biotechnology for agricultural breeding

Biotechnology for Agricultural Breeding

Biotechnology for Agricultural Breeding

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: S K Mangal, PUBLISHER: Gene Tech Books, NA

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

Paying for Agricultural Productivity

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Alston, Julian M. / Smith, Vincent H. / Pardey, Philip G., PUBLISHER: International Food Policy Research Insitute, Agricultural research and development has stimulated enormous increases in agricultural productivity in the twentieth century. Now, in response to common pressures, countries the world over are changing how they manage and pay for agricultural R & D. Paying for Agricultural Productivity reviews agricultural R & D policy in Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States and assesses whether the new approaches are raising or lowering the efficiency and effectiveness of R & D. To complement the case studies, the book analyzes trends in R & D investment in twenty-two developed countries. Paying for Agricultural Productivity will be an invaluable resource for economic and development specialists concerned with agricultural research and development, as well as for farmers, food processors, agricultural wholesalers and retailers, environmentalists, and research scientists.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Paying for Agricultural Productivity
Tutta Italia Norvegesi for breeding

Tutta Italia Norvegesi for breeding

Cedo in vendita alcuni cuccioli razza Norvegese,con pedigree Anfi"for breeding":maschi black e red tabby,femmine tortie e red tabby,anche silver.Stato di salute ottimale.Carattere socievole.Se interessati da città lontane,la distanza non rappresenterebbe un problema da risolvere.

Soil erosion by wind

Soil erosion by wind

Soil erosion by wind and measures for its control on agricultural lands Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Published by Rome, FAO agricultural development paper - no. illus. Euro 22 (suolo 9 e 9 bis)

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Soil erosion by wind
Addresses Delivered at the Massachusetts Agricultural

Addresses Delivered at the Massachusetts Agricultural

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Massachusetts Agricultural College, PUBLISHER: General Books LLC, NA

Microbial Technology in the Developing World: An

Microbial Technology in the Developing World: An

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dasilva / Dasilva, E. J. / Dommergues, Y. R., PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press, USA, The development of recombinant DNA technology has created a new upsurge of interest in biotechnology--the harnessing of micro-organisms and plant microbial cells for the production of specific materials of direct use to man or for the improvement of the environment. Discussing both traditional and emerging aspects of the science, this unique book reviews numerous exciting applications of biotechnology in developing countries, emphasizing that a small improvement in energy efficiency, utilization, or generation may have far-reaching effects in improving the quality of life of people in poor communities.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Microbial Technology in the Developing World: An
Breeding Strategies for Sustainable Forage and Turf Grass

Breeding Strategies for Sustainable Forage and Turf Grass

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Da Milbourne Susann Barth, PUBLISHER: Springer, NA

Amstaff con pedigre 11 mesi

Amstaff con pedigre 11 mesi

Male for sale Jackson il Guerriero di Hateg Top Quality For Show and Breeding Proud Parents Are Popey Wild Prapodnic of Drencia & Alma il Guerriero Di Hateg tel.Andrea .

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Amstaff con pedigre 11 mesi
American Staffordshire Terrier dell'est femmina 11 mesi

American Staffordshire Terrier dell'est femmina 11 mesi

Female For Sale Just Xena il Guerriero di Hateg Top Quality For Show and Breeding Proud Parents Are Popey Wild Prapodnic of Drencia & Alma il Guerriero Di Hateg

Agricultural Planning and Village Community in Israel

Agricultural Planning and Village Community in Israel

Agricultural Planning and Village Community in Israel Ben-David, Joseph Ed. Published by Unesco () Used Softcover Dorso scollato Euro 15 (varie 564)

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Agricultural Planning and Village Community in Israel
A Guide to Raising Llamas: Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing,

A Guide to Raising Llamas: Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Birutta, Gale, PUBLISHER: Storey Publishing, A comprehensive handbook covering behavior, training, facilities, showing, health care, first aid, breeding, birthing, and marketing.



È disponibile presso il nostro allevamento maschietto Bengal 7 mesi,colore snow lynx,valutiamo anche il pedigree for breeding.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Bengal
Fundamentals of Plant Genetics and Breeding

Fundamentals of Plant Genetics and Breeding

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Welsh, James R., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, The only introductory text available with a detailed description of Mendelian genetic principles necessary for the understanding and application of plant breeding methods. Organized by principles rather than by crops, allowing the instructor to build the teaching system from simple concepts to complex programs. Covers such topics as: breeding objectives that introduce the student to the concept of program development by objectives rather than by individual crop species; program design and management; and new developments in scientific investigations, including wide genetic transfer and tissue culture. Questions to aid the student in understanding genetic principles are given at the end of several chapters. A glossary of important terms is also included.

