cesar pelli selected and current works




Dylan Thomas

Dylan Thomas

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Korg, Jacob, PUBLISHER: Twayne Publishers, Twayne's United States Authors, English Authors, and World Authors Series present concise critical introductions to great writers and their works. Devoted to critical interpretation and discussion of an author's work, each study takes account of major literary trends and important scholarly contributions and provides new critical insights with an original point of view. An Authors Series volume addresses readers ranging from advanced high school students to university professors. The book suggests to the informed reader new ways of considering a writer's work. Each volume features: -- A critical, interpretive study and explication of the author's works -- A brief biography of the author -- An accessible chronology outlining the life, the work, and relevant historical context -- Aids for further study: complete notes and references, a selected annotated bibliography and an index -- A readable style presented in a manageable length

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America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences

America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smelser, Neil J. / Wilson, William Julius / Mitchell, Faith, PUBLISHER: National Academy Press, Leading scholars and commentators explore past and current trends among African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and Native Americans in the context of a White majority. This collection of papers represents the most current literature in the field. Volume I focuses on demographic trends, immigration, racial attitudes, and the geography of opportunity.

English Authors Series: Sarah Fielding

English Authors Series: Sarah Fielding

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bree, Linda, PUBLISHER: Twayne Publishers, Twayne's United States Authors, English Authors, and World Authors Series present concise critical introductions to great writers and their works. Devoted to critical interpretation and discussion of an author's work, each study takes account of major literary trends and important scholarly contributions and provides new critical insights with an original point of view. An Authors Series volume addresses readers ranging from advanced high school students to university professors. The book suggests to the informed reader new ways of considering a writer's work. Each volume features: -- A critical, interpretive study and explication of the author's works -- A brief biography of the author -- An accessible chronology outlining the life, the work, and relevant historical context -- Aids for further study: complete notes and references, a selected annotated bibliography and an index -- A readable style presented in a manageable length

Offerte relazionate cesar pelli selected and current works: English Authors Series: Sarah Fielding
Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Espejo, Roman, PUBLISHER: Greenhaven Press, For over 25 years, the Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series has developed and set the standard for current-issue studies. With more than 90 volumes covering nearly every controversial contemporary topic, Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. Each title explores a specific issue by placing expert opinions in a unique pro/con format. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected and often hard-to-find sources and publications. By choosing from such diverse sources and including both popular and unpopular views, the Opposing Viewpoints editorial team has adhered to its commitment to editorial objectivity. Readers are exposed to many sides of a debate, which promotes issue awareness as well as critical thinking. In short, Opposing Viewpoints is the best research and learning tool for exploring the issues that continually shape and define our turbulent and changing world. Acquista Ora

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OBD-II + EOBD Code Scanner w/ Display

Manufacturer SpecificationsGeneralOBD-II Compliant Vehicles ( - Current): GM / Vauxhall / Ford / Chrysler / Toyota / Honda / NISSAN / SUBARU ImprezaAll other Asian and European to current...

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Bartlett, John. Pier Antonio Gariazzo and his works

Bartlett, John. Pier Antonio Gariazzo and his works

Bartlett, John. Pier Antonio Gariazzo and his works. Milan, Bestetti and Tuminelli, . Cm. 20x27; pp. tavole fuori testo con 124 figure. Mezza tela originale, testo in inglese.

The Undergraduate's Companion to American Writers and Their

The Undergraduate's Companion to American Writers and Their

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hinman, Larry G. / Bracken, James K., PUBLISHER: Libraries Unlimited, An outstanding research guide for undergraduate students of American literature, this best-selling book is essential when it comes to researching American authors. Bracken and Hinman identify and describe the best and most current sources, both in print and online, for nearly 300 American writers whose works are included in the most frequently used literary anthologies. Students will know exactly what information is available and where to find it.

