contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems

Contemporary Lithic Analysis In The Southeast Problems,

Contemporary Lithic Analysis In The Southeast Problems,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Andrew P Bradbury Philip J Carr Sarah E Price, PUBLISHER: University of Alabama Press, NA

Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Coelho, Sergio Teixeira / Coelho, S. T. U., PUBLISHER: Research Studies Press, Rigorous application of the method to different performance fields of water networks, illustrated by various case studies. Detailed analysis of key areas of water networks' behaviour, including advances in the analysis and modelling procedures that are currently available, e.g. in water quality modelling and reliability analysis. Applicable to a range of engineering problems in water distribution. Performance analysis is becoming a key issue in the engineering approach to the control of water supply and distribution systems, both as a natural process of evolution of the modelling and design methods available, and as a consequence of an ever increasing awareness of the quality of the service provided within the water industry today. This book presents a systematic approach to the analysis of technical performance of water networks by creating a framework in which a variety of concepts and criteria can be included. The system presented provides a shift in the way engineering problems are formulated in water supply, allowing greater control of analysis objectives and improved sensitivity.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Performance in Water Distribution: A Systems Approach
Stochastic Processes in the Neurosciences

Stochastic Processes in the Neurosciences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tuckwell, Henry C., PUBLISHER: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic, This monograph is centered on quantitative analysis of nerve-cell behavior. The work is foundational, with many higher order problems still remaining, especially in connection with neural networks. Thoroughly addressed topics include stochastic problems in neurobiology, and the treatment of the theory of related Markov processes.

Redesigning Life?

Redesigning Life?

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tokar, Brian, PUBLISHER: McGill-Queen's University Press, New discoveries in biotechnology are often touted as the answer to many contemporary problems. Genetic engineering, animal cloning, and reproductive technologies are promoted as the keys to a brighter future, while genetic engineers promise more productive agriculture, medical miracles, and solutions to environmental problems. Redesigning Life? offers the first comprehensive examination of the hidden hazards of genetic technologies and shows how a worldwide resistance is emerging. Twenty-six internationally respected critics offer their analysis of the issues, their social and ethical implications, and what people are doing in response. Redesigning Life? is essential reading for everyone who seeks to understand the full story behind today's headlines. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Redesigning Life?
Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

Applications of Discrete and Continuous Fourier Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Weaver, H. Joseph, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Interscience, An applications oriented, introductory text covering the concepts and properties of Fourier Analysis. Emphasizes applications to real scientific and engineering problems. Defines the Fourier series, Fourier transform, and discrete Fourier transform. Includes over 200 illustrations.

Power System Analysis [With Disk]

Power System Analysis [With Disk]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sadaat, Hadi / Saadat, Hadi, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Power System Analysis, is intended to provide complete coverage of power system analysis and design. It gives an introduction to fundamentals concepts and modern topics with applications to real-world problems. This is the first book in this area to full integrate MATLAB and SIMULINK throughout.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Power System Analysis [With Disk]
Convex Analysis and Global Optimization

Convex Analysis and Global Optimization

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoang, Tuy / Hoang Tuy, Tuy / Hoang Tuy, PUBLISHER: Springer, Due to the general complementary convex structure underlying most nonconvex optimization problems encountered in applications, convex analysis plays an essential role in the development of global optimization methods. This book develops a coherent and rigorous theory of deterministic global optimization from this point of view. Part I constitutes an introduction to convex analysis, with an emphasis on concepts, properties and results particularly needed for global optimization, including those pertaining to the complementary convex structure. Part II presents the foundation and application of global search principles such as partitioning and cutting, outer and inner approximation, and decomposition to general global optimization problems and to problems with a low-rank nonconvex structure as well as quadratic problems. Much new material is offered, aside from a rigorous mathematical development. Audience: The book is written as a text for graduate students in engineering, mathematics, operations research, computer science and other disciplines dealing with optimization theory. It is also addressed to all scientists in various fields who are interested in mathematical optimization.

Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric

Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Volchkov, Valery V. / Volchkov, Vitaly V. / Volchkov, V. V., PUBLISHER: Springer, The book presents the first systematic and unified treatment of the theory of mean periodic functions on homogeneous spaces. This area has its classical roots in the beginning of the twentieth century and is now a very active research area, having close connections to harmonic analysis, complex analysis, integral geometry, and analysis on symmetric spaces. The main purpose of this book is the study of local aspects of spectral analysis and spectral synthesis on Euclidean spaces, Riemannian symmetric spaces of an arbitrary rank and Heisenberg groups. The subject can be viewed as arising from three classical topics: Johna (TM)s support theorem, Schwartza (TM)s fundamental principle, and Delsartea (TM)s two-radii theorem. Very up-to-date, the book contains most of the significant recent results in this area with complete and detailed proofs. In order to make this book accessible to a wide audience, the authors provide an introductory part developing analysis on symmetric spaces without use of Lie theory. Challenging open problems are described and explained, and promising new research directions are indicated. Designed for both experts and beginners in the field, the book is rich in methods for a wide variety of problems in many areas of mathematics. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric
Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia

Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Snitwongse, Kusuma / Thompson, W. Scott / Institute Of Southeast Asian Studies, PUBLISHER: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, This volume examines different ethnic configurations and conflict avoidance and resolution in five different Southeast Asian countries. *Tin Maung Maung Than traces the history and impossibility of the current Myanmar regime's quest to integrate the various ethnic groups in the border regions while insisting on a unitary state with all real power kept to themselves. *Rizal Sukma divides conflicts in Indonesia into horizontal (Kalimantan, Maluku and Sulawesi) and vertical ones (the Madurese versus the Dayaks) and assesses the prospects for peaceful resolution if the country's fledgling democracy does not properly address them. *Miriam Coronel Ferrer examines the conflicts in Mindanao against the apparent lack of willingness of Manila to come to terms with the root causes as well as the infusion of arms and ideology from outside. * Zakaria Haji Ahmad and Suzaina Kadir analyse Malaysia's relatively successful handling of an ethnically divided society, which has permitted impressive stability since . * Chayan Vaddhanaphuti focuses on the non-Thai border peoples of northern Thailand, noting the legacy of the government's policy of selective citizenship. Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia will be an invaluable resource for scholars of contemporary Southeast Asia as well as in other regions, policy-makers and others, who wish to assess and develop strategies to prevent, modulate and resolve such conflicts.

The problems of the arid zone,

The problems of the arid zone,

THE PROBLEMS OF THE ARID ZONE Proceedings of the Paris Symposium, Arid Zone Research Published by Paris, Fr.: Unesco, , Used softcover, pp. 481 Euro 35 (varie 558)

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: The problems of the arid zone,
Lehmann] Analysis for Marketing Planning]

Lehmann] Analysis for Marketing Planning]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lehmann, Donald R. / Winer, Russell S., PUBLISHER: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Analysis for Marketing Planning focuses on the analysis needed for sound Marketing decisions and is structured around the core marketing document--the Marketing Plan. Whether studying Marketing strategy or Product/Brand Management decisions, students need to be able to make decisions based from sound analysis. This book does not attempt to cover all aspects of the marketing plan; rather it focuses on the analysis pertaining to a product's environment, customers and competitors.

Constructing Fatherhood: Discourses and Experiences

Constructing Fatherhood: Discourses and Experiences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lupton, Deborah / Barclay, Lesley, PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), It is a very impressive book. Its coverage of contemporary discourses of fatherhood is comprehensive. The theoretical stance is one that allows for complexity and fluidity. The authors write well, making even esoteric sociological and cultural theory accessible. I recommend it' - "British Journal of Social Work " Constructing Fatherhood provides an analysis of the social, cultural and symbolic meanings of fatherhood in contemporary western societies. The authors draw on poststructuralist theory to analyze the representation of fatherhood in the expert' literature of psychology, sociology and the health sciences, and in popular sources such as television, film, advertisements and child-care and parenting manuals

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Constructing Fatherhood: Discourses and Experiences
The Elite and the Economy in Siam, C.

The Elite and the Economy in Siam, C.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brown, Ian, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Although the Kingdom of Siam never fell under colonial rule, its economic experience in the 19th and early 20th centuries closely paralleled those countries that did. This study examines the principal influences that shaped the Siamese economy in the period , including a detailed analysis of the administrative elite's policy on the diversification of commerce and production, irrigation, agricultural reform, and the extraction of tin and teak. Unlike most recent Thai scholarship, this book focuses on the kingdom's external relations--its open integration into the world economy and its vulnerable geopolitical position in mainland Southeast Asia.

