edward s curtis visions of the first americans

Edward S. Curtis: Visions of the First Americans

Edward S. Curtis: Visions of the First Americans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gulbrandsen, Don, PUBLISHER: Chartwell Books, The book includes many regions, tribes and ages of people, and in some ways even some of the more negative aspects of his photographs are invaluable because they informed much of the mainstream American (worldwide, really) mythology that surrounds First Nations peoples of North America. The photos are somewhere between documentary and romanticism. Where he could have taken straight documentary photos of poverty and tattered Western/white clothing, he instead staged warrior meetings on horseback and the like.

The Sun Unwound: Poems from Occupied America

The Sun Unwound: Poems from Occupied America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brotherston, Gordon / Dorn, Edward, PUBLISHER: North Atlantic Books, The result of a 20-year collaboration between poet Edward Dorn and scholar Gordon Brotherston, "The Sun Unwound" gathers together the disparate voices of oppressed Americans through the centuries: the hymns, songs, and prayers of Mesoamericans and other native peoples; the verse of eight Latin American guerrillas of the 's; and works by three of Latin America's most important avant-garde poets of the twentieth century. The Native Americans saw their cultures obliterated, most of the guerrillas died in their struggles, and the modernists have faced persecution, prison, and torture for their left-wing convictions. Previously untranslated or unavailable to most North Americans, their poems offer a striking counterpoint to the colonialist, capitalist, Anglo-Saxon ethos.

Offerte relazionate edward s curtis visions of the first americans: The Sun Unwound: Poems from Occupied America
The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion

The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scammell, Geoffrey V. / Scammell, G. / Scammell Geoffr, PUBLISHER: Routledge, The First Imperial Age explores the origins of Europe's rise to world hegemony in the early modern period. After a slow start in the s, the pace of European exploration and discovery quickened dramatically. By the end of the period, Europeans, in pursuit of Asia and the opportunities encountered en route, had determined the outlines of Africa, discovered and partly subjugated the Americans, opened a sea route to the Far East and established themselves in the great maritime economy of Asia. Scammell's detached and skeptical view highlights the ambiguities inherent in these triumphs.

Wonder Tales: The Book of Wonder and Tales of Wonder

Wonder Tales: The Book of Wonder and Tales of Wonder

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dunsany, Edward John Moreton, PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, One of English literature's most original talents, Irish writer Edward J. M. D. Plunkett, the 18th Baron of Dunsany, created many of the best fantastic tales in the language. This collection of 33 stories includes all of the tales from two of his finest collections, including "The Three Sailors' Gambit," and "The House of the Sphinx." Acquista Ora

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The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans

The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kranz, Rachel / Koslow, Philip, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Since their first arrival in the New World, the experiences of individual ethnic groups have often been lost in the larger story of American history. Using a wide arrangement of visual tools, these atlases offer a detailed overview of the experiences and important events surrounding Americans of African, Asian, and Hispanic descent. This A-to-Z guide profiles more than 230 important, influential, and fascinating African Americans and their accomplishments in all fields since colonial times, including the arts, entertainment, politics, science, sports, the military, literature, education, the media, and religion.

A Memoir of Jane Austen: And Other Family Recollections

A Memoir of Jane Austen: And Other Family Recollections

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Austen-Leigh, James Edward / Sutherland, Kathryn, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, James Edward Austen-Leigh's Memoir of his aunt Jane Austen was published in , over fifty years after her death. Together with the shorter recollections of James Edward's two sisters, Anna Lefroy and Caroline Austen, the Memoir remains the prime authority for her life and continues to inform all subsequent accounts. These are family memories, the record of Jane Austen's life shaped and limited by the loyalties, reserve, and affection of nieces and nephews recovering in old age the outlines of the young aunt they had each known. They still remembered the shape of her bonnet and the tone of her voice, and their first-hand accounts bring her vividly before us. Their declared partiality also raises fascinating issues concerning biographical truth, and the terms in which all biography functions. This edition brings together for the first time these three memoirs, and also includes Jane's brother Henry Austen's "Biographical Notice" of and his less known "Memoir" of .

Offerte relazionate edward s curtis visions of the first americans: A Memoir of Jane Austen: And Other Family Recollections
The History of Jamaica: Or, General Survey of the Antient

The History of Jamaica: Or, General Survey of the Antient

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Long, Edward / Edward, Long, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Edward Long's three-volume work marks a major turning point in the historiography of Jamaica, as the first attempt at a comprehensive description of the colony, its history, government, people, economy and geography. The son of a prominent Jamaican plantation owner, Long () spent twelve years running his father's property, an experience which permeates his vision of the island's past, present and future. Throughout his book, Long defends slavery as 'inevitably necessary' in Jamaica, suggesting the institution to be implicit in the 'possession of British freedom'. Volume 1 gives an overview of British colonial government in Jamaica, a history of the island's initial colonisation by Spain, and an account of the economy, including population and export figures and details of prices paid for slaves during the eighteenth century. This important book provides fascinating insights into eighteenth-century colonial Jamaica and the ideology of its commercial and administrative elite.

