drug facts and comparisons pocket version

Drug Facts and Comparisons: Pocket Version

Drug Facts and Comparisons: Pocket Version

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Facts & Comparisons, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Drug Facts and Comparisons: Pocket Version is the ideal resource for the drug information you need at the point of care. Abridged from Drug Facts and Comparisons, this handy pocket version allows you to confirm critical drug information immediately, in a quick-reference format. Pocket DFC features the most commonly used drugs, conveniently addressing topics that demand attention. Features include: Rx and OTC drugs; similar products listed together in tables for easy comparison; more than brand name and 600 generic drugs; dozens of convenient charts; and more than 300 monographs.

Drug Facts and Comparisons : Published by Facts and

Drug Facts and Comparisons : Published by Facts and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Facts & Comparisons, PUBLISHER: Facts and Comparisons, Drug Facts and Comparisons contains up-to-date, comprehensive information on over Rx and almost OTC items grouped by therapeutic category for ease of comparison. The annual hardbound edition features the Color Locator, a full-color section of photos of the most frequently prescribed tablets and capsules organized by color for easy visual identification. The book answers questions about action, indications and contraindications; warnings and precautions; interactions between drugs; adverse reactions; administration, dosage, and overdosage, patient information. Comparisons are provided: Of drug to drug; of different dosage forms; name brands are compared to name brands and to generics. Facts and Comparisons are also given on Centers for Disease Control biologicals and antiparasitic drugs; IV solutions; therapeutic and diagnostic ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic aids and radiographic contrast media and products, NCI investigational chemotherapeutic drugs; combination cancer chemotherapy regimens.

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American Drug Index : Published by Facts and Comparisons

American Drug Index : Published by Facts and Comparisons

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Billups, Norman F. / Billups, Shirley M. / Facts & Comparisons, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Rigorously updated for , ADI contains more than entries and retains its reputation as the most complete and current listing of drugs and drug products available in a single source. Practical features include: alphabetically listed drug names, extensive cross-indexing phonetic pronunciations, and complete information on the distributor's brand name, composition and strength, pharmaceutical forms available, package size, use, common abbreviations, and a listing of orphan drugs. The electronic version contains an audio pronunciation feature and color photographs of more than 900 pills.

A to Z Drug Facts: Published by Facts and Comparisons

A to Z Drug Facts: Published by Facts and Comparisons

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tatro, David S. / Facts & Comparisons / Published by Facts and Comparisons, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This easy-to-use drug reference provides quick access to current, reliable information on more than commonly prescribed medications. Drugs are listed in alphabetical order. Each drug monograph is divided into sections matched with color icons so that readers can quickly locate the information they are looking for. The sections cover action, indications, contraindications, route/dosage, interactions, lab test interferences, adverse reactions, precautions/warnings, administration/storage, assessment/interventions, and patient/family education. A color identification section helps readers identify drugs by appearance. Coverage includes the newest FDA approvals, investigational and orphan drugs, and indications for labeled, unlabeled, and orphan uses.

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Drug Interaction Facts& #;: Published by Facts and

Drug Interaction Facts& #;: Published by Facts and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tatro, David S. / Published by Facts and Comparisons, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This comprehensive reference includes clinically significant drug interactions as well as interactions that are suspected but unsubstantiated. Every monograph includes a concise synopsis of the onset, severity and documentation of the drug interaction. The comprehensive index permits rapid screening for potential interactions by class, generic drug or trade name. All information has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated by an interdisciplinary panel of experts.

Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference

Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gomella, Leonard G. / Haist, Steven A. / Gelhot Adams, Aimee, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, QUICK, RELIABLE, AND REVISED ANNUALLY This quick access guide covers more than of the most commonly used medications. Organized alphabetically by generic drug name, each entry includes selected key data such as common uses, contraindications, and common side effects. The manual also provides a list of the medications organized by drug classification.