Mathematical analysis 1/ Canuto, Tabacco

Mathematical analysis 1/ Canuto, Tabacco

Mathematical analysis I, of Claudio Canuto and Anita Tabacco. Textbook for Politecnico di Torino 1st year Analysis course, wear signs along the edges but in ok conditions, not written/marked.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Mathematical analysis 1/ Canuto, Tabacco
Communicating the Horoscope Communicating the Horoscope

Communicating the Horoscope Communicating the Horoscope

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tyl, Noel, PUBLISHER: Llewellyn Publications, Help your clients reach personal fulfillment through effective counseling. This book presents the viewpoints of nine astrologers on factors crucial to clients' successful analysis. Discusses how to choose the best time for the consultation, use clues in clients' charts to solve problems, read the client's unspoken messages, simplify chart interpretations for clients unfamiliar with astrology, listen empathetically, and more to improve your skills.

Japanese candlestick charting techniques

Japanese candlestick charting techniques

Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques: A Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Investment Techniques of the Far East. Traditional Western methods for chart analysis (the basis of all technical analyses) use bar or points and figure charts. Yet over 100 years before these methods originated, the Japanese were using their own style of technical analysis for use in the rice futures market. This technique - known as the Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques because of its close resemblance to andlesticks - has recently been attracting attention because it provides unique insights into the market. This work features over 300 charts that use candlesticks alone and in conjunction with Western charting techniques, and explains their use.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Japanese candlestick charting techniques
Circuit Analysis: Theory & Practice

Circuit Analysis: Theory & Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Robbins, Judd / Robbins, Allan / Miller, Alan R., PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, The mathematical foundation and the practical application of circuit theory in this highly readable book will prove invaluable to students enrolled in electronics engineeringtechnology curriculum and professionals alike. This one-of-a-kind text provides comprehensive coverage of circuit analysis topics, including fundamentals of DC and AC circuits, methods of analysis, capacitance, inductance, magnetism, simple transients, and computer methods. Hundreds of step by step examples lead the user through the critical thinking processes required to solve problems. Two popular computer simulation packages, OrCAD PSpice Version 9 and Electronics Workbench are integrated throughout the book to support "what-if" situations. With the Online Companion, users can access a web site that contains RealAudio sound-clips that present more in-depth discussions of the most difficult topics covered in each chapter.

The Economics of Imperfect Competition: A Spatial Approach

The Economics of Imperfect Competition: A Spatial Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greenhut, Melvin L. / Norman, George / Hung, Chao-Shun, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, This book takes a new approach to traditional price theory and to the analysis of imperfect competition. It represents a breakthrough in the development of a 'new' microeconomic theory. Increasingly, it has been recognized that the perfectly competitive paradigm is inappropriate to the explanation of pricing behaviour in many 'real life' markets characterized by a significant separation between producers and consumers. The spatial perspective adopted by the authors provides a natural separation of markets, but provides as well a powerful analogy for apparently nonspatial issues such as product differentiation, pricing over time, problems of storage and transportation, and the economics of intraindustry trade and of the multinational enterprise. A major concern of The Economics of Imperfect Competition: A Spatial Approach is to make these analogies explicit by applying this spatial analysis to a wide variety of nonspatial problems. In addition, the analysis and results presented in this book are shown to carry signficant policy implications with respect, for example, to the Robinson-Patman legislation, antimerger policies, and antidumping legislation. In particular, the authors have addressed issues that are of increasing concern to specialists, researchers, policy makers, and students in the areas of price theory, industrial organization, international trade, and regional and urban economics.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: The Economics of Imperfect Competition: A Spatial Approach
Solving Least Square Problems

Solving Least Square Problems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lawson, Charles L. / Hanson, Richard J., PUBLISHER: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic, An accessible text for the study of numerical methods for solving least squares problems. Numerical analysts, statisticians, and engineers have developed techniques and nomenclature for the least squares problems of their own discipline. This well-organized presentation of the basic material needed for the solution of least squares problems helps to unify this divergence of methods. Mathematicians, practicing engineers, and scientists will welcome its return to print.

