botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america

Vanessa Smith, Literary culture And The pacific

Vanessa Smith, Literary culture And The pacific

Nineteenth-century textual encounters

The Essential Historiography Reader

The Essential Historiography Reader

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoefferle, Caroline, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hall, "The Essential Historiography Reader, " not only details the history of historical practice and explains historical theories and philosophies in language that is accessible to college undergraduates, it also provides excerpts to illustrate these historical approaches and help students to identify them in their own writing and in the writings of contemporary historians. The book is organized into two main parts. The first part traces the origins of contemporary American historical traditions to their roots in ancient Greece and explains how the profession of history emerged and developed in Europe and America through the nineteenth century. The second part focuses more specifically on historiographical developments the United States since the nineteenth century.

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: The Essential Historiography Reader
Only Connect. New Directions 2

Only Connect. New Directions 2

The Nineteenth Century. Libro in buone condizioni. ISBN

Testi inglese per liceo artistico

Testi inglese per liceo artistico

Vendo preferibilmente in blocco (40 euro) o separatamente i seguenti testi di inglese per liceo artistico tutti in buono stato e corredati di CD originali: o PERFORMER CULTURE & LITERATURE 1 - From the origins to the Eighteenth Century / ZANICHELLI - Marina Spiazzi - Marina Tavella - Margaret Layton ISBN: (15 euro) o PERFORMER CULTURE & LITERATURE 2 - The Nineteenth Century in Britain and America / ZANICHELLI // ISBN: (18 euro) o PERFORMER CULTURE & LITERATURE 3 - The Twentieth Century and the Present / ZANICHELLI // ISBN: (18 euro)

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Testi inglese per liceo artistico
A History of Nineteenth Century Literature

A History of Nineteenth Century Literature

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: George Saintsbury, PUBLISHER: Kessinger Publishing LLC, NA

Performer 2- The nineteenth Century in Britain

Performer 2- The nineteenth Century in Britain

Letteratura inglese. Libro in ottimo stato

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Performer 2- The nineteenth Century in Britain
The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

The Politics of Anxiety in Nineteenth-Century American

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Murison, Justine S., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, For much of the nineteenth century, the nervous system was a medical mystery, inspiring scientific studies and exciting great public interest. Because of this widespread fascination, the nerves came to explain the means by which mind and body related to each other. By the s, the nervous system helped Americans express the consequences on the body, and for society, of major historical changes. Literary writers, including Nathaniel Hawthorne and Harriet Beecher Stowe, used the nerves as a metaphor to re-imagine the role of the self amidst political, social and religious tumults, including debates about slavery and the revivals of the Second Great Awakening. Representing the 'romance' of the nervous system and its cultural impact thoughtfully and, at times, critically, the fictional experiments of this century helped construct and explore a neurological vision of the body and mind. Murison explains the impact of neurological medicine on nineteenth-century literature and culture. Acquista Ora

Ashraf into Middle Classes Muslims in Nineteenth-Century

Ashraf into Middle Classes Muslims in Nineteenth-Century

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Margrit Pemau, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, NA Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Ashraf into Middle Classes Muslims in Nineteenth-Century
The End of the Salon: Art and the State in the Early Third

The End of the Salon: Art and the State in the Early Third

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mainardi, Patricia, PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The End of the Salon examines the cultural forces that contributed to the demise of the most important exhibition centre for art in Europe and America in the late nineteenth century. Tracing the history of the salon from the French Revolution, when it was taken away from the Academy and opened to all artists, to the s, Patricia Mainardi shows that its contradictory purposes, as didactic exhibition venue and art market-place resulted in its collapse. She also situates the salon within the shifting currents of art movements, from modern to traditional, and the evolving politics of the Third Republic, when France definitively chose a republican over a monarchic form of government. A rich overview of the spectrum of art production at the end of the nineteenth century, government attitudes toward the arts in the early Third Republic, and the institution of exhibitions as they were redefined by free-market economics in the nineteenth century, are also provided. The book demonstrates how all artists were forced to function within the framework of the social, economic and cultural changes then taking place and how art and social history are inextricably linked.



ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hoff, B. J., PUBLISHER: Walker Large Print, Book 2 in the "American Anthem" series A Silver Angel Award-winning Author Beloved storyteller B. J. Hoff presents a sweeping saga of men and women whose love shaped America's heart and America's music. Cadence takes you on an unforgettable ride through the bustling world of nineteenth-century New York to tell a poignant story of men and women struggling through fear and doubt toward enduring faith and triumphant love.

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Cadence


Performer, culture& literature 1+2. From the origins to the nineteenth century. Mai usato, ottime condizioni.

