Pizza: From Its Italian Origins to the Modern Table
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Buonassisi, Rosario, PUBLISHER: Firefly Books, Although ong>itong> will always be identified wong>itong>h ong>Itong>aly, pizza is now eaten and enjoyed around ong>theong> world. Pizza is a book for pizza lovers everywhere. ong>Itong> traces ong>theong> hisong>toong>ry of this popular food, from ong>itong>s earliest form over years ago ong>toong> ong>theong> present. And, despong>itong>e all ong>theong> frozen, home delivered and microwave varieties available ong>toong>day, Buonassisi still argues for ong>theong> simple integrong>itong>y of ong>theong> classic ong>Itong>alian style pizza. ong>Theong> roots of pizza go back before ong>theong> Roman Empire when this nutrong>itong>ious 'one pan meal' was a favorong>itong>e way ong>toong> feed ong>theong> legions who had neong>itong>her knives, forks, plates or, in many cases, a ong>tableong> at which ong>toong> song>itong> down. A simple slice of dough covered wong>itong>h ong>toong>ppings provided ong>theong> ideal meal ong>toong> be eaten wong>itong>h ong>theong> hands wong>itong>h a minimum of preparations or washing up. Pizza concentrates on ong>theong> great pizza cooking regions of ong>Itong>aly - Naples, of course, but ong>theong> regions of Liguria and Sicily, among many oong>theong>rs, have made great contributions ong>toong> ong>theong> development of pizza. After this fascinating ong>toong>ur through gastronomic hisong>toong>ry, Buonassisi offers wonderful, auong>theong>ntic recipes that allow you ong>toong> create one of ong>theong>se auong>theong>ntic pizzas for yourself. Along wong>itong>h ong>theong> hisong>toong>ry and ong>theong> local lore that surrounds each pizza in ong>theong> area of ong>itong>s origin, Buonassisi also gives us some personal reminiscences about each pizza - how he discovered ong>itong> and his impressions of ong>theong> great regions of ong>Itong>aly. ong>Theong>re is also a section on how ong>toong> select ong>theong> appropriate wines ong>toong> accompany each variety and recipe. Chapters on ong>theong> correct way ong>toong> make your own pizza oven, predictions about ong>theong> future of pizza, and even what beer and wine ong>toong> drink wong>itong>h which pizzas, complete this fully illustrated hisong>toong>ry of ong>Itong>alian pizza-making and ong>itong>s spread around ong>theong> world. Pizza is not ong>toong> be missed by pizza lovers and anyone interested in food, wine and cooking.