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Your Purebred Puppy: A Buyer's Guide

Your Purebred Puppy: A Buyer's Guide

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Welton, Michele, PUBLISHER: Owl Books (NY), How to select the right breed of dog for you and your family, locate a good breeder, and choose the very best puppy of the litter. The decision to buy a purebred dog may be made easily, but the question of which breed to buy is more complicated. "Your Purebred Puppy, Second Edition," takes the guesswork out of choosing a dog. Updated to include twenty new breeds, this authoritative guide profiles 200 breeds and varieties of dogs-complete with photographs of each-to help prospective buyers find the one with the physical and behavioral characteristics that will best suit them. Michele Welton explains step by step how to decide on the right breed, locate a reputable breeder, and pick a healthy, good-looking, good-tempered companion. Also provided are simple tests readers can use to determine a puppy's temperament before they buy him and bring him home. Acquiring a dog is a big commitment, requiring time, patience, and money." Your Purebred Puppy, Second Edition, " is the essential guidebook to accompany you on the search for your new pet.

Soul at Rest: Journey Into Contemplative Prayer

Soul at Rest: Journey Into Contemplative Prayer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rhodes, Tricia, PUBLISHER: Bethany House Publishers, This practical quiet-time companion offers fresh insight into little understood aspects of prayer and introduces a step-by-step journey. of learning contemplative prayer.

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Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Leary, Timothy J. / O'Leary, Linda I., PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, SERIES TAGLINE: The O'Leary Series is the true step-by step way to develop computer application skills. Its design emphasizes the step-by step visual approach with screen captures for every concept.

Libro scolastico step into business

Libro scolastico step into business

Vendo libro scolastico "step into business" Pagato:

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Thomas and the Shark Step Into Reading Book

Thomas and the Shark Step Into Reading Book


The Next Step Roma

The Next Step Roma

Siete pronti a godervi il concerto di The Next Step al Auditorium della Conciliazione? Con Ticketbis i biglietti per The Next Step a Roma sono a pochi click da te, in modo che tu debba solo preoccuparti di ripassare bene tutto il repertorio musicale per cantare tutte le canzoni di The Next Step durante il concerto!

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Dora Duck and the Juicy Pears

Dora Duck and the Juicy Pears

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Van Zeyl, Marjan / Van Dort, Evelyn, PUBLISHER: Floris Books, Dora Duck is lost in the meadow one day when she trips over a delicious smelling yellow-green fruit. It roms out that ducks are very fond of pears.

Blueprints Q&A Step 3 Medicine

Blueprints Q&A Step 3 Medicine

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shinar, Brenda L. / Clement, Michael S., PUBLISHER: Blackwell Publishers, Detailed answer explanations, 200 brand new questions, and a handy pocket size make the 2nd edition of Blueprints Q&A Step 3 Medicine critical to your success on the USMLE. Thoroughly reviewed by students who recently passed the boards, these questions are divided into different practice settings: community-based health center, office, in-patient facility, and emergency department. Review individual content areas as needed and be ready for Step 3 with the Blueprints Q&A series A superior resource for medical students, Blueprints Q&A Step 3 Medicine is also a valuable resource for IMGs, PAs and NPs studying for licensure exams.

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Legend of the Galactic Heroes ARTFXJ Yang Wen-li 25 cm -

Legend of the Galactic Heroes ARTFXJ Yang Wen-li 25 cm -

Kotobukiya,s latest ARTFX J statue is none other than Yang Wen-li from Legend of the Galactic Heroes With the new anime adaptation to be released in , Kotobukiya took a challenging step into making the first figure ever of Yang Wen-li Yang stands in a simple pose, but is highly crafted in detail, faithfully and acurately recreating the character into the 1/8 scale figure. Perfect to be displayed along or alongside other upcoming Legend of the Galactic Heroes ARTFX J statues

Student Solutions Manual for University Physics Volume 1

Student Solutions Manual for University Physics Volume 1

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Young, Hugh D. / Freedman, Roger A. / Ford, A. Lewis, PUBLISHER: Addison Wesley Longman, The Student Solutions Manual provides detailed, step-by-step solutions to more than half of the odd-numbered end-of-chapter problems from the text. All solutions follow the same four-step problem-solving framework used in the textbook.

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Windows XP

Windows XP

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McFedries, Paul, PUBLISHER: Visual, * Organized in ten chapters, with ten tasks per chapter, this full-color guide delivers 100 techniques to help Windows users work faster and smarter * Updated to cover the new features available with Service Pack 2, including the Windows Firewall and other security enhancements, wireless options, and the revamped Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player * Full-color screen shots, numbered, step-by-step instructions, and an irresistible price make this book a must for visually oriented Windows users who want to take their skills to the next level

MADONNA Into the groove

MADONNA Into the groove

MADONNA Into the groove/Shoo-bee-doo 7" ITA perfetto sire nulla aggiungere per annuncio

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ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miles, Ellen, PUBLISHER: Scholastic Paperbacks, Welcome to the Puppy Place--where every puppy finds a home Charles and Lizzie Peterson love puppies. Their family fosters these young dogs, giving them love and proper care, until they can find the perfect forever home. Lucy, the bassett mix has super-long ears, a mournful howl, and, as the Petersons soon discover, a penchant for burying things. Will they be able to find this soulful puppy a caring home?

Disco vinile 45 giri David Cassidy

Disco vinile 45 giri David Cassidy

Disco vinile 45 giri David Cassidy Disco da collezione vintage. Lato A: "Daydreamer" Lato B: "The Puppy Song (la cancion del perrito)". Disco acquistato nel . La copertina è praticamente nuova, senza alcun segno di usura o scritte, vedi foto. Il disco è in condizioni perfette senza graffi, ed il suono è limpido e fedele senza alcun crepitio. Spedizione con Raccomandata a 6 euro.

