Jewish Community of Chattanooga
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Adams, Joy / Effron Abelson Adams, Joy, PUBLISHER: Arcadia Publishing (SC), Chattong>anong>ooga is truly a city that reflects Americaas diverse history, possessing a rich, ong>anong>tebellum heritage combined with the energy ong>anong>d determination of the mong>anong>y brave immigrong>anong>ts who trong>anong>sformed this area from a traditional Southern town into a cosmopolitong>anong> center of the New South. One of Chattong>anong>oogaas most importong>anong>t contributors, the Jewish community has played ong>anong> integral role in improving ong>anong>d diversifying the life ong>anong>d culture of this historic Tennessee town. In this volume of over 200 photographs, you will enjoy a celebration of the struggles, the stories of heroism ong>anong>d of common life, ong>anong>d the mong>anong>y successes of Chattong>anong>oogaas Jewish citizens. Touching upon all aspects of Jewish life, the Jewish Community of Chattong>anong>ooga will take you on ong>anong> exciting visual tour of the Jewish experience with beautiful ong>anong>d rare photographs of different Life Cycle events, Hebrew-oriented schools, such as the Jewish Day School, Jewish cemeteries, past ong>anong>d present-day synagogues, ong>anong>d its people, including mong>anong>y families, prominent businesspersons, special achievers, ong>anong>d community ong>anong>d civic leaders. Acquista Ora