advances in design methods from modeling languages for

Advances in Design Methods from Modeling Languages for

Advances in Design Methods from Modeling Languages for

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Borrione, Dominique, PUBLISHER: Springer, More than ever, FDL is the place for researchers, developers, industry designers, academia, and EDA tool companies to present and to learn about the latest scientific achievements, practical applications and users experiences in the domain of specification and design languages. FDL covers the modeling and design methods, and their latest supporting tools, for complex embedded systems, systems on chip, and heterogeneous systems. FDL is the twelfth in a series of events that were held all over Europe, in selected locations renowned for their Universities and Reseach Institutions as well as the importance of their industrial environment in Computer Science and Micro-electronics. In , FDL was organized in the attractive south of France area of Sophia Antipolis. together with the DASIP (Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing) Conference and the SAME (Sophia Antipolis MicroElectronics) Forum. All submitted papers were carefully reviewed to build a program with 27 full and 10 short contributions. From these, the Program Committee selected a shorter list, based on the evaluations of the reviewers, and the originality and relevance of the work that was presented at the Forum. The revised, and sometimes extended versions of these contributions constitute the chapters of this volume. Design Methods from Modeling Languages for Embedded Systems and SoC's presents extensions to standard specification and description languages, as well as new language-based design techniques and methodologies to solve the challenges raised by mixed signal and multi-processor systems on a chip. It is intended as a reference for researchers and lecturers, as well as a state of the art milestone for designers and CAD developers. Acquista Ora

Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the

Communication for Complexity: Communication Methods for the

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Erwin, K., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons Inc, "Communicating The New" describes and demonstrates methods for communication in the design thinking/innovation process throughout all stages of the process, not just the end. It introduces core concepts and methods that help manage complexity, accelerate synthesis, bring clarity and diffuse important knowledge to the people who need to act on it. It offers everyone who is involved in design thinking - from the account planner in advertising to the program manager of an architecture firm to the information architect in a web design firm - a practical toolkit for how to use communication at every step of the innovation process to tame and frame the inherent complexity of creating "the new."

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Computer Techniques in Preclinical and Clinical Drug

Computer Techniques in Preclinical and Clinical Drug

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Jackson, Robert C. / Jackson, PUBLISHER: Informa Healthcare, It is estimated that 80 to 90% of drugs under development never make it to the marketplace due to insufficient clinical activity, unacceptable toxicity, rapid appearance of drug resistance, or other factors that should be, at least partially, predictable from preclinical testing. This new text asks the question, How can we use computational methods to improve the success rate in drug development? Computer Techniques in Preclinical and Clinical Drug Development shows how modeling makes it possible to extract the maximum amount of information and predictive value from preclinical data. Computer modeling methods from the areas of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, cytokinetics, and inhibition kinetics of multi-enzyme pathways are all discussed in this unique reference source.

Health Services Research Methods

Health Services Research Methods

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Shi, Leiyu, PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning, This book is intended to become a reference on research methods and analysis for health related research. It provides health students, practitioners, and researchers with a practical guide for conducting and evaluating health related research. It details the major components involved in conducting research including conceptualization, groundwork, choice of research methods, design, sampling, measurement, data collection and processing, statistical analysis and research reporting and application.

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Stressing the Past: Papers on Baltic and Slavic Accentology.

Stressing the Past: Papers on Baltic and Slavic Accentology.

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Olander, Thomas / Larsson, Jenny Helena, PUBLISHER: Rodopi, From a synchronic point of view, the various accentuation systems found in the Baltic and Slavic languages differ considerably from each other. We find languages with free accent and languages with fixed accent, languages with and without syllabic tones, and languages with and without a distinction between short and long vowels. Yet despite the apparent diversity in the attested Baltic and Slavic languages, the sources from which these languages have developed - the reconstructed languages referred to as Proto-Baltic and Proto-Slavic respectively - seem to have had very similar accentuation systems. The prehistory and development of the Baltic and Slavic accentuation systems is the main topic of this book, which contains sixteen articles on Baltic and Slavic accentology written by some of the world's leading specialists in this field.