The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of

The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Curtis, Edward E., IV / Sigler, Danielle Brune, PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, Taking the influential work of Arthur Huff Fauset as a starting point to break down the false dichotomy that exists between mainstream and marginal, a new generation of scholars offers fresh ideas for understanding the religious expressions of African Americans in the United States. Fauset's classic, Black Gods of the Metropolis, launched original methods and theories for thinking about African American religions as modern, cosmopolitan, and democratic. The essays in this collection show the diversity of African American religion in the wake of the Great Migration and consider the full field of African American religion from Pentecostalism to Black Judaism, Black Islam, and Father Divine's Peace Mission Movement. As a whole, they create a dynamic, humanistic, and thoroughly interdisciplinary understanding of African American religious history and life. This book is essential reading for anyone who studies the African American experience. Acquista Ora

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Mundo, Demonio y Mujer

Mundo, Demonio y Mujer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: De Vallbona, Rima / Vallbona, Rima De, PUBLISHER: Arte Publico Press, A feminist novel that follows the dialogs and introspections of an Hispanic intellectual who is caught between the gender expectations of both Latin Americans and Anglo-Americans. Set in Houston, the novel is a first in exploring this theme in Spanish in the United States.

Baseball's Book of Firsts

Baseball's Book of Firsts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pritzker, Barry / Johnson, Lloyd, PUBLISHER: JG Press, From Edward Curtis' haunting portraits to Ansel Adams' soaring vistas, this informative and visually compelling overview of America's most famous photographers traces the history and evolution of the black and white image and how it shaped our national view. In a career spanning almost 70 years, "Ansel Adams inspired millions with spectacular photographs of natural scenes. This volume is a tribute to perhaps the best-known photographer in the world.

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The Armies of Agincourt

The Armies of Agincourt

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roth, Chris / Rothero, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Osprey Publishing (UK), Henry V became King of England in . He was one of the great warrior kings of the country, cast in the same mould as Edward I and Edward III. He was just, pious, athletic, chivalrous, acquisitive, ruthless and eager to gain honour on the field of battle. Henry hoped that a successful campaign against the nation's traditional enemy would draw the people together and establish the popularity of the Lancastrian dynasty. This splendid addition to Osprey's Men-at-Arms series explores the background, organisation and equipment of the armies which fought in one of the most famous conflicts in England's history - the Battle of Agincourt.

Remaking American Theater: Charles Mee, Anne Bogart and the

Remaking American Theater: Charles Mee, Anne Bogart and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cummings, Scott T., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, An account of contemporary theater practice in its most collaborative and dynamic form, this book was the first book-length study of two of the most important American theater artists at the start of the twenty-first century. For twenty-five years, Mee and Bogart have pursued independent but sympathetic visions of theater rooted in the avant-garde of the s, guided by a view of art and culture as a perpetual process of 'remaking'. Since , the SITI Company has pioneered the unique combination of three training practices as the basis for collective creations that layer language, gesture, and image in a complex and often stunning fashion. This study provides both a general introduction to Mee's unorthodox playwriting, Bogart's innovative directing, and the ensemble work of the SITI Company and an in-depth case study of their work together on bobrauschenbergamerica, a piece inspired by the art of Robert Rauschenberg.

Offerte relazionate edward s curtis visions of the first americans: Remaking American Theater: Charles Mee, Anne Bogart and the
Freedom's Sons: The True Story of the Amistad Mutiny

Freedom's Sons: The True Story of the Amistad Mutiny

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jurmain, Suzanne, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins, AMISTAD CAPTIVES VICTORY JUSTICE TRIUMPHANT trumpeted the March , headline of "The Colored American, "one of the first U.S. newspapers published and edited by African Americans. The cause for this jubilation was an unprecedented event. At a time when most black Americans had no legal rights, a group of captive Africans had challenged the U.S. government before the Supreme Court -- and won "Freedom's Sons" is a tale of unbending courage and moral integrity in the face of incredible odds. It is the extraordinary true story of the only successful slave revolt in American history. In , fifty-three Africans aboard the Cuban slave ship "Amistad" broke out of their chains and took over the ship. Attempting to return to Sierra Leone, they landed instead on the northeast coast of the United States, where they were captured and put on trial. A year and a half later, former president John Quincy Adams argued the Supreme Court case that ultimately set them free. Acquista Ora

America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences

America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smelser, Neil J. / Wilson, William Julius / Mitchell, Faith, PUBLISHER: National Academy Press, Leading scholars and commentators explore past and current trends among African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans in the context of a White majority. This collection of papers represents the most current literature in the field. Volume I focuses on demographic trends, immigration, racial attitudes, and the geography of opportunity.

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The Key to Newton's Dynamics

The Key to Newton's Dynamics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brackenridge, J. Bruce, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, While much has been written on the ramifications of Newton's dynamics, until now the details of Newton's solution were available only to the physics expert. "The Key to Newton's Dynamics" clearly explains the surprisingly simple analytical structure that underlies the determination of the force necessary to maintain ideal planetary motion. J. Bruce Brackenridge sets the problem in historical and conceptual perspective, showing the physicist's debt to the works of both Descartes and Galileo. He tracks Newton's work on the Kepler problem from its early stages at Cambridge before , through the revival of his interest ten years later, to its fruition in the first three sections of the first edition of the "Principia."