Offerte relazionate cesar pelli selected and current works: The Undergraduate's Companion to American Writers and Their
Modern Starts: People, Places, Things

Modern Starts: People, Places, Things

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Elderfield, John / Reed, Peter / Chan, Mary, PUBLISHER: Museum of Modern Art, Abandoning customary labels and chronological ordering, ModernStarts offers fresh thinking about works of art. People treats the great period of early modern figurative art from Matisse, Rodin, and Munch; Places features landscapes and cityscapes by such artists as Atget, Cezanne, de Chirico, and Leger; and Things addresses object-like works, from Rietveld's and Wright's chairs to Duchamp's Readymades and Brancusi's sculpture. All works illustrated are from the collections of New York's Museum of Modern Art.

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Smoothing Straight Works (Smoothes and Controls) -

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John Milton: Selected Prose, New and Revised Edition

John Milton: Selected Prose, New and Revised Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Patrides, C. A. / Milton, John, PUBLISHER: University of Missouri Press, Although John Milton is best known for his poems such as "Paradise Lost," his prose works, including "Areopagitica, The Tenure of Kings, and The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce," are important in their own right. In this selection of Milton's prose, C.A. Patrides presents the best possible texts of complete works in a format designed to enable students to understand Milton the thinker as well as to judge for themselves the achievements of Milton the artist in prose. First published in , C.A. Patrides 's edition of Milton's prose has proved invaluable to students and scholars of Renaissance literature because it includes mostly the complete texts of Milton's prose works. Now, in this new and updated edition, Patrides has revised his introduction and his bibliography to reflect advances in Milton scholarship in the past ten years. In addition, the selections have been expanded to include passages from Milton's theological treatise "De doctrina Christiana."



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Grange Books, PUBLISHER: Grange Books, The French artist Auguste Rodin had a profound influence on 20th-century sculpture. His works are distinguished by their stunning strength and realism. Rodin refused to ignore the negative aspects of humanity, and his works confront distress and moral weakness as well as passion and beauty. A must-have book for art lovers and particularly fans of Rodin.

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Selected Quotations

Selected Quotations

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burgess, Peter, PUBLISHER: Heian International, Witty and memorable quotes are arranged by subject and cross referenced as well.

Thematic Guide to the American Novel

Thematic Guide to the American Novel

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adamson, Lynda G., PUBLISHER: Greenwood Press, This unique resource provides readers with a systematic guide to the central themes in 150 of the most commonly taught American novels. Each of the 50 well written essays identifies and discusses an important theme, such as Alienation, Corruption of Power, and Immigrant Life that recurs in American literature. The pertinence of these themes is examined in a wide range of novels that reflect this country's cultural diversity and that span the many time periods in America's literary heritage. These novels include the canonical and the contemporary, yet they are all works that are accessible and important to students, and were selected in consultation with educators and experts' published curriculum surveys. The organization of this guide allows users to compare and contrast thematically related novels and also provides help in the selection of titles for classroom discussion and assignments. This thematic guide is organized into 50 narrative essays. Each essay, written expressively with the student in mind, provides in-depth analyses of three American novels. The entries include selected lists of further suggested readings; additional fiction works that relate to the theme explored. Two helpful appendices make this resource even more valuable for the literature collection. One appendix provides additional themes and topics to be explored in the 150 novels. For quick reference, a second appendix organizes the 150 discussed novels alphabetically, identifying both the central and secondary themes for discussion in each. An author/title index, as well as a character/title index, facilitated optimum access to these works.

Offerte relazionate cesar pelli selected and current works: Thematic Guide to the American Novel
Deviant Behavior

Deviant Behavior

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Salinger, Lawrence M., PUBLISHER: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, An informative anthology of current newspapers, magazines, and journals, that examine current findings about the nature of deviant behavior.