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Miller, Harvey J. / Han, Jiawei, PUBLISHER: CRC Press, Advances in automated data collection are creating massive databases and a whole new field, Knowledge Discovery Databases (KDD), has emerged to develop new methods of managing and exploiting them. Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery is the interrogation of large databases using efficient computational methods. The unique challenges brought about by the storing of massive geographical databases - from high resolution satellite-based systems to data from intelligent transportation systems, for example - has led to the field of Geographical Knowledge Discovery (GKD). Geographic or spatial data mining is the exploration of these geographical information databases. Developed out of contributions to the highly-respected Varenius Project in , this collection will be the definitive volume focusing on GKD and addresses the special challenges to be found in knowledge discovery and data mining from geographic databases.

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JUnit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing

JUnit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing

JUnit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing J. B. Rainsberger, Scott Stirling Manning Come nuovo. Mai usato. Lingua inglese. Copertina brossura. 721 pp. ISBN

C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation [With CDROM]

C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation [With CDROM]

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schuller, Daniel, PUBLISHER: Course Technology, Even experienced game developers sometimes have a hard time making their vision for a great game a reality. The number of available programming languages, libraries, and production methods can make the development process overwhelming and result in complicated, unreliable game code. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation shows programmers how to write simple, clean, and reliable code step-by-step through the creation of a basic game. The game is built using C#, a high-level programming language, and OpenGL, an industry favorite for graphics display. You'll get an overview of the methods and libraries used to build good games, learn how to use those libraries and create your own, and finally build your own scrolling shooter game. You'll even find tips and information on how to develop your own game ideas and you'll have an excellent code base to work with. C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation provides you with all the information you need to take your game ideas from concept to completion.

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Productive Objects: An Applied Software Project Management

Productive Objects: An Applied Software Project Management

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Muller, Robert J. / Muller, PUBLISHER: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, The increasing popularity of object-oriented programming languages, design methods, database managers, and other technologies has challenged software development project managers with a new set of rules. Project managers need to reexamine their standard methods for planning and controlling projects to adapt to the new rules for development. This book combines the perspectives of project management and systems theory to provide a unique look at managing object-oriented projects. Software engineers and project managers working with object technology will obtain essential tools for managing any software project and will learn how to apply those tools specifically to managing object-oriented software projects. This guidebook provides an integrated, cohesive system of project management that aligns directly with the technology it manages. Organized into self-contained sections, this book permits you to access the project management objects you need. In addition, it provides examples of what to do and what not to do using real-life examples from the author's experience. + Provides the methods necessary to productively manage object-oriented software development + Contains real-world examples that illustrate how all of the different objects work + Consists of self-contained sections that can be referred to when the reader needs information regarding a specific aspect of project management

Statistics in Management Science

Statistics in Management Science

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Metcalfe, Andrew V., PUBLISHER: Hodder Education Publishers, This is the first book to introduce senior level students of management science practicing managers to the modern powerful statistical methods that are available for optimizing and improving business processes. Using realistic case studies from businesses, this book explains the key statistical concepts workers in this field need to know. In particular, there is a focus on the use of probabilistic methods and statistical analysis in a business context and the value of these methods for managers. The mathematical explanations are comprehensive with an emphasis on the essential principles.

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Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The

Computational Modeling of Behavior in Organizations: The

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ilgen, Daniel R. / Hulin, Charles L., PUBLISHER: American Psychological Association (APA), This pioneering book describes the newest method for predicting outcomes thai result from the complex and dynamic ways that organizations work. By creating "virtual organizations," computational modeling demonstrates the final effects of complex interactions, enabling researchers to confront the logic of their theories before time-consuming and costly data collection occurs.

Origami Design Secrets (Robert J. Lang)

Origami Design Secrets (Robert J. Lang)

titolo completo: Origami Design Secrets: Mathematical Methods for an Ancient Art, Second Edition (Inglese). Copertina flessibile. 770 pagine di nuovo su amazon (~50 eur) scrivi su e-mail o whatsapp.

