comparative geography

Comparative Geography

Comparative Geography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carl Ritter William L Gage, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing LLC, NA



usato GEOGRAPHY Cambridge IGCSE Geography Revision Guide di D. Davies Ed. Cambridge

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: geography


usato GEOGRAPHY Cambridge IGCSE Geography Coursebook with CD-ROM Ed. Cambridge

Comparative politics Daniele Caramani

Comparative politics Daniele Caramani

Vendo la terza edizione di comparative politics

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Comparative politics Daniele Caramani
Key Concepts in Geography

Key Concepts in Geography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clifford, Nicholas J. / Holloway, Sarah L. / Rice, Stephen P., PUBLISHER: Sage Publications (CA), Including ten new chapters on nature, globalization, development, and risk and a new section on practicing geography, this is a completely revised and updated edition of the bestselling, standard student resource. The Second Edition of Key Concepts in Geography explains the key terms - space, time, place, scale, landscape - that define the language of geography. It is unique in the reference literature as it provides - in one volume - concepts from both human geography and physical geography; especially relevant now that environment is so critical to our understanding of geography.

Geography of Coastal Deserts;

Geography of Coastal Deserts;

Geography of Coastal Deserts; Arid Zone Research, 28; Meigs, Peveril, Unesco Used Soft cover pp. 140, maps Euro 23 (varie 560)

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Geography of Coastal Deserts;
World Geography Guide to the Essentials Revised 7th Edition

World Geography Guide to the Essentials Revised 7th Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, World Geography: Building a Global Perspective is a standards-based program that helps students understand how geography impacts their lives. The story-telling narrative and integrated visuals - combined with user-friendly teacher support and interactive tools - makes it easy to present lessons that are both current and compelling. The program keeps geography relevant through its in-depth, country-by-country coverage, and up-to-date through online current events updates. It presents key concepts through maps and visuals and prepares students for success on geography assessment.

The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information

The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kellerman, Aharon / Thomas, Larry, PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, A fascinating and vital area of research, the geography of information describes the role of information as both economic and commercial product and its distribution and movement across boundaries of cyberspace and conventional geography. Written by a pioneer in telecommunications geography research, this prize winning title (AAG award ) applies information geography to the world of high-tech, examining the latest wrinkles in the Internet, Silicon Valley, mobile telephony, and other key areas. the first book to provide both a context for the geography of information and a critical overview of recent research. Includes location-specific references and case studies. Examines the information society, information economy, telecommunications and its geographical impact.

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: The Internet on Earth: A Geography of Information
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Clil geography sb+espansione online nuovo

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Offerte relazionate comparative geography: COMPLETE GEOGRAPHY for Cambridge IGCSE
Libro di geografia ''Cambridge IGCSE Geography''

Libro di geografia ''Cambridge IGCSE Geography''

Vendo libro di geografia in lingua inglese ''Cambridge IGCSE Geography'' in ottime condizioni, come nuovo. ISBN MetΓ  prezzo

International Corporate Reporting: A Comparative Approach

International Corporate Reporting: A Comparative Approach

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Roberts, Clare B. / Weetman, Pauline / Gordon, Paul, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, "A student friendly, contemporary introduction to the world of international accounting and reporting combining an overview of the subject with an element of country by country comparative study."

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: International Corporate Reporting: A Comparative Approach Pictures Pictures

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lerner Publishing Group / Geography Department / Lerner Geography Department, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publishing Group, Supports the national curriculum standards Culture; Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environments; individual Development and Identity; Individuals, Groups, and Institutions; Power, Authority, and Governance; Production, Distribution, and Consumption; Science, Technology, and Society; and Global Connections as outlined by the National Council for the Social Studies.

Marx and Mill: Two Views of Social Conflict and Social

Marx and Mill: Two Views of Social Conflict and Social

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Duncan / Duncan, Graeme, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, First published in , this was the first detailed comparative analysis of the writings of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill. it contains a full, careful and sympathetic account of their respective social doctrines, and concludes with a critical comparative evaluation of the two thinkers.

