clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana

Clil for science, di Fazzina e Leanti, Tramontana

Clil for science, di Fazzina e Leanti, Tramontana

Il libro è come nuovo, usato pochissimo. CLIL for Science. Autori Fazzina e Leanti. Casa editrice Tramontana. ISBN

New focus on science

New focus on science

New focus on science. CLIL for english. Con espansione online prezzo originale: euro

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: New focus on science
Zanichelli - Natural science.CLIL () -50%

Zanichelli - Natural science.CLIL () -50%

Vendo a metà del prezzo di copertina il libro "Natural science.CLIL - Nutrition and digestive system, cell respiration, orbitals and periodic properties" (Zanichelli) (ISBN ). Disponibili anche altri libri. Posso anche spedire in 24 ore in modo tracciabile in tutta Italia, con possibilità di pagamento PayPal e bonifico.

culture and clil for you

culture and clil for you

culture and clil for you -0 Assirelli-Vetri posso spedire con 1,50

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: culture and clil for you
New focus on science

New focus on science

Clil in inglese

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, William Fortune, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, This text, an expanded and rearranged version of Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, 2/e, is appropriate for a first course in materials science and engineering for engineering students.

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gordon, Sharon, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standards for: Science: Science as Inquiry, Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

General Science-Nucleus

General Science-Nucleus

General Science-Nucleus English for Science and Technology- New edition with reading texts

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: General Science-Nucleus
Living Near the Sea

Living Near the Sea

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fowler, Allan, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standards for: Science: Earth and Space Science Life Science. Social Studies: Culture People, Places, & Environments

Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise

Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hawxhurst, Joan C., PUBLISHER: Lucent Books, Fulfills the standards: "Science as Inquiry" and "Life Science" from the National Science Education Standards for Grades 5-8.

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Overview Series Endngrd Anmls & Habitats: Turtles & Tortoise
Science Explorer C Book a Student Edition Bacteria to

Science Explorer C Book a Student Edition Bacteria to

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, Prentice Hall Science Explorer, the nation's leading middle school science program, is the perfect fit for today's classroom. Lead author Michael Padilla weaves together content with hands-on science inquiry that's sure to reach every student.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Llewellyn, Claire, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standard for: Science: Life Science Social Studies: Production, Distribution, & Consumption

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Milk
A Luna Moth's Life

A Luna Moth's Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Himmelman, John, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standards for: Science: Life Science

Storia concetti e connessioni con clil 3

Storia concetti e connessioni con clil 3

libro di storia con clil in ottime condizioni con sottolineature

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Storia concetti e connessioni con clil 3
Libri usati chimica/scienze/biologia

Libri usati chimica/scienze/biologia

-Biologia in evoluzione Volume AB, CDE. -Biologia in evoluzione Volume FGH, I. -CLIL for Science. -Biozone Biology in English Biochemistry and Biotechnology. -Principi di Chimica Moderna tomo B. -Biochimica, dal carbonio alle nuove tecnologie Linea Blu. -#Terra Edizione verde. Libri usati in buono stato, segnati a matita o, poche volte, con evidenziatore. Prezzo: metà del prezzo di copertina.

Living on a Space Shuttle

Living on a Space Shuttle

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bredeson, Carmen, PUBLISHER: Children's Press(CT), This series meets National Curriculum Standards for: Science: Earth and Space Science Social Studies: People, Places, & Environments

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Living on a Space Shuttle
Human Body II

Human Body II

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Levy, Michael / Rafferty, John / Hosch, William L., PUBLISHER: Encyclopaedia Britannica, The Human Body II, is one book in the Britannica Illustrated Science Library Series that is correlated to the science curriculum in grades 5-8. The Britannica Illustrated Science Library is a visually compelling series that covers earth science, life science, and physical science in 16 titles. Created for ages 10 and up, each title provides an overview on a subject and thoroughly explains it through detailed and powerful graphics-more than per volume-that turn complex subjects into information that students can grasp. Each title contains a glossary with full definitions for vocabulary help and an index.

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Headlam, Catherine, PUBLISHER: Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, From astronomy to zoology, this is the complete, illustrated guide to science for children.

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia
Forest Soil Science

Forest Soil Science

Forest Soil Science N.P. Remezov and P.S. Pogrebnyak Edité par Israel Program for Scientific Translations,, Washington, D.C.: () VG/no dust jacket Paperback.

Testi scolastici triennio liceo classico

Testi scolastici triennio liceo classico

vendo libri triennio liceo classico in buonissime condizioni. Tutti a metà prezzo rispetto a quello di listino. - La Domanda dell'Uomo (religione), vol. unico Marietti scuola ISBN -Documenta Humanitatis (latino), vol. 1-2 C. Signorelli scuola -Le Traiettorie della Fisica (fisica), vol. 1-2-3 Scienze Zanichelli ISBN(vol ISBN(vol ISBN(vol -Epoche (storia), vol. 1-2-3 Pearson -Il Cricco Di Teodoro, Itinerario nell'arte (storia dell'arte)edizione verde, vol. 1-2-3 Zanichelli ISBN (vol ISBN (vol ISBN (vol -Percorsi di Filosofia (filosofia), vol. 1-2 Pearson -CLIL for science, tramontana -Letteratura Greca (greco) vol. 1-2-3 Einaudi scuola -Il Senso e le Forme (letteratura italiana) vol. La Nuova Italia -Corso di Biologia (livello base e livello avanzato) Atlas ISBN -Principi di Chimica Moderna (chimica) tomo A e B; Atlas

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Testi scolastici triennio liceo classico
Science  Assessment Book Grade K

Science Assessment Book Grade K

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Pearson Scott Foresman, Scott Foresman Science (Diamond Edition) ((c)) components for Grade K.

Science  Leveled Reader 6-Pack Grade 5 Chapter 07 B

Science Leveled Reader 6-Pack Grade 5 Chapter 07 B

ISBN: , SKU: , PUBLISHER: Pearson Scott Foresman, Scott Foresman Science (?) components for Grade 5. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Science Leveled Reader 6-Pack Grade 5 Chapter 07 B
Digging Armadillos

Digging Armadillos

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jango-Cohen, Judith, PUBLISHER: Lerner Publications, Responding to the call of educators for easy-to-read nonfiction for younger students, Lerner created the Pull Ahead Books series. With higher-level thinking questions built into each text, this innovative series engages new readers in their own learning. A map activity, animal-body diagram, short glossary, and Hunt-and-Find (pre-index skills) section are included. Supports the national science education standards Unifying Concepts and Processes: Systems, Order, and Organization; Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function; Science as Inquiry; and Life Science as outlined by the National Academics of Science and endorsed by the National Science Teachers Association.

Integrated Science

Integrated Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tillery, Bill W. / Enger, Eldon / Ross, Frederick C., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, Integrated Science is a straight forward, easy-to-read, but substantial introduction to the fundamental behavior of matter and energy in living and nonliving systems. It is intended to serve the needs of non-science majors who are required to complete one or more science courses as part of a general or basic studies requirement. It introduces basic concepts and key ideas while providing opportunities for students to learn reasoning skills and a new way of thinking about their environment. No prior work in science is assumed. The language, as well as the mathematics, is as simple as can be practical for a college-level science course. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate clil for science di fazzina e leanti tramontana: Integrated Science
Forest Soil Science

Forest Soil Science

Forest Soil Science N.P. Remezov and P.S. Pogrebnyak Edité par Israel Program for Scientific Translations,, Washington, D.C.: () VG/no dust jacket Paperback. Euro 40 (suolo 17)
