changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal

Changeweavers: A Pathway to Spiritual Renewal

Changeweavers: A Pathway to Spiritual Renewal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Berenblatt, Maida / Berenblatt, Alena Joy, PUBLISHER: Health Communications, Changeweavers provides proven techniques for escaping the ruts of arrested emotional development. Self-tests help readers determine whether they're stuck in childhood, preteen or teen behavior.

Journeying Toward Renewal A Spiritual Companion for Pastoral

Journeying Toward Renewal A Spiritual Companion for Pastoral

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Melissa Bane Sevier, PUBLISHER: Alban Institute Incorporated, NA

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Journeying Toward Renewal A Spiritual Companion for Pastoral
Seeking God Together

Seeking God Together

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stoop, David A. / Stoop, Davud, PUBLISHER: Tyndale House Publishers, While there are many books available on developing intimacy on various levels, this book is the first practical tool to address a couple's spiritual life together. "Seeking God Together" begins with a "Spiritual Inventory" for couples to assess their spiritual life. Experienced author Dr. David Stoop then addresses spiritual topics such as prayer, submission, worship, service, confession, forgiveness, and the need for long-term spiritual exercise. This book encourages couples to strengthen their bond of marriage by developing their spiritual intimacy.

Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts

Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Joiner, Barbara, PUBLISHER: New Hope Publishers (AL), POINTS OF INTEREST- Includes a spiritual gifts inventory you can complete in 30 minutes or less- Spiritual gifts studied are prophecy, service, teaching, exhorting, sharing, leading, mercy, love, enthusiasm, hope, prayer, and hospitality- Purpose of the book is to describe the spiritual gifts, help readers discover their particular gifts, and encourage them to use their gifts- Written in a lively style, full of practical helps

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts
Quest for Harmony: Native American Spiritual Traditions

Quest for Harmony: Native American Spiritual Traditions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Young, William A., PUBLISHER: Seven Bridges Press, If there were an "endangered religions list" the spiritual traditions of Native American nations would be on it. Fortunately, as "Quest for Harmony" makes very clear, not only are Native American spiritual traditions still very much alive, they are in the midst of a dramatic revival. The four nations on which this richly descriptive and fascinating book focuses---the Lenape (Delaware), Anm-yunm-wiya (Cherokee), Lakota (Sioux), and Dini (Navajo)---bear witness to the reality of Native American culture and its spiritual renewal and continuity amidst change. Each nation's traditional location and present population, the language, and social organization are described. At least one of the stories of origins of the people is presented. A historical survey of the nation, from the earliest documented times until recent decades is also included. The heart of each presentation is an introduction to the nation's spiritual worldview and rituals, including cosmology, and gods and spirits. Quest for Harmony is intended for anyone seeking a basic understanding of the cultures and spiritual teachings of Native American nations. It is sympathetic and respectful, presenting the views of Native Americans in their own voice wherever possible. Critical issues common to Native Americas such as the Pannational spiritual movements and the environment are also covered.

It's the Walk Not the Talk: Six Points of Real Spirituality

It's the Walk Not the Talk: Six Points of Real Spirituality

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Scales, Lafayette, PUBLISHER: Destiny Image Publishers, Lots of people about spiritual growth, but how many really demonstrate it? This book outlines and describes six levels of spiritual maturity and shows you how to move up to the higher levels of God's purpose for His children. Start traveling the path to spiritual maturity in Christ because, after all, it's the walk, not the talk, that counts

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: It's the Walk Not the Talk: Six Points of Real Spirituality
Renewed Day by Day

Renewed Day by Day

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tozer, A. W., PUBLISHER: Christian Publications, "Tozer had the gift of taking a spiritual truth and holding it up to the light so that, like a diamond, every facet was seen and admired". That ability makes this collection of daily devotionals particularly desirable for those who want to exercise their spiritual muscles. Bite-sized calls to holy living.

Faery Initiations

Faery Initiations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Reidling, Kisma, PUBLISHER: Authorhouse, The Faery-Faith Tradition is a true living tradition; a modern spiritual pathway that ties into current understandings of life and history, tradition and theology, with roots deeply buried in an ancient past. These things make it a powerful and important spiritual practice for today. Faery Initiations Stone, Sword, Spear and Cauldron contains a wealth of information that will lead you back to your Authentic Self by taking you on a mystical journey into the center of the mystic spiral. Come delve into the backbone of the Irish Celt and the glamoury of the Faery-Faith Tradition and regain knowledge of what was before, but is no longer part of the memory of humankind. Come learn the magic of Faery.

