everyday leadership attitudes and actions for respect and

Everyday Leadership: Attitudes and Actions for Respect and

Everyday Leadership: Attitudes and Actions for Respect and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: MacGregor, Mariam G. / Taswell, Ruth, PUBLISHER: Free Spirit Publishing, Written and experiential activities help teens discover their own leadership potential and develop skills that guide them to act responsibly and make a difference in the world around them. Teens gain a greater understanding of who they are, what matters to them, how that translates into leadership, and how leadership relates to everyday life. Written activities encourage reflection; "do something" activities call for commitment and action. Both enable teens to reach new levels of leadership. Created for use with "Building Everyday Leadership in All Teens," this consumable guide also functions as a stand-alone resource for personal growth.

Taking the Lead

Taking the Lead

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jenson, Ron / Jensen, Ron, PUBLISHER: Multnomah Publishers, Leadership is a key issue for men today: leadership at home, on the job, and within the body of Christ. But what does the Bible have to say about leadership? And how can men become the type of leader described in God's Word? In this highly practical, intensely biblical volume, Ron Jenson tackles these and other crucial questions, offering men a template for employing strong leadership in personal life, home, church, community, and workplace. Married men and singles alike will be challenged and inspired as they learn about the ten core elements of leadership and how they can effectively integrate them into their lives.

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Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence

Military Leadership: In Pursuit of Excellence

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rosenbach, William E. / Taylor, Robert L. / Rosenbach, Eric B., PUBLISHER: Westview Press, The sixth edition of this classic text continues its popular interdisciplinary approach to the topic of leadership by examining fundamental elements of military leadership: the "process" of leadership, the dynamic personal interactions between leader and followers, and the individual and organizational values that foster effective military leadership. "Military Leadership" provides a thoroughly reconsidered and greatly expanded mix of classic and contemporary articles as well as original essays, with authors representing all of the services. Incisive introductory essays to each section highlight themes and connections. Eric B. Rosenbach joins the editorial team for this edition, helping infuse the text with fresh perspectives. The essays of the sixth edition confront the kudos and criticisms that surround military leadership today, offer international viewpoints, and relate military leadership to contemporary leadership theory and approaches.

Leadership and Training for the Fight: Using Special

Leadership and Training for the Fight: Using Special

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howe, Paul R., PUBLISHER: Skyhorse Publishing, In Leadership and Training for the Fight, MSG Paul R. Howe, U.S. Army Retired, shares ideas on leadership that he has developed through extensive combat experience. Howe tells riveting stories of military operations and analyzes leadership concepts. He also gives advice on how to understand students and how to refine your teaching methods. Written with the unique insight of a Special Operations soldier, this book is the perfect guide for anyone interested in improving leader- ship skills in civilian or military situations.

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Jesus and Divorce: A Biblical Guide for Ministry to Divorced

Jesus and Divorce: A Biblical Guide for Ministry to Divorced

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ewald, George R., PUBLISHER: Herald Press, George R. Ewald brings to the topic a thorough understanding of Jewish law. While he acknowledges with respect Jesus' high standard for marriage, he shows how Jesus' teachings free us to bring a ministry of love, acceptance, and forgiveness to divorced persons. Contains practical guidelines for the church in developing helpful attitudes and ministry to divorced persons. Ewald calls for an active educational approach. Included is a 13-unit leader's guide that makes this book useful for study by Sunday school classes, discussion groups, and church boards.

The  Prune Book: How to Succeed in Washington's Top Jobs

The Prune Book: How to Succeed in Washington's Top Jobs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Trattner, John H., PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, Written primarily for incoming presidential appointees and those in the White House, Senate, and media who must identify, appoint, confirm, and report on them, Prune Books address the appointment and transition processes in their various dimensions. The edition explores at length the evolving leadership challenge for presidential appointees and, like its five predecessors, profiles 45 of the toughest leadership jobs in governmentresponsibilities, issues, and necessary professional credentials. The book is based on interviews with current and former appointees, other veterans of the executive branch and Congress, journalists, and political consultants.