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Marx and Mill: Two Views of Social Conflict and Social
Visualizing Human Geography, Binder Version

Visualizing Human Geography, Binder Version

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greiner, Alyson L., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Visualizing Human Geography is a comprehensive, modern book for today's human geography course. With current examples, thorough coverage of geographers tools and technology, and a visual design that is accessible without sacrificing content, it is a title that will appeal to a broad range of instructors. The narrative and concepts are tightly linked to visual elements, including practical examples that highlight the relevance of the concepts. Maps are integrated throughout to help reveal patterns or trends. Divergent views and critical thinking are emphasized. Photographs and other visuals are also included to reinforce the concepts.

An Introduction to the Geography of Tourism

An Introduction to the Geography of Tourism

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nelson, Velvet A., PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield, Tourism is an astonishingly complex phenomenon that is becoming an ever-greater part of life in today s global world. This clear and engaging text introduces undergraduate students to this vast and diverse subject through the lens of geography, the only field with the breadth to consider all of the aspects, activities, and perspectives that constitute tourism. Indeed, geography and tourism have always been interconnected, and Velvet Nelson reinforces the relationship between them by using both human and physical geography to interpret all aspects of tourism economic, social, and environmental. She shows how geography provides the tools and concepts to consider both the positive and negative factors that affect tourists and destinations, as well as the effects tourism has on both peoples and places. Real-world case studies based on research and on the experiences of tourists themselves illustrate key issues. This comprehensive, thematically organized introduction will enhance students understanding of geographic concepts and how they can be used as a way of viewing and understanding the world.

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: An Introduction to the Geography of Tourism
International Comparative Mediation Legal Perspectives

International Comparative Mediation Legal Perspectives

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nadja Alexander, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Economic Geography

Economic Geography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Philip Emeral, PUBLISHER: Random Exports, NA

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Economic Geography
Urban Geography

Urban Geography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heather Barrett Tim Hall, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the

Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Arnove, Robert F. / Torres, Carlos Alberto, PUBLISHER: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Comparative Education examines the common problems facing education systems around the world as the result of global economic, social, and cultural forces. Issues related to the governance, financing, provision, processes, and outcomes of education systems for differently situated social groups are described and analyzed in specific regional, national, and local contexts. New in this edition is a concluding chapter by Carlos Torres indicating the current challenges and new directions for scholarship and teaching in comparative education. Chapters discussing the United States', Latin American, Middle Eastern, Russian/East European, and African education have been updated to reflect the changes in these regions and new educational trends and politics. Visit our website for sample chapters

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Comparative Education: The Dialectic of the Global and the
Elements of Physical Geography

Elements of Physical Geography

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cramer Thomas, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA

Geography and World Power

Geography and World Power

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fairgrieve James, PUBLISHER: BiblioLife LLC, NA

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Geography and World Power
Massachusetts Jography!

Massachusetts Jography!

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Marsh, Carole, PUBLISHER: Gallopade International, Massachusetts Geography-Statistics say most kids know less geography than ever-don't let that apply to your students Start by making sure kids know the main places & geographic features in their own state. Give them activities that pretend they are taking a cross-state bike tour, using free football game passes, jogging through the state, etc., & they'll find their way around in a hurry Geography activities include info on counties, rivers, museums, historic places, sites of interest, colleges, bordering states, climate, topography, crops and more, all ready to reproduce Approximately 30 activities and 200 geography related places and facts are covered. Students work alone or in groups and use maps, reference books or resource people to complete challenging riddles, matching games, word searches, fill-in lists, scavenger hunts, and completion exercises that reinforce learning, sharpen research skills, and provide a lively introduction to Massachusetts.

Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry

Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alan Fenna Thomas Hueglin, PUBLISHER: Broadview Press, NA

Offerte relazionate comparative geography: Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry
The Gatekeepers Comparative Immigration Policy

The Gatekeepers Comparative Immigration Policy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Michael C LeMay, PUBLISHER: Praeger Publishers, NA Acquista Ora