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Faery Initiations
Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord's Prayer with

Swimming in the Sun: Discovering the Lord's Prayer with

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Haase, Albert, PUBLISHER: Saint Anthony Messenger Press, Franciscan Albert Haase turns to two great spiritual masters to illustrate the central themes of the Lord's Prayer in this "hand- book" to the spiritual life. Haase writes that Francis' life challenges us to renounce the superficial and superfluous in our lives. Merton's life, the author says, has become a vehicle for self-discovery for many contemporary readers.

The Mind-Body Fertility Connection The True Pathway to

The Mind-Body Fertility Connection The True Pathway to

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: James Schwartz, PUBLISHER: Llewellyn Publications, NA

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: The Mind-Body Fertility Connection The True Pathway to
30-Day Prayer Focus Your Pathway To Powerful Prayer

30-Day Prayer Focus Your Pathway To Powerful Prayer

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Tim C Blair, PUBLISHER: CreateSpace, NA

Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts

Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Joiner, Barbara, PUBLISHER: Woman's Missionary Union, When a person becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit gives special gifts to be used in the Lord's service. Joiner helps readers identify their spiritual gifts and understand how they can be used in service, ministry, and missions. A spiritual gifts inventory is included.

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Workout of a Former Saint

Spiritual Workout of a Former Saint

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Abramowicz, Danny, PUBLISHER: Our Sunday Visitor, Here, based on proven NFL workout techniques, is a practical, encouraging, step-by-step method to help you: - increase your spiritual strength - add new life to your relationships with your spouse, family, and friends - re-energize your soul as you deepen your love of Christ and His Church.

The Soul of Psychotherapy: Recapturing the Spiritual

The Soul of Psychotherapy: Recapturing the Spiritual

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cornett, Carlton, PUBLISHER: Free Press, Mental health professionals often struggle to understand spirituality and the role it plays in their clients' lives. Many therapists would like to take spiritual issues into account, and to incorporate them, as they do with other areas of patients' lives, into their overall approach, but feel they lack the training or competency to do so effectively. In this concise, thoughtful, and practical book, clinician Carlton Cornett describes how to integrate the issues of spirituality into everyday practice. Cornett addresses the needs of therapists and counselors who treat both clients committed to their religious beliefs, and those who initially might not identify spirituality as an area of struggle, but for whom spiritual issues are real, yet hidden, sources of distress. He shows therapists how to open the door to the spiritual dimension in their work through cases from his practice, and demonstrates the impact and relevance of religion and spirituality on the clinical process. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: The Soul of Psychotherapy: Recapturing the Spiritual


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Howard, Ben, PUBLISHER: Salmon Publishing, "I can't begin to say what brought me here, " confesses the narrator of Mid-century, an American lexicographer, down on his luck, who turns to Ireland in hopes of finding solace in the landscape and a respite in Ireland's wartime neutrality. Seeking definitions in a culture which resists them, he discovers in Irish history a refraction of his fortunes and obsessions. Mid-century tells an engrossing story of defeat and recovery, of devastation and spiritual renewal. Earlier versions of some of these poems first appeared in Sewane Review, Seneca Review, and Chelsea.

Cauldron of Transformation

Cauldron of Transformation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Sabrina, Lady / Sabrina, PUBLISHER: Llewellyn Publications, Explains the finer points of Paganism and how to blend and combine the wisdom of different traditions into a living spiritual system of your own. Explore the origins, customs and beliefs of five religious traditions: Celtic Druidism, Buddhism, Christianity, Santeria and Shamanism. This book also provides new and dynamic tools to help extend and expand personal spiritual awareness.

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Cauldron of Transformation
Stepping Out: On the Pathway to Your Dreams

Stepping Out: On the Pathway to Your Dreams

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Farrel, Pam / Clough, Sandy Lynam, PUBLISHER: Harvest House Publishers, An affordable gift to share confidence and the secrets of inner-strength with the woman who is starting out, graduating, changing careers, or walking a new path.

Enthronement: The Recognition of the Reincarnate Masters of

Enthronement: The Recognition of the Reincarnate Masters of

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Londro Taye, Jamgon Kongtrul / Lodro Taye, Jamgon Kongtrul / Kon-Sprul, PUBLISHER: Snow Lion Publications, Even the most casual contact with the culture, politics, or religion of Tibet and the surrounding region brings outsiders face to face with the institution of reincarnate spiritual masters. Past masters are identified as small children installed in their predecessor's monastery in a ceremony called "enthronement" and educated to continue the work of their former incarnation. This custom has provided a principal source of spiritual renewal for Himalayan Buddhists for the past thousand years. The introduction places the subject of reincarnate meditation masters within two major contexts: the activity of bodhisattvas, and in modern Tibetan society, where the reappearance of past masters is both natural and profoundly moving. Tai Situpa Rinpoche, a contemporary reincarnate master and a leader of the Kagyu lineage, describes the process of finding other reincarnate masters. Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, an outstanding writer and meditation master, offers a traditional view of the enthronement of reincarnate masters.

