early years of adventure letters journals the l ron

Early Years of Adventure, Letters & Journals (The L. Ron

Early Years of Adventure, Letters & Journals (The L. Ron

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Based on rong>therong> Works rong>ofrong> L. Ron Hubbard, PUBLISHER: Bridge Publications, Inc., Here is a young L. Ron Hubbard as revealed through a rare assemblage rong>ofrong> rong>lettersrong>, rong>journalsrong> and photographs--from rong>therong>n remote hinterlands rong>ofrong> Caribbean isles, to his captivating voyages across rong>therong> Pacific. Also included are selections from his China diaries, revealing a world rong>ofrong> lost mystery and splendor.

The early years of the west side

The early years of the west side

Vendo "rong>Therong> rong>earlyrong> rong>yearsrong> rong>ofrong> rong>therong> west side" di Dr. Dre, doppio cd entrambi in ottimo stato, nel prezzo sono comprese le spese di spedizione.

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Albert Schweitzer and Alice Ehlers: A Friendship in Letters

Albert Schweitzer and Alice Ehlers: A Friendship in Letters

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bergel, Kurt / Bergel, Alice R. / Schweitzer, Albert, PUBLISHER: University Press rong>ofrong> America, Albert Schweitzer, rong>therong> philosopher, rong>therong>ologian, physician, biographer rong>ofrong> J. S. Bach and musician, and Alice Ehlers, rong>therong> harpsichordist and great Bach interpreter, met as musicians. This book makes available for rong>therong> first time a selection rong>ofrong> rong>lettersrong> rong>therong>se two great personalities exchanged between rong>therong> rong>yearsrong> rong>ofrong> and . Although music is rong>therong> main subject rong>ofrong> rong>therong>se rong>lettersrong> during rong>therong> rong>earlyrong> period rong>ofrong> rong>therong>ir relationship, rong>therong> rong>lettersrong> increasingly deal with rong>therong>ir personal and prrong>ofrong>essional lives. Later rong>lettersrong> reveal rong>therong> help Ehlers rendered Schweitzer's hospital through benefit concerts, Schweitzer's concern for rong>therong> future rong>ofrong> his hospital, and his happiness with rong>therong> growing world-wide acceptance rong>ofrong> his ethical ideas. Schweitzer's last letter was written only months before his death.

Children's Letters to Santa Claus

Children's Letters to Santa Claus

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adler, Bill, Jr., PUBLISHER: Birch Lane Press, "Dear Santa Claus: I want one rong>ofrong> everything you got". This edition rong>ofrong> Children's rong>Lettersrong> to Santa Claus includes classic requests from rong>therong> original, plus more recent rong>lettersrong> collected over rong>therong> ensuing rong>yearsrong>.

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Working with Children in the Early Years

Working with Children in the Early Years

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Devereux, Jane / Miller, Linda / Devereux Jane, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, By rong>ofrong>fering practitioners working in a variety rong>ofrong> rong>earlyrong> rong>yearsrong> settings rong>therong> opportunity to develop rong>therong>ir knowledge, understanding and skills for working with young children, this book builds on rong>therong> increased government interest in and support for rong>earlyrong> rong>yearsrong> provision. rong>Therong> book looks at four key areas: rong>therong> range rong>ofrong> practitioners and rong>therong> diversity rong>ofrong> roles; rong>therong> different perspectives on rong>earlyrong> rong>yearsrong> provision across rong>therong> UK; rong>therong> development rong>ofrong> children aged 0 to 8; and rong>therong> importance rong>ofrong> play and learning in a young child's care and education. This book pays particular attention to rong>therong> range rong>ofrong> provision available and to rong>therong> diversity rong>ofrong> good practice. rong>Therong> strongly practical approach that underpins rong>therong> writing provides a clear structure for practitioners to apply to rong>therong>ir own contexts, and rong>therong>se different perspectives will help individuals to develop a firm understanding rong>ofrong> rong>therong> issues surrounding how children learn and develop.

My Dear Mollie: Love Letters of a Texas Sheep Rancher

My Dear Mollie: Love Letters of a Texas Sheep Rancher

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reeve, Agnesa, PUBLISHER: Hendrick-Long Publishing Company, A sheep rancher, John McGill wrote heartwarming rong>lettersrong> to Mollie that give us a glimpse into rong>therong> harsh conditions endured by rong>earlyrong> settlers on rong>therong> Staked Plains rong>ofrong> West Texas during rong>therong> late 19th century.

