economic and industrial performance in europe

Economic and Industrial Performance in Europe

Economic and Industrial Performance in Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: David Coates, PUBLISHER: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, NA

Europe's Economic Challenge: Analyses of Industrial Strategy

Europe's Economic Challenge: Analyses of Industrial Strategy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bianchi, Patrizio / Cowling, Keith / Sugden, Roger, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Europe is at a critical stage in its economic development. There seems to be a widespread desire to pursue coherent initiatives which address current issues but it is unclear which policies would fit the agenda. "Europe's Economic Challenge" analyzes the wide ranging issues in economic strategy and considers future research possibilities. The book considers broad approaches to industrial strategy; looking at policy mix, institutional conditions for a more dynamic market and the processes of creating a democratic industrial structure. The authors focus on experiences in various countries, both in Europe and North America, in different sectors of the economy, and on the implications of European policies on Third World industrialization. The work includes a detailed discussion of the size of the public sector, innovation, R & D, entrepreneurship and inward investment. "Europe's Economic Challenge" poses some demanding questions and suggestions, discussion and analysis which provides a valuable contribution to the search for a successful way forward.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Europe's Economic Challenge: Analyses of Industrial Strategy
The Economy of Later Renaissance Europe

The Economy of Later Renaissance Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miskimin, Harry A. / Miskimin, H. A., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is an economic history of sixteenth-century Europe that combines the virtues of a scholarly monograph with those of a general history. Professor Miskimin describes the intellectual and philosophical context in which economic decisions were made, and on which the fundamental economic categories of the period were based.

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baldwin, Richard E. / Bertola, Giuseppe / Seabright, Paul, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, This is the first book to investigate how the Euro has affected trade, financial markets, macroeconomic policy making and Europe's economic performance since it came into operation in January . Features eight studies by leading European and North American economists. Covers topics such as inflation measurement, price stability, fiscal policies and monetary policy. Also looks at economic conditions and prospects outside the Eurozone. Presents essential information in non-technical language.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Emu: Assessing the Impact of the Euro
European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Woodruff D., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This book presents an overview of Europe's imperialist career from the end of the Napoleonic wars in to the present; in other words, from the establishment of Britain's ascendency as the major power in the world and the head of Europe's largest empire to the era of decolonization and the eclipse of Western Europe in world affairs. Examined is the nature and extent of Europe's relations with the world overseas, the economic and political factors present in Europe during the era of industrialization that determined the direction of those relations, the effects of increased European penetration upon non-European societies in the nineteenth century, and the explosion of European imperialism in the last quarter of the century. The author discusses the effects of modern European colonization in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; the changes that occurred in Europe's economic relationship with the rest of the world in the twentieth century; and the current process of decolonization. In the final chapter, the overall importance of Euorpean imperialism in the workd history is assessed.

Atlas of Industrializing Britain,

Atlas of Industrializing Britain,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morris, R. J. / Langton, John, PUBLISHER: Routledge, This atlas draws together crucial social and economic data on England, Scotland and Wales between and , and gives a clear guide to the industrial development of Great Britain during the modern period.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Atlas of Industrializing Britain,
Multinationals and Europe : Strategies for the Future

Multinationals and Europe : Strategies for the Future

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burgenmeier, B. / Burgenmeier, Beat, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Multinationals and Europe " presents the first independent review of the critical role multinationals will play in Europe in the future. An international group of scholars extend the focus beyond to examine the economic and business strategy frameworks that firms need to develop and maintain a competitive advantage. Using case studies from specific industries, the contributors explore the activity of multinationals within the single market, and give special emphasis to the Japanese companies that are poised to exploit the climate of . The importance of interaction between multinationals and national government policies is analyzed, with acknowledgement of the integration that has already been achieved.

Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe: A New Objective

Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe: A New Objective

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hannequart, A. / Hannequart, Achille, PUBLISHER: Routledge, With discussions of a full internal market within the EC finally reaching fruition, and regular intergovernmental talks advancing the ideas of economic, monetary and perhaps eventually political union, economic and social cohesion has become a major objective of Community policy. Regional disparities remain a hard fact of Community life. Although there has been money available since to promote regional development and training in the poorer parts of Europe, it is likely that without serious reform of the Structural Funds these disparities could accelerate. There has been increasing anxiety from these countries about their ability to survive in the single market - anxiety that may jeopardise their participation in the Community effort. The EC has therefore committed itself to new initiatives in science and technology, the environment, social policy and economic and social cohesion. This book studies how the new policy can best be designed, exploring ways in which Structural Funds can be implemented to provide new opportunities for the poorer member states.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe: A New Objective
The Economic Person: Acting and Analyzing

The Economic Person: Acting and Analyzing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Danner, Peter L., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This book emphasizes that analysis of broad economic changes treats people abstractly, while a personalist view sees them as human agents who, while needing and generating economic goods, must still be responsive to others and be aware of values and goals beyond temporal well-being. Visit our website for sample chapters

The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and

The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Saunders, Peter, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book explores the relationship between economic liberalism and social policy in Australia. How do social policies operate in a fiercely individualist market economy, and what role should the government play to ensure effective market-based solutions? Why has quality of life diminished as the economy has undergone sustained growth? The book covers key trends in economic and social policy over the past twenty-five years. It reveals how economic liberalism, despite all positive economic indicators, has contributed to an increase in unemployment, inequality, social dysfunction and alienation.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: The Ends and Means of Welfare: Coping with Economic and
Unemployment in Europe

Unemployment in Europe

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Symes, Valerie, PUBLISHER: Routledge, "Unemployment in Europe" carefully examines why European unemployment is so astoundingly high and examines the policies adopted at local, national and European levels to tackle this growing problem. Unemployment is the most serious economic and social problem in Europe today. Although the extent varies from region to region, for example with relatively low levels in West Germany to high levels in Spain and Greece, it is generally most extreme in the larger cities. The extensive research in this volume lays the foundations for Valerie Symes' excellent analysis. The author scours five detailed case studies to locate the key factors which could be brought together for a Europe-wide solution. "Unemployment in Europe: Problems and Policies" is of immense value to those interested in the prevalent social phenomenon of unemployment. It is also useful for those involved in economics and social policy.

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Serrano, Monica, PUBLISHER: Institute of Latin American Studies, Although the early s witnessed great optimism with regard to the economic and political reforms introduced by the Salinas administration, the economic crisis raised doubts about the viability of market-oriented growth and political stability in Mexico. This book looks at the impact of economic reform and political liberalization on political institutions, state-society relations, and economic policymaking. The contributors are Alberto Arnaut, Fernando Escalante, Soledad Loaeza, Gabriel Martnez, Victoria Murillo, Mnica Serrano, Fernando Sols, Carlos Urza, Alejandro Villagmez, and Jos Woldenberg.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Mexico: Assessing Neo-Liberal Reform
The Policy Process in Communist States: Politics and

The Policy Process in Communist States: Politics and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holmes, Leslie, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Holmes presents a comparative study of the policy process in two communist states -- the USSR and the GDR -- as it is revealed in the rise in both countries of industrial associations. He compares the background to the legislation in both countries, its passing, and its practical results to answer such questions as; do there appear to be general laws governing the development of these two states? How does policy become reality in them? What differences exist between them? 'Holmes' study is systematic and painstaking, reflecting his detailed research in published Russian and East German sources as well as several extended interviews with Soviet economic officials...What he seems to show is that, within the framework provided by a common set of problems and closely similar economic and political structures, industrial administration policies in the two states evolved in substantially distinct ways.' -- Communist Affairs, Vol 1 No 3, July

