity of America.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Pennsylvania


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Johnston, Joyce, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Packed with fun facts about daily life, history, environmental issues, and much more, this series of 52 books (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) provides a thorough introduction to the richness and diversity of America.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pelta, Kathy, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Packed with fun facts about daily life, history, environmental issues, and much more, this series of 52 books (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) provides a thorough introduction to the richness and diversity of America.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Vermont


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bledsoe, Sara, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Packed with fun facts about daily life, history, environmental issues, and much more, this series of 52 books (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) provides a thorough introduction to the richness and diversity of America.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ladoux, Rita, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Packed with fun facts about daily life, history, environmental issues, and much more, this series of 52 books (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) provides a thorough introduction to the richness and diversity of America.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Georgia
Environmental Archaeology 2:

Environmental Archaeology 2:

Environmental Archaeology 2: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology: v. 2 Paperback â€" 1 Dec by Glynis Jones (Author) 80 pages Publisher: Oxbow Books () Language: English Euro 35 (scaf. Met.)

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyons, Karen / Manion, Kathleen / Carlsen, Mary, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book argues the necessity for social professionals working locally to equip themselves with knowledge of global mechanisms and cross-cultural issues. Local level examples include the increase in victims of trafficking or the effects of HIV/AIDS on some immigrant groups. International examples include the risk to children moving across borders, the growth of international pedophile networks, and the proliferation of terrorism.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions
Environmental Archaeology (v. 9, Pt. 1 e

Environmental Archaeology (v. 9, Pt. 1 e

Environmental Archaeology (v. 9, Pt. 1) Jones, Glynis Editore: Oxbow Books () Usato Brossura, pp 111 Environmental Archaeology (v. 9, Pt. 2) Ed. by Nicki Whitehouse et al. Editore: Oxbow Books Usato Brossura, pp.113 a 208 Euro 40 (scaff. Met 7)



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Dottie / Lerner Geography Department, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Packed with fun facts about daily life, history, environmental issues, and much more, this series of 52 books (including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia) provides a thorough introduction to the richness and diversity of America.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Kentucky
Purposeful Jettison of Petroleum Cargo

Purposeful Jettison of Petroleum Cargo

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: National Research Council / Natl Research Coun / Committee on Marine Salvage Issues, PUBLISHER: National Academies Press, This book addresses the problem of deliberate discharge of petroleum cargo during salvage operations. It assesses the implications for shipping and marine environmental protection; documents the need to clarify U.S. law concerning intentional discharges of petroleum cargoes to save ships and prevent the loss of larger amounts of cargo; considers the implications of advances in oil spill contingency planning, environmental data acquisition and spill trajectory forecasting; and makes recommendations concerning the feasibility of developing guidelines for deciding whether to discharge oil intentionally.

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graham, Kevin / Chandler, Gary, PUBLISHER: Pruett Publishing Company, A book showcasing the successes of ordinary people whose simple, practical efforts have minimized the impact of modern life on the environment. Focusing on environmental opportunities and new solutions to old problems, Environmental Heroes demonstrates that anyone can make a positive difference for the fate of our planet.

Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People at Work for
Global Activism, Global Media

Global Activism, Global Media


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Bmx global

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Offerte relazionate global environmental issues: Bmx global
Vital Missions Issues: Examining Challenges and Changes in

Vital Missions Issues: Examining Challenges and Changes in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zuck, Roy B., PUBLISHER: Kregel Publications, The Vital Issues Series draws upon the insights and study of numerous evangelical scholars and writers to address the practical questions and issues of contemporary life. Chosen from past issues of Bibliotheca Sacra, these volumes address questions faced by every believer who sincerely desires to please God and to be more Christlike.
