Integration-Ready Architecture and Design: Software
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Zhuk, Jeff, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, Written by a software architect and experienced trainer, ong>theong> book brilliantly integrates ong>theong>ory and practice, going ong>fromong> foundations and concepts to architecture, ong>designong>, and code examples. Through deep insights ong>intoong> almost all areas of modern CIS and IT, Zhuk provides an entry ong>intoong> ong>theong> new world of integrated knowledge and software engineering. Readers will learn ong>theong> "what's, why's, and how's" on: J2EE, J2ME,.NET, JSAPI, JMS, JMF, SALT, VoiceXML, WAP, , CDNA, GPRS, CycL, XML, and multiple XML-based technologies including RDF, DAML, SOAP, UDDI, and WDSL. ong>Theong> book turns ong>theong>se abbreviations ong>intoong> understandable concepts and examples. Students, architects, ong>designong>ers, and management benefit ong>fromong> innovative ideas and detailed examples for building multi-dimensional worlds of enterprise applications and creating distributed knowledge marketplace.