Lithuanian Yeshivas of the Nineteenth Century: Creating a

Lithuanian Yeshivas of the Nineteenth Century: Creating a

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shaul Stampfer Stampfer, PUBLISHER: NA, NA

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Lithuanian Yeshivas of the Nineteenth Century: Creating a
The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practice

The Gender of History: Men, Women, and Historical Practice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Bonnie G., PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press, In this pathbreaking study of the gendering of the practices of history, Bonnie Smith resurrects the amateur history written by women in the nineteenth century--a type of history condemned as trivial by "scientific" male historians. She demonstrates the degree to which the profession defined itself in opposition to amateurism, femininity, and alternative ways of writing history. The male historians of the archive and the seminar claimed to be searching for "genderless universal truth," which in reality prioritized men's history over women's, white history over nonwhite, and the political history of Western governments over any other. Meanwhile, women amateurs wrote vivid histories of queens and accomplished women, of manners and mores, and of everyday life. Following the profession up to , "The Gender of History" traces the emergence of a renewed interest in social and cultural history which had been demeaned in the nineteenth century, when professional historians viewed themselves as supermen who could see through the surface of events to invisible meanings and motives. But Smith doesn't let late twentieth-century historians off the hook. She demonstrates how, even today, the practice of history is propelled by fantasies of power in which researchers imagine themselves as heroic rescuers of the inarticulate lower classes. The professionals' legacy is still with us, as Smith's extraordinary work proves. Acquista Ora

Libri superiori Terza quartae quinta a metà prezzo

Libri superiori Terza quartae quinta a metà prezzo

elenco dei libri è il seguente: *cricco di teodore versione gialla 5 *scenari documenti metodi 3 (il novecenteo e la storia contemporanea) einaudi scuola. *matematica.blu 5 - zanichelli *fisica e realtà.blu onde *fisica e realtà.blu campo elettrico e magnetico *fisica e realta.blu termodinamica *fisca e realta.blu dinamica *biologia.blu PLUS - ler basi molecolari della vita e dell'evoluzione con Biology in English *wider perspectives 3 (the 20th century and beyond) *performer culture and literature 2 -zanichelli (the nineteenth century in Britain and America *performer culture and literature 1-zanichelli (from the origins to the eighteenth century. *protagonisti e testi della filosofia volume c (paravia) (dal romanticismo al positivismo *la letteratura e noi . (palumbo editore) i

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Libri superiori Terza quartae quinta a metà prezzo
The Americas in the Modern Age

The Americas in the Modern Age

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Langley, Lester D., PUBLISHER: Yale University Press, In this wide-ranging book, historian Lester D. Langley offers a fresh interpretation of the history of the modern Western hemisphere since the mid-nineteenth century. He evaluates the dynamics of hemispheric history, commencing with the articulation of the "two Americas" (Theodore Roosevelt's America and the contrasting America described by Cuban revolutionary, essayist, and poet Jose Marti) and culminating with recent controversial efforts to forge a united hemisphere. Tracing the interactions and influences among the nations of South, Central, and North America, including Canada, Langley departs from other accounts of the past 150 years. He argues that the seedtime for today's Americas was not the Cold War but the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He also contends that it is not what the countries and people of the Americas have in common that binds them; instead, their cultural, political, and economic conflicts tie them together. Comprehensive and balanced, this history of the nations of the Americas offers new insights into both the past and the future of inter-American relations.

Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History

Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Holden, Robert H. / Zolov, Eric, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History brings together the most important documents on the history of the relationship between the United States and Latin America from the nineteenth century to the present. In addition to the standard diplomatic sources, the book includes documents touching on the transnational concerns that are increasingly taught in the classroom, including economic relations, environmental matters, immigration, human rights, and culture. Among the less frequently cited works reproduced here are Domingo Sarmiento's nineteenth-century reflection on life in the United States, the Andrews Sisters' hit song, "Ru and Coca Cola," Jack Kerouac's beatnik observations on Mexico, the U.S. Senate's investigation of CIA assassination plots, and the World Court decision condemning the Reagan administration's Nicaragua policy. The collection illuminates key issues while representing a variety of interests and views as they have both persisted and shifte over time, including often-overlooked Latin American perspectives and U.S. public opinion. A special feature of this book is the extensive introductions highlighting the historical context and significance of each of the 124 documents. A detailed index provides the thematic and national cross-referencing that both students and instructors will appreciate. Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate courses in Latin American history as well as in U.S.-Latin America relations. In addition, it serves as a unique reference tool for foreign policy professionals, international law specialists, journalists, and scholars in a variety of disciplines.

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Latin America and the United States: A Documentary History
The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers

The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, J. Hillis, PUBLISHER: University of Illinois Press, A landmark work of literary criticism by one of the foremost interpreters of nineteenth-century England, The Disappearance of God confronts the consciousness of an absent (though perhaps still existent) God in the writings of Thomas De Quincey, Robert Browning, Emily Bronte, Matthew Arnold, and Gerard Manley Hopkins. J. Hillis Miller surveys the intellectual and material developments that conspired to cut man off from God -- among other factors the city, developments within Christianity, subjectivism, and the emergence of the modern historical sense -- and shows how each writer's body of work reflects a sustained response to the experience of God's disappearance.

