evolutionary theory paths into the future

Social Learning Theory and the Explanation of Crime

Social Learning Theory and the Explanation of Crime

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Akers, Ronald L. / Jensen, Gary F., PUBLISHER: Transaction Publishers, Social learning theory has been called the dominant theory of crime and delinquency in the United States, yet it is often misrepresented. This latest volume in the distinguished Advances in Criminological Theory series explores the impact of this theory. Some equate it with differential association theory. Others depict it as little more than a micro-level appendage to cultural deviance theories. There have been earlier attempts to clarify the theory's unique features in comparison to other theories, and others have applied it to broader issues. These efforts are extended in this volume, which focuses on developing, applying, and testing the theory on a variety of criminal and delinquent behavior. It applies the theory to treatment and prevention, moving social learning into a global context for the twenty-first century. This comprehensive volume includes the latest work, tests, and theoretical advances in social learning theory and will be particularly helpful to criminologists, sociologists, and psychologists. It may also be of interest to those concerned with current issues relating to delinquency, drug use/abuse, and drinking/alcohol abuse.

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

Cultural Theory and Cultural Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Featherstone, Mike, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Recent years have seen a significant reappraisal of the idea of culture within the social sciences, and a growing integration of theoretical concerns between the social sciences and the humanities. Debates over concepts such as postmodernism and cultural globalization have been symptomatic of a broader interdisciplinary interest in the social context of cultural practice. In this book an international cast of eminent theorists examines a series of key questions on the borders of the cultural and the social. Ranging across a broad canvas, the contributors focus on different elements of cultural theory and cultural process: discourse, lifestyle, the emotions, the intelligentsia, social movements, postmodernism. Linking the chapters is a concern with the central role of European social theory in the current reappraisal of culture, and an assessment of its relation to other international traditions. This book, for an interdisciplinary readership, will serve as an outline of key concerns in cultural theory and an insight into the central insights of Theory, Culture and Society. The book is also published as issue 9.1 of Theory, Culture and Society.

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: Cultural Theory and Cultural Change
Politics and the Theory of Language in the USSR :

Politics and the Theory of Language in the USSR :

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brandist, Craig / Chown, Katya, PUBLISHER: Anthem Press, 'Politics and the Theory of Language in the USSR ' provides ground-breaking research into the complex interrelations of linguistic theory and politics during the first two decades of the USSR. The work examines how the new Revolutionary regime promoted linguistic research that scrutinised the relationship between language, social structure, national identity and ideological factors as part of an attempt to democratize the public sphere. It also looks at the demise of the sociological paradigm, as the isolation and bureaucratization of the state gradually shifted the focus of research. Through this account, the collection formally acknowledges the achievements of the Soviet linguists of the time, whose innovative approaches to the relationship between language and society predates the emergence of western sociolinguistics by several decades. These articles are the first articles written in English about these linguists, and will introduce an Anglophone audience to a range of materials hitherto unavailable. In addition to providing new articles, the volume also presents the first annotated translation of Ivan Meshchaninov's 'Theses on Japhetidology', thereby providing insight into one of the most controversial strands within Soviet linguistic thought.

Christian Life-Preparing Battl:

Christian Life-Preparing Battl:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David C Cook Publishing Company, PUBLISHER: David C. Cook Distribution, Get into the Word, and the let the Word get into you. Be prepared to be changed. These ready-to-use 7-session courses have less lecture and more participation, less theory and more practical application, less information and more revelation. Challenge your group to go deeper into the solid ground of their faith and reap the riches of God's truth from authors you know and trust. Reproducible handouts let you photocopy the exact amount you need for each group time.

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Giorni memorabili

Giorni memorabili

Michael Cunningham In a novel of human progress and social decline, three characters are seen in three different eras: the Industrial Revolution; the 21st century and 150 years into the future as the poet Walt Whitman presides over each episode.