Who Was Who in the American Revolution

Who Was Who in the American Revolution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Purcell, L. Edward, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Containing over entries, this is the first one-volume reference to examine the lives and careers of the men and women of the Revolution. The book covers the full spectrum of historical figures, including regular army and military generals, naval commanders, significant civilians, Loyalists, French allies, diplomats, and more.

Offerte relazionate edward s curtis visions of the first americans: Who Was Who in the American Revolution
Living of Maisie Ward

Living of Maisie Ward

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greene, Dana, PUBLISHER: University of Notre Dame Press, The first biography of this amazing woman of faith, The Living of Maisie Ward provides inspiration for the current generation of Catholics whose lives and actions will profoundly shape the American Church in the twenty-first century.

Foreschocks of Antichrist

Foreschocks of Antichrist

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James, William T., PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, General Editor. Twelve internationally known prophecy experts share their visions of God's prophetic plan and the vital role Christians will play in it. Discover the significance of the Internet, the inevitability of a one-world government, and the eventual rejection of a "Creator God" by those who embrace globalism.

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The German-American Heritage

The German-American Heritage

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Franck, Irene M. / Irene M Franck, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, This volume uses firsthand accounts and period illustrations to detail the immigration of Germans into the United States, the hardships they experienced upon arriving, and their role throughout history. Coverage includes the Mennonites and Quakers who left Germany in search of religious freedom in the late seventeenth century, the immigrants who poured into the United States in the nineteenth century following the Napoleonic Wars and who continued to come through the s, the development of German-American communities, the impact of two world wars on Americans of German descent, and the valuable contributions of German-Americans to this country.

Kingdom Relationships: God's Laws for the Community of Faith

Kingdom Relationships: God's Laws for the Community of Faith

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moseley, Ron, PUBLISHER: Messianic Jewish Resources International, Dr. Ron Moseley's Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church has taught thousands of people about the Jewishness of not only Yeshua, but of the first followers of the Messiah. In this work, Moseley focuses on the teaching of Torah -- the Five Books of Moses -- tapping into truths that greatly help modern-day members of the community of faith. The first section explains the relationship of both the Jewish people and Christians to the Kingdom of God. The second section lists the laws that are applicable to a non-Jew living in the twenty-first century and outside of the land of Israel. This book is needed because these little known laws of God's Kingdom were, according to Yeshua, the most salient features of the first-century community of believers. Yeshua even warned that anyone breaking these laws would be least in the Kingdom (Matt. 5: 19). Additionally, these laws will be the basis for judgment at the end of every believer's life.

Offerte relazionate edward s curtis visions of the first americans: Kingdom Relationships: God's Laws for the Community of Faith
Disabled Policy: America's Programs for the Handicapped: A

Disabled Policy: America's Programs for the Handicapped: A

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berkowitz, Edward D. / Edward D., Berkowitz / Galambos, Louis, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Combining history and an analysis of policy today, this book exposes the contradictions in America's disability policy and suggests means of remedying them. Based on careful archival research and interviews with policymakers, the book illustrates the dilemmas that public policies pose for the handicapped: the present system forces too many people with physical impairments into retirement, despite the availability of construcyive alternatives.

Pictorial History of Hockey

Pictorial History of Hockey

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Romain, Joseph / Duplacey, James, PUBLISHER: Thunder Bay Press (CA), This lively volume begins with the first games resembling ice hockey, played on the frozen lakes of Europe and North America, and traces the game's development to the dazzling speed and puck-handling that characterize it today. From the first Stanley Cup playoff in through the growth of the Pacific Coast Hockey Association, the proliferation of boomtown hockey, the birth of the NHL, the evolution of the All-Star game, the advent of international competition, and the rival leagues to the expansion teams, this illustrated volume tells the complete story of the fastest game on ice.

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Mysteries of Ontario

Mysteries of Ontario

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zawadzki, Edward / Colombo, John Robert / John Robert, Colombo, PUBLISHER: Dundurn Group, Mysteries of Ontario brings together, for the first time, some five hundred accounts of strange events and eerie experiences, each keyed to one of 250 places in the province.

Thirteen Colonies: North Carolina

Thirteen Colonies: North Carolina

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Uschan, Michael V., PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, North Carolina was the location of the first English attempt to colonize the New World. But the mysterious fate of the members of that "Lost Colony" and Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America, is only one of the intriguing historical aspects of this unique state.

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Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the

Text, Context, and Hypertext: Writing with and for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barrett, Edward, PUBLISHER: MIT Press (MA), In "Text, ConText, and HyperText," twenty-seven experts present the most recent developments in three important areas of technical communication: the design of effective documentation, the impact of new technology and research on technical writing, and the training and management of technical writers. This first synthesis of diverse but related research provides a unique conceptualization of the field of computers and writing and documentation.