Microbial Biotechnology

Microbial Biotechnology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ratul Saikia, PUBLISHER: New India Publishing Agency, NA

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Microbial Biotechnology
Chemistry microbiology & biotechnology + cassetta

Chemistry microbiology & biotechnology + cassetta


Ecoagriculture: Strategies to Feed the World and Save Wild

Ecoagriculture: Strategies to Feed the World and Save Wild

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McNeely, Jeffrey A. / Future Harvest / Scherr, Sara J., PUBLISHER: Island Press, Although food-production systems for the world's rural poor typically have had devastating effects on the planet's wealth of genes, species, and ecosystems, that need not be the case in the future. In "Ecoagriculture," two of the world's leading experts on conservation and development examine the idea that agricultural landscapes can be designed more creatively to take the needs of human populations into account while also protecting, or even enhancing, biodiversity. They present a thorough overview of the innovative concept of "ecoagriculture" - the management of landscapes for both the production of food and the conservation of wild biodiversity. The book: examines the global impact of agriculture on wild biodiversitydescribes the challenge of reconciling biodiversity conservation and agricultural goalsoutlines and discusses the ecoagriculture approachpresents diverse case studies that illustrate key strategiesexplores how policies, markets, and institutions can be re-shaped to support ecoagricultureWhile focusing on tropical regions of the developing world -- where increased agricultural productivity is most vital for food security, poverty reduction, and sustainable development, and where so much of the world's wild biodiversity is threatened -- it also draws on lessons learned in developed countries. Dozens of examples from around the world present proven strategies for small-scale, low-income farmers involved in commercial production."Ecoagriculture" explores new approaches to agricultural production that complement natural environments, enhance ecosystem function, and improve rural livelihoods. It features a wealth of real-world case studies that demonstrate the applicability ofthe ideas discussed and how the principles can be applied, and is an important new work for policymakers, students, researchers, and anyone concerned with conserving biodiversity while sustaining human populations.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Ecoagriculture: Strategies to Feed the World and Save Wild
Stupendi cuccioli breeding American Bully

Stupendi cuccioli breeding American Bully

Disponibili cuccioli di breeding. IRRIPETIBILE.Dalle migliori linee di sangue. Genitori entrambi visibili (Jack HBK'S x Lion HBK'S).Muniti di pedigree e prima vaccinazione Prezzo da concordare. Solo persone seriamente interessate. Per qualsiasi chiarimento non esitare a chiamare. NO PERDITEMPO. Chiamare numero 328/ Non rispondo alle email.

Norvegese femmina di 8 mesi

Norvegese femmina di 8 mesi

Disponibile Norvegese femmina di 8 mesi red silver,con pedigree Anfi"For breeding".Profilo sanitario ineccepibile.Carattere tipico della razza.Posso accompagnare in Frecciarossa la Micetta,anche in regioni lontane.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Norvegese femmina di 8 mesi
desertification and its control

desertification and its control

DESERTIFICATION AND ITS CONTROL Jaiswal, P. L. (Ed.) Published by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi () Used Soft Cover Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, . Soft Cover. Released on the occasion of the UN Conference on Desertification, Nairobi, pp. Euro 30 (suolo 2)

Tutta Italia Micette tortie e red Norvegesi

Tutta Italia Micette tortie e red Norvegesi

Vendo una Micetta Norvegese tortie ed una red silver,con pedigree Anfi"For breeding",entrambe di 7 mesi.Carattere"Norvegese",ed esenti da patologie varie.Se richiesto,posso accompagnare in Frecciarossa la Micetta.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Tutta Italia Micette tortie e red Norvegesi
Meraviglioso Cucciolo di Maine Coon

Meraviglioso Cucciolo di Maine Coon

Disponibile maschietto di Maine Coon Colore Brown Tabby Taglia grande Carattere spettacolare. Abituato a bimbi e cagnolina. Genitori 9.5 kg e 7.5 kg Entrambi Pedigree Anfi for Breeding. Testati HCM PKD FIV FELV FIP.

The Agricultural Revolution

The Agricultural Revolution

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Eric Kerridge, PUBLISHER: Routledge, NA

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: The Agricultural Revolution
Coppia Norvegese 5 mesi con pedigree

Coppia Norvegese 5 mesi con pedigree

Cedo in vendita coppia Norvegese di 5 mesi,con pedigree Anfi"For breeding";i Micetti sono scevri da qualunque patologia,ed hanno il carattere tipico della razza.Sono una tortie ed un black tabby.

Introduction to Modern Mycology

Introduction to Modern Mycology

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Deacon, J. W., PUBLISHER: Blackwell Science, This book deals with the growth, physiology, behavior and genetics of fungi including their roles in biotechnology. The main activities of fungi are covered as well as ways of preventing and controlling fungal growth. This completely revised and updated third edition is an ideal text for undergraduate courses in mycology.

Offerte relazionate biotechnology for agricultural breeding: Introduction to Modern Mycology
Libri usati chimica/scienze/biologia

Libri usati chimica/scienze/biologia

-Biologia in evoluzione Volume AB, CDE. -Biologia in evoluzione Volume FGH, I. -CLIL for Science. -Biozone Biology in English Biochemistry and Biotechnology. -Principi di Chimica Moderna tomo B. -Biochimica, dal carbonio alle nuove tecnologie Linea Blu. -#Terra Edizione verde. Libri usati in buono stato, segnati a matita o, poche volte, con evidenziatore. Prezzo: metà del prezzo di copertina.
