frankenstein thrift study edition

Frankenstein Thrift Study Edition

Frankenstein Thrift Study Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft / Dover Thrift Study Edition, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Includes the unabridged text of Shelley's classic novel plus a complete study guide that helps readers gain a thorough understanding of the work's content and context. The comprehensive guide includes chapter-by-chapter summaries, explanations and discussions of the plot, question-and-answer sections, author biography, analytical paper topics, list of characters, bibliography, and more.

The Scarlet Letter Thrift Study Edition

The Scarlet Letter Thrift Study Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawthorne, Nathaniel / Dover Thrift Study Edition, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Includes the unabridged text of Hawthorne's classic novel plus a complete study guide that helps readers gain a thorough understanding of the work's content and context. The comprehensive guide includes chapter-by-chapter summaries, explanations and discussions of the plot, question-and-answer sections, author biography, analytical paper topics, list of characters, bibliography, and more.

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VENDO VHS FRANKENSTEIN Pantmedia/i grandi maestri del cinema custodia rigida, con opuscolo del film in buono stato....e in più' a chi si aggiudica l'asta regalo la locandina del film FRANKENSTEIN JUNIOR dim. 41x28cm

Frankenstein di Mary Shelly - Black Cat edition

Frankenstein di Mary Shelly - Black Cat edition

La storia di Frankenstein narrata in inglese ed accompagnata da esercizi che ne testano la comprensione. (Collana di capolavori della letteratura in lingua inglese per vari livello di conoscenza)

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Vendo testo scolastico in inglese "Frankenstein" di Mary Shelley - edizioni Black Cat. Il libro è nuovo e con CD originale. Eventuale spedizione a richiesta



Vendo testo scolastico in inglese "Frankenstein" di Mary Shelley - editore Black Cat. Il libro è nuovo e con CD originale. Eventuale spedizione a richiesta

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Mary Shelley "Frankenstein"

Mary Shelley "Frankenstein" edizione del editrice orsa maggiore

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The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Review Manual for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lamkin, Jeffrey C. / Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary / Jakobiec, Frederick A., PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, The updated Second Edition of this manual is a comprehensive self-assessment review of ophthalmology and a valuable study aid for Boards. It contains over true/false, matching, and multiple-choice questions covering the entire field of ophthalmology, including the subspecialties. Answers are provided along with brief explanations and extensive references. More than 100 new questions in this edition cover topics such as refractive surgery basics; therapeutic and diagnostic issues in AIDS; new vitreous substitutes; new antiglaucoma treatments; and updated results from landmark clinical trials, including the Macular Photocoagulation Study, the Cryo-ROP Study, and the Central Vein Occlusion Study.

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Frankenstein edizione in inglese

Vendo libro FRANKENSTEIN, libro di 349 pagine, edizione interamente in inglese, ottimo per esercitarsi con la lingua inglese

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