encyclopedia of human biology 8

Encyclopedia Of Human Biology, 8

Encyclopedia Of Human Biology, 8

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Renato Dulbecco, PUBLISHER: Academic Press, NA

The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution

The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mai, Larry L. / Young Owl, Marcus / Kersting, M. Patricia, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Packed with descriptions of terms, specimens, sites and names, this invaluable research and study tool covers a broad range of subjects including human biology, physical anthropology, primatology, physiology, genetics, paleontology and zoology. The volume also includes over word roots, taxonomies and reference tables for extinct, recent and extant primates, and illustrations of landmarks, bones and muscles. It is essential for students, researchers, and anyone with an interest in human biology or evolution.

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
New Century of Biology

New Century of Biology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kress, W. John / Barrett, Gary W. / Mayr, Ernst, PUBLISHER: Smithsonian Books, In the twentieth century, scientists in the relatively new field of biology played an important role in exposing the threats of environmental degradation, loss of species diversity, habitat fragmentation, scarce energy resources, and human population growth. In the essays found in A New Century of Biology, some of the world's most notable biologists consider how their discipline must evolve to address these problems in the twenty-first century. The next one hundred years, the contributors argue, will likely be dominated by breakthroughs in evolutionary biology and systems ecology, by an increased need for scientists to integrate research, teaching, and service missions, and by problem-solving ventures on greater spatial and temporal scales. Because human activity and increased population will continue to have a profound impact on the environment, biologists must define an effective strategy for integrating the biological sciences with global economics and human social structure. The eleven contributors are leaders in the fields of ecology and evolution, morphology and development, behavior, microbiology, ecosystem energetics and biogeochemistry, biodiversity and conservation biology, and human sciences. While acknowledging the real problems their discipline must address, they offer an optimistic agenda for the future.

Inquiry to Life [With CDROM]

Inquiry to Life [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mader, Sylvia S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Inquiry Into Life is written for the introductory-level student who would like to develop a working knowledge of biology. While the text covers the whole field of basic biology, it emphasizes the application of this knowledge to human concerns. Along with this approach, concepts and principles are stressed, rather than detailed, high-level scientific data and terminology. Each chapter presents the topic clearly, simply, and distinctly so that students can achieve a basic understanding of biology. Every new copy of Inquiry Into Life will be packaged with a free copy of "Essential Study Partner CD-ROM.

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: Inquiry to Life [With CDROM]
Biology: A Laboratory Guide to the Natural World

Biology: A Laboratory Guide to the Natural World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richardson, Dennis J. / Richardson, Kristen E., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, As energy crises, environmental mismanagement, and disease outbreaks increase in our world, an understanding of biology is becoming more important than ever. These laboratory exercises give readers a greater understanding of themselves and of current issues in a biological context. Explores the natural world through Web-based exercises and inquiry-based investigation. Focuses on the scientific method and on science as a process. Features end-of-chapter Web exercises. References other human endeavors such as art, literature, and history. Offers a new exercise in human evolution incorporating recent paleontological discoveries. Presents more information on various animal groups. Approximately 10% of problems revised and rewritten for greater clarity and less redundancy. A useful source for science teachers (grades 7-12) and for anyone interested in learning more about biology.

Encyclopedia of World Aircraft

Encyclopedia of World Aircraft

Vendo libro sugli aerei "Encyclopedia of World Aircraft" di Christopher Chant del . Copertina rigida in buone condizioni. Spedizione inclusa

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: Encyclopedia of World Aircraft
Biology cambridge igcse 3 libri

Biology cambridge igcse 3 libri


Frank Schoonmaker Encyclopedia of wine,

Frank Schoonmaker Encyclopedia of wine,

Frank Schoonmaker Encyclopedia of wine Hardcover â€" pages Publisher: Hastings House; [4th ed., rev.] edition () Language: English Euro 25 (la)

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Grammar Revision + Some Principles of Biology

