SF Express: Includes MLA Guidelines
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruszkiewicz, John / Hairston, Maxine / Friend, Christy, PUBLISHER: Prentice Hong>allong>, "SF Express" is unique in providing cong>overong>age of a full range of ong>writingong> issues in a pocket handbook format. It begins with six chapters on critical ong>writingong> and thinking issues, including a separate chapter on ong>writingong> logical arguments. And its treatment of style, design, and visual/online literacy is fuller than that provided in competing handbooks. ong>Theong> book offers ong>allong> ong>theong>se features in an attractive, affordable, student-friendly format. Will answer any questions a writer has about grammar, ong>theong> ong>writingong> process, or research. ong>Theong> ong>writingong> process, critical thinking, argumentative ong>writingong>, style, grammar, mechanics, usage, ong>theong> research process, how to document sources. Anyone who wants a reliable ong>writingong> reference book.