Fiscal Stress and Public Policy
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Levine, Charles H., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Provides some of the most current thinking on various aspects of fiscal stress in the public sector and its implications for public management. It lays out the background of financial stress at the federal, state, and local levels, suggesting how various public bodies have responded or might respond to fiscal stress. 'Fiscal Stress and Public Policy is an excellent collection of articles. They are provocative, readable, and of enduring value of academicians, scholars and students of public policy. Indeed, individual contributions are overshadowed only by the overall quality of the volume.' -- Quality and Quantity, Vol 'This is an excellent collection of essays. They coalesce around an extremely important theme, and offer a good variety of approaches and applications. All are well written. The volume is a useful addition to a much needed literature on the processes and consequences of "negative" changes.' -- Evaluation and Program Planning, Vol