Offerte relazionate early years of adventure letters journals the l ron: My Dear Mollie: Love Letters of a Texas Sheep Rancher
The Crimson Gardenia and Other Tales of Adventure

The Crimson Gardenia and Other Tales of Adventure

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beach, Rex, PUBLISHER: Wildside Press, Rex Beach () was an American novelist and playwright. He was born in to a prominent family and pursued a career as a lawyer before being drawn to Alaska at rong>therong> time rong>ofrong> rong>therong> Klondike Gold Rush. After five rong>yearsrong> rong>ofrong> unsuccessful prospecting, he turned to writing. His first novel, rong>Therong> Spoilers was based on a true story rong>ofrong> corrupt government rong>ofrong>ficials stealing gold mines from prospectors, which he witnessed while he was prospecting in Nome, Alaska. rong>Therong> Spoilers became one rong>ofrong> rong>therong> best selling novels rong>ofrong> . His rong>adventurerong> novels were immensely popular throughout rong>therong> rong>earlyrong> s.

Cofanetto Pink Floyd the early years

Cofanetto Pink Floyd the early years

Pink Floyd: "rong>Therong> rong>Earlyrong> rong>Yearsrong> ", box da 27 dischi di materiale raro

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The Early Days of Yeast Genetics

The Early Days of Yeast Genetics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Michael N. / Linder, Patrick, PUBLISHER: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Hall and Linder have assembled rong>therong> reminiscences rong>ofrong> many rong>earlyrong> investigators whose pioneering studies in rong>therong> rong>yearsrong> before brought yeast biology to its current maturity. rong>Therong>se illustrated essays about rong>therong> science, rong>therong> events and rong>therong> personalities involved capture a fascinating era, in rong>therong> informal style made famous by Phage and rong>therong> Origins rong>ofrong> Molecular Biology.

Scholarly Journals in the New Digital World

Scholarly Journals in the New Digital World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Beaudry, Guylaine / Boismenu, G'Rard / Boismenu, Gerard, PUBLISHER: University rong>ofrong> Calgary Press, rong>Therong> world rong>ofrong> scholarly and not-for-prrong>ofrong>it publishing is facing many challenges at rong>therong> start rong>ofrong> rong>therong> twenty-first century, from technical and organizational factors to prevailing social and economic conditions. If scholarly rong>journalsrong>, in particular, are to survive, rong>therong> publishers rong>ofrong> rong>therong>se rong>journalsrong> are going to have to make dramatic changes to rong>therong> ways rong>therong>y create and distribute rong>therong>m. Work is already underway at some university presses who have developed creative solutions to overcome rong>therong>se challenges in producing print rong>journalsrong>. rong>Therong>se rong>earlyrong> innovators represent an opportunity for all publishers to build on rong>therong> advantages rong>ofrong> e-publishing and possibly reach even larger audiences. This work demystifies rong>therong> current state rong>ofrong> scholarly journal publishing as well as rong>ofrong>fering a glimpse rong>ofrong> hope for rong>journalsrong> in rong>therong> digital world. It will appeal not only to students and researchers, but to anyone who has an interest in rong>therong> future rong>ofrong> publishing.

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Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of

Witness to Freedom: The Letters of Thomas Merton in Times of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Merton, Thomas / Merton / Shannon, William H., PUBLISHER: Mariner Books, rong>Therong> rong>lettersrong> in this fifth and last volume rong>ofrong> Merton's correspondence span four decades, but most were written during rong>therong> late fities and rong>earlyrong> sixties, when Merton experienced two serious crises in his life. Selected, edited, and with an Introduction by William H. Shannon; Index.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Klausmeier, Robert / Erickson, Richard, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, This fascinating series explores rong>therong> experiences rong>ofrong> specific groups in American history -- focusing on daily life, work, and traditions. Full-color illustrations give readers a realistic and close-up look at rong>earlyrong> American homes, clothing styles, equipment, and landscapes. Excerpts from rong>lettersrong>, rong>journalsrong>, and biographies -- as well as recipes, songs, and sayings -- augment rong>therong> text.

Offerte relazionate early years of adventure letters journals the l ron: Cowboy
Jerome Robbins: That Broadway Man

Jerome Robbins: That Broadway Man

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Conrad, Christine, PUBLISHER: Booth-Clibborn Editions, In this first illustrated book rong>ofrong> rong>therong> celebrated choreographer's life and work, extracts from personal rong>journalsrong> and rong>lettersrong> with photographs from his own collection reveal how some rong>ofrong> rong>therong> masterpieces rong>ofrong> 20th century musical rong>therong>atre and dance came about.

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

Three Visitors to Early Plymouth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pory, John / De Rasieres, Isaak / de Rasieres, Issack, PUBLISHER: Applewood Books, rong>Lettersrong> from three visitors to rong>therong> Plymouth Settlement from England, Virginia, and New Amsterdam. Each wrote rong>lettersrong> home about what he saw, observing rong>therong> people, rong>therong> natural setting, and rong>therong> community. A fascinating objective view rong>ofrong> colonial Plymouth.

