11 practice tests for the sat psat

11 Practice Tests for the SAT & PSAT

11 Practice Tests for the SAT & PSAT

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Princeton Review, PUBLISHER: Princeton Review, If you need to know it, it's in this book "11 Practice Tests for the SAT & PSAT, Edition," includes: - 11 total practice tests (10 for the SAT and 1 for the PSAT) - Overview of SAT basics, scoring, and content - Helpful information about the SAT, including the Writing section - Answers and detailed explanations to help you learn from your mistakes

Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT

Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Rubenstein, Jeff / Robinson, Adam, PUBLISHER: Princeton Review, The PSAT is a critical test for high school students warming up for the SAT and hoping to qualify for National Merit Scholarships. The experts at The Princeton Review bring you their proven techniques for improving your PSAT score in "Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT, Edition." This guide includes all the math, critical reading and grammar skills you need to ace the PSAT, as well as 2 full-length practice tests, numerous drills, and explanations for answers to all drill and practice test questions. In "Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT "you'll learn how to think like the test writers and -Eliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool you -Learn the most important PSAT vocabulary words with our "Hit Parade"" -Master strategies that will help you ace the Math, Critical Reading, and Writing sections Plus you'll get a study guide that maps out how to make the most of your study sessions and strategies to avoid common errors.

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT
McGraw-Hill's PSAT/NMSQT

McGraw-Hill's PSAT/NMSQT

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Black, Christopher / Anestis, Mark, PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Ace the test with help from this expert guide to the PSAT and NMSQT If you are a high school sophomore or junior, you will probably be taking the PSAT (pre-SAT) this year. More than a measurement tool to gauge your readiness and skill level for the SAT, this test also determines whether you qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program. Employing the reasoning skills successfully used in "McGraw-Hill's SAT I" for the new SAT exam, "McGraw-Hill's PSAT/NMSQT" gives you the edge you need to ace this test.

SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M

SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Aldridge, Claire / Croston, Glenn E. / Kaplan, PUBLISHER: Kaplan Publishing, Includes: -2 full-length Ecology practice tests -2 full-length Molecular practice tests -1 full-length diagnostic test -Comprehensive review of all the tested material -Practice quizzes for each chapter -Score-maximizing strategies

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M
Appleton & Lange Practice Tests USMLE Step 3

Appleton & Lange Practice Tests USMLE Step 3

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Goldberg, Joel S., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, Offers medical students a results-driven review for the USMLE Step 3 through the use of practice tests designed to simulate the actual exam and familiarize students with the electronic format. Includes six practice tests with over 900 questions, answers with detailed explanations.

Cambridge practice tests for ielts 1

Cambridge practice tests for ielts 1

Cambridge practice tests for ielts 1 self study edition completamente nuovo, mai usato

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Cambridge practice tests for ielts 1
Ket extra

Ket extra

five practice tests for the cambridge esol Ottime condizioni

Master the CLEP

Master the CLEP

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Petersons Publishing, PUBLISHER: Peterson's Nelnet Co, Each year, more than students take one or more of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests to get college credit for their life experiences. Peterson's Master the CLEP offers the essential test prep for the 5 General CLEP tests: College Mathematics, Humanities, Social Sciences and History, Natural Sciences, and the new College Composition exam. Packed with practice tests as well as expert test-taking advice and thorough subject review, Master the CLEP provides complete preparation for the CLEP tests. Offers pre-tests, subject overviews, and post-tests for each of the 5 CLEP test subjects. Contains 2 full-length practice tests for each of the 5 general subject exams: College Composition, Humanities, College Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences/History All questions include answer keys and full answer explanations. Expert test-taking tips and techniques to help score high on the CLEP. Everything test-takers need to know about the CLEP tests-what they are, how they're scored and reported, how and where to register for them, and study and test-taking tips-essential information for the more than students who take this exam each year to gain college credit.

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Master the CLEP
FCE Practice Tests

FCE Practice Tests

Vendo libro di testo usato "FCE Practice Tests" autori: Karen Dyer, Dave Harwood, codice ISBN: , Ottime condizioni, presenti anche 3 CD allegati

Practice Tests for the Ket. ()

Practice Tests for the Ket. ()

BUONO - - Presenti alcune scritte a matita. spedizione: € 1,70 con "Piego di libro" non tracciabile

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Practice Tests for the Ket. ()
Cracking the New GRE

Cracking the New GRE

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Staff of the Princeton Review, PUBLISHER: Princeton Review, If you need to know it, it's in this book. "Cracking the New GRE, Edition "has been completely revised and updated for the changes coming to the GRE in August . It includes: - Access to 2 full-length practice tests - Practice questions with detailed explanations for every question - Key strategies for solving Text Completions, Sentence Equivalents, Numeric Entry, Quantitative Comparisons, and more - Thorough review of all GRE topics, including everything on the new GRE



Vendo testo FIRST. PRACTICE TESTS di Clare Kennedy, ISBN: condizioni: OTTIME CONDIZIONI con qualche sottolineature a matita

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Libro FIRST. PRACTICE TESTS
Practice Tests for the Ket. c)

Practice Tests for the Ket. c)

