3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition

3D Printing for Artists, Designers and Makers 1st Edition

3D Printing for Artists, Designers and Makers 1st Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Stephen Hoskins, PUBLISHER: A& amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp amp C Blac, NA

Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical

Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Graphic Artists Guild / Graphic, Artists Guild, PUBLISHER: Graphic Artists Guild, For years, the "Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing and Ethical Guidelines" has been the industry bible for graphic designers and illustrators. This, the 13th edition, continues the tradition with new information, listings and pricing information based on surveys of working designers. It addresses legal rights and issues such as how copyright laws affect the income and work of graphic artists. It also provides tips on how to negotiate the best deals and how and what to charge for work, and includes sample contracts. For design and illustration professionals, there is no more comprehensive and informative resource.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical


ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Makowski, Robin Lee, PUBLISHER: Rourke Publishing (FL), - The books work for all levels of artists--from beginners to experts - Many tips for correcting and improving make the books valuable for budding artists

The Music Business (Explained in Plain English): What Every

The Music Business (Explained in Plain English): What Every

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Naggar, David, PUBLISHER: Daje Publishing, This revised, updated and expanded edition offers savvy dealmaking techniques, methods to protect musical works, and career-building and money-saving tips for musicians. It is an invaluable primer for artists and songwriters who feel like they are at the mercy of industry pros.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: The Music Business (Explained in Plain English): What Every
Design Standards for Children's Environments

Design Standards for Children's Environments

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ruth, Linda Cain, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Designing spaces for children requires specialized information--and this A-to-Z resource has it all, from data on scale to suppliers of furnishings and fixturesThe first--and only--stand-alone resource for facilities for children; indispensable for architects, interior designers, and facilities managersCovers residential interiors, schools, playgrounds, and other facilities

Wolfram Mathematica Home Edition 11.2 per Mac

Wolfram Mathematica Home Edition 11.2 per Mac

Ultimate computation application for nonprofessional use by hobbyists, enthusiasts and others 500+ new features—adds 3D printing, audio processing, machine learning, neural networks Integration with the Wolfram Cloud, including free introductory use Flexible interactive documents to share data, reports, presentations, apps and more Coverage for data science, deep learning, image processing, engineering, finance, mathematics, etc. Licenza permanente, non elegibile ad update ed upgrade!

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Wolfram Mathematica Home Edition 11.2 per Mac
Showcase of Interior Design: Hall of Fame Edition

Showcase of Interior Design: Hall of Fame Edition

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aves, John C. / Ambercrombie, Stanley / Vignelli, Massimo, PUBLISHER: Rockport-Vitae Publishing, Each book in this series features the best work of some of the nation's leading designers and design firms. This edition shows Midwest designers' compositions and also has a statement from each designer about their philosophy. Beautifully produced in rich, full color, complete information on how to contact the designers is included.



Jean Clair, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Centre de Cultura ContemporĂ nia de Barcelona From Galileo to Yves Klein the cosmos has been the inspiration for generations of artists, architects and designers. Their multifacetted cosmic visions are the subject

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Cosmos
Designer Profile: Designers Present Themselves

Designer Profile: Designers Present Themselves

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Birkhauser / Schmidt-Holtz, Rolf, PUBLISHER: Princeton Architectural Press, In today's overcrowded markets, a good product has to stand out. It needs an attractive and innovative design, reflecting the company's commitment to the product. As such it is an important factor in corporate representation, and it is advisable to make use of the expertise of professional designers. Since , Designer Profile has been the bilingual standard work on the contemporary design scene in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Every two years designers active in the fields of industry, trade fair and exhibition building, graphics and multimedia, can introduce themselves, presenting their work and fields of activities. The result is a work of encyclopedic breadth which will offer management decision-makers valuable assistance in obtaining an overview of the capabilities of designers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In addition, it will provide agencies concise information on the spectrum of services offered by potential design partners. For professionals, students, and designers just beginning their career, the book is an excellent analysis of the very latest competitors. A clear and easy-to-use index makes the book an indispensable reference work on contemporary designers in the German-speaking countries.



Jean Clair, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Centre de Cultura ContemporĂ nia de Barcelona From Galileo to Yves Klein the cosmos has been the inspiration for generations of artists, architects and designers. Their multifacetted cosmic visions are the subject (cod. I_)

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Cosmos
The Art of Promotion: Creating Distinction Through

The Art of Promotion: Creating Distinction Through

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cyr, Lisa L., PUBLISHER: Rockport Publishers, For all its power to make pieces "pop," technology can be a challenge for designers to harness with confidence. Technology only improves a design if it actually works -- a risk many professionals are afraid to take for fear of the repercussions. This book enables designers of all ability levels to confidently employ technology in ways that distinguish their work from the competition. The author deconstructs an array of exciting pieces that have used everything from unique bindings to unconventional printing surfaces to die-cut constructions. Each techniqueAEs advantages and limitations are explored in full detail, enabling designers to choose the right option for their budget, ability, and market. In addition, many pieces include step-by-step details that illustrate how to achieve the same effect "on the cheap." For professionals and students alike, this book offers creative ways to leverage the power of technology in design. Acquista Ora

