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Democratic Brazil Revisited (Pitt Latin American Studies)

Democratic Brazil Revisited (Pitt Latin American Studies)

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: University of Pittsburgh Press, NA

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The Idea of Race in Latin America:

The Idea of Race in Latin America:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graham, Richard, PUBLISHER: University of Texas Press,.,."an important contribution to the far too limited literature on race and racialist thinking in Latin America." -- Hispanic American Historical Review From the mid-nineteenth century until the s, many Latin American leaders faced a difficult dilemma regarding the idea of race. On the one hand, they aspired to an ever-closer connection to Europe and North America, where, during much of this period, "scientific" thought condemned nonwhite races to an inferior category. Yet, with the heterogeneous racial makeup of their societies clearly before them and a growing sense of national identity impelling consideration of national futures, Latin American leaders hesitated. What to do? Whom to believe? Latin American political and intellectual leaders' sometimes anguished responses to these dilemmas form the subject of The Idea of Race in Latin America. Thomas Skidmore, Aline Helg, and Alan Knight have each contributed chapters that succinctly explore various aspects of the story in Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, and Mexico. While keenly alert to the social and economic differences that distinguish one Latin American society from another, each author has also addressed common issues that Richard Graham ably draws together in a brief introduction. Written in a style that will make it accessible to the undergraduate, this book will appeal as well to the sophisticated scholar.

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Warriors and Scribes: Essays in the History and Politics of

Warriors and Scribes: Essays in the History and Politics of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dunkerley, James, PUBLISHER: Verso, Warriors and Scribes opens and closes using the prism of biography to question the framing of Latin American political life from both a northern, Cold War perspective and from the trivializations of postmodernism. An investigation of Jorge Castaneda's Utopia Disarmed reveals that Latin American politics are eminently transformable beyond the failed nostrums of multilateral organizations and collapsed dictatorships of the s. In surveying regional relations with the USA since , and a taking a wry look at Hollywood's treatment of Central America under Reagan, Dunkerley points out that Anglo-America has possessed neither a uniform imperialist vocation nor the consistent capacity to impose it. Two pieces written in the late s -- a reappraisal of Latin American Studies since the Cuban Revolution and a survey of the contemporary politics of Bolivia -- reflect the author's concerns with a place that was "American" for half a millennium before "Americanization through globalization" became a watchword.

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Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal

Conflicts and Conspiracies: Brazil and Portugal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Maxwell, Kenneth, PUBLISHER: Routledge, A study of Brazil during a critical formative period which illuminates the causes of her special historical development within Latin America. Professor Maxwell analyzes the shifting relationships between Portugal, England and Brazil during the second half of the 18th Century. Through his study, Professor Maxwell is concerned with the social, economic and political significance of the events he describes. An important part of this work is a study of the Minas Conspiracy of .

Postwestern Cultures: Literature, Theory, Space

Postwestern Cultures: Literature, Theory, Space

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kollin, Susan, PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, "Postwestern Cultures" synthesizes the most critical topics of contemporary scholarship of the American West within a single volume. This interdisciplinary anthology features leading scholars in the varied fields of western American literary studies and includes new regional studies, global studies, studies of popular culture, environmental criticism, gender and queer theory, and multiculturalism. "Postwestern Cultures," like all successful studies of western American literature, is necessarily diverse and wide-ranging; it grasps the multifaceted quality of the landscape, literature, and critical analysis by engaging postmodern theory, spatial theory, cultural studies, and transnational and transcultural understandings of the local. This collection emphasizes the importance of understanding the region not as a confined or static space but as a constantly changing entity in both substance and form. It examines subjects ranging from the use of frontier rhetoric in Japanese American internment camp narratives to the emergence of agricultural tourism in the New West to the application of geographer J. B. Jackson's theories to abandoned western landscapes.

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Communication, Media, and American Society: A Critical

Communication, Media, and American Society: A Critical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rossides, Daniel W., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, What is the role of communication technology and media in making American society more adaptive, equitable, and democratic? Analyzing the field of communication against an in-depth picture of American society, this provocative, wide-ranging text explores

The Church in Colonial Latin America

The Church in Colonial Latin America

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schwaller, John F. / Schwaller, John Frederick, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, The Church in Colonial Latin America is a collection of essays that include classic articles and pieces based on more modern research. Containing essays that explore the Catholic Church's active social and political influence, this volume provides the background necessary for students to grasp the importance of the Catholic Church in Latin America. This text also presents a comprehensive, analytic, and descriptive history of the Church and its development during the colonial period. From the evangelization of the New World by Spanish missionaries to the active influence of the Catholic Church on Latin American culture, this book offers a complete picture of the Church in colonial Latin America. The Church in Colonial Latin America is ideal for courses in the colonial period in Latin American history, as well as courses in religion, church history, and missionary history.

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New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

New Essays on the Country of the Pointed Firs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howard, June / Elliot, Emory / June, Howard, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett is one of the most important works of New England local color fiction. This collection of essays builds on feminist literary scholarship that affirms the value of Jewett's work, but goes beyond previously published studies by offering an analysis of how race, nationalism, and the literary marketplace shape her narrative. The volume constitutes a major rethinking of Jewett's contribution to American literature, and will be of interest to the fields of American literary studies, feminist cultural criticism, and American studies.



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DYLAN Higway '61 revisited

DYLAN Higway '61 revisited

DYLAN Higway '61 revisited sacd O.M.R. sigillato 25 e spedito

The X-Tax Revisited: Challenges and Solutions for Replacing

The X-Tax Revisited: Challenges and Solutions for Replacing

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: NA, PUBLISHER: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, NA

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The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of

The New Black Gods: Arthur Huff Fauset and the Study of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Curtis, Edward E., IV / Sigler, Danielle Brune, PUBLISHER: Indiana University Press, Taking the influential work of Arthur Huff Fauset as a starting point to break down the false dichotomy that exists between mainstream and marginal, a new generation of scholars offers fresh ideas for understanding the religious expressions of African Americans in the United States. Fauset's classic, Black Gods of the Metropolis, launched original methods and theories for thinking about African American religions as modern, cosmopolitan, and democratic. The essays in this collection show the diversity of African American religion in the wake of the Great Migration and consider the full field of African American religion from Pentecostalism to Black Judaism, Black Islam, and Father Divine's Peace Mission Movement. As a whole, they create a dynamic, humanistic, and thoroughly interdisciplinary understanding of African American religious history and life. This book is essential reading for anyone who studies the African American experience. Acquista Ora