Grammar Revision + Some Principles of Biology

Grammar Revision + Some Principles of Biology Fotocopiato e rilegato Ottime condizioni, alcuni esercizi svolti a matita facilmente cancellabile

Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology

Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Piotrowski, Nancy A., PUBLISHER: Salem Press, Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science: Psychology provides a comprehensive view of the field-covering theories, diagnoses, disorders, treatments, tests, people and issues-and adds helpful illustrations, charts, and drawings. This encyclopedia streamlines many of the topics with helpful overviews, offereing greater flexibility in length and format. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science-Vol.4: Psychology
The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia

The Kingfisher First Human Body Encyclopedia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Walker, Richard / Palmer, Roy / Palmer, Roy, PUBLISHER: Kingfisher, This informative and activity-filled reference introduces younger children to human biology in a lively and accessible way. The book's thematic structure makes it easy for young readers to understand the various systems and organs that make up the body. Dozens of activities and experiments, including - Keeping a food diary (to analyze diet) - provide children with the opportunity to reinforce newly learned information. Full-color spreads address the questions that fascinate children, such as: What are we made of?, Why do we need to sleep?, and How do we breathe? A reference section at the back of the book includes a glossary, an index, and an 'Amazing facts' section. Special Features: Over appealing, colorful photographs and illustrations. Clear and easy-to-understand definitions. Related activities and projects. Vocabulary carefully chosen for the 5-8 yr. reading level. Cross-references encourage further exploration. Acquista Ora

The human league - human

The human league - human

Titolo [Human] Artista/i [The Human League] Traccie [A Human (Extended Version) B1 Human (Acapella) B2 Human (Instrumental)] (cod. I_)

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Vendita libri medicina

Vendita libri medicina

Vendo libri di medicina in lingua inglese. Titoli: Harrison's principles of internal medicine volume 1 e volume 2, 19th edition. Physics of human body irving P. Herman Essentials of General surgery fifth edition Genetics fourth edition Molecular Biology of the cell fight edition Mai usati causa cambio facoltà Per chi fosse interessato mi contatti in privato

Oxford Dictionary of Science

Oxford Dictionary of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oxford University Press / Martin, Elizabeth A. / Daintith, John, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Authoritative and up-to-date, this popular dictionary is an ideal reference for both students and non-scientists. Now fully revised and substantially expanded for this new edition, the Concise Science Dictionary provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy, as well as common terms from mathematics and computing. With clear and concise entries, the dictionary also incorporates the latest developments in fields such as genetics, molecular biology, cosmology, particle physics, and fullerene chemistry. New material includes biographical entries, box features, chronologies, and tables; and appendices cover the periodic table, tables of SI units, and classifications of the plant and animal kingdoms.

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: Oxford Dictionary of Science
L' AVIAZIONE -The Encyclopedia of Aircraft

L' AVIAZIONE -The Encyclopedia of Aircraft

Per collezionisti, n° 200 fascicoli della Grande Enciclopedia illustrata "L' AVIAZIONE" - Istituto Geografico De Agostini- anni '80- The illustrate Encyclopedia of Aircraft.

The Facts on File Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology

The Facts on File Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hine, Robert, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Cell biology is one of the most fascinating and fast-moving areas in all of contemporary biosciences. It has crucial relevance to many applied fields

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: The Facts on File Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology
The Penguin Encyclopedia of Science and Math

The Penguin Encyclopedia of Science and Math

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bunch, Bryan / Tesar, Jenny / Tesar, Jennie, PUBLISHER: Viking Books, A one-volume desk encyclopedia, with about entries, including capsule biographies, covering the key terms, concepts, instruments, and individuals in the development of the sciences and mathematics, from classical times to the present. The majority of the entries, ranging from a half-dozen lines to a full page in length, focus on the so-called "hard sciences", which are commonly taught in high school -- biology, chemistry, physics, earth science -- as well as mathematics through calculus. Astronomy, physical anthropology, archaeology, and technology also are covered, albeit to a lesser extent. In all cases, the entries, supplemented by some 150 line drawings, avoid technical terms, making the text easily accessible to students, teachers, librarians, journalists, and readers generally. Even professional scientists will find "The Penguin Desk Encyclopedia of Science and Mathematics" to be a useful resource for checking dates and facts outside their areas of particular expertise.