Finden's Illustrations Of the Life and Works of Lord Byron

Finden's Illustrations Of the Life and Works of Lord Byron

Finden's Illustrations Of the Life and Works of Lord Byron With Original and Selected Information On the Subjects of the Engravings by W. Brockedon Vol. II London: John Murray First Edition Volume rilegato in mezza pelle con punte.Tagli dorati.Antiporta incisa. Frontespizio inciso.Il volume contiene 40 finissime incisioni f/t (su carta pesante e retro bianco) su acciaio protette da veline, incise da W. Brockedon, Finden, J.M.W. Turner, Stanfield, Westall,Harding,Cattermole,Prout ecc Le incisioni sono accompagnate da testi esplicativi e da poesie di BYRON. Molte incisioni riguardano cittΓ  italiane Il libro Γ¨ in buonissime condizioni e privo di foxing

Offerte relazionate cesar pelli selected and current works: Finden's Illustrations Of the Life and Works of Lord Byron
Back Works: An Illustrated Guide to How Your Back Works and

Back Works: An Illustrated Guide to How Your Back Works and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Gray, Timothy J., PUBLISHER: Bookpartners, Four out of five Americans will experience disruptive back pain during their lives. They need to know the seriousness of their problem, when to see a physician or chiropractor, how to prevent the injury from becoming worse, and rehabilitation exercises. The friendly Dr. Gray answers these questions and many more in easily understood terms and helpful illustrations. Back Works provides proven methods for turning pain into comfort, stiffness into flexibility, and muscle deterioration into strength.

Selected poetry

Selected poetry

John Keats John Keats's abiding poetic legacy is one of the extraordinary and triumphant richness. This selection, chosen from the Oxford Authors critical edition of Keats's major works, demonstrates the remarkable growth in maturity of his verse, from ea (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate cesar pelli selected and current works: Selected poetry
Cesar's Rules The Natural Way to a Well-Behaved Dog. by

Cesar's Rules The Natural Way to a Well-Behaved Dog. by

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cesar Millan, PUBLISHER: Hodder & Stoughton, NA Acquista Ora

Studies in Short Fiction Series: Tillie Olsen

Studies in Short Fiction Series: Tillie Olsen

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Frye, Joanne, PUBLISHER: Twayne Publishers, This is the only series to provide in-depth critical introductions to major modern and contemporary short story writers worldwide. Each volume offers: -- A comprehensive overview of the artist's short fiction -- including detailed analyses of every significant story -- Interviews, essays, memoirs and other biographical materials -- often previously unpublished -- A representative selection of critical responses -- A comprehensive primary bibliography, a selected bibliography of important criticism, a chronology of the artist's life and works and an index

Offerte relazionate cesar pelli selected and current works: Studies in Short Fiction Series: Tillie Olsen
Scott Faithfull Selected Works

Scott Faithfull Selected Works

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aimee Burke Scott Faithfull, PUBLISHER: iUniverse Inc, NA

Pure Reason: Poems

Pure Reason: Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stangos, Nikos / Plante, David, PUBLISHER: Thames & Hudson, A specially illustrated collection of poems by renowned editor Nikos Stangos. Nikos Stangos was a popular and influential figure in the cultural life of London until his death in . Arriving in Britain in the mid-s after a childhood in postwar Greece and a period of study in the United States, Stangos soon became part of London's artistic and literary circles. As an editor at Thames & Hudson, he was responsible for many acclaimed books, and he worked with some of the best-known artists and art historians of the day. He was also an accomplished poet, composing verse in both Greek and English. His poems, while rooted in the specifics of his life, deal with broad philosophical issues: the nature of beauty, love, art, and reason. All the works in this posthumous volume, selected by the writer David Plante, are published for the first time here. Accompanying the poems are works of art contributed by some of the eminent painters and sculptors who knew and worked with Stangos, including David Hockney, Jasper Johns, Howard Hodgkin, Anthony Caro, Frank Auerbach, Maggi Hambling, and Bridget Riley. Some have produced work that refers directly to one of the poems; others have selected images inspired by Stangos himself or reflective of his personality. A passionate supporter of new trends in art, Stangos also formed lasting friendships with younger artists such as Julian Opie, Liam Gillick, Lisa Milroy, and Martin Maloney. Their works, and those of all the contributors to this unique book, stand as a testament to the esteem in which Stangos was held, and as a tribute to his enduring memory. 40 color illustrations.

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Cucina Cesar

Cucina Cesar

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Onion Heart the Selected Works of Alise VersellaPeel Back

Onion Heart the Selected Works of Alise VersellaPeel Back

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alise Versella, PUBLISHER: Author Solutions Inc, NA