Authors & Artists for Young Adults

Authors & Artists for Young Adults

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: McMahon, Thomas, PUBLISHER: Gale Cengage, With Author & Artists Young Adults, teens have a source where they can discover fascinating and entertaining facts about the writers, artists, personalities and cartoonists that most interest them, including: -- Mary Cassatt -- Stephen Crane -- Emily Dickinson -- Alfred Hitchcock -- Jacqueline Woodson -- And others. International in scope, each volume contains entries offering personal behind-the-scenes information, portraits, movie stills, bibliographies, a cumulative index and more.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Authors & Artists for Young Adults
Cloth Doll Workshop: From the Beginning and Beyond with Doll

Cloth Doll Workshop: From the Beginning and Beyond with Doll

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bailey, Elinor Peace / Medaris Culea, Patti / Willis, Barbara, PUBLISHER: Quarry Books, Patti Culea, elinor peace bailey, and Barbara Willis are three of the leading doll artists and teachers in the country. They are also friends. Each of these artists has her own distinct approach to the design and development of a cloth figure. In this book, each artist's process will come alive through their choice of fabrics, sketches, simple patterns, and skill-building variations. The book is oriented toward beginning doll makers, but offers unique variations and embellishments to please even more experienced doll designers. Two introductory chapters cover basic materials and techniques. Each artist's chapter includes step by step illustrations, instructions, and patterns to make a complete doll, plus variations that create completely new figures. Readers are treated to full color photography and a look inside of each artist's workspace. A gallery of additional creations by each artist, along with commentary on each work completes the collection. This is a must-have book for any aspiring or experienced doll making.

Colored Pencils for All: A Comprehensive Guide to Drawing in

Colored Pencils for All: A Comprehensive Guide to Drawing in

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Warr, Michael, PUBLISHER: David & Charles Publishers, There's no more excuse for seeing the world in black-and-white An essential tool for artists and illustrators wanting to take advantage of this versatile, colorful medium. Learn to achieve many of the effects of paint, but with less muss and fuss. Just go step-by-step through these techniques, and watch your skills improve. Pictures by guest artists make this a visual feast.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Colored Pencils for All: A Comprehensive Guide to Drawing in
Snowflakes in Photographs

Snowflakes in Photographs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Bentley, W. A., PUBLISHER: Dover Publications, Remarkable revelations of nature's diversity, revealed in hundreds of snowflake images taken by American photographer Bentley during a 50-year period. Over 850 illustrations of snow crystals, with no two designs exactly alike, will inspire artists, designers, and craftspeople in search of extraordinary patterns for textiles, wallpaper, and other creative projects.

Studyguide for Hotel Operations Management by Hayes &

Studyguide for Hotel Operations Management by Hayes &

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Hayes and Ninemeier, 1st Edition / Cram101 Textbook Reviews / Cram101 Textbook Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included.look no further for study resources or reference material. Cram101 Textbook Outlines gives all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and practice-tests for your textbook. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Cram101 is NOT the Textbook.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Studyguide for Hotel Operations Management by Hayes &
Residential Windows: A Guide to New Techonologies and Energy

Residential Windows: A Guide to New Techonologies and Energy

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Carmody, John / Selkowitz, Stephen / Arasteh, Dariush, PUBLISHER: W. W. Norton & Company, The third edition of Residential Windows: A Guide to New Technologies and Energy Performance provides updated and expanded information on window properties and technologies, as well as new sections on such key topics as window installation, energy efficiency, and building codes. For this latest edition, all of the energy performance data have been revised, based on the latest simulation techniques and industry-accepted assumptions. Residential Windows provides an overview of new window products for consumers, designers, and builders, as well as regulators, standards developers, utilities, and the researchers, manufacturers, and suppliers in the window industry itself. It is an essential resource for anyone considering purchasing or installing new windows.

