book of kung fuplay press

The Bathroom Idea Book

The Bathroom Idea Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wormer, Andrew, PUBLISHER: Taunton Press, Readers will be inspired by this series of visual ideas for some of the most-used rooms in the house. Each book is rich with beautiful color photographs, practical sidebars -- and designs of all kinds that will appeal to a wide range of tastes and budgets. The Bathroom Idea Book offers practical and useful advice on all aspects of remodeling and design, including fixtures, lighting, flooring, ventilation, finishes, and counter materials. The book includes floor plans and nearly 400 color photos.

The Search Press Book of Traditional Papercrafts

The Search Press Book of Traditional Papercrafts

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wilson, Janet, PUBLISHER: Search Press(UK), Janet Wilson revives the delicate art of paper pricking, featuring a range of elegant pictures and border designs inspired by the Victorian era, and shows how to create beautiful medieval and art nouveau parchment craft cards. There is a whole section on quilling, the fifteenth century craft of decorative items with rolled up strips of paper, and further sections on embossing and paper lace. This bumper book offers inspiration to all those interested in papercrafts.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: The Search Press Book of Traditional Papercrafts
Major Recessions: Britain and the World,

Major Recessions: Britain and the World,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dow, J. C. R. / Dow, Christopher, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, This book provides a comprehensive account of all the major recessions of the 20th century. Written by a Bank of England insider the book also offers advice on avoiding future recessions.

In Nueva York

In Nueva York

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Mohr, Nicholasa, PUBLISHER: Arte Publico Press, Winner of the School Library Journal's Best Book for Young Adults () and the Notable Trade Book Award ().

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: In Nueva York
Domesday Book A Survey of the Counties of England

Domesday Book A Survey of the Counties of England

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: John Morris, PUBLISHER: The History Press Limited, NA Acquista Ora

I Ching Companion: An Answer to Every Question

I Ching Companion: An Answer to Every Question

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Richards, Jill, PUBLISHER: Weiser Books, I Ching: Specifically, Whilhelm's translation of I Ching: A Book of Changes (Princeton University Press). This is a companion book to explain I Ching.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: I Ching Companion: An Answer to Every Question
Principles of Business Taxation

Principles of Business Taxation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Pointon, John / Spratley, Derek, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, Beginning with a discussion of the theoretical choice of alternative tax bases, this book provides a rigorous analysis of the impact UK systems of taxation have on business financial policy and decision making.

The Book of Job

The Book of Job

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Habel, N. C. / Habel, Norman C., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The book of Job, which deals with deep-seated conflict between the integrity of God and the integrity of man and belongs to a group of writings known as wisdom literature, surpasses any of its known Babylonian or Egyptian forerunners in the beauty of its poetic discourses and in its insight - the poet struggles to probe the meaning of life, especially life where suffering and injustice prevail for no apparent reason.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: The Book of Job
Play book play press

Play book play press

PLAY BOOK PLAY PRESS 35 albi vendo a ? in ottime condizioni spese di trasporto a parte

The Clarke Tin Whistle Book

The Clarke Tin Whistle Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ochs, Bill, PUBLISHER: Pennywhistler's Press, Compatible with all types of tin whistles, pennywhistles, and flageolets. Features instuctions for players of all levels, plus an outstanding collection of 86 tunes.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: The Clarke Tin Whistle Book
The Making of a Made Man: A True Story, My Story, the Whole

The Making of a Made Man: A True Story, My Story, the Whole

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shabazz Born Allah, Born Allah, PUBLISHER: Outskirts Press, Shabazz Born Allah (The Bazz), has faced many unfortunate life experiences. Fortunately he found ways to turn those adversities, into talents that help as well as entertain others. In his first book (The Trials of a Made Man) was published by Outskirts Press. The book chronicled two of his most pivotal and life altering years. In which time, The Bazz would find his voice, purpose and peace of mind

Science Times Book of Fossils & Evolutions

Science Times Book of Fossils & Evolutions

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wade, Karil / Wade, Nicholas, PUBLISHER: Lyons Press, The Times' best articles on all types of evolution.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: Science Times Book of Fossils & Evolutions
Colors [With Plastic Puzzle Pieces]

Colors [With Plastic Puzzle Pieces]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Running Press, PUBLISHER: Running Press Book Publishers, For preschoolers, a series of books that teaches basic concepts, using three-dimensional objects that fit a matching shape on each page. Simple graphics and an activity-oriented concept mean lots of fun while matching and learning.