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Enthronement: The Recognition of the Reincarnate Masters of
Beyond Renewal

Beyond Renewal

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Held, George, PUBLISHER: Cedar Hill Books, Poetry. "BEYOND RENEWAL" has a voice reminiscent of George Orwell, spare, underplayed, observant commentary coupled to small-scale narratives, well-glued and carpentered contraptions...The power of the poem is held tightly to the range of an anti-heroic speech, whose toughly stoic or lightly plangent registers compel our attention without fuss" - Anthony O'Brien. "George Held has not only mastered traditional verse forms that too many of us, I fear, have forsaken - sonnet, cinquain, triolet - he is also master of the sleight-of-hand" - Vince Clemente.

Spiritual Identity Theft

Spiritual Identity Theft

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shannon, Carole Whitfield, PUBLISHER: Xulon Press, YOUR SPIRITUAL IDENTITY MATTERS Spiritual Identity Theft is a crisis of identity that has touched us all. Yet it is one that frequently goes unaddressed until we are face-to-face with some life-changing circumstance that leads us to a time of personal reflection where we ask the questions, who am I and why am I here. Through the topic, Spiritual Identity Theft, the Author offers insights into this subject of stolen spiritual identity that will help you: Understand the significance of your spiritual identity, See the plan of Spiritual Identity Theft exposed, Discover God's plan for your transformation; and Gain insights for ways to walk in the fullness of your true self "Spiritual Identity Theft" is the story of the Author's journey through a valley of doubt, insecurity and a loss of self; to discover God's wonderful transformative power enabling her to live a life of purpose and destiny fulfillment. Carole W. Shannon works as a Corporate Trainer, Freelance Writer and is Founder of Kingdom Body Building Ministries T, a training ministry designed with strategies to move God's people, "From the Pews to Kingdom Purpose T. She lives in Lewisville, Texas, with her husband Louis Shannon where they own and operate Doors 4Pets and People. For more information about Carole W. Shannon and Kingdom Body Building Ministries, visit her website at

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Spiritual Identity Theft
A Journey Into Spiritual Growth

A Journey Into Spiritual Growth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Christenson, Evelyn / Hage, Sarah Peterson, PUBLISHER: Chariot Victor Publishing, This book will inspire women to stretch toward dramatic spiritual growth as well as understand how hard times can enrich their relationship with God. Features nearly 100 two-page devotional readings compiled from Evelyn Christenson's books.

Who Is My God?: An Innovative Guide to Finding Your

Who Is My God?: An Innovative Guide to Finding Your

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Skylight Paths, PUBLISHER: Skylight Paths Publishing, Contains the Spiritual Identity Self-Test, which will help you uncover the two components of your own unique spirituality: - How you believe: your Spiritual Type - What you believe: your tradition indicators

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Who Is My God?: An Innovative Guide to Finding Your
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential

Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Myss, Caroline, PUBLISHER: Three Rivers Press (CA), As a medical intuitive, Myss has found that people often don't understand their purpose in life. The resulting spiritual malaise leads in turn to depression, anxiety, fatigue, and physical illness. To help people find this purpose our individual Sacred Contract -- Myss has developed a process for deciphering your own Contract using a theory of archetypes that builds on the work of Jung, Plato, and contemporary thinkers. With her signature motivational style, Myss explains how we can identify our particular spiritual energies, or archetypes, and use them to find out what we are here on earth to learn and whom we are meant to meet. Both visionary and practical, Sacred Contracts is a unique tool for self-discovery and a powerful work of spiritual wisdom.

Prayer for Daybreak and Day's End

Prayer for Daybreak and Day's End

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Taylor, Mary Sue, PUBLISHER: Saint Anthony Messenger Press, Offers a practical structure for daily prayer by borrowing from the ancient Liturgy of the Hours. Each day is divided into Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer. Includes selections from the Psalms, Scripture passages, suggestions for integrating the Scripture into daily life, words of wisdom from a spiritual master and a spiritual exercise. All you need to do is turn to the day's date to begin and end your day with prayer

Offerte relazionate changeweavers pathway to spiritual renewal: Prayer for Daybreak and Day's End
An Easy Guide to Ayurveda: The Natural Way to Wholeness

An Easy Guide to Ayurveda: The Natural Way to Wholeness

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Davis, Roy Eugene, PUBLISHER: CSA Press (GA), Ayurveda is an Indian approach to health based on a knowledge (veda) of the source of all life (ayur), which are the spiritual energies that nurture our physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Our awareness flows more easily and we can express our true potential more freely when our mental, emotional, and physical vehicles are at their most favorable levels of functional efficiency. This helpful book explains how to experience inner balance and authentic spiritual growth, based on ancient practices and principles of ayurdeva. The book includes insights into using colors, gems, metals, and mantras to enhance wellness.