Libri triennio liceo metà prezzo

Libri triennio liceo metà prezzo

Ausblick - Kursbuch e Arbeitsbuch ISBN Performer culture and literature 1 (From the origins to the eighteenth century) - letteratura inglese ISBN Performer culture and literature 2 (the nineteenth century in Britain and America) - letteratura inglese ISBN Performer culture and literature 3 (the twentieth century and the present) - letteratura inglese ISBN First certificate Trainer - per certificazione B2 ISBN first for school - per certificazione B2 ISBN Biology in English (environmental science) - biologia in inglese ISBN què me cuentas? - spagnolo ISBN contextos literarios (del romanticismo a nuestros dias) - letteratura spagnola matrìcula de honor - spagnolo ISBN Eso es - grammatica spagnolo ISBN fisica le leggi della natura - fisica ISBN la letteratura come dialogo 3B - letteratura italiana ISBN la letteratura come dialogo 3A matematica 5 azzurro - matematica ISBN il senso del tempo - storia ISBN il senso del tempo - storia ISBN

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Libri triennio liceo metà prezzo
The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: May, Charles E., PUBLISHER: Routledge, The short story is one of the most difficult types of prose to write and one of the most pleasurable to read. From Boccaccio's Decameron to The Collected Stories of Reynolds Price, Charles May gives us an understanding of the history and structure of this demanding form of fiction. Beginning with a general history of the genre, he moves on to focus on the nineteenth-century when the modern short story began to come into focus. From there he moves on to later nineteenth-century realism and early twentieth-century formalism and finally to the modern renaissance of the form that shows no signs of abating. A chronology of significant events, works and figures from the genre's history, notes and references and an extensive bibliographic essay with recommended reading round out the volume.

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Misuratore di luminosità Bewi amateur

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Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Misuratore di luminosità Bewi amateur
Five Philosophers: How Their Lives Influenced Their Thought

Five Philosophers: How Their Lives Influenced Their Thought

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Settanni, Harry, PUBLISHER: University Press of America, The book examines the life and times of five philosophers who were prominent in history: John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, George Wilhelm Hegel, John Dewey, and Immanual Mournier. Contents: J.S. MILL: THE INFLUENCE OF FATHER AND WIFE: The Nineteenth Century; James Mill and Logic; Harriett Taylor Mill and Socialism; IMMANUAL KANT: THE RIFT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCIENCE: The Pietistic Background; Age of Enlightenment; Kant's Synthesis; G.W. F. HEGEL: THE SURROUNDING POLITICAL WORLD: France is Revolution; Division of German World; Hegel's Solution; JOHN DEWEY AND THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: The Scientific Temper; Social Reform; Education; IMMANUEL MOUNIER: COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM: Communist Environment; Capitalist Environment; The Philosophy of Personalism.

European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Smith, Woodruff D., PUBLISHER: Wadsworth Publishing Company, This book presents an overview of Europe's imperialist career from the end of the Napoleonic wars in to the present; in other words, from the establishment of Britain's ascendency as the major power in the world and the head of Europe's largest empire to the era of decolonization and the eclipse of Western Europe in world affairs. Examined is the nature and extent of Europe's relations with the world overseas, the economic and political factors present in Europe during the era of industrialization that determined the direction of those relations, the effects of increased European penetration upon non-European societies in the nineteenth century, and the explosion of European imperialism in the last quarter of the century. The author discusses the effects of modern European colonization in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; the changes that occurred in Europe's economic relationship with the rest of the world in the twentieth century; and the current process of decolonization. In the final chapter, the overall importance of Euorpean imperialism in the workd history is assessed.

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: European Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Only connect. new directions vol. 2

Only connect. new directions vol. 2

ONLY CONNECT... NEW DIRECTIONS. VOL. 2 + CDROM LD / THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Libro usato in discrete condizioni, come da foto. Possibilità di spedizione. anche whatsapp

Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and Their

Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and Their

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rowland, William G., PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press, "Literature and the Marketplace" addresses one of the great ironies of nineteenth-century British and American literature: the fact that authors of that era, in voicing their alienation from middle-class readers, paradoxically gave expression to feelings of alienation felt by those same readers. As William G. Rowland Jr. points out, romantic writers "thought of the market as conspiring against 'imagination' (Blake) or 'telling the truth' (Melville)" and consequently felt frustrated with literary institutions. Yet their "frustrations," writes Rowland, "helped to energize romantic work and explain its subsequent and continuing appeal." The book opens with a survey of reading publics in Great Britain and the United States in the early years of the nineteenth century. Rowland then presents individual writers--including Wordsworth, Shelley, Hawthorne, Poe, and Emerson--and their relations to their readers. Finally, Rowland shows how the idea of genius was developed by writers as different as Coleridge, Blake, Whitman, and Dickinson and how that idea evolved as an antidote to the commercial literary marketplace of the nineteenth century. A wide-ranging and provocative book, "Literature and the Marketplace" describes the relations between important British and American authors and the audiences and publishing industries of their era--relations that were troubled, uncertain, and remarkably productive of literature.

Offerte relazionate botanizers amateur scientists in nineteenth century america: Literature and the Marketplace: Romantic Writers and Their
Performer. Culture and literature 1 2

Performer. Culture and literature 1 2

Performer. Culture and literature 1+2 from the origins to the nineteenth century ISBN libro usato e sottolineato ordinatamente con evidenziatore
