Lotto di n. 48 libri su ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile - in
Lotto di circa n. 48 libri in inglese su tematiche ambientali e di sviluppo sostenibile Condizioni di conservazione variabili; per lo più molto buone o ottime. Occasionali annotazioni e/o sottolineature. Cedo esclusivamente in blocco. Elenco a seguire per autore principale nel formato: Autore, Titolo, Editore, anno di pubblicazione - AAVV, Conserving biodiversity, National Academy Press, - Andrews et al., An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry, Blackwell, - Barton, Sustainable Communities, Earthscan, - Beder, Global spin - the corporate assault on environmentalism, Arrowsmith, - Bell et al., Sustainability indicators, Earthscan, - Bishop et al., The Environment, Collins, - Blair et al., Environment and business, Routledge, - Blowers et al., Planning for a sustainable environment, Earthscan - Blowers et al., Environmental policy in an international contest - vol. 1: perspectives, Arnold, - Blowers et al., Environmental policy in an international contest - vol. 2: conflicts, Arnold, - Blowers et al., Environmental policy in an international contest - vol. 1: prospects, Arnold, - Capra, The web of life, HarperCollins, - Dawson, Global climate change, Oxford University Press, - Dodds et al., Earth summit , Earthscan, - Elcome, The fragile environment, Stanley Thornes, - Elkington et al., The new foods guide, Gollancz, - Fodor, Better - not bigger, New society, - Goering et al., From the ground up - rethinking industrial agriculture, Zed books, - Goldsmith, The trap, Macmillan, - Gouldson et al., Integrating environment + economy, Routledge - Hewett et al., European environmental almanac, Earthscan - Hodge, Environmental economics, Macmillan, - Inoguchi et al., Cities and the environment, United Nations University Press, - Kenny et al., Planning Sustainability, Routledge, - Khalid, Islam and ecology, Cassell, - Leal Filho et al., Innovative Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development, Lang, - Lovelock, The ages of Gaia, WW Norton, - Madeley, Trade and the poor, Intermediate Technology Publications, - Mannion et al., Environmental issues in the s, Wiley, - Mather et al., Environmental Resources, Longman, - Mellanby, Waste and pollution, HarperCollins, - Middleton, The Global Casino, Arnold, - Mulgan, Connexity, Vintage, - Myers, The Gaia atlas of Future Worlds, Robertson McCarta, - Parry et al., Climate impact and adaption assessment, Earthscan, - Ramade, Ecology of natural resources, Wiley, - Roberts, The choice - a fable of free trade and protectionism, Prentice Hall, - Roy et al., Economic development and environment - a case study of India, Oxford University Press, - Seager et al., The state of the environment atlas, Penguin, - Sheldon et al., Installing environmental management systems, Earthscan, - Slater et al., People and environment, Collins, - Smyth et al., The green guide, Argus Books, - Starke et al., Vital Signs , Earthscan - Warburton et al., Community & sustainable development, Earthscan, - Westings et al., Environmental hazards of war, Sage, - Whitelegg, Transport for a sustainable future, Wiley, - Wibe, Forests - market and intervention failures, Earthscan, - Zachariah, Science for social revolution - achievements and dilemmas of a development movement: the case of Kerala, Zed Books,