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Portraits of the Civil War: In Photographs, Diaries, and

Portraits of the Civil War: In Photographs, Diaries, and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Phillips, Charles / Axelrod, Alan, PUBLISHER: Metro Books, rong>Therong> Civil War was rong>therong> first conflict to have been extensively documented in photographs. rong>Therong> haunting images taken during those rong>yearsrong> rong>ofrong> battle captured rong>therong> harsh realities rong>ofrong> combat as never before. rong>Therong>y still retain rong>therong>ir power, as rong>therong> more than 75 unforgettable portraits in this moving collection demonstrate so vividly. rong>Therong>se are rong>therong> men, women and children whose lives were intimately touched by rong>therong> bloody strife. Accompanying rong>therong> photos, and rong>therong> incisive historical commentary, are rong>therong>ir personal rong>lettersrong>, diaries, and rong>journalsrong> that detail rong>therong>ir thoughts and feelings about rong>therong> traumatic events unfolding all around rong>therong>m. Arranged chronologically, rong>therong> images trace rong>therong> progress rong>ofrong> rong>therong> War from rong>therong> fall rong>ofrong> Fort Sumter to rong>therong> surrender at Appomattox as seen through rong>therong> eyes rong>ofrong> rong>therong> famous as well as rong>therong> men little known to history. Acquista Ora

Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

Exploring Writing and Play in the Early Years, Second

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hall, Nigel / Hall Nigel / Robinson, Anne, PUBLISHER: David Fulton Publishers, rong>Therong> second edition rong>ofrong> this text shows how play and literacy can combine to help young children develop a more complete understanding rong>ofrong> writing, as well as literacy more generally. In addition to discussing rong>therong> implications rong>ofrong> rong>therong> new Guidance for rong>therong> Foundation Stage, rong>therong> authors use more recent research to extend rong>therong> discussion rong>ofrong> how and why play and literacy work togerong>therong>r so powerfully, and provide furrong>therong>r advice on planning and developing effective experiences. rong>Earlyrong> rong>yearsrong> practitioners should find that this book helps rong>therong>m to focus on rong>therong> development rong>ofrong> literacy knowledge and skills.

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X-Men The Early Years 1-17

X-Men The Early Years 1-17

Vendo X-Men rong>Therong> rong>Earlyrong> rong>Yearsrong> 1-17 collana completa americana in lingua inglese.

The Letters of David Hume: Volume 2

The Letters of David Hume: Volume 2

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greig, J. Y. T. / Hume, David, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, J. Y. T. Greig's two-volume edition, first published in , presents rong>therong> correspondence rong>ofrong> one rong>ofrong> rong>therong> great men rong>ofrong> rong>therong> 18th century. This second volume contains David Hume's rong>lettersrong> from to . Hume correspondents include such famous thinkers and public figures as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, James Boswell, and Benjamin Franklin. rong>Therong> edition rong>ofrong>fers a rich picture rong>ofrong> rong>therong> man and his age, and is a uniquely valuable resource to anyone with an interest in rong>earlyrong> modern thought.

Offerte relazionate early years of adventure letters journals the l ron: The Letters of David Hume: Volume 2
The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift,

The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift,

rong>Therong> Correspondence rong>ofrong> Jonathan Swift, D. D.: Volume V: rong>Therong> Index - Compiled by Hermann J. Real and Dirk F. Passmann rong>Therong> collected rong>lettersrong> rong>ofrong> Jonathan Swift D.D., Irish dean and celebrated author rong>ofrong> Gulliver's Travels, have long been esteemed with rong>therong> best to have emerged from eighteenth century England, an age distinguished for rong>therong> excellence rong>ofrong> its rong>lettersrong>. nuovo

The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in

The Cost of Empire: The Finances of the Kingdom of Naples in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Calabria, Antonio, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This is a study rong>ofrong> rong>earlyrong> modern government finance in rong>therong> kingdom rong>ofrong> Naples, one rong>ofrong> rong>therong> most important European dominions rong>ofrong> rong>therong> Spanish Empire. Prrong>ofrong>essor Calabria focuses on rong>therong> period from rong>therong> mid-sixteenth century to rong>therong> time rong>ofrong> rong>therong> Thirty rong>Yearsrong>' War. He connects fiscal developments to larger issues, such as rong>therong> seventeenth-century crisis, rong>therong> decline rong>ofrong> Italy and Spain, and rong>therong> economic and social significance rong>ofrong> investments in government securities markets in rong>earlyrong> modern Europe. rong>Therong> Cost rong>ofrong> Empire blends quantitative data on economic, fiscal, and financial affairs with non-quantitative material detailing attitudes, economic behaviour, and administrative practices. rong>Therong> quantitative material includes analyses rong>ofrong> government budgets from to and a computer study rong>ofrong> about investors and rong>therong>ir investments in state securities in rong>therong> later sixteenth century. rong>Therong> work is unrivalled in rong>therong> breadth, comprehensiveness, and sophistication rong>ofrong> its analysis rong>ofrong> an rong>earlyrong> modern fiscal system.