[Torah Neviim U-Khetuvim] =: Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia:

[Torah Neviim U-Khetuvim] =: Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia:

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dotan, Aron, PUBLISHER: Hendrickson Publishers, The most accurate edition of the Leningrad Codex in print, the "Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia" presents a thoroughly revised, reset, and redesigned edition of the Hebrew Bible meticulously prepared by renowned masoretic scholar Aron Dotan. The "BHL" includes features that suit it for research, classroom, and liturgical use. Scholars will find this a welcome edition of the Leningrad Codex, the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible, whose text and layout it precisely follows. A foreword and five appendices provide the researcher with important details and distinctions about the codex. In addition to being a scientific edition, it was originally commissioned in Israel to follow the necessary adaptations that qualify it for Jewish liturgical use, such as divisions into weekly portions and their subdivisions for synagogue reading. Students, too, will find here an ideal text for classroom use, with an uncluttered format and printing that is matchless for its readability. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: [Torah Neviim U-Khetuvim] =: Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia:
Travelling Artists in Cyprus

Travelling Artists in Cyprus

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Severis, Rita C., PUBLISHER: Philip Wilson Publishers, This fascinating survey of Cyprus during the eighteenth, nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth centuries offers a unique view of a country as seen through the eyes of artists and travellers. It is based on over 350 works which are for the first time presented, pertaining to two periods of the history of Cyprus, those of Ottoman and British rule. A panorama of topography, monuments and ethnography is unfolded through the paintings and drawings of both amateur and professional artists. The political background and nationality of the artists and the influences of Imperialism, Orientalism and Colonialism are explored, and the book considers how attitudes changed during the period under discussion. The book also looks at the perception of the island, once a French, Ottoman and British colony, in relation to those of neighbouring countries such as Greece and Malta.

For My Love: 15 Contemporary Love Songs

For My Love: 15 Contemporary Love Songs

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Various Artists / Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, PUBLISHER: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, 15 contemporary love songs recorded by today's top CCM artists: The Day Before You (Matthew West) * For My Love (Bethany Dillon) * How Do I Love Her (Steven Curtis Chapman) * Wait for Me (Rebecca St. James) * We Build (Nichole Nordeman) * and more.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: For My Love: 15 Contemporary Love Songs
The Practical Guide to Drawing Still Life

The Practical Guide to Drawing Still Life

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Barber, Barrington, PUBLISHER: Arcturus Publishing, Arcturus's series of Drawing Workbooks comprises nine practical guides for artists interested in coming to grips with a particular subject. With titles covering anatomy, animals, caricatures, landscape, manga, techniques, portraits, still life, and figures, there is something for everyone's taste. Tailored step-by-step exercises help artists to build their skills, and handy hints keep them in the know about techniques and materials.

Keith's Top Tips for Watercolour Artists

Keith's Top Tips for Watercolour Artists

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Fenwick, Keith, PUBLISHER: Search Press(UK), Packed with tips from basic painting lessons to final flourishes, this handy reference can assist artists of all skill levels in creating more beautiful and accomplished pictures. It takes the mystery out of painting with quick, easy, and effective techniques, covering such topics as buying and mixing paint, creating fresh color, and painting skies, fields, foregrounds, trees, and mountains. Featuring more than 100 helpful tips, this small, spiral-bound format is convenient for use while painting. In addition, numerous before-and-after sequences and artwork samples are included to illustrate the instructions. Acquista Ora

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: Keith's Top Tips for Watercolour Artists
 Ideas Practicas En Decoracion del Hogar

Ideas Practicas En Decoracion del Hogar

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Ventura, Anna, PUBLISHER: Universe Publishing(NY), Using interiors created by artists, interior designers and decorators from all over the world, and incorporating the latest in furniture and object design, this book is a practical encyclopedia of home decoration. Aimed at a general audience, it offers over 500 pages of useful ideas, tips, suggestions, advice and solutions for anyone interested in decorating a first time home or remodeling an existing space. Choose the perfect drapes. Find the ideal flooring for any room. Install atmospheric lighting. Select complementary colors and textures. Transform big or small spaces. Even the toughest of design challenges are addressed. From space distribution to layout, from materials and colors to styles and fabrics, even incorporating furniture and lighting, " Practical Ideas for Home Decorating" presents basic concepts of interior design in a clear and easy to follow style. Beautiful photographs, drawings and informative sidebars provide inspiration for those beginning to explore the principles of interior design. Crammed full of ideas that anyone can use, " Practical Ideas for Home Decorating" is the basic resource for interior design.

CD ORO 3D Michael Jackson-Dangerous

CD ORO 3D Michael Jackson-Dangerous

Introvabile CD da collezione in 3D di Michael Jackson Dangerous. Edizione limitata, originale USA -MJ Production Inc, Epic EK . Collector's Edition-First Printing. CD ORO Copertina in 3D.

Offerte relazionate 3d printing for artists designers and makers 1st edition: CD ORO 3D Michael Jackson-Dangerous
Ghost World

Ghost World

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Clowes, Daniel / Ware, Chris, PUBLISHER: Fantagraphics Books, Back for an amazing ninth printing, this is our bestselling book ever, a Catcher in the Rye for its generation and the basis for the Academy Award-nominated film. It tells the story of Enid and Rebecca, two above-it-all best friends confronted with the prospect of adulthood and the uncertain future of their friendship.