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schulze, Ernst-Detlef / Mooney, Harold A. / Schulze, E. -D, PUBLISHER: Springer, With the accelerating loss of biodiversity there is increasing concern about how this loss may be affecting ecosystem processes, or services, that are of benefit to human well being. The limited studies that address the principal question directly, species numbers versus system function, are evaluated. Moreover, the degree of redundancy within systems, the ubiquity of keystone species, the tightness of species interactions from mutualisms to food webs, the resilience of systems to perturbation, the interactions of landscape units are explored, as is also how policy decisions are driven in this research area. This book brings together the disciplines of population biology and ecoysystem science, both directed toward evaluating the consequences of human-driven disruptions of natural systems.

Offerte relazionate encyclopedia of human biology 8: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function
In the House of Stone & Light: A Human History of Grand

In the House of Stone & Light: A Human History of Grand

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hughes, J. Donald / Hughes, Ted, PUBLISHER: Grand Canyon Association, Four thousand years of human history comes to life in this journey of discovery, replete with photos.

Evolutionary Politics

Evolutionary Politics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schubert, Glendon A., JR., PUBLISHER: Southern Illinois University Press, This synthesis of research into the behavior of humans and other social animals ranges horizontally from a congruence of the perspectives of the life sciences, social sciences, and physical sciences and longitudinally from that of the most recent 60 million years, but emphasizing the last 12 thousand years. From a political science perspective, these essays focus on both individual and small-group political behavior. Schubert's work draws extensively on contemporary evolutionary theory, biosocial and psychobiological theory, ethology and primatology, behavioral ecology, experimental work in animal behavior, neurobiology, human development, and the philosophy of both life and social sciences. Introducing and concluding the book are essays that discuss the implications of biology and the life sciences for the study of political science. The others center on five topics: political ethology (naturalistic study of human behavior as animal behavior); political evolution; evolutionary theory; evolutionary development (ecological, epigenetic, and ontogenetic); and the evolution of human thinking.

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Encyclopedia international Lexicon Publications 20

Encyclopedia international Lexicon Publications 20

20 Volumi New Age Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia International) Enciclopedia in inglese

Libro Atlas of human Anatomy

Libro Atlas of human Anatomy

Atlas of human anatomy and surgery della Taschen, NUOVO, 35 euro

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Encyclopedia of chart patterns - T. N. Bulkowski

Encyclopedia of chart patterns - T. N. Bulkowski

Encyclopedia of chart patterns - T. N. Bulkowski - Ed- Wiley Trading Advantage

Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for

Encyclopedia of Special Education, Volume 3: A Reference for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reynolds, Cecil R. / Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, The Third Edition of the highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Special Education has been thoroughly updated to include the latest information about new legislation and guidelines. In addition, this comprehensive resource features new biographies of important figures in special education, school psychology, and neuropsychology and reviews of new tests and curricula that have been developed since publication of the second edition in . Unique in focus, the Encyclopedia of Special Education, Third Edition addresses issues of importance ranging from theory to practice and is a critical reference for researchers as well as those working in the special education field.

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The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology

The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruse, Michael / Hull, David L., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The philosophy of biology is one of the most exciting new areas in the field of philosophy and one that is attracting much attention from working scientists. This Companion, edited by two of the founders of the field, includes newly commissioned essays by senior scholars and up-and-coming younger scholars who collectively examine the main areas of the subject - the nature of evolutionary theory, classification, teleology and function, ecology, and the problematic relationship between biology and religion, among other topics. Up-to-date and comprehensive in its coverage, this unique volume will be of interest not only to professional philosophers but also to students in the humanities and researchers in the life sciences and related areas of inquiry.