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Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change

Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Papanek, Victor, PUBLISHER: Academy Chicago Publishers, Design for the Real Worm has, since its first appearance twenty years ago, become a classic. Translated into twenty-three languages, it is one of the world's most widely read books on design. In this edition, Victor Papanek examines the attempts by designers to combat the tawdry, the unsafe, the frivolous, the useless product, once again providing a blueprint for sensible, responsible design in this world which is deficient in resources and energy. Acquista Ora

Advances in Therapies for Children

Advances in Therapies for Children

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Schaefer, Charles E. / Sichel, Steven M. / Millman, Howard L., PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Guidebooks for Therapeutic Practice Series Provides today's therapists and counselors with the practical, current information they require to keep abreast of the dynamic field of child therapy. Supplements the best-selling Therapies for Children (), providing all new material on the most recent therapeutic advances.

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Advances in Mixed-Method Evaluation: The Challenges and

Advances in Mixed-Method Evaluation: The Challenges and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Greene, Jennifer C. / Caracelli, Valerie J. / Ev, PUBLISHER: Jossey-Bass, Evaluation theory and practice today are characteristically pluralistic, embracing diverse perspectives, methods, data, and values within and across studies that aim to generate more insightful and meaningful evaluative claims. This volume seeks to strengthen the promise of pluralistic evaluation by advancing an enhanced conceptual framework for planning and implementing mixed-method evaluation studies. Previous mixed-method work has concentrated on the technical level of method, focusing on combining qualitative and quantitative methods within one evaluation study. The present mixed-method volume addresses the philosophical level of paradigm, analyzing the challenges of combining in one study different, even conflicting, assumptions about the nature of social phenomena and our claims to know them. The volume argues for a shift in the mixed-method conversation. The shift would be away from a preoccupation with explicit assumptive differences among paradigms, such as objectivity-subjectivity and realism-relativism, and toward other characteristics of social inquiry traditions. Such characteristics define these traditions in important ways but are not logically irreconcilable. The significant advance here is to redirect the bases for mixing methods away from what may well be incommensurable philosophical assumptions and toward other inquiry characteristics that can more productively share a common analytic space. Through analysis of illustrative cases, this volume presents an array of conceptual and practical ideas for promising mixed-method inquiry directions. This is the 74th issue of the quarterly journal" New Directions for Evaluation."

Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Algorithms, Analysis,

Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Algorithms, Analysis,

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hesthaven, Jan S. / Warburton, Tim, PUBLISHER: Springer, This book offers an introduction to the key ideas, basic analysis, and efficient implementation of discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods (DG-FEM) for the solution of partial differential equations. It covers all key theoretical results, including an overview of relevant results from approximation theory, convergence theory for numerical PDE's, and orthogonal polynomials. Through embedded Matlab codes, coverage discusses and implements the algorithms for a number of classic systems of PDE's: Maxwell's equations, Euler equations, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, and Poisson- and Helmholtz equations.

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Hooked-But Not Helpless: Kicking Nicotine Addiction

Hooked-But Not Helpless: Kicking Nicotine Addiction

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Allison, Patricia / Warnick, Elsa / Yost, Jack, PUBLISHER: Bridge City Books, Offers proven methods for smokers who want to break free from drug dependency. This teaches how to fight off cravings to smoke, specific skills for avoiding weight gain, and what to do to avoid a relapse.

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Warren, Rick, PUBLISHER:, Pastor Rick Warren says, "The secret key to studying the Bible is knowing how to ask the right kind of questions. Once you know what to ask, Bible study is simple " In this 'how to' book, Rick explains 12 different ways to study the scriptures, giving step-by-step instructions. With over copies in print, Personal Bible Study Methods has become a classic tool for learning how to study the Bible for yourself. It has been translated into seven languages. Thousands of individuals, small groups, churches, and seminary classes have used the practical manual to unlock the wonderful truths of God's Word.

