essential dictionary for learners of english

Essential Dictionary for Learners of English

Essential Dictionary for Learners of English

Macmillan Essential Dictionary for Learners of English, senza CD. Gratis. Disponibile a Torino Centro

Collins Cobuild Student's dictionary. Helping lea

Collins Cobuild Student's dictionary. Helping lea

Aa. Vv., Collins Cobuild Student's dictionary. Helping learners with real english. Harper Collins Publishers . Almost references give good coverage of current English. Over examples, specially chosen from the Cobuild. Pag. 681. Nuovo. Fondo di magazzino di una libreria.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Collins Cobuild Student's dictionary. Helping lea
Dictionary of cont English LONGMAN

Dictionary of cont English LONGMAN

Dictionary of contemporary English LONGMAN NEW EDITION ISBN quasi nuovo usato poche volte

Longman dictionary of contemporary english

Longman dictionary of contemporary english

Longman dictionary of contemporary english the complete guide to written and spoken english pages format cm.22x15,5 with cd spoken pronunciations ben tenuto

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Longman dictionary of contemporary english
Longman dictionary of contemporary english

Longman dictionary of contemporary english

Longman dictionary of contemporary english terza edizione, usato, in discreto stato. Ritiro a carico del compratore.

Dizionario inglese monolingue Collins Cobuild

Dizionario inglese monolingue Collins Cobuild

Vendesi Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, usato ma trattato con i guanti (mi ha salvato la vita più volte all'università)

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Dizionario inglese monolingue Collins Cobuild


vendo dizionario monolingue DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH THE LIVING DICTIONARY ed LONGMAN + 2 cd. nuovo. prezzo interessante

A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hastings, James, PUBLISHER: University Press of the Pacific, For over a century the ten-volume Dictionary of the Bible has been the definitive reference. "It is a Dictionary of the Old and New Testaments, together with the Old Testament Apocrypha, according to the Authorized and Revised English Versions, and with constant reference to the original tongues.... Articles have been written on the names of all Persons and Places, on the Antiquities and Archaeology of the Bible, on its Ethnology, Geology, and Natural History, on Biblical Theology and Ethic, and even on the obsolete or archaic words occurring in the English Versions." James Hastings () was a distinguished scholar and pastor. He was founder and editor of the Expository Times and is also well known for editing the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, the Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, and the Dictionary of the Apostolic Church.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests

Cambridge Young Learners English Tests

Vendo tests della University of Cambridge,come nuovo,"Cambridge Young Learners English Tests";eventuale spedizione con 5 euro di sovrapprezzo.No perditempo.

Wiley's English-Spanish and Spanish-English Legal

Wiley's English-Spanish and Spanish-English Legal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kaplan, Steven M., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This dictionary is a valuable tool for English-speaking attorneys who work with and perform legal services for Spanish-speaking people and vice versa. It helps users accurately and effectively communicate in both languages and defines legal terms in both Spanish and English. Includes over essential words and phrases used by attorneys and other legal professionals. -- Contains accurate word-for-word and phrase-for-phrase translations.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Wiley's English-Spanish and Spanish-English Legal
English Teacher LI

English Teacher LI

The world’s Leading Provider of English as a second Language is seeking energetic teachers for Livorno. Wall Street English offers competitive salaries, training and career opportunities. Candidates must be certified in ESL, English mother tongue speakers with a University Degree. Valid EC working papers are essential. Car is not essential but preferred. RIFERIMENTO TL = TEACHER LIVORNO

Langenscheidt's German-English Dictionary

Langenscheidt's German-English Dictionary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Langenscheidt Editorial, PUBLISHER: Pocket Books, Fully updated and featuring more than entries, this is the classic German-English English-German Dictionary from Langenscheidt, the premier source for foreign language reference tools.Students, teachers, travelers, and professionals can confidently rely on this invaluable 2-in-1 volume that includes: - Hundreds of new words reflecting today's cultural, political, and technological changes, plus contemporary idioms and expressions - Full pronunciation keys for both German and English entries - Comprehensive grammatical information - The genitives and plurals of German nouns - Indicators as to whether a German verb is conjugated with"haben" or "sein" - An alphabetical list of German and English irregular verbs - A wealth of examples illustrating correct usage and meaning - A quick reference section on proper names, weights and measures, and abbreviations - Easy-to-read typography, plus a helpful guide to using the dictionary most effectively The foreign language dictionary for people on the move

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Langenscheidt's German-English Dictionary
Improve your english

Improve your english

Kit miglioramento inglese - grammatica... English grammar workbook, concise grammar of English, English exercises - vocabolario... Oxford student's dictionary, Longman photo dictionary - lettura... letture semplificate Penguin... about a boy, Ripley's game, The client - pronuncia... Berlitz English pronunciation program tutto in condizioni perfette e con cd, nessuna sottolineatura. consegna a mani in Toscana

Dizionario monolingue inglese

Dizionario monolingue inglese

Vendo Oxford dictionary for advanced learners. Ottimo stato.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Dizionario monolingue inglese
Oxford Picture Dictionary

Oxford Picture Dictionary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme / Shapiro, Norma, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, A remarkable second edition of the best-selling and well loved Oxford Picture Dictionary, features over words and phrases illustrated with all new vibrant, crystal-clear artwork. The topics, based on extensive input from teachers and students, have been thoroughly updated to meet the needs of today's English language learners.