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Nurse's Clinical Guide: Dosage Calculations

Nurse's Clinical Guide: Dosage Calculations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erickson, Belle / Todd, Catherine M. / Erickson, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, This guide covers drug labels and the latest drug delivery methods, such as fentanyl patches and needleless injections. Also included is a review of dimensional analysis. In addition, nurses find a refresher of math and basic dosage principles, considerations for special-needs patients, and practice exercises. Contents include a review of mathematics; systems of drug measurements; the administration process; calculating enteral drug dosages; calculating parenteral drug dosages; solutions, ointments, and patches; other considerations; appendices; references; index.

The Pediatric Anesthesia Handbook: Year Book Handbooks

The Pediatric Anesthesia Handbook: Year Book Handbooks

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bell, Charlotte / Bell / Hughes, PUBLISHER: Mosby, This handy pocket reference focuses on perioperative considerations, anesthetic management, and unique concerns for a broad spectrum of common disorders and operations. Numerous tables, outlines, and illustrations give clear treatment protocols, and a unique set of appendices provides detailed drug lists, pediatric resuscitation guidelines, algorithms, and more.

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Mosby's Handbook of Drug-Herb and Drug-Supplement

Mosby's Handbook of Drug-Herb and Drug-Supplement

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Health Gate Data Corporation / Harness, Richard / Bratman, Stven, PUBLISHER: Mosby, With an increasing number of patients combining herbal treatments with prescribed medications, reliable information on herb/supplement and pharmaceutical interactions is much needed. This portable reference is organized alphabetically by drug name and features an entry for each drug-herb/drug-supplement combination that has a proven interaction. Each entry is rated on a scale of 1 to 4 to show the severity of the interaction and includes information on related drugs, an interaction summary, a discussion of the interaction, management suggestions, and references. In addition to the core material, there are also several helpful appendices on interactions by herb or supplement, nutrient depletions, and drug-herb add-on depressant interactions.

The Review of Natural Products: Published by Facts and

The Review of Natural Products: Published by Facts and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Editorial Board, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, More than 300 in-Depth Monographs Provide the Foremost Source of Current Natural Product Information for Healthe Care Professionals, it Offers Detailed Information on Natural Products, Including Botany, History, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Medical uses, Toxicology, and Patient Information, Drug Interactions are Significantly Documented and Detailed.

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Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition

Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lyman, Michael D. / Lyman, Lyman D., PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition offers an incisive look at the technical methods required to conduct successful drug investigations. It explores specific enforcement problems, such as marijuana cultivation, clandestine laboratories, crack houses, booby traps, and raid planning. This second edition has been thoroughly updated, and it discusses contemporary concerns, recent case studies, and new developments in the law.

The Search for Rational Drug Control

The Search for Rational Drug Control

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zimring, Franklin E. / Hawkins, Gordon, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book presents a comprehensive examination of the drug control policy process in the United States. How are policy choices identified, debated and selected? How are the consequences of governmental policy measured and evaluated? How, if at all, do we learn from our mistakes? Zimring and Hawkins present different ways of understanding American drug policy and provide a foundation for an improved policy process. They argue that protection of children and youth should shape policy toward illicit crime, with attention to the fact that youth protection objectives may limit the effectiveness of some drug controls.

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Physician Assistant's Drug Handbook