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Solving Least Square Problems

Solving Least Square Problems

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Lawson, Charles L. / Hanson, Richard J., PUBLISHER: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic, An accessible text for the study of numerical methods for solving least squares problems. Numerical analysts, statisticians, and engineers have developed techniques and nomenclature for the least squares problems of their own discipline. This well-organized presentation of the basic material needed for the solution of least squares problems helps to unify this divergence of methods. Mathematicians, practicing engineers, and scientists will welcome its return to print.

Manic street preachers - a design for life

Manic street preachers - a design for life

Titolo [A Design For Life] Artista/i [Manic Street Preachers] Traccie [A1 A Design For Life A2 Dead Trees And Traffic Islands B1 A Design For Life (Stealth Sonic Orchestra Remix) B2 Mr. Carbohydrate]

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For an Italian manufacturing company, leader in the market of optical components for lighting applications, we are seeking a Junior Optical Designer. The resource will have the following responsibilities: - Design of optical components based on LED sources - Design of customized solutions - Laboratory measurements TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES o Knowledge of fundamentals of geometrical and wave optics o Ability to carry out laboratory measurements o Knowledge of optical design sw (Zemax, LightTools,…) o Knowledge of data analysis tools (Matlab) REQUIRED WORK EXPERIENCE 1-2 years experience in optical design EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Master degree in Physics, Astronomy, Engineering LANGUAGES Italian, English

Patent Applications: A Tool for Identifying Advances in

Patent Applications: A Tool for Identifying Advances in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: DeRosa, Thomas F., PUBLISHER: John Wiley & Sons, Covering patent literature and process improvements in twenty-two polymer subject areas, this book provides researchers with current polymer research not yet published in journals or patents. Moreover, the review and analysis by the author provides a more thorough understanding and concise package of the patent application. It offers a reference that ranges from monomer preparation to polymer characterization and properties. "Polymer Chemistry Advances in US Patent Application"s provides a practical approach for readers to identify research and market trends, and stay up-to-date on current developments in the field.

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Advances in Botanical Research

Advances in Botanical Research

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Callow, J. A., PUBLISHER: Academic Press, Advances in Botanical Research is a multi-volume publication that brings together reviews by recognized experts on subjects of importance to those involved in botanical research. First published in , Advances in Botanical Research has earned a reputation for excellence in the field for more than thirty years. In , Advances in Botanical Research was merged with Advances in Plant Pathology to provide one comprehensive resource for the plant science community, with equal coverage of plant pathology and botany in both thematic and mixed volumes. Now edited by J.A. Callow (University of Birmingham, UK), supported by an international Editorial Board, Advances in Botanical Research publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics which will appeal to post-graduates and researchers in plant sciences including botany, plant biochemistry, plant pathology and plant physiology. Eclectic volumes in the serial are supplemented by thematic volumes on such topics as "Plant Protein Kinases," and "Plant Trichomes." In , the Institute for Scientific Information released figures showing that Advances in Botanical Research has an Impact Factor of , placing it 8th in the highly competitive category of Plant Sciences. Acquista Ora

Handbook of Teacher Evaluation

Handbook of Teacher Evaluation

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Millman, Jason, PUBLISHER: Corwin Press, Millman's tightly-edited volume answers the questions: who should evaluate teachers? For what purpose? And using what methods and techniques? The strengths and weaknesses of students, other teachers, or administrators as evaluators are discussed and the use of evaluation as a tool for self-improvement or for making decisions about promotion and salary is explored. Finally all commonly employed methods are summarized.

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Losing Your Shirt: Recovery for Compulsive Gamblers and

Losing Your Shirt: Recovery for Compulsive Gamblers and

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Heineman, Mary, PUBLISHER: Hazelden Publishing & Educational Services, Between three and six million Americans are compulsive gamblers. Losing Your Shirt takes a compassionate, nonthreatening approach to the problems families encounter with compulsive gambling. In this easy-to-read and valuable resource for any gambling addiction program, readers will find stories from compulsive gamblers and their families that demonstrate how the addiction affects relationships, methods of recovery for the addict, and coping skills for family members.