Longman dictionary of contemporary english

Longman dictionary of contemporary english

Longman dictionary of contemporary english terza edizione, usato e in buono stato, essendo stato in cantina odora un po' di muffa, ma le pagine sono pulite. Ritiro a carico del compratore.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Longman dictionary of contemporary english
English Teacher LI

English Teacher LI

The world’s Leading Provider of English as a second Language is seeking energetic teachers for Livorno. Wall Street English offers competitive salaries, training and career opportunities. Candidates must be certified in ESL, English mother tongue speakers with a University Degree. Valid EC working papers are essential. Car is not essential but preferred. E-mail CVs to RIFERIMENTO TL = TEACHER LIVORNO

Berlitz Dictionary of American English: For Students of

Berlitz Dictionary of American English: For Students of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berlitz Guides, PUBLISHER: Berlitz Guides, This monolingual dictionary for non-native speakers eager to learn English helps users develop basic vocabulary. Featuring entries, this reference features clear sample sentences for each word, copious black-and-white illustrations, and full-color pages that teach word families such as "rooms in the house", "fruits", and "emotions". An Activity Guide helps users develop skills and strategies, such as choosing the right definition and finding synonyms.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Berlitz Dictionary of American English: For Students of


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: French, F.G., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary explains words, phrases and meanings and identifies the most important words in English so students know which words to prioritize. Notes alert students to words whose spelling students often confuse, or explain points that are particularly difficult for Arabic-speaking learners. Other Notes give extra help with grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. The CD-ROM includes the full dictionary, with the option to search words in either English or Arabic, a Picture Dictionary, exercises, language games, and access to a free PET and KET test.

WEBSTER'S Third Dictionary of the English Language

WEBSTER'S Third Dictionary of the English Language

WEBSTER'S -Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. 3 Volumi. Edizione . Condizioni perfette.

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: WEBSTER'S Third Dictionary of the English Language
Oxford wordpower dizionario inglese Steel

Oxford wordpower dizionario inglese Steel

Oxford wordpower dictionary for learners of english dizionario inglese Miranda Steel Nuovissimo ma NON c'è il CD ROM formato 13x20 spessore 3.5 Posso spedire o ritiro a Riano o Roma Ho altri dizionari di inglese e libri in lingua originale anche altre lingue francese spagnolo, ecc...

Active Study Dictionary of English

Active Study Dictionary of English

Active Study Dictionary of English - Longman Editore - vendo a euro 6 Là dove non è possibile la consegna a mano posso spedire con piego di libri ordinario 2,00 euro raccomandato 5,50 da aggiungere al prezzo del libro

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: Active Study Dictionary of English
Emglish Teacher LI

Emglish Teacher LI

The world’s Leading Provider of English as a second Language is seeking energetic teachers for Livorno. Wall Street English offers competitive salaries, training and career opportunities. Candidates must be certified in ESL, English mother tongue speakers with a University Degree. Valid EC working papers are essential. Car is not essential but preferred. E-mail CVs RIFERIMENTO TL = TEACHER LIVORNO

 English Chinese Dictionary of Forestry

English Chinese Dictionary of Forestry

DIZIONARIO ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF FORESTRY DC-015 Titolo - Title ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF FORESTRY AUTORE - Author CHEN, MIN-TSUN HUANG, CHIN-SEN VOCI - Item APPENDICE - Appendix LINGUA - Language ENGLISH CHINESE EDITORE - Publisher Taipei, TAIWAN ANNO - Publication Year PAGINE - Pages [] FORMATO - Size mm. 130 x 185 IMMAGINI - Images No COPERTINA - Binding rigida PESO - Weight 379 gr. STATUS Buone * CODICE - Code DC-015 *Condizioni: presenta leggermente ingiallite all' interno e nel complesso ottimo stato di conservazione.(come da fotografia) Possibilità di spedizione in tutta Italia. Se interessati contattarmi all'indirizzo mail

Offerte relazionate essential dictionary for learners of english: English Chinese Dictionary of Forestry
 English Chinese Dictionary of Sratigraphy

English Chinese Dictionary of Sratigraphy

DIZIONARIO ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF SRATIGRAPHY DC-013 Titolo - Title ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF SRATIGRAPHY AUTORE - Author HU, AI-LING VOCI - Item APPENDICE - Appendix LINGUA - Language ENGLISH CHINESE EDITORE - Publisher Taipei, TAIWAN ANNO - Publication Year PAGINE - Pages [] FORMATO - Size mm. 130 x 185 IMMAGINI - Images No COPERTINA - Binding rigida PESO - Weight 442 gr. STATUS come nuovo * CODICE - Code DC-013 *Condizioni: qualche lieve segno delle macchie all' interno e nel complesso ottimo stato di conservazione.(come da fotografia) Possibilità di spedizione in tutta Italia. Se interessati contattarmi all'indirizzo mail
