elseviers dictionary of art history terms

Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms::

Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms::

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Michaux, J.P. Ed. / Michaux, J. P., PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing, The dictionary contains terms covering the following fields and subfields of arts and antiques: painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture, architecture, dressmaking, armament, heraldry, ceramics, styles and art criticism, music, furniture, religious monuments and objects, textile, gilding, numismatics, jewels, cabinet-making etc.

A dictionary of scientific terms hardcover â€"

A dictionary of scientific terms hardcover â€"

A DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS Hardcover â€" by I F & Henderson, W D Henderson (Author) Hardcover Oliver and Boyd () Language: English Euro 25 (diz 4)

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: A dictionary of scientific terms hardcover â€"
Dictionary of Gene Technology

Dictionary of Gene Technology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kahl, Gunter / Kahl, Guenter, PUBLISHER: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of all terms of this modern science. With more than technical terms, this dictionary reflects the importance of gene technology for present-day biology. Extensive explanations and illustrations accompany the terms, providing admirably clear access to the complexities of this vital discipline. Moreover, the book elucidates the jungle of acronyms and swamps of jargon that have frustrated many a researcher. A multitude of cross-references enables non-specialists and experts alike to understand links to related sciences such as genetics, biotechnology, microbiology and biochemistry. Students, researchers, officials and journalists will soon find it difficult to imagine tackling gene technology without the assistance of this user-friendly dictionary.

Dictionary of Military Terms

Dictionary of Military Terms

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: U S Joint Chiefs of Staff / Us Joint Chief, PUBLISHER: Stackpole Books, Fully revised and updated reference work on the language of modern war, providing definitions and explanations for more than current military terms and abbreviations.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: Dictionary of Military Terms
The Facts on File Dictionary of Marine Science

The Facts on File Dictionary of Marine Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Charton, Barbara / Tietjen, John, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Here is a comprehensive, authoritative, easy-to-use dictionary of nearly terms covering the entire range of marine phenomena.

 English Chinese Dictionary of Physical Terms

English Chinese Dictionary of Physical Terms

DIZIONARIO ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF PHYSICAL TERMS DC-023 Titolo - Title ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF PHYSICAL TERMS AUTORE - Author WU, HSIN-CHIEN VOCI - Item oltre APPENDICE - Appendix LINGUA - Language ENGLISH CHINESE EDITORE - Publisher Taipei, TAIWAN ANNO - Publication Year PAGINE - Pages [ FORMATO - Size mm. 125 x 185 IMMAGINI - Images No COPERTINA - Binding rigida PESO - Weight 291 gr. STATUS Buone * CODICE - Code DC-023 *Condizioni: presenta tracce di macchioline su dietro della copertina quali pagine interne leggermente ingiallite all' interno e nel complesso buono stato di conservazione.(come da fotografia) Possibilità di spedizione in tutta Italia. Se interessati contattarmi all'indirizzo mail

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: English Chinese Dictionary of Physical Terms
 English Chinese Dictionary of Medical Terms

English Chinese Dictionary of Medical Terms

DIZIONARIO ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF MEDICAL TERMS & ABBREV. DC-036 Titolo - Title ENGLISH CHINESE DICTIONARY OF MEDICAL TERMS & ABBREVIATIONS AUTORE - Author WANG, MEI-HUA WU, YIN-CHIAO WU, LIEN-SHEN VOCI - Item APPENDICE - Appendix LINGUA - Language ENGLISH CHINESE EDITORE - Publisher Taipei, TAIWAN ANNO - Publication Year PAGINE - Pages [] FORMATO - Size mm. 145 x 205 IMMAGINI - Images No COPERTINA - Binding rigida PESO - Weight 611 gr. STATUS come nuovo * CODICE - Code DC-036 *Condizioni: presenta lievi segni delle macchie all' interno e nel complesso ottimo stato di conservazione.(come da fotografia) Possibilità di spedizione in tutta Italia. Se interessati contattarmi all'indirizzo mail

Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories

Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morphy, Howard, PUBLISHER: UNSW Press, "Becoming Art" provides a new analysis of the shifting cultural and social contexts that surround the production of Aboriginal art. Transcending the boundaries between anthropology and art history, the book draws on arguments from both disciplines to provide a unique interdisciplinary perspective that places the artists themselves at the centre of the argument. Western art history has traditionally regarded Aboriginal art as distanced from time and place. "Becoming Art" uses the recent history of Aboriginal art to challenge some of the presuppositions of western art discourse and western art worlds. It argues for a more cross-cultural perspective on world art history.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: Becoming Art: Exploring Cross-Cultural Categories
Cassell Dictionary of Modern American History

Cassell Dictionary of Modern American History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Thompson, Peter, PUBLISHER: Cassell, The first release in a major new series of five volumes that will cover modern U.S., U.K., French, German and Russian history. The Cassell Dictionary of Modern American History is a clear and comprehensive A-Z guide to American history from the birth of the republic in to the Lewinsky affair. Its articles include not only brief entries delivering key details of the people and events that have made U.S. history, but also a number of longer thematic articles treating key aspects of the period in question -- from the US constitution to the US Civil War, from the American Revolution to Reconstruction.

