Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hess, Tom, PUBLISHER: Progressive Visiong>onong> Internationg>onong>al, Pray for ong>Theong> ong>Peaceong> of Jerusalem is ong>theong> first in-depth book written ong>onong> ong>theong> subject. All believers are commanded by ong>theong> Lord to pray not ong>onong>ly for ong>theong>ir own city (Jeremiah 29:7), but also for ong>theong> ong>peaceong> of Jerusalem (Psalm ). Part of our visiong>onong> is to pray for ong>theong> ong>peaceong> of Jerusalem by encouraging recong>onong>ciliationg>onong>, unity, and spiritual awakening in Messiah among>onong>g ong>theong> inhabitants of Jerusalem, Israel, and ong>theong> Middle East. At this time of many shakings in ong>theong> world ong>theong> biblical understanding from ong>theong> center of cong>onong>flict and ong>theong> solutiong>onong> for ong>theong> ong>peaceong> of Jerusalem and world ong>peaceong> are found in this book. ong>Theong> understanding you will gain from this book is vital in helping you to more effectively pray and prepare ong>theong> way for Messiah. We hope that this book and ong>theong> calendar will motivate, equip, and enable you to effectively pray for ong>theong> ong>peaceong> of Jerusalem ong>onong> a daily basis. An Excellent Overview of Israel in God's Heart.