The Sims 3 Expansion Packs

The Sims 3 Expansion Packs

Espansioni con codici validi. 10 euro l'uno. - Travel Adventures - Showtime - Animali & Co. - Isola da Sogno - Vita Universitaria - Into The Future - Stagioni - Late Night - Generations - Ambitions

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: The Sims 3 Expansion Packs
Giorni memorabili

Giorni memorabili

Michael Cunningham In a novel of human progress and social decline, three characters are seen in three different eras: the Industrial Revolution; the 21st century and 150 years into the future as the poet Walt Whitman presides over each episode. (cod. I_)

The Big Bang Theory Borsa Tracolla Bag I Am Immune To Your

The Big Bang Theory Borsa Tracolla Bag I Am Immune To Your

Straight from the cool The Big Bang Theory-world comes this officially licensed bag!100% PVCDimensions: 27 x 35 cm

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: The Big Bang Theory Borsa Tracolla Bag I Am Immune To Your
The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koslowski, P. / Koslowski, Peter, PUBLISHER: Springer, The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in which the political and societal conditions for the working of the market are included in the theory of the market economy. The social market economy is presented as a universal theory of the decisions to be made about the economic order in all cultures and is analysed in its basic theoretical foundations and in its application to the transition process from the planned to the market economy, particulary in the privatisation of socialised property in Russia and former East Germany. Leading German and Russian experts in the field as well as four classical texts present a systematic analysis of the social market economy from the point of view of economics, law, and ethics.

The big Bang Theory

The big Bang Theory

The big bang theory stagioni 1-9, usato, ma in perfette condizioni

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: The big Bang Theory
The Sims 3 Anniversary Edition + 4 Espansioni

The Sims 3 Anniversary Edition + 4 Espansioni

Vendo in perfette condizioni per PC/Mac: - The Sims 3 Base Game Anniversary Edition 35€ - The Sims 3 Supernatural 20€ - The Sims 3 Generations 20€ - The Sims 3 Ambitions 20€ - The Sims 3 Into the Future 20€ Se acquistati in blocco 85€

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cudworth, Erika, PUBLISHER: Palgrave MacMillan, This book provides a comprehensive overview of feminist and environmental theories of society-environment relations, considers the range of theoretical and political influences on socialist and Marxist theory, amongst others, and the social sciences' turn to poststructuralism and postmodernism. Cudworth also develops her own theoretical account for the interrelations between forms of social domination and contributes to important debates with sociology, social theory, feminist theory and environmentalism.

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: Developing Ecofeminist Theory: The Complexity of Difference
The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory

Tutte le 8 stagioni di The Big Bang Theory... Ben curati

Who Is My God?: An Innovative Guide to Finding Your

Who Is My God?: An Innovative Guide to Finding Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Skylight Paths, PUBLISHER: Skylight Paths Publishing, Contains the Spiritual Identity Self-Test, which will help you uncover the two components of your own unique spirituality: - How you believe: your Spiritual Type - What you believe: your tradition indicators

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: Who Is My God?: An Innovative Guide to Finding Your
Real Analysis

Real Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Royden, H. L. / Fitzpatrick, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, covers the basic material that every reader should know in the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration theory, and some of the more important and elementary topics in general topology and normed linear space theory. This text assumes a general background in mathematics and familiarity with the fundamental concepts of analysis. Classical theory of functions, including the classical Banach spaces; General topology and the theory of general Banach spaces; Abstract treatment of measure and integration. For all readers interested in real analysis.

The Big Bang Theory S1

The Big Bang Theory S1

Cofanetto della prima stagione completa "The big bang theory"

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: The Big Bang Theory S1
Algorithmic Learning Theory - Alt '92: Third Workshop, Alt

Algorithmic Learning Theory - Alt '92: Third Workshop, Alt

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Doshita, Shuji / Furukawa, Koichi / Jantke, Klaus P., PUBLISHER: Springer, This volume contains the papers that were presented at the Third Workshop onAlgorithmic Learning Theory, held in Tokyo in October . In addition to 3invited papers, the volume contains 19 papers accepted for presentation, selected from 29 submitted extended abstracts. The ALT workshops have been held annually since and are organized and sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. The main objective of these workshops is to provide an open forum for discussions and exchanges of ideasbetween researchers from various backgrounds in this emerging, interdisciplinary field of learning theory. The volume is organized into parts on learning via query, neural networks, inductive inference, analogical reasoning, and approximate learning.