Physician Assistant's Drug Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Springhouse Publishing, PUBLISHER: Springhouse Corporation, This complete guide gives full prescribing data for more than generic and brand name drugs. Includes unlabeled drug uses, highlighted dosage adjustment information, italicized interacting agents, adverse reactions categorized five ways for safety, and a four-way index for quick look-up -- by generic name, trade name, drug class, or disease. Alphabetically organized drug monographs cover generic and trade names; pharmocologic and therapeutic classifications; controlled substance schedule (where appropriate); pregnancy risk category; dosage form; indications, route, and dosage; pharmacodynamics; pharmacokinetics; contraindications and precautions; interactions; effects on diagnostic tests; adverse reactions; overdose and treatment; and special considerations, including patient education and specific instructions for pediatric, geriatric, and breast-feeding patients. Contents include clinical reviewers and consultants, foreword, how to use this book, pharmacology overview, pediatric and geriatric drug therapy, effective prescribing practices, generic drug entries in alphabetical order, a full-color photoguide to more than 320 pills, pharmacologic classes, prescribing authority by state, selected analgesic combination products, topical drugs, immunization schedule, therapeutic drug monitoring guidelines, therapeutic management guidelines, creatinine clearance calculations, pharmaceutical companies listing (drug information contact numbers and Web sites).

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health And Medicine

The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health And Medicine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James Chambers, PUBLISHER: Facts On File Inc, NA

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Handbook of Critical Care Nursing

Handbook of Critical Care Nursing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Moreau, David / Springhouse, PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, For each alphabetically organized condition, nurses learn pathophysiology, clinical assessment, the diagnostic tests likely to be ordered, treatment and care (including medical and nursing interventions), prognosis, and discharge planning. Pathophysiology drug charts alert readers to significant drugs and protocols used to treat major body system disorders. Readers will find discussions of ethical problems, current trends, a helpful index, and more. Appendices offer crucial data on common emergency drugs and laboratory values, therapeutic and toxic drug levels, normal hemodynamic variables, and commonly encountered nursing diagnoses.

Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts You Need

Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts You Need

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Connor, Paul, PUBLISHER: Firefly Books, Multiple sclerosis -- MS -- strikes about one in a thousand North Americans, usually in early adulthood, when they are building careers and starting families. Because the disease involves the central nervous system, its effects are wide-ranging and difficult to predict. Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts You Need -- part of the "Your Personal Health Series" -- is a fact filled, comprehensive guide to living with MS, supported by diagrams, case histories, a drug table and an extensive list of helpful books and organizations. Topics include: what MS is, and who gets it; how MS is diagnosed as "possible," "probable" or "definite"; why the disease affects different people in different ways; how "relapsing-remitting" MS differs from "progressive" MS; how people with MS and their families, can adapt their homes, careers and lifestyles to cope with the disease; which treatments work, which don't and what help is on the horizon. Combining authoritative medical advice and practical hands-on tips, Multiple Sclerosis: The Facts You Need is an invaluable guide for anyone affected, directly or indirectly by this complex disease.

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Chambers Mini Dictionary

Chambers Mini Dictionary

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Editors of Chambers / Chambers, Editors Of, PUBLISHER: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, The Chambers Super-Mini Book of Facts is the most up-to-date mini encyclopedia available. The over facts covering 240 fields of interest incorporate significant recent world events, such as political changes and sports results. Facts arranged in tables, lists and charts for quick reference. Mini biographies of over prominent people, with details of their achievements. Attractive and easy to use two-color design with icons to mark sections.

The Facts on File Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology

The Facts on File Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hine, Robert, PUBLISHER: Facts on File, Cell biology is one of the most fascinating and fast-moving areas in all of contemporary biosciences. It has crucial relevance to many applied fields

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Mathematics Basic Facts

Mathematics Basic Facts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Harper Collins Publishers, PUBLISHER: HarperCollins (UK), Gem Mathematics Basic Facts has been revised and updated to give explanations of key terms and concepts that school and college students will encounter when working for GCSE, Standard Grade or other qualifications at this level. Alphabetical arrangements of entries encourages quick reference and a system of cross-references supports each entry so that it can be put in context.

