BLENDER 151 Burton Nuova
If we told you we solved the problem of sinking and catching altogether, naturally you'd assume there was, well, a catch. Not so with the Burton Blender and it's pow-loving, muffin buttering, jib focused design. Hovering at the top with V-Rocker™, Scooped shaping, and Side Effects for enhanced floatation and smoother landings, it still grips like a Ginsu thanks to the AWD edge tech of Frostbite. Feel rating: 3 Size: 151 Waist width: 244 Sidecut radius: 6.94 Effective edge: Weight range: kg Binding size: L Bend: V-Rocker Shape: Twin Flex: Twin Core: Superfly with Dualzone EGD Base: Sintered Glass: Triax Key features: V-Rocker, Scoop, Side Effects, Frostbite, Type: Woman PREZZO BURTON ? NETTO ?