In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.- European

In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.- European

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brandon, Henry, PUBLISHER: Brookings Institution Press, In the aftermath of the Cold War era, a new world order is being created at an extraordinary pace. Europe is becoming a more unified power, Germany is assuming a central role within that power, NATO is looking for a new mission, the former Soviet Union has ceased to be a superpower threat, and the United States is going through its own superpower adjustments. As these dramatic shifts occur, a crucial question for world stability is the future relationship between the United States and Europe. This volume brings together some of the best-informed and most-experienced international personalities to interpret the repercussions of these twists of the European kaleidoscope. They assess the impact the changes will have on future political, economic, trade, financial, industrial, and security developments, and above all, on U.S.-European realtionships. David Owen considers the future of the transatlantic partnership from his perspective as a former British foreign secretary and a member of Parliament; Michel Rocard, a former French prime minister, forsees a more balanced partnership, both in security matters and in economic relations; and Jean Franois-Poncet, a senator and leading columnist for Le Figaro and a former French foreign minister, points toward an ever greater need for U.S.-European cooperation in tomorrow's unstable world. Michael Strmer, the head of the think tank Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, addresses the need for Germany and the United States to work together to strengthen the U.S.-European alliance. Leonhard Gleske, recently retired director of the Deutsche Bundesbank, considers the implications of European monetary integration and its effect on the United States. KurtBiedenkopf, Minister President of Saxony and former member of the Bundestag, focuses on the lessons from German reunification for the unification of Europe. Giovanni Agnelli, the head of Fiat, deals with the industrial role of the European Community as a " United States of Europe". James Schlesinger, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Energy, and Assistant Director of the Office of management and Budget, assesses the importance of the transatlantic partnership from an American perspective.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.- European
Engaging Europe: Rethinking a Changing Continent

Engaging Europe: Rethinking a Changing Continent

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gould, Evlyn / Sheridan, George J., Jr., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, What and where and who is Europe? This unique collection contends that Europe cannot be defined as simply a particular geographic location or a group of citizens who inhabit the same place and share a culture. Instead, Europe is a question to be answered by the teachers and students who study it. A collaborative and multidisciplinary collection, Engaging Europe explores Europe through history, literature, philosophy, music, and ethical narratives. This book is a major part of an experiment that hopes to find more intellectually exciting ways to teach Europe to students in American higher education.

Japan and China in the World Political Economy

Japan and China in the World Political Economy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pekkanen Saadia / Pekkanen, Saadia / Tsai, Kellee, PUBLISHER: Routledge, Two powers in East Asia today stand to define the region's economic and commercial future: Japan, which rose in a spectacular industrial burst to become at present the world's second largest economy; and China, which is rapidly advancing towards a market economy under the watchful eye of the world. While much has been made of Japan and China's particular economic institutions and developmental paths, few works analyze them in a comparative framework. Including contributions from leading academics, the text focuses on the period from the s to the onset of the s, reviewing the experiences of Japan and China across the areas of development, trade, investment, finance and technology. Drawing on a combination of official documents, economic statistics, case studies and original fieldwork, this book will give political scientists, political economists, business concerns, and policy analysts a firmer grasp of the role Japan and China stand to play in the world political economy.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Japan and China in the World Political Economy
Energy Demand: Evidence and Expectations

Energy Demand: Evidence and Expectations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawdon, David, PUBLISHER: Emerald Group Publishing, The demand for energy plays an important role both as an essential factor in economic development and in the current debate about environmental issues. During the last two decades substantial movements in energy prices and taxes created a unique experimental framework for assessing the responsiveness of energy demand to economic factors. The aims of this book are to assess what has been learned about substitutability between sources of energy in different markets. Several distinguished academic economists review the methods and results of empirical work, present original research dealing with the demand for energy in the residential, industrial, transport and electricity sectors, explore the applicability of advanced econometric techniques, and assess the quality of producer forecasts of energy demand.

Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions

Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hesse, Wright / Hesse, Joachim J. / Wright, Vincent, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This constitutional and institutional development of the European Community, and federalism in particular, are widely and intensely debated, and the issue of federalism has proved to be divisive and misunderstood. This book provides a critical reappraisal of the political, economic, and socio-cultural potential of current federal political-institutional arrangements. It includes both an analysis of their necessary preconditions as well as evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages compared with other forms of state organization. The book concludes with an overall assessment of the federalizing processes at work in Europe, both at the Community and nation state level, and pints out the problems, paradoxes and likely outcomes of theses processes.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: Federalizing Europe?: The Costs, Benefits, and Preconditions
The British Economy Since

The British Economy Since

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Crafts, N. F. / Woodward, Nicholas W. / Woodward, N. W. C., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, In this concise economic history of Britain since the Second World War, recent developments in economic analysis are employed to re-examine the years of Britain's relative economic decline. The book is organized thematically rather than chronologically, and has separate chapters on all the major macro and microeconomic aspects of recent developments in the British economy. This lucid and accessible study will be of particular interest to second and third year undergraduates in economic history and economics.