The World Almanac and Book of Facts

The World Almanac and Book of Facts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Janssen, Sarah, PUBLISHER: World Almanac Books, "The World Almanac(r) and Book of Facts" is America's top-selling reference book of all time, with more than 80 million copies sold. Published annually since , this compendium of information is the authoritative source for all your entertainment, reference, and learning needs. Praised as a "treasure trove of political, economic, scientific and educational statistics and information" by The Wall Street Journal, "The World Almanac(r)" contains thousands of facts that are unavailable publicly elsewhere in fact, it has been featured as a category on Jeopardy and is routinely used as a go-to, all-encompassing guide for aspiring game show contestants. The edition of "The World Almanac(r) and Book of Facts" will answer all of your trivia questions(r) from history and sports to geography, pop culture, and much more.

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Webs of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History

Webs of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies, and the History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Meyer, Kathryn / Parssinen, Terry M., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, This fascinating history of international drug trafficking in the first half of the twentieth century follows the stories of American narcs and gangsters, Japanese spies, Chinese warlords, and soldiers of fortune whose lives revolved around opium. The drug trade centered on China, which was before , the world's largest narcotic market. The authors tell the interlocking stories of the many extraordinary personalities sinister and otherwise involved in narcotics trafficking in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Drawing on a rich store of U.S., British, European, Japanese, and Chinese archives, this unique study will be invaluable for all readers interested in the drug trade and contemporary East Asian history.

Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice

Price Indexes in Time and Space: Methods and Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Biggeri, Luigi / Ferrari, Guido, PUBLISHER: Physica-Verlag Heidelberg, This book deals with the currently most relevant topics in price index numbers theory and practice. The problem of the harmonization of Consumer Price Indexes (CPIs) and the time-space integration of baskets is analyzed at the EU-zone level, with methodological and practical proposals on how to proceed for an overall treatment of the matter. Another issue are comparisons between Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) and CPIs. Likewise, the construction of sub-indexes for households, economic and social groups is investigated, in order to obtain specific inflation measurement instruments. The book provides evidence from the most updated databases. Among the other issues treated in this book are spatial comparisons of price levels through PPPs and the international comparisons of macroeconomic aggregates, a re-consideration of index numbers theory, the measurement of production in non-market services, deflation problems, and price indexes in financial markets.

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National Lampoon's Big Book of True Facts: Brand-New

National Lampoon's Big Book of True Facts: Brand-New

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rubin, Scott / Naughton, Jay, PUBLISHER: Rugged Land Books, At long last, a completely new and unique collection of National Lampoon's wacky, true, and amazingly stupid True Facts. Before Jay Leno's "Headlines," before the New York Post's "Weird but True," there was National Lampoon's "TRUE FACTS"-hilarious real-life advertisements, stupefying signs, weird wedding announcements, and other completely absurd-but-true samples of real-life funny stuff.

Sexed Work: Gender, Race, and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug

Sexed Work: Gender, Race, and Resistance in a Brooklyn Drug

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maher, Lisa, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Based on three years of ethnographic work in New York City, this book provides the first detailed account of the economic lives of women drug users. Set in a neighborhood plagued with AIDS, Sexed Work reveals the economic lives of a group of women whose options have been severely circumscribed, not only by drug use, but also by poverty, racism, violence, and enduring marginality. Maher draws extensively on the women's own words to describe how structures and relations of gender, race and class are articulated by divisions of labor in the street-level drug economy. This rich, nuanced and theoretically sophisticated study of "crime as work" will be compelling reading for all those interested in the way in which women deal with the intersection of gender, race, and work.

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Computer Techniques in Preclinical and Clinical Drug

Computer Techniques in Preclinical and Clinical Drug

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jackson, Robert C. / Jackson, PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, It is estimated that 80 to 90% of drugs under development never make it to the marketplace due to insufficient clinical activity, unacceptable toxicity, rapid appearance of drug resistance, or other factors that should be, at least partially, predictable from preclinical testing. This new text asks the question, How can we use computational methods to improve the success rate in drug development? Computer Techniques in Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development shows how modeling makes it possible to extract the maximum amount of information and predictive value from preclinical data. Computer modeling methods from the areas of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, cytokinetics, and inhibition kinetics of multi-enzyme pathways are all discussed in this unique reference source.