The Facts on File Dictionary of Modern Allusions

The Facts on File Dictionary of Modern Allusions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cole, Sylvia, PUBLISHER: Checkmark Books, The Facts On File Writer's Library includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other indispensable resources for writers, students, and serious readers. From the origins of words and phrases to the meanings of literary terms, the collection provides comprehensive information in a clear, accessible style that is sure to satisfy researchers and browsers alike. These books will be reached for again and again. This dictionary explains the current meanings and original contexts of more than allusions drawn from history, literature, art, and mass culture over the past millennium. Eminently useful and fun to browse, this is an essential resource for writers, students, and readers alike.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: The Facts on File Dictionary of Modern Allusions
Dictionary of Art & Artists by Peter and Linda Murray

Dictionary of Art & Artists by Peter and Linda Murray

Dictionary of Art & Artists by Peter and Linda Murray - The Penguin Ottime condizioni. Spedizione con raccomandata. Ritiro in zona gratuito.

 English Latin-Chinese Dictionary of Pharmaceu

English Latin-Chinese Dictionary of Pharmaceu

DIZIONARIO ENGLISH LATIN-CHINESE DICTIONARY OF PHARMACEUTICAL TERMS DC-011 Titolo - Title ENGLISH LATIN-CHINESE DICTIONARY OF PHARMACEUTICAL TERMS AUTORE - Author WANG, TSU-MIN LI, SHAN-CHUNG VOCI - Item oltre APPENDICE - Appendix LINGUA - Language ENGLISH LATIN - CHINESE EDITORE - Publisher Taipei, TAIWAN ANNO - Publication Year PAGINE - Pages [] FORMATO - Size mm. 145 x 205 IMMAGINI - Images No COPERTINA - Binding rigida PESO - Weight 969 gr. STATUS come nuovo * CODICE - Code DC-011 *Condizioni: con lievi segni delle macchie all' interno e nel complesso ottimo stato di conservazione.(come da fotografia) Possibilità di spedizione in tutta Italia. Se interessati contattarmi all'indirizzo mail

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: English Latin-Chinese Dictionary of Pharmaceu
Department of defense

Department of defense

Vendo libro" Department of Defense" dictionary of military and associate the terms.the joint chiefs of staff Washington D.C. June .PAGINE 377.il libro é in ottime condizioni.

Qualitative Inquiry: A Dictionary of Terms

Qualitative Inquiry: A Dictionary of Terms

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schwandt, Thomas A., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Focusing primarily on philosophical and methodological concepts rather than technical aspects of methods and procedures, this dictionary fills a crucial gap in the literature. In this indispensable volume, Thomas A Schwandt provides a guide to the terms and phrases which help shape the nature, purpose, logic, meaning and methods of qualitative inquiry. Intended as a reference book for this vocabulary, the volume examines the key concepts and issues which help shape the field. The definitions acknowledge the multiple and often-contested points of view that characterize qualitative inquiry.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: Qualitative Inquiry: A Dictionary of Terms
Computer User's Dictionary

Computer User's Dictionary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Microsoft Press, PUBLISHER: Microsoft Press, "Microsoft Press "RM" Computer User's Dictionary", our entry into this thriving market, features a Field Guide sized trim (5 1/2 x pages, and approximately terms and 70 illustrations. Most terms will have shortened versions of the in-depth definitions featured in the Third Edition of the Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary, but will also feature the latest in computer terminology drawn from our quarterly online updates. The "Microsoft Press Computer User's Dictionary" is ideal for beginning to intermediate computer users at home, at the office, and in school. Like the Third Edition, the pocket edition features a more professional, traditional-dictionary format and layout -- including phonetic respellings, parts of speech, and definitions broken down into numbered lists where appropriate for easy reading. Regular quarterly updates will be made to the dictionary on the MSPress Web site to extend the shelf life of the book. We're publishing this book in time for back-to-school promotions.