BUONO - - Presenti alcune scritte a matita. spedizione: euro 1,65 con "Piego di libro" non tracciabile

AP Statistics

AP Statistics

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Kaplan, PUBLISHER: Kaplan, "Higher Score Guaranteed " With "AP Statistics," you'll go into the exam with confidence. "AP Statistics" comes complete with a targeted review of the test material, two full-length practice tests plus hundreds of practice questions, and Kaplan's exclusive test-taking strategies. This powerful combination makes "AP Statistics" a highly effective way for you to score higher. You'll increase your score with: - 2 full-length practice tests with complete explanations - In-depth review of the material covered on the exam - Intensive practice with hundreds of statistics questions - Key strategies to help you effectively manage your time and succeed on the exam

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: AP Statistics
McGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests

McGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Dulan, Steven W., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill, We want to give you the practice you need on the ACT "McGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests" helps you gauge what the test measures, how it's structured, and how to budget your time in each section. Written by the founder and faculty of Advantage Education, one of America's most respected providers of school-based test-prep classes, this book provides you with the intensive ACT practice that will help your scores improve from each test to the next. You'll be able to sharpen your skills, boost your confidence, reduce your stress-and to do your very best on test day. 10 complete sample ACT exams, with full explanations for every answer 10 sample writing prompts for the optional ACT essay portion Scoring Worksheets to help you calculate your total score for every test Expert guidance in prepping students for the ACT More practice and extra help online ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Cracking the GRE

Cracking the GRE

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Princeton Review / Lurie, Karen, PUBLISHER: Princeton Review, If it's on the GRE, it's in this book. "Cracking the GRE, Edition," includes: - Access to 2 full-length practice tests online, plus more than 300 questions in the book - Everything you need to know for the current version of the GRE, plus info on changes coming in late - Detailed explanations for every practice question - Practical information on the what, when, where, and how of the GRE - Techniques for turning difficult algebra problems into easy arithmetic problems - Strategies to help you solve even the toughest questions in Text Completions, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Comparisons, and more - Online, interactive tutorial lessons with extra practice problems

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Cracking the GRE
Pet practice tests plus

Pet practice tests plus

Pet practice tests plus foderato con qualche scritta a matita

Advanced trainer. practice tests with an (inglese)

Advanced trainer. practice tests with an (inglese)

SEMINUOVO ADVANCED TRAINER. PRACTICE TESTS WITH AN (Inglese) Cambridge English Six pratica tests wit an sera isbn usato 15 giorni per esame C1 Cambridge

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Advanced trainer. practice tests with an (inglese)
First. practice tests

First. practice tests

Vendo testo FIRST. PRACTICE TESTS di Clare Kennedy, ISBN: E' completo di mp3 ROM condizioni: OTTIME CONDIZIONI con qualche sottolineature a matita

Pet practice tests plus

Pet practice tests plus

Pet practice tests plus con qualche scritta a matita

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Pet practice tests plus
Preliminary English Test. Practice Tests -

Preliminary English Test. Practice Tests -

Preliminary English Test. Practice Tests - Rosanna Depin - Catherine Witherby Black Cat Cideb Copertina plastificata, mai utilizzato. senza CD Consegna a mano Verona centro

Pet practice tests plus 1

Pet practice tests plus 1

Pet practice tests plus 1 (libro per lo studente con chiave) Hashemi Louise, Thomas Barbara, , Longman Italia EAN Inglese. Sussidi, esercizi, test - Tutte le scuole superiori

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Pet practice tests plus 1
McGraw-Hill's SAT II: Chemistry

McGraw-Hill's SAT II: Chemistry

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Evangelist, Thomas A., PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill Companies, Everything students need to ace the SAT II exams. As if taking the SAT I werent traumatic enough, many colleges and universities require applicants to take one or more SAT II tests to demonstrate their mastery of specific high school subjects. The five books in McGraw-Hills SAT II series cover tests taken by more than students each year. Written by experts in their respective fields, these first-rate preparation guides arm students with everything they need to ace the tests, including:.. Diagnostic exams that pinpoint relative strengths and weaknesses. Numerous full-length sample tests. Hundreds of problems with complete solutions. Step-by-step reviews of all topics covered in each exam. Classroom-tested strategies to help students earn top scores..

Studyguide for Social Psychology by Brehm, ISBN

Studyguide for Social Psychology by Brehm, ISBN

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Cram101 Textbook Reviews / Cram101 Textbook Reviews, PUBLISHER: Academic Internet Publishers, Never Highlight a Book Again Cram101 Textbook Outlines give the student all of the highlights, notes, and practice-tests for their textbook. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific, not generic.

Offerte relazionate 11 practice tests for the sat psat: Studyguide for Social Psychology by Brehm, ISBN
Solo Guitar Playing Book 1

Solo Guitar Playing Book 1

ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Noad, Frederick M., PUBLISHER: Music Sales, For years, the most popular classical guitar method ever published There are exercises, practice studies, and self-tests, a survey of the guitar repertoire and numerous solo and ensemble compositions. Generously illustrated with photos, diagrams, and musical examples. Instruction, including graded exercises, practice studies, and a survey of the guitar repertoire.