A Family Affair: Cinema Calls Home

A Family Affair: Cinema Calls Home

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pomerance, Murray, PUBLISHER: Wallflower Press, The family unit has been a central theme in movies since the earliest days of the medium-- whether as a locus of domestic bliss, a dysfunctional source of drama, a collection of comic personalities or an inferno of repressed feelings. This new anthology brings the subject into sharp focus, collecting a range of multidisciplinary perspectives that attempt to directly penetrate the questions raised by the role of the family onscreen. Discussing a wide range of contemporary and classic films, from "House of Strangers" () and "Mary Poppins" () to "Superstar" (), "The Royal Tenenbaums" () and "Brokeback Mountain" (), this study addresses the nature of family values in cinema, and the 'family' nature of the Hollywood production system itself. With a wealth of historical background and contemporary analysis, this volume is a penetrating view of the oldest and most influential social institution as imagined for the screen.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: A Family Affair: Cinema Calls Home
Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and

Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia: Ideas and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Feener, R. Michael / Cammack, Mark E., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, Although often neglected in the literature on Islamic law, contemporary Indonesia is an especially rich source of insight into the diverse understandings and uses of the Islamic legal tradition in the modern world. Indonesian Muslims are engaged in vibrant and far-reaching debates over the terms, relevance, and developmental limits of Islamic law, and Indonesia is home to a variety of dynamic state and non-state institutional structures for the generation and application of Islamic doctrine. The essays in this volume provide focused examinations of the internal dynamics of intellectual and institutional elements of Islamic law in modern Indonesia in its recent formations. The first five chapters address issues relating to Islamic legal theory, both its historical development over the past century and analysis of the work of specific groups of contemporary scholars, jurists, and activists. The final seven chapters contain studies of more concrete manifestations of Islamic law in modern Indonesia, including court systems, positive law, the drafting of new "Islamic" legislation, and contemporary debates over the implementation of the Shari'a. Taken together these essays offer a series of substantive introductions to important developments in both the theory and practice of law in the world's most populous Muslim society.

Real Analysis

Real Analysis

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Royden, H. L. / Fitzpatrick, Patrick M., PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Real Analysis, Fourth Edition, covers the basic material that every reader should know in the classical theory of functions of a real variable, measure and integration theory, and some of the more important and elementary topics in general topology and normed linear space theory. This text assumes a general background in mathematics and familiarity with the fundamental concepts of analysis. Classical theory of functions, including the classical Banach spaces; General topology and the theory of general Banach spaces; Abstract treatment of measure and integration. For all readers interested in real analysis.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Real Analysis
Asian Security Handbook

Asian Security Handbook

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carpenter, William M. / Wiencek, David G. / Lilley, James R., PUBLISHER: East Gate Book, Features new chapters on security in Southeast Asia; illegal narcotics in Southeast Asia; conflict potentials in the South China Sea disputes; and country profiles of North Korea and Sri Lanka.

Understanding Physics

Understanding Physics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: O'Sullivan, Colm / Mansfield, Michael, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, This unique book places emphasis on the understanding of the material presented by adopting a reflective approach towards the scientific method used. Knowledge of algebra, geometry and trigonometry is required however, the authors introduce more advanced mathematical methods in the context of the physical problems which are used for analysis. Modern physics topics, including quantum mechanics and relativity are introduced early and are integrated with more "classical" material from which they have evolved.

Offerte relazionate contemporary lithic analysis in the southeast problems: Understanding Physics
Black Light: Myth and Meaning in Modern Painting

Black Light: Myth and Meaning in Modern Painting

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gooding, Francis, PUBLISHER: Wiley-Blackwell, Painters have always drawn on the classics to find myths and symbols which will answer to contemporary problems. In "Black Light," Francis Gooding examines four modern paintings in the light of ancient themes, and illuminates the permanence and power of the mythic imagination. Opening a new dialogue between modern and ancient, "Black Light" explores living myth in modern paintings Examines four paintings from the Modern tradition in the light of episodes from antique mythology As the myths illuminate the paintings, and paintings throw light on the myths, Gooding shows that themes from ancient sources can be seen to resonate in modern representations Traces unexpected thematic correspondences across two millennia of literature and art, and finds that wherever meaning is sought through interpretation, myth becomes an indispensable tool of analysis In the work of classical authors such as Sophocles and Ovid, Gooding finds mythic elements which are also present in paintings by Manet, Matisse, Richards and Warhol