Daniel Howard Wilson Two decades into the future humans are battling for their very survival when a powerful AI computer goes rogue, and all the machines on earth rebel against their human controllers. (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: Robopocalypse
Step into business

Step into business

Libro scolastico di inglese. Step into business Theory - communication - culture Student's book (extension - digital book - workbook)

John legend - love in the future

John legend - love in the future

Titolo [Love In The Future] Artista/i [John Legend] Traccie [1 Love In The Future (Intro) 2 The Beginning... 3 Open Your Eyes 4 Made To Love 5 Who Do We Think We Are 6 All Of Me 7 Hold On Longer 8 Save The Night 9 Tomorrow 10 What If I Told You? (Int (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: John legend - love in the future
Statistical Learning Theory

Statistical Learning Theory

Come nuovo. Volume universitario sulla teoria statistica dell'autoapprendimento di Vapkin. Vendo causa errato acquisto. A comprehensive look at learning and generalization theory. The statistical theory of learning and generalization concerns the problem of choosing desired functions on the basis of empirical data. Highly applicable to a variety of computer science and robotics fields, this book offers lucid coverage of the theory as a whole. Presenting a method for determining the necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency of learning process, the author covers function estimates from small data pools, applying these estimations to real-life problems, and much more.

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the

An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the art of dancing - Carlo Blasis Libro in lingua inglese. Translated by Mary Stewart Evans. Buono stato di conservazione

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: An elementary treatise upon the theory and practice of the
A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

A History of Anthropological Theory, Third Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erickson, Paul A. / Murphy, Liam D. / Murphy, Pae Liam D., PUBLISHER: University of Toronto Press, Recognizing that anthropology--"the integrated study of humanity in its biological, social, and cultural dimensions--"has deep roots in the Western experience, this concise survey begins in antiquity, then moves forward through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the modern era. The authors focus on the twentieth century, covering American, British, and French anthropological traditions and discussing developments in theory that point to future directions in archaeology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. This edition features a new preface and new and expanded sections on transactionalism, feminist anthropology, postmodernity, medical anthropology, and globalization.

Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths: A Critical

Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths: A Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Deloria, Vine, PUBLISHER: Fulcrum Group, Deloria takes Western science and religion to task in this witty and erudite assault on the current state of evolutionary theory, science, and religion. Incorporating non-Western and Native American ideas, as well as the concept of "Intelligent Design," Deloria provides us with a framework to better understand our beginnings.

Offerte relazionate evolutionary theory paths into the future: Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths: A Critical
Leading Your Business Into the Future with the Internet

Leading Your Business Into the Future with the Internet

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vallee, Danielle, PUBLISHER: St. Lucie Press, It is estimated that over 61 million adults in the US and over 100 million worldwide are using the Internet. That is an incredible market for the business person savvy enough to tap into it. This new media has its own rules, requirements, and specifications. It offers possibilities no other media offers, interactivity being one of them. Implementing the Internet in business has its own administrative demands. It must be integrated to existing company policies and marketing strategies and must be managed efficiently for it to be profitable. Finding your way through the numerous services, software offers, hardware options and so on is not always easy since much of the information is found in numerous places and is very technical. Added to that, there are several myths that make the Internet appear intimidating. In addition, the security aspect is crucial, both for businesses and customers. All these dimensions bring new challenges to integrating the Internet into regular business operations and taking full advantage of what it has to offer. Leading Your Company Into the Future With Internet is a comprehensive guide that provides a step-by-step method to managers who want to implement and use this new medium to bring their companies into the future. It is geared towards managers of all levels who want to take full advantage of the potential the Internet has to offer.