The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary of Australian History

The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary of Australian History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bassett, Jan, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Why were the Swing' rioters transported to Australia? Where was evidence of the earliest known example of cremation in the world found? Who were the members of the "Three Elevens?" How did the Angry Penguins acquire their name? The answers to these and thousands of other questions can be found in this revised and updated edition of a popular reference book. Now illustrated with a wide range of maps, photographs, and cartoons, the dictionary has entries on the major people, events, places, institutions, ideas, artifacts, and documents that have shaped Australian history from prehistory to the s.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary of Australian History
Art and Architecture Pelican History of Art

Art and Architecture Pelican History of Art

4 volumi - Pelican History of Art The Art and Architecture of China Sickman - Soper Prima edizione Lingua inglese Art and Architecture in Italy Rudolf Wittkower Prima edizione Lingua inglese The Art and Architecture of Japan Paine - Soper Prima edizione Lingua Inglese Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture K. J. Conant Prima edizione Lingua inglese Contattatemi per altre info o foto Pagamento, consegna o spedizione da concordare I quattro volumi sono tutti i buone condizioni Vendo da privata

A Brief History of Painting:  BC -- AD

A Brief History of Painting: BC -- AD

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bolton, Roy / Collings, Matthew, PUBLISHER: Booksales, A lavishly illustrated pocket history of painting in its extraordinary. varied course from cave art to Pop Art, from the Old Masters to the Neo-Impressionists.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: A Brief History of Painting: BC -- AD
A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

A Dictionary of the Bible: Volume V: Supplement -- Articles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hastings, James, PUBLISHER: University Press of the Pacific, For over a century the ten-volume Dictionary of the Bible has been the definitive reference. "It is a Dictionary of the Old and New Testaments, together with the Old Testament Apocrypha, according to the Authorized and Revised English Versions, and with constant reference to the original tongues.... Articles have been written on the names of all Persons and Places, on the Antiquities and Archaeology of the Bible, on its Ethnology, Geology, and Natural History, on Biblical Theology and Ethic, and even on the obsolete or archaic words occurring in the English Versions." James Hastings () was a distinguished scholar and pastor. He was founder and editor of the Expository Times and is also well known for editing the Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, the Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, and the Dictionary of the Apostolic Church.

Historical Dictionary of Indonesia

Historical Dictionary of Indonesia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cribb, Robert / Kahin, Audrey R. / Cribb, R. B., PUBLISHER: Scarecrow Press, In over 800 clear and succinct entries, the dictionary covers people, places, and organizations, as well as economics, culture, and political thought from Indonesia's ancient history up until the recent past. Includes a comprehensive bibliography, maps, chronology, list of abbreviations, and appendix of election results and major office-holders. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover the events that have occurred in Indonesia's history in the past fifteen years.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: Historical Dictionary of Indonesia
United States History: A Multicultural, Interdisciplinary

United States History: A Multicultural, Interdisciplinary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Perrault, Anna H. / Duggan, Kevin J. / Blazek, Ron, PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, This important work has been completely revised and expanded with the addition of online databases, web sites and CD-ROM titles. It identifies and describes hundreds of reference books that pertain to American history. Entries offer full descriptive, and in some cases, evaluative annotations. Arranged topically, the guide begins with an introduction and a chapter on sources of general importance. Subsequent chapters cover U.S. history in terms of politics and government; diplomatic history and foreign affairs; military history; social, cultural, and intellectual history; regional history; and economic history. Introductory scope notes provide valuable expository information and suggested search strategies in such areas as automation, government documents, and genealogy. Entries include works published through .

Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McArthur, Tom, PUBLISHER: University of Exeter Press, In this unique and entertaining collection of articles, a noted scholar and compiler of key works of reference reflects on the nature of language, the art of lexicography, and the breathtaking developments in communication, the media, and information technology in the late twentieth century. Living Words ranges over three main subjects: language at large, and in particular English, the most widely used language in the history of the world; the art and study of dictionaries and reference science, embracing all past, present, and potential reference materials from the Oxford English Dictionary to the Yellow Pages; and the processes through which communication, information, and knowledge have evolved -- from cave art to the personal computer.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge
A Concise Dictionary of Modern Place-Names in Great Britain

A Concise Dictionary of Modern Place-Names in Great Britain

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Room, Adrian, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This dictionary fills a major gap in the study of British and Irish place names, being the first to give full coverage to the origins of names that have arisen since . Room traces the origins of over names, providing an informative and entertaining excursion through the social history of Great Britain and Ireland over the last 500 years.

Oxford Dictionary of Science

Oxford Dictionary of Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Oxford University Press / Martin, Elizabeth A. / Daintith, John, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, Authoritative and up-to-date, this popular dictionary is an ideal reference for both students and non-scientists. Now fully revised and substantially expanded for this new edition, the Concise Science Dictionary provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy, as well as common terms from mathematics and computing. With clear and concise entries, the dictionary also incorporates the latest developments in fields such as genetics, molecular biology, cosmology, particle physics, and fullerene chemistry. New material includes biographical entries, box features, chronologies, and tables; and appendices cover the periodic table, tables of SI units, and classifications of the plant and animal kingdoms.

Offerte relazionate elseviers dictionary of art history terms: Oxford Dictionary of Science
The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

The History of the Earth: An Illustrated Chronicle of Our

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hartmann, William K. / Miller, Ron, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, "The History of Earth" combines geology, astronomy, evolution, history, cosmology, and painting to tell the complete and vivid history of that elegant marble known as earth. Main Selection of the Astronomy Book Club. Ages 14-up.