The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in

The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Calabria, Antonio, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is a study of early modern government finance in the kingdom of Naples, one of the most important European dominions of the Spanish Empire. Professor Calabria focuses on the period from the mid-sixteenth century to the time of the Thirty Years' War. He connects fiscal developments to larger issues, such as the seventeenth-century crisis, the decline of Italy and Spain, and the economic and social significance of investments in government securities markets in early modern Europe. The Cost of Empire blends quantitative data on economic, fiscal, and financial affairs with non-quantitative material detailing attitudes, economic behaviour, and administrative practices. The quantitative material includes analyses of government budgets from to and a computer study of about investors and their investments in state securities in the later sixteenth century. The work is unrivalled in the breadth, comprehensiveness, and sophistication of its analysis of an early modern fiscal system.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in
Canada's Economic Apartheid: The Social Exclusion of

Canada's Economic Apartheid: The Social Exclusion of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Galabuzi, Grace-Edward, PUBLISHER: Canadian Scholars Press, Canada's Economic Apartheid calls attention to the growing racialization of the gap between rich and poor. Despite the dire implications for Canadian society, the rift is increasing with minimal public and policy attention. The myths about the economic performance of Canada's racialized communities that are used to deflect public concern and to mask the growing social crisis are challenged in this relevant work. Dr. Galabuzi points to the role of historical patterns of systemic racial discrimination as essential in understanding the persistent over-representation of racialized groups in low-paying occupations. While Canada embraces globalization and romanticizes cultural diversity, there are persistent expressions of xenophobia and racial marginalization that suggest a continuing political and cultural attachment to the concept of a White, settled society.

European Yearbook of International Economic Law

European Yearbook of International Economic Law

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Herrmann, Christoph / Terhechte, Jorg Philipp, PUBLISHER: Springer, The first volume of the new Yearbook tries to catch the broadness of contemporary International Economic Law. In part I, it brings together articles on a variety of subjects, reaching from exchange rate manipulation and financial market supervision over international investment law including the growing investment protectionism to recent developments of the external economic constitution of the European Union and the relationship between climate change and International Economic Law. Part II tries to cover the major regional economic integration developments around the globe, analysed in different articles covering the different regions. Part III informs about recent activities in some of the major global economic institutions.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: European Yearbook of International Economic Law
Mastering Economic and Social History by David Taylor

Mastering Economic and Social History by David Taylor

Mastering Economic and Social History by David Taylor - Macmillan Education, Prima Edizione Ottime condizioni. Spedizione con raccomandata. Ritiro in zona gratuito.

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jovanovic, Miroslav N. / Jovanovic, M., PUBLISHER: Routledge, In this major new text, Miroslav N.Jovanovic presents an analysis of all the major aspects of economic integration in the European Union. Beginning with an overview of the origins of European integration, he moves on to discuss in detail all the main policy areas. These include: *monetary policy *competition policy *industrial policy *fiscal policy *trade policy *the Common Agricultural Policy *foreign direct investment *regional policy. The volume also includes a discussion of less well-known policy areas, such as social policy, environmental policy and transport policy. Containing an excellent blend of theory and practice and presenting a highly complex issue in an accessible and non-technical way, this text will be an invaluable resource for students of international economics, international business and European studies.

Offerte relazionate economic and industrial performance in europe: European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects
The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Koslowski, P. / Koslowski, Peter, PUBLISHER: Springer, The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in which the political and societal conditions for the working of the market are included in the theory of the market economy. The social market economy is presented as a universal theory of the decisions to be made about the economic order in all cultures and is analysed in its basic theoretical foundations and in its application to the transition process from the planned to the market economy, particulary in the privatisation of socialised property in Russia and former East Germany. Leading German and Russian experts in the field as well as four classical texts present a systematic analysis of the social market economy from the point of view of economics, law, and ethics.