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The Magnificent Mrs Tennant: The Adventurous Life of

The Magnificent Mrs Tennant: The Adventurous Life of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Waller, David, PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, Gertrude Tennant's life was remarkable for its length (), but even more so for rong>therong> influence she achieved as an unsurpassed London hostess. rong>Therong> salon she established when widowed in her rong>earlyrong> fifties attracted legions rong>ofrong> celebrities, among rong>therong>m William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Thomas Huxley, John Everett Millais, Henry James, and Robert Browning. In her youth she had a fling with Gustave Flaubert, and in her later rong>yearsrong> she became rong>therong> redoubtable morong>therong>r-in-law to rong>therong> explorer Henry Morton Stanley. But as a woman in a male-dominated world, Mrs. Tennant has been remembered mainly as a footnote in rong>therong> lives rong>ofrong> eminent men. This book recovers rong>therong> lost life rong>ofrong> Gertrude Tennant, drawing on a treasure trove rong>ofrong> recently discovered family papers--thousands rong>ofrong> rong>lettersrong>, including two dozen original rong>lettersrong> from Flaubert to Tennant; dozens rong>ofrong> diaries; and many orong>therong>r unpublished documents relating to Stanley and orong>therong>r famous figures rong>ofrong> rong>therong> nineteenth and rong>earlyrong> twentieth centuries. David Waller presents Gertrude Tennant's life in colorful detail, placing her not only at rong>therong> heart rong>ofrong> a multigenerational, matriarchal family epic but also at rong>therong> center rong>ofrong> European social, literary, and intellectual life for rong>therong> best part rong>ofrong> a century.

Mystery Library: Extinction of the Dinosaurs

Mystery Library: Extinction of the Dinosaurs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nardo, Don, PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, What killed rong>therong> dinosaurs? Since rong>therong>ir discovery in rong>therong> rong>earlyrong> nineteenth century, rong>therong> extinction rong>ofrong> rong>therong>se fascinating beasts that ruled rong>therong> earth for some 160 million rong>yearsrong> has baffled modern researchers. This up-to-date, well-documented study examines rong>therong> major rong>therong>ories that were proposed and rong>therong>n discarded until rong>therong> recent discovery rong>ofrong> intriguing evidence suggesting that rong>therong> impact rong>ofrong> an extraterrestrial object exterminated rong>therong> dinosaurs.

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In Pursuit of Plants: Experiences of Nineteenth and Early

In Pursuit of Plants: Experiences of Nineteenth and Early

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Short, Philip / Short, P. S., PUBLISHER: Timber Press (OR), rong>Therong>se accounts are a mix rong>ofrong> rong>adventurerong>, images from a lost world, and stories rong>ofrong> rong>therong> practical problems rong>ofrong> plant collecting.

Pro Wrestling: Early Years(pwl)

Pro Wrestling: Early Years(pwl)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hunter, Matt, PUBLISHER: Chelsea House Publications, -- rong>Therong> exciting stories behind one rong>ofrong> America's favorite and fastest-growing sports -- Action-packed full-color photos help illustrate rong>therong> biographies rong>ofrong> rong>therong> favorite stars rong>ofrong> rong>therong> sport -- Cable TV's top-rated attraction rong>Therong> popularity rong>ofrong> Pro Wrestling can be traced to rong>therong> rise rong>ofrong> television in American homes in rong>therong> s. This book takes a look at rong>therong> beginning rong>ofrong> Pro Wrestling's success in American pop culture.

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Prophets of the Dark Side

Prophets of the Dark Side

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davids, Paul / Davids, Hollace, PUBLISHER: Gareth Stevens Publishing, rong>Therong> three original Star Wars "RM" movies continue to gain acclaim as a whole new generation explores space. Each rong>ofrong> rong>therong>se six stories combines rong>therong> rong>adventurerong> and appeal rong>ofrong> rong>therong> classic originals rong>ofrong> twenty rong>yearsrong> ago. Star Wars "RM" books are among rong>therong> very best examples rong>ofrong> science fiction, expanding rong>therong> minds and expectations rong>ofrong> children who may be tomorrow's astronauts.
