BATTERIA ELETTRONICA MEDELI DD505 ELECTRONIC PAD DRUMSET COMPLETA DI TUTTI I PAD, RACK, CABLAGGIO, ALIMENTATORE E CENTRALINA PERFETTAMENTE FUNZIONANTE After the highly successful DD602, the Medeli DD505 is the most complete digital drum kit in a never before seen price range, a complete set for both beginners and advanced players. Connect your head phones to the sound module and play without causing any complaints! The DD505 is a full-fledged drum kit with over 215 drum and percussion voices, combined in 30 sets. Whether you like Latin, Rock, Pop, Blues, Electro or Reggae, the DD505 offers all you need to play these styles. Use the standard drum kits or make your own, using your favorite voices. The rubber pads ensure an authentic playing experience; the realistic ‘feel’ enables dynamic play. All pads may be adjusted to suit your own taste to create the best setting for you. The weight of the cymbal pads is distributed asymmetrically to prevent them from turning during playing. All pads, cymbals and controllers may be adjusted independently and can be fitted with a reverb.