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Making a Difference: Leadership and Academic Libraries

Making a Difference: Leadership and Academic Libraries

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hernon, Peter / Rossiter, Nancy, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, Leadership is separate from, but integral to, management; and library directors today and for the foreseeable future can be expected to play an institutional role as they lead the library to contribute towards the mission of their college and university. Similarly, new courses in library leadership now accompany more traditional ones on managing organizations and information resources. However, much of the literature on LIS leadership represents a distilled application of principles and practices borrowed from other disciplines, with few reports of research from the library field. Conceived as a companion to "The Next Library Leadership" (Libraries Unlimited, ), "Making a Difference" includes not only a discussion of effective attributes, but of issues central to the development of leadership qualities, strategies, and dispositions. Essential reading for anyone interested in advancing the quality of leadership within LIS, particularly academic librarians in or aspiring to positions of managerial leadership.

Presidential Leadership: From Eisenhower to Clinton

Presidential Leadership: From Eisenhower to Clinton

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Blakesley, Lance, PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This text is the definitive examination of the presidential leadership styles of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. After examining the social and leadership styles of these presidents, Blakesley looks at the three elements of presidential strategic leadership versatility: social style self-awareness and self-monitoring; development and use of eclectic teams of subleaders; and the practice of leadership style modification (or situationsl leadership). Blakesley rates the effectiveness of each president as a strategically versatile leader.

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Motivational Leadership in Early Childhood Education [With

Motivational Leadership in Early Childhood Education [With

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marotz, Lynn / Lawson, Amy, PUBLISHER: Delmar Thomson Learning, This unique resource addresses one of the most challenging workplace issues facing employers today- the ability to encourage employeesa creativity, productivity, and long-term commitment to an organization. Written specifically for the early childhood field, this text respects and acknowledges the unique challenges faced in early education settings. It is written in a reader-friendly style and offers a wealth of everyday strategies and innovative ideas for motivating employee performance. The basic principles of motivational theory are explained in an easy-to-understand manner and practical ideas for increasing staff morale, encouraging quality performance and retaining employees are discussed. Each chapter of the text includes connecting points, case studies, and application activities to illustrate and reinforce the content. Quotes by notable individuals add to reader interest and emphasize the critical importance of motivational leadership skills. Several chapters are devoted to how-to strategies (monetary and non-monetary) and simple, practical ideas for motivating employees. Additional references (books, articles, and web resources) are also provided, making this text a must-have resource for anyone in a supervisory role.

Powerful Project Leadership

Powerful Project Leadership

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Strider, Wayne, PUBLISHER: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, The leadership tips and techniques you'll find here will help project leaders act more powerfully and responsibly. Powerful Project Leadership is about what makes it hard to lead projects, how we make it harder, and what we can do to make it simpler, more productive, and more enjoyable.

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Educational Leadership at : Conjectures, Challenges, and

Educational Leadership at : Conjectures, Challenges, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: English, Fenwick W. / Papa, Rosemary / Mullen, Carol A., PUBLISHER: R&l Education, This is a practical, bold, no-holds barred look at challenges facing educational leaders and the university programs that prepare them through mid-century. It examines key continuities and discontinuities of current times for school, education, and society. Both practice and preparation occur in contested social space, the implications of which are explored in a post industrial, digital age.The stark warning signs of the conflict roiling educational leadership includes the re-segregation and marketization of the public schools; the demonization of teacher unions; attempts to de-professionalize professional preparation; the continuing achievement gap which ignores larger social inequalities; the debasement of education degrees by online diploma mills; the escalating culture of numbers and cheating scandals; and the erosion of full-time, seasoned faculty providing leadership to university preparation programs. The promise of social justice leadership anchored in a fast-changing demographic portrait of increasing national diversity is encapsulated in the construct of leadership accoutrement's which awakens the art and science of leadership.. Finally, the authors propose the pedagogically centered leadership for creating a functional bridge between leadership and learning in preparation and practice.

A Christian Guide to Leadership: --For the Whole Church

A Christian Guide to Leadership: --For the Whole Church

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Prime, Derek, PUBLISHER: EP BOOKS, We only have to think of what happens when there is no leadership to recognize its necessity. Imagine a class without a teacher; an army without a general; or a government without a prime or first minister. The church is no different. This book is born out of the author's desire to encourage and train people for this vital role of leadership in the church. Christian leadership is unique in that it must be always and completely subject to its ultimate head, the Lord Jesus Christ. Leaders should therefore accept his authority and that of his Word, the Scriptures, and should shape their vision and objectives accordingly.