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Knock 'em Dead Cover Letters: Great Letter Techniques and

Knock 'em Dead Cover Letters: Great Letter Techniques and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Yate, Martin, PUBLISHER: Adams Media Corporation, This book has been a top seller in its category for more than ten years Now, in an all-new updated edition, Martin Yate shows readers the words and phrases to use that get them that critical first interview. This edition includes new material: an update of the text; a step-by-step procedure for turning weak cover letters into strong ones; the latest strategies for online cover letters and job searching; and a new section, Before and After, reveals how to transform sloppy cover letters into powerful tools. Millions of job searchers are entering the market. This book is an essential tool to help them get hired.

The Neptune Fountain: The Apprenticeship of a Renaissance

The Neptune Fountain: The Apprenticeship of a Renaissance

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Morrison, Taylor, PUBLISHER: Holiday House, The apprenticeship of a Renaissance sculptor. Step by step, Marco learns about sculpting.

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MI - comp. Dora Baldanello -

MI - comp. Dora Baldanello -

MI - comp. Dora Baldanello - comica compagnia goldoniana di Dora Baldanello diretta dal cav.Giuseppe Pietriboni

MI - comp. Dora Baldanello -

MI - comp. Dora Baldanello -

MI - comp. Dora Baldanello - comica compagnia goldoniana di Dora Baldanello diretta dal cav.Giuseppe Pietriboni

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Step-By-Step Medical Coding  Edition - Text with

Step-By-Step Medical Coding Edition - Text with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buck, Carol J., PUBLISHER: W.B. Saunders Company, This money-saving package includes Step-by-Step Medical Coding Edition, Saunders ICD-9-CM, Volumes 1, 2, & 3 and Saunders HCPCS Level II. For further information on the individual products, please click on the links provided below.

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Leading Your Business Into the Future with the Internet

Leading Your Business Into the Future with the Internet

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Vallee, Danielle, PUBLISHER: St. Lucie Press, It is estimated that over 61 million adults in the US and over 100 million worldwide are using the Internet. That is an incredible market for the business person savvy enough to tap into it. This new media has its own rules, requirements, and specifications. It offers possibilities no other media offers, interactivity being one of them. Implementing the Internet in business has its own administrative demands. It must be integrated to existing company policies and marketing strategies and must be managed efficiently for it to be profitable. Finding your way through the numerous services, software offers, hardware options and so on is not always easy since much of the information is found in numerous places and is very technical. Added to that, there are several myths that make the Internet appear intimidating. In addition, the security aspect is crucial, both for businesses and customers. All these dimensions bring new challenges to integrating the Internet into regular business operations and taking full advantage of what it has to offer. Leading Your Company Into the Future With Internet is a comprehensive guide that provides a step-by-step method to managers who want to implement and use this new medium to bring their companies into the future. It is geared towards managers of all levels who want to take full advantage of the potential the Internet has to offer.

Siegfried: The Nazis' Last Stand

Siegfried: The Nazis' Last Stand

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Whiting, Charles, PUBLISHER: Cooper Square Publishers, Charles Whiting's account of the Allied advance into Nazi Germany focuses on the months from September of , when the Allies attacked the "West Wall" defending the western border of Germany, to the Allied crossing of the Rhine in March, . Whiting describes the German counterattack in December that turned into the devastating Battle of the Bulge, and the Battle of the Rhineland that followed as the Allies pressed into Germany. Generals Eisenhower, Patton, and Montgomery take center stage in this book, which also draws from the accounts of officers and enlisted men as they fought their way through Europe's war-torn landscape.

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Celebrating Marriage: Preparing the Roman Catholic Wedding

Celebrating Marriage: Preparing the Roman Catholic Wedding

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Covino, Paul / Madden, Lawrence / Rendler-McQueeney, Elaine, PUBLISHER: Oregon Catholic Press, Substantially revised with updated pastoral suggestions and commentary, the latest edition of this best-selling book is an invaluable guide for all involved in the Roman Catholic Rite of Marriage. Includes readings from the revised Lectionary. A step-by-step wedding preparation resource, the book embraces the sanctity of the sacrament while guiding couples as they prepare the marriage ritual. Breathe new life into weddings with a complete planning guide, sample orders of service, and sanctuary details that work beautifully. Includes musical suggestions, all the revised Lectionary readings (with commentaries), all prayer options, directions for music, and guidelines for environment.

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Warren, Rick, PUBLISHER:, Pastor Rick Warren says, "The secret key to studying the Bible is knowing how to ask the right kind of questions. Once you know what to ask, Bible study is simple " In this 'how to' book, Rick explains 12 different ways to study the scriptures, giving step-by-step instructions. With over copies in print, Personal Bible Study Methods has become a classic tool for learning how to study the Bible for yourself. It has been translated into seven languages. Thousands of individuals, small groups, churches, and seminary classes have used the practical manual to unlock the wonderful truths of God's Word.

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CD Cantante: Bryan Adams Titolo: Into the fire

CD Cantante: Bryan Adams Titolo: Into the fire

CD praticamente nuovo in condizioni perfette / Mint condition Cantante / gruppo: Bryan Adams Titolo CD: Into the fire Anno: Stampa canadese – Made in Canada Casa discografica / Record company: A&M Codice / Code number: CD- Tracks: 1. Heat of the Night - . Into the Fire - . Victim of Love - . Another Day - . Native Son - . Only the Strong Survive - . Rebel - . Remembrance Day - . Hearts on Fire - . Home Again - 4:18 Spese di spedizione da concordare