The Movers: The Heartland Chronicles

The Movers: The Heartland Chronicles

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Baxter, Nancy Niblack / Day, Richard / Baxter, PUBLISHER: Clerisy Press, Guild Press of Indiana, This first book in the "Heartland Chronicles series tells the story of the real-life McClure family and their s journey from Ireland to Pennsylvania, to Kentucky, to Indiana.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: The Movers: The Heartland Chronicles
Runner's World Complete Book of Running

Runner's World Complete Book of Running

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Burfoot, Amby, PUBLISHER: Running Press Book Publishers, We've turned the top book on running into a handy Running Press Miniature Edition(TM) With tips from marathon runners and well know Olympians, this pocket-size reference provides easy-to-follow tips on getting started, picking the right shoes, how to train, where to train, how to prevent and cure common runners' ailments, and much more.

Great Book of Desserts and Decorating Techniques

Great Book of Desserts and Decorating Techniques

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Brocato, Gianna, PUBLISHER: Thunder Bay Press (CA), From simple dishes to elaborate gourmet meals, every cook will find plenty of old favorites and discover exotic new cuisines in this comprehensive series. Each book provides more than 100 easy-to-follow recipes accompanied by tantalizing color photographs.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: Great Book of Desserts and Decorating Techniques
The Little Book of Perfect Sense

The Little Book of Perfect Sense

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Catherine M Webb, PUBLISHER: Athena Press, NA

Start Exploring Natural Wonders: A Fact-Filled Coloring Book

Start Exploring Natural Wonders: A Fact-Filled Coloring Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dudley, Elizabeth Corning, / Driggs, Helen I., PUBLISHER: Running Press Book Publishers, Color your world with crayons and imagination -- recreate works of art or discover the worlds of nature, science, and legend with these fact-filled coloring books for children and adults.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: Start Exploring Natural Wonders: A Fact-Filled Coloring Book
Play book play press

Play book play press

PLAY BOOK Play Press Collana antologica della Play Press che ha pubblicato una serie di volumi contenente miniserie, annual, ristampe o cicli di serie del mondo Marvel, Dc Comics e case indipendenti. Numeri disponibili .cedo a euro 5 cadauno + spedizione. Per informazione . vadi Altri annunci dell'utente

The Evolution Book

The Evolution Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stein, Sara Bonnett / Beame, Rona, PUBLISHER: Workman Publishing, How did life begin? What makes the continents move? Are Birds really dinosaurs? The answers to such questions can be discovered by reading the ancient messages left on the earth. Sara Stein, author of "The Science Book" and "The Body Book," involves children, who are earth's newest inhabitants, in exploring beaches, mountains, woodlands, and swamps and unlocking the ancient secrets of the world. Scores of fascinating projects range from raising tadpoles and preserving snake skins and paw prints to making a plankton net, a plant press, and seaweed pudding. Hundreds of drawings and photographs are featured throughout. Selection of the Children's Book-of-the-Month Club. Winner of the New York Academy of Sciences Children's Science Book Award, First Prize. Suitable for ages copies in print.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: The Evolution Book
A Leaf Out Of His Book

A Leaf Out Of His Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Penelope Shuttle, PUBLISHER: Carcanet Press, NA Acquista Ora

Surrealism and the Book

Surrealism and the Book

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hubert, Renee Riese, PUBLISHER: University of California Press, This is the first book-length study of the unique collaborations between surrealist painters and authors that resulted in illustrated books. Hubert examines the interrelationships between the visual and verbal arts as both were freeing themselves from outer codification and mimesis.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: Surrealism and the Book
Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

Inequality, Democracy, and Economic Development

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Midlarsky, Manus I., PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press, The relationship between inequality and democracy is a compelling one for the contemporary social scientist. This book addresses questions raised as early as the time of Aristotle, and continue through Marx to the present day. Theories of inequality in relation to democracy are explored, and the book focuses on the sources of democracy, the relationship between economic development and thresholds of democracy, and finally responses to democratization. As the gap between rich and poor widens within and between nations, the subject of this book becomes increasingly important worldwide.

Children's Book of Irish Folktales

Children's Book of Irish Folktales

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Danaher, Kevin / Berson, Harold, PUBLISHER: Mercier Press, The special magic of the Irish imagination shines forth in these fourteen authentic folk tales.

Offerte relazionate book of kung fuplay press: Children's Book of Irish Folktales
Driving Into the Storm: Selected Poems

Driving Into the Storm: Selected Poems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Wedde, Ian, PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, One of the major young New Zealand poets, Ian Wedde has published nine volumes of poetry, winning the New Zealand Book Award for Poetry in for his first book. Intended as an introduction to his writing, this volume contains a selection of his poetry published between and .