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Serving Leader: Five Powerful Actions That Will Transform

Serving Leader: Five Powerful Actions That Will Transform

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jennings, Ken / Stahl-Wert, John / Blanchard, Ken, PUBLISHER: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Mike Wilson is a respected consultant charged with the task of building a new practice area in leadership development. During the new project, he learns that his father is very ill and wants his only child to come home and help him with "a few projects." Mike's father is a well-known, retired CEO, and Mike gets his boss's blessing to take as much time as he needs. Unbeknownst to him, Mike's father and boss, longtime friends, have plotted this visit to help Mike learn some needed leadership and life lessons. So begins this compelling narrative that combines a very human story with the classical Greenleaf theory of servant leadership. The second book in the acclaimed Ken Blanchard series (called "powerful testimony" by Brad Orr, CEO of John Burnham & Co) is both a practical guide for effective leadership and a book about the personal journey of growth that real leadership requires.

The Leadership of Jesus: And Its Legacy Today

The Leadership of Jesus: And Its Legacy Today

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adair, John, PUBLISHER: Canterbury Press, Two thousand years on, Jesus of Nazareth still attracts hundreds of millions of followers world wide. A genius for leadership is self-evident and yet John Adair, the internationally renowned author and consultant on leadership, finds that little has been said or written about this aspect of Jesus, despite the world's hunger for visionary, inspirational leaders. Using the body of knowledge about leadership that we have today, he offers a captivating analysis of Jesus as a leader - then and now. 'Jesus is one of the few individuals who seem somehow to rise above history, nationality, race, gender and creed - he belongs to us all. What is his contribution to that timeless yet timely leadership that the world needs today.' John Adair in his introduction

Offerte relazionate everyday leadership attitudes and actions for respect and: The Leadership of Jesus: And Its Legacy Today
Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare

Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gopee, Neil, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), This practical and accessible book examines the knowledge base, skills and attitudes required for mentoring in the context of healthcare. Revised and updated to take account of the latest developments in healthcare, the text explores theories and research on mentoring by analysing their strengths and weaknesses. To complement his analytical style, Neil Gopee has introduced more interactive features to emphasise the application of theories and principles to various clinical settings. He also draws on the most recent standards and competencies for mentors and supervisors, and examines how they can be applied in day-to-day mentoring and clinical practice activities. Key features include: - Comprehensive content - examines learning styles; different learning environments; evidence-based care; principles of assessment; the mentor's leadership; evaluation of teaching. - Practice-oriented - case studies offer links to 'real-life' and the chapters provide effective frameworks for mentoring in practice. - Interactive - activities and think points encourage the reader to explore and apply concepts to their practice and roles. - Up-to-date - firmly based on current knowledge in the field. Mentoring and Supervision in Healthcare is a core text for mentor preparation courses in nursing, midwifery and across the healthcare sector. It supports learning and ongoing professional development for all healthcare professionals.

Developing the Leader Within You: Student Workbook

Developing the Leader Within You: Student Workbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, John C., PUBLISHER: Thomas Nelson Publishers, For many years, John C. Maxwell has equipped and inspired Christians to attain the highest levels of effective leadership through his conferences and books. Maxwell believes leadership determines an organizations growth. More specifically, empower people within the group to become leaders. Designed for both small and large groups, this student guide has everything necessary to equip anyone who wants to reproduce leaders.

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Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference

Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jordan, Debra J., PUBLISHER: Venture Publishing (PA), Leadership is a personal journey upon which one consciously embarks, and it is the crux of successful parks, recreation, and leisure services agencies, organizations, and programs. This edition of Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference continues to guide and encourage students and professionals to further develop the vital leadership skills needed in today's leisure services settings. This text is divided into three sections. Section I, The Foundation: Developing the Underlying Construct, provides information which serves as a framework for understanding leadership, and offers background material -- the bedrock upon which other elements of leadership are built. Section II, Working with People: The Essential Skills of Leadership, provides the developing leader with information about the interpersonal side of leadership. It is here where the reader will begin to consider issues surrounding communication, motivation, behavior management, and group dynamics -- all of which impact successful leadership. Section III, Synergy: Pulling It All Together, challenges the reader to think about practice of leadership issues while utilizing the material presented in Sections I and II. Throughout this book, readers are encouraged to develop their leadership skills by seeking out opportunities to practice, reflect on their experiences, seek out feedback, and practice some more. Leadership is a never-ending journey. Leadership in Leisure Services, Second Edition serves as a perfect guide for professionals and students to further develop their own leadership skills.

Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women

Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Casey, Karen, PUBLISHER: Hazelden Publishing & Educational Services, Find inspiration and guidance for dealing with the challenges and new experiences of recovery in the writings from a woman who cares about others. This beloved author writes about self-esteem, friendships with other women, hope, attitudes about life and relationships, and more. Her words help bridge the gap between self and Higher Power, between loneliness and sharing the emotions of recovery. Almost three million recovering women turn to these meditations each day.

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Nursing Care Planning Guides: For Adults in Acute, Extended

Nursing Care Planning Guides: For Adults in Acute, Extended

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ulrich, Susan Puderbaugh / Canale, Suzanne Weyland, PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This comprehensive reference helps readers create care plans for clients in the acute care, extended care, or home care setting. For each of more than 60 individual disorders, detailed care plans feature a definition/discussion of the disorder, outcome/discharge criteria, nursing and collaborative diagnosis, desired outcomes, nursing actions and selected purposes/rationales, NIC interventions and NOC outcomes, and discharge teaching guidelines.

Half-Caste: And Other Poems

Half-Caste: And Other Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Agard, John, PUBLISHER: Hodder Children's Books, "Half-Caste "is a mixture of old and new poems that address core issues and experiences for young people. Race and cultural identity is a primary theme and shapes the book. There are poems about violence, the environment, relationships, politics, and grief, alongside poems full of fun, looking at everyday events from quirky, unexpected points of view. It's an accessible and inspiring book by a poet who knows and respects his audience.

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Wiley's English-Spanish and Spanish-English Legal

Wiley's English-Spanish and Spanish-English Legal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kaplan, Steven M., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This dictionary is a valuable tool for English-speaking attorneys who work with and perform legal services for Spanish-speaking people and vice versa. It helps users accurately and effectively communicate in both languages and defines legal terms in both Spanish and English. Includes over essential words and phrases used by attorneys and other legal professionals. -- Contains accurate word-for-word and phrase-for-phrase translations.

TELL ME MORE English v levels for Windows

TELL ME MORE English v levels for Windows

Language-learning software with 40+ different activities to get you speaking in minutes Engaging videos will immerse you in everyday situations and real-life scenarios Practice vocabulary with interactive dialogues and film dubbing activities Covers all the necessary skill sets: reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and culture Advanced speech-recognition technology for improved pronunciation

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Design Standards for Children's Environments

Design Standards for Children's Environments

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruth, Linda Cain, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Designing spaces for children requires specialized information--and this A-to-Z resource has it all, from data on scale to suppliers of furnishings and fixturesThe first--and only--stand-alone resource for facilities for children; indispensable for architects, interior designers, and facilities managersCovers residential interiors, schools, playgrounds, and other facilities

Faith Questions for Families

Faith Questions for Families

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, Questions and answers carefully chosen to stimulate conversations into the basics of Christian faith with words and actions in order to grow as a family of God.

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The Green Witch Herbal: Restoring Nature's Magic in Home,

The Green Witch Herbal: Restoring Nature's Magic in Home,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Griggs, Barbara / Van Der Zee, Barbara, PUBLISHER: Healing Arts Press, As we seek more natural alternatives to harsh synthetic products, we are learning a new and healthy respect for the traditional wisdom our ancestors took for granted. Women are rediscovering their foremothers' "green witchcraft"--the use of flowers, leaves, berries, roots, and barks in home and garden, for hygiene and beauty, for pleasure and for health. Now, that lore may be found in this modern source book of the domestic use of herbs. Full of practical advice and fascinating historical insights, this delightful book shows you how to tap into the astonishing power of plants and herbs. Includes recipes for a variety of remedies and personal care products, and devotes a chapter to the creative use of herbs in the kitchen for cooking and as natural cleansers and disinfectants. Griggs' best-selling and widely-praised Green Pharmacy is considered the standard work on the history of herbal medicine.
