The Whiteness of the Whale
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Poyer, David, PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press, An action-packed sea adventure of men, women, ong>andong> ong>whaleong>s by a master thriller writer In "ong>Theong> Whiteness of ong>theong> ong>Whaleong>," a disgraced primate behaviorist from Nantucket, Dr. Sara Pollard, joins six oong>theong>r activists to sail a round-ong>theong>-world racing yacht into Antarctic waters. ong>Theong>re, ong>theong>y plan to shadow, embarrass, ong>andong> expose ong>theong> Japanese whaling fleet, which continues to kill ong>andong> process ong>whaleong>s though no one eats ong>theong> meat anymore. But every crewmember of "Black Anemone" has a secret or something to live down. ong>Theong>y'll be tested by ong>theong> seas ong>andong> storms of ong>theong> Antarctic, hostile ong>whaleong>rs, ong>andong> romantic conflicts... ong>andong> fight for ong>theong>ir lives when ong>theong>y encounter a sperm ong>whaleong> with a murderous agenda of its own. Filled with dramatic scenes, life-or-death decisions, ong>andong> magical evocations of ong>whaleong>s in ong>theong> ong>lastong> remote waters on Earth, "ong>Theong> Whiteness of ong>theong> ong>Whaleong>" is a suspenseful, thought-